MTL - High Above-v2 Chapter 822 You are not Ian, who are you! (6600)

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  Chapter 822 You are not Ian, who are you! (6600)

  Although Isengard is not very familiar with Anfa and Xiou, he often contacts Ian, so he knows the background of these two allies very well.

  Siou's background is simple. real dragon. One word is enough, it can explain everything, including strength, camp, background, potential and character, needless to say anything else, I understand everything.

  The security method is more complicated.

  She is the head of the Ember family, the daughter of Sialetta Emerald. In order not to dilute her power and not want to waste time, this female patriarch who was in her prime didn't get married or have a wife - she used powerful biotechnology to create a child for herself, and the child's father...

   is a true dragon.

  Then the question arises—who is this real dragon?

In fact, there are many real dragons on the continent of Terra. There are four or five resident dragons in Canaan Moor, and more dragons are flying around the world. The big forces are playing power games with humans... But no matter what you say, there are only so many real dragons. For the big forces, even the third-level dragons like Xiou have clear information, let alone a dragon. A powerful true dragon who can be valued by Sialetta as the father of her children.

   But it is a pity that until now, no one knows who the father of Anfaruiande is.

True dragons attach great importance to their children. Even if they sign a contract, they cannot recognize each other, but those true dragons will definitely come over to observe their children openly and secretly... But almost twenty years have passed, and no one has ever discovered such a thing. True dragon trail.

  With the strength of the mutual penetration of the blood of the ten kings, this kind of thing can be hidden for a few years, but it will be impossible any longer.

   Thoughts are deadlocked.

   But now there are clues.

  Isengard glanced at Anfa thoughtfully, and then looked at the huge keel in front of him... Yes, most people can't think of it, but he learned a kind of "reversal" thinking method from Ian.

  —Think about cause and effect in reverse.

  Think about it. Anfa is now located in the Institute of Alien Species. From the beginning to the end, her mother, Sialetta Jindeng, has not come forward, and has been preparing for "some big event"... This is a big adventure that may cause casualties, but the other party But motionless.

   Reverse. Reverse thinking. If this move does not mean that you don't care, it will even be a kind of 'trust'...

  If Sialetta Ember believes that her child can gain enough in the ruins without any help at all... She doesn't need to fight, compete, or encounter any danger.

   Once she arrives, she has already reaped success.

   Like now.

  Long green hair fluttering in the wind, the elf girl with golden eyes stood on the spar square, looking up at the huge keel in front of her, a kind of trembling appeared on the son of the real dragon and elf.

   Not out of fear. Not because of excitement. Not because of anger or emotion.

  She was trembling, just because she met the closest existence of blood, her cells, and her soul were all cheering.

   "Anfa's dragon blood comes from this second-generation true dragon!"

  Isengard has already figured it out completely.

——Jindeng’s family and Yinmen’s family began to form an in-depth alliance nearly a hundred years ago. In recent decades, marriages have emerged one after another. The two parties must have deeper cooperation. Not sure.

—The speaker of Yafoda is the host of the research institute of heterogeneity, and Ian has said more than once that the speaker of Yafoda is very familiar with the research institute of heterogeneity, and the elves' understanding of the research institute of heterogeneity is not as it has been recently. Several years of discovery of 'new relics'.

——Chairman Yafoda has planted a dark hand in the depths of the ruins, and needs Ian and others to send a signal to activate it through a communicator... This means that Speaker Yafoda has a deep understanding of the Alien Research Institute, and may even have a "helper" .

  —The space ability of the chairman of Yafota can penetrate into many areas that ordinary people cannot penetrate, and know many things that ordinary people cannot know.

   And, finally...

   "Canaan Moore worships the Dragon Cult, the reason why they were able to discover the heterogeneous research institute and the internal 'steel stone', did they really discover it by themselves?"

  Isengard felt a turmoil in his heart, and he felt that he had gradually guessed the truth behind all this: "Also, the Qianggang Stone was the original clue, so what about the rumored 'Little Qiangsteel Dragon'?"

   "The speaker of Yafota is obviously luring dragon blood holders from various countries to explore inside the ruins and unlock the authority seals in certain areas—but isn't the real bait the source of dragon blood in front of us?"


  A possible truth emerged in the mind of the blond boy.

  —Twenty or thirty years ago, Yafota Silvergate discovered the Institute of Alien Species, and at that time he awakened a certain existence in the Institute of Alien Species, the so-called "Maze Lord" to form an alliance.

He discovered the value of the Alien Research Institute and the source of dragon blood, but suppressed his greed, and decided to use it as a trap... Yafoda has no dragon blood, and his authority is not high, even if he uses his space ability to forcibly enter In the depths of the ruins, entering the labyrinth of the subspace, he could not act with all his strength, so he only brought out a little 'storage chip' in the end.

  Then, Yafoda cooperates with the Lord of the Labyrinth, one side unlocks the seal, and the other side assists Yafoda in planning.

  One uses the source of dragon blood to attract the fifth energy level whose lifespan is about to expire... that elf is one of the two fifth energy level powerhouses, [Country of Misty Dust] Campani Guoyu!

   And Anfa...Anfa Rui Ande, who has the name of a true dragon, is the existence of the fusion of the second-generation semi-mechanized true dragon and the flesh and blood elves. She is the "fruit" of the cooperation between the Yinmen family and the Jindeng family! It is the creation of the technology in those chips brought out by Yafoda!

  There must be more things on her body than she and others imagined.

  —If it’s Ian—surely you know and understand, right? !

   "We have been involved in a big event."

  Isengard muttered to himself, causing Anfa and Xiou to turn their heads and look at the blond boy with some puzzlement.

  —Isn’t the situation big enough?

   Of course not enough. Far from enough.

Twelve-color towers, red, orange, green, blue, blue, purple, white, black, gray, gold, silver and transparent, respectively represent the movement, spread, growth, ascent, fluctuation, leap, purification, Fusion, balance, purity, essence, and plasticity.

   Just like the huge keel wrapped in the twelve-color source quality, almost stagnant in time, floating under the keel, the crystal box wrapped in the essence of psionic energy is suspended in the mid-air of the spar square.

   Although it has been opened and several crystals have been removed inside, there are more storage chips.

  The crystal cabinet sealed in the twelve-color psionic light cannot be snatched away, nor can it be easily opened and destroyed.

  Because of this, the Expedition Teams of the five major forces, Empire, Royal Court, Canaan Moor, Yanjiang, and Goblins, are all here, and their respective leaders are all facing each other in the four sides of the square.

   Aina, Garan, and Galan are the three leaders. Although the leaders of Yanjiang and the goblin team are not well-known and older (there may be more goblins), their strength is not inferior to the first three.

As for other small forces, or expedition teams that did not send enough strength to compete, such as the Seven Cities Alliance and the Whale Song Cliff expedition team attached to the empire, the Junling Fort and the Yuanjian Port expedition team following the Heavenly Royal Court... others The Nine Cold and Silent Mountains stand independently on the periphery.

  【Wait, what about the capital of knowledge? 】

  Isengard noticed this doubt right away. There was no Exploration Team of the City of Knowledge that had attacked them before, and that Elger Qingyue was not here.

【over there! 】

Xiou has sharp eyes, she is pretending to be Ian at the moment, and like Ian, she only communicates with Isengard with her eyes: [The team from the tower over there - the capital of knowledge did not participate in the confrontation for the storage chip, they were studying that Twelve towers! 】

Yisen turned his head, and sure enough, he saw the team from the City of Knowledge rubbing their hands on a floating flying platform at some point, and they were circling and observing the Silver Tower at five o'clock under the leadership of Elger. The high-spirited appearance of the general knowledge of that group of people.

  However, even if Elger, a strong competitor, did not make a move, the team atmosphere around the crystal cabinet was still very tense... No one even dared to approach it first, which would attract everyone's blow.

   "What exactly is stored there? Isn't it just a bunch of ordinary storage chips?"

  For a while, Isengard felt rather weird. Although he could understand the importance of pre-epoch civilization information, it wouldn’t be possible for a group of future successors to the position of Terra leaders to be vigilant against each other, right?

  【That's not an ordinary thing】A calm voice sounded, as if echoing in his mind, making Ethan's eyes wide open.

  【Ian? ! 】Although he was excited in his heart, he still suppressed his emotions, without changing his face on the surface, and talked to Ian in his heart: 【Finally contacted us? What's so unusual about those memory chips? 】

  【Chip? The chip is very important, but it's not that important, don't be misled by those guys who don't understand the real thing]

  At this moment, the blond boy heard Ian's rare, quite dignified voice: [The real precious thing is the crystal cabinet—that's not the cabinet, that's the core, the real dragon organ that reads the stored chips...]

  【Ethan! That is the crystallization of the brain of the dragon—the dragon crystal of the real dragon, the materialized soul of the real dragon, a reading structure]

  【And those chips in the cabinet are the 'physical soul memory' of the second-generation true dragon! 】

   Isengard was taken aback.

  Materialized soul... Read structure... Isn't that the thinking organ of a real dragon?

  The thinking organs of the second-generation true dragon actually look like this? !

  【Observing closely, I discovered that the power in this keel is definitely not just the source of dragon blood... Yes, this second-generation true dragon is indeed dead, but this does not mean that he cannot be resurrected】

  At this moment, Ian's voice echoed in Isengard's mind. Obviously, the young Bai Zhimin in the distance was thinking about an amazing possibility: [Bypassing the restrictions of the Star God with death... Only after death can one live, the Dark Soul Sect? 】

  【Yes, this time the Soul Traversing Sect is also here—those silver goblins, and the 'Nation of Dead Dragons' behind the silver goblins! 】

  【Skeletal Dragon Afiboa and the team of the Resurrecting Cult may be here for this second-generation tutor real dragon! 】

-what happened? Why does it seem that everyone has been prepared for a long time, and everyone has their own goals?

   Now, Isengard was really confused: [Everyone knows everything, so I don’t know why? Could it be that everyone is very important, but I just make up the number]

  【Don't worry, Ethan】

And Ian comforted: [I have a hunch that you are also very important, otherwise Master Gosser would not have the permission of the empire to bring you here—not to mention my true identity, the secret importance we add up , blast them and kill them all the rest combined! 】

  【I and the number one knight both call Terra number one, right? 】

Hearing what Ian, Hilliard's heir, said, Isengard couldn't help laughing, and remembered the old joke from decades ago: [I just feel a little strange... Since all the major forces are well aware of the events and truth behind this, So why throw us young people here? They are all the future heirs of various countries, won't there be big troubles if they die? 】

  【Why did things go wrong? 】

  And Ian's words were very calm and cold: 【The emperor's eldest grandson is dead, don't he have other grandchildren? Even if the eldest prince is dead, wouldn't there still be your second uncle and aunt? 】

  【Gar was originally the youngest son of the Great Khan, and there are quite a few sons before him and his sons... He is indeed a genius, but if he dies, it will cause turmoil in the country, which is far from enough】

  【Of course, this is not to say that countries have not given protection... It’s just that if someone dies in the middle of the experience despite being protected, backed up, and powerful... Then Terra doesn’t have other geniuses, right? No matter what happened to him, it can only show that he is unlucky, his aptitude is not good, and his response is poor. As a sublimator who has not overcome these, he is unqualified]

  【Yi Sen, our fate can only be held in our own hands, you can’t expect a force to protect you, absolutely no accidents】

  【 are right】Sighed, Ethan originally wanted to tell Anfa and Xiou that he had reconnected with Ian.

  But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the long-standing exploration team.

  Accompanied by a ray of light, on the side of the empire, Aina disappeared after gaining momentum for a long time, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the crystal cabinet.

Under normal circumstances, with the power of Aina's second-level sun bird, it is far from being actinic, because the actinic nature of the sun bird is to fuse the physical body with the heart and light body, to achieve a kind of harmony between the material world and the light body. The 'massless and materialless state' between virtual worlds, so that it can move at the speed of light and travel through any material.

But obviously, Aina's current state is not normal. He has used some kind of special strange thing, or has a stronger power on his body, so even at the second energy level, he can still accumulate energy for a period of time. After that, a photochemical raid was launched.

   Confrontation, how long can confrontation last? Is it possible to hold a meeting to assign the ownership of the chips?

   Instead of dawdling here, it is better to grab it directly!


  Seeing this scene, everyone present except the empire was furious—this group of damned luminous birds always rely on such speed that they can't catch them to grab benefits!

  The eruption of the volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, everyone shot out with anger, the sky was full of thunder and fire, arrows and swords flew horizontally, and the attacks of many sublimators turned into an impenetrable net and pressed towards Aina.

   "You can't blame me, everyone is too slow."

   Facing this combined blow that was enough to kill him several times, Aina just smiled gently and didn't care.

  He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the crystal cabinet, and his body turned into light again and disappeared.

  However, this time, it was still only himself who disappeared.

  The crystal cabinet is still in place.

  Boom! Many source quality attacks bombarded the crystal cabinet. This scene shocked everyone, but the result was very unexpected—a series of fluorescent lights flashed on the surface of the crystal cabinet, which were weak but existed, forcibly blocking everyone's attacks.

   "This light curtain counteracts all source quality movement?"

   Aina, who returned empty-handed, looked at his hand in a daze. He was sure that he had indeed pressed on the crystal cabinet, and he had indeed imported his own source quality, endowing the crystal cabinet with the ability to act temporarily with him.

But just when he was about to run straight ahead with this 'target', Aina was surprised to find bursts of light streaks on the crystal cabinet, precisely offsetting all the source quality and changes he had input, allowing it to maintain its original 'form'.

   'Static'. Or in other words, 'unchanged'. This is the effect of the 'inscription circuit' maintained on the crystal cabinet.

   Aina's sneak attack failed, but it must be said that he at least broke the calm.

   "Kill!" "Stop them!" "Prepare the queue, don't fight on your own!"

  The originally balanced stalemate has been broken, all the teams have fought together, and the leading strongman flew towards the crystal cabinet at his fastest speed.

  —Those who stand in my way die! Although Garr really wanted to say this sentence that he thought was cool since he was a child, he didn't have the energy to speak out at all this time, and he had just taken a step forward while manipulating two high-frequency oscillatory knives at the same time, when he was about to turn into a whirlwind of death , was blocked by the leader of the Yanjiang Exploration Team, the captain code-named 'Death Caller'.

  The so-called death is Tranquility. This Fox subhuman who is about thirty years old inherits the rare Void bloodline 'Shadow of Light', and his psionic power is a 'stagnant physical phenomenon'.

  Accompanies the pitch-black shadow billowing and spreading from under his feet, the covered Gaar's speed is about the same as that of an ant crawling, and even the high-frequency vibration of the sword in his hand has been reduced to a normal high-speed vibration, making ear-piercing calls in the square.

  Aina is preparing to act again. Even if he cannot take the crystal cabinet away, he still has to prevent other people from moving.

Through previous contact, he saw that the long time passed, and the Subspace Labyrinth had suffered a lot of damage during the disaster, the "stasis position" could no longer completely offset any external forces like the theory. the power of.

In this way, even if the entire cabinet cannot be taken away, it should be no problem to take away individual storage chips... According to the intelligence of the empire, the Canaan Moore side took away a few key storage chips alone, which requires a stagnant stance of confrontation ' is much smaller!

   "Don't let other people get ahead of you."

   And just as he expected, when Ainar arrived around the crystal cabinet at a rapid speed again, accompanied by a slight virtual distortion, the black-haired elf girl suddenly appeared.

  Galam Guoyu, like Silver Gate, is also an elven genius who has the ability of 'space' inherited by blood. She blinked at Aina, as if to say hello, but a dagger appeared in her hand without any killing intent, piercing her heart extremely fiercely.

   But, what can go faster than light? Aina's left index finger and ring finger stood up, and a finger-wide beam of light surged up, and the second hair came first, piercing Galan's throat.

   But this is just an illusion.

   After the phantom dissipated, Galan appeared on the other side a hundred meters away. Source quality avatar and transposition, this is the bloodline stunt of the Ministry of Territory.

  Forcing the enemy back, Aina was about to take out a few storage chips from the crystal cabinet, but at this moment, he suddenly found himself unable to move, and a pitch-black shadow covered him.

  —call the dead? But why, didn't he fight Gal?

  Thinking like electricity, Aina's whole body burst into light, turning into a golden light and flying away, breaking the psychic restraint of the dead caller, but the crystal cabinet was also far away because of this.

   It was at this moment that Aina in mid-air discovered that the situation was more complicated than he had imagined.

  Maybe it was because the previous confrontation took too long, or maybe it was because they realized that their guarded object was being touched by others, and the guarding virtual machine gods had regrouped and began to approach behind everyone.

   After a few tricks, Garr and Deathcaller separated their teams to dispatch their own teams, intending to fight against the surprise attack of the Void Mech God and other exploration teams. After the dispatch was completed, they found new opponents respectively.

  The Dead Caller came to Ainar, and Garr...

  He headed in the direction of the Dragon Cult team.

   "Want to wait for work with ease? Don't even think about it, either you don't fight, or you have to fight all of them!"

  Boom! Gal unreasonably ran towards Isen, 'Ian', Anfa and 'Xio' at several times the speed of sound. His momentum was like a rainbow, and it was obvious that he was fighting against a strong man whose strength was similar to his own. It made him extremely excited.

The sharp blade light erupted in Gar's hands along with the nearly materialized storm blade, turning into a metal storm, covering his body from sight. For a moment, only a huge storm blade ball was visible, moving towards the Everyone directly 'smashed down'!

  As Garr charged, the storm blade became larger and larger, and the countless swirling blade lights were like rain in a storm, unstoppably falling on the four of them.

But for some reason, Isengard and Anfa didn't feel any danger—although they took the shot to resist the counterattack, the lights of the swords that slashed in their direction were all phantoms, even the one disguised as Xiou The first-level Anfa prosthetic body safely exited the scope of Gar's sword light.

  Where there is emptiness, there must be reality. Since their saber lights in these three directions are all illusory, it means...

   "What are you doing, targeting?"

  The complexion of Xiou, who was disguised as Ian, changed slightly. It's not that she couldn't block the knife, but how to block it in a way that fits Ian's personality and abilities is the real point!

  So, she can only withdraw now!

  Using powerful mental power to see through the direction of each blade light, using the tyrannical dragon soul of the real dragon to forcibly analyze all the flaws of Gaer's attack, and then keep retreating!

  In an instant, Xiou retreated nearly a thousand meters, while Garr's attack was continuous like a gust of wind high enough to sweep across the entire continent.

But just when Xiou's heart tightened, thinking that Gar was planning to change his moves and use stronger power, the Khan boy frowned and jumped back a step, walking around Xiou suspiciously: " Ian Yinfeng...One of the most powerful geniuses of the empire's younger generation, with superb swordsmanship and extremely powerful sublimation skills, the actual combat faction who defeated the heirs of the Ten King Blood with one blow...I have seen your battle video, it is amazing , is one of the three goals that I must challenge this time.”

   "But now, I'm very disappointed." Saying so, slightly raised his chin, Gaar said in a low voice, "Why do you only dodge? Why don't you draw your sword?"

   "Do you look down on me, or do you think this situation is not worth fighting for?"

   At this point, the young son of Khan said arrogantly: "If this is the case, then show me the true ability of your swordsmanship, and you can ask for a price."

   "We are enemies inside the ruins, but I keep my promise outside the ruins. The blood of the royal family never lies."


Xiou really hopes that she can learn what Ian said, but as a real dragon with self-knowledge, she knows very well that if she doesn't want to be exposed, it's best not to say a word, and she must maintain this kind of aloofness Mysterious demeanor…


   But when Xiou was still thinking about how to better imitate Ian, Gaar suddenly said sharply: "You are not Ian—who are you?"

   "Where's the real Ian?!"

  (end of this chapter)