MTL - High Above-v2 Chapter 805 Final preparations and departure (thanks to Yin Liuxiao

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  The blood-colored ocean and the steady white mist, such an extreme scene, and such frequent transitions, really surprised Ian.

  In the past nine years, he has never seen such a scene since he awakened his vision.


  But after being surprised for a short time, Ian's brain began to work rapidly, and he began to think about the reason.

  There are obviously several possibilities for this drastic and abnormal change.

  The first type is to fight against the strong.

Now under the calm appearance of the camp, the eight powerhouses of the fourth energy level must be confronting each other in secret to determine each other's strength and hidden opponents, and the final action changes during this game process will definitely affect the life and death of everyone present .

In fact, starting to explore this point the day after tomorrow is the result of the game—the local Canaan Moore has two main teams of exploration, the official and the Dragon Cult, and the Empire also relied on the Dragon Worship to let Ian participate in it, because of geographical advantages , Their influence on the ruins must be growing, but in this way, other forces will not allow it, and they would rather not be fully prepared than let the empire and Canaan Moor have too much advantage in this regard.

   The most anxious person in this regard must be the Royal Court of Heaven. Because they also have certain geographical advantages, stronger than other countries, but weaker than the Empire and Canaan Moore. With the early preparations, they can still fight against each other, but as time goes on, the relative advantages and disadvantages of the royal court will become more and more obvious.

  But this possibility was quickly rejected by Ian.

  Although it can explain many things, the future changes caused by the confrontation of the strong should not be so regular, but more unpredictable.

  —Then, is it a certain key figure, for example, a certain fifth energy level powerhouse who is thinking and preparing to make a decision?

   This is the second possibility.

Because he knows the existence of the source of dragon blood, Ian also understands that at the end of this exploration, there is a great possibility that there will be a confrontation between the powerhouses of the fifth energy level-the fate is approaching, and a life-extending strange object is needed to regain the second life There are many people.

Apart from other things, the fifth energy level powerhouses of Yanjiang and Canaan Moore are very old, especially the fifth energy level of Canaan Moore's National Domain Department, the existence behind the pillar party, she has already So old that the future heir, Galan Guoyu, took the initiative to participate in this exploration.

  At their level, as long as they are determined to come to **** the source of dragon blood at the end, the fifth energy level war that will break out afterwards, let alone a mere camp, will destroy the entire gathering place and urban circle around Banyue Lake.

   But therein lies the problem. The fifth energy level has to make a decision, no matter how much he rolls the dice to decide what to do, but as long as he really decides, he will either die or be normal... It is absolutely impossible to say that ordinary people in the camp, and Survival' possible.

   In other words, the threat posed by the fifth energy level will not be as uneven as Ian saw.

   "Then it should be pitch black, not a little red."

  Ian stared out of the window, his blue eyes reflected the 'glory of fate' that no one else could see, and he whispered to himself: "So it seems that the third possibility... is the prophet's interference?"

  Whether it is the laboratory of pre-epoch civilization or the source of dragon blood, there may be a prophecy behind the great power.

   But, there is Ian here.

  So all major forces will know that there will be a prophet who they don't know exists here.

The reason why Ian acquiesced from the beginning that the eldest prince would believe that he was a prophet was precisely because he could think that the prophets of the empire would definitely be aware of his existence. At that time, with a little investigation, he would be able to easily lock him as a clear card Target.

   But this is not like a situation where the prophets interfere with each other—if this is the case, then Ian should not be able to see anything for a moment, and the entire vision of the foresight is blank.

   "It doesn't matter."

Although it was speculated one by one and rejected one by one, this is also a sorting out of the existing information. After Ian rejected the third possibility, he smiled instead: "This stage is an opportunity to let my name as a prophet Started all over the world—my prophetic power must be exposed, but I want to set the stage for myself, using this shock and my prophetic identity to cover up my other identities that should be concealed more.”

   "As for why everyone in the entire camp is wandering between life and death..."

  Closing his eyes, Ian scratched and said to himself with interest: "Could it be, is it because of me?"

   After rejecting the three possibilities, he gradually approached the truth.

"I have no doubt that I am an important person in the research of the Alien Species Research Institute. The relationship between the silver chip and the gift of the star god, and the forerunner is also very important. If it were me, it might easily cause a huge impact... My actions can determine the entire world. The life and death of everyone in the ruins is not an exaggeration at all."

   "As long as I relax and think 'the relics are nothing to worry about, anyway, I am the holder of the vision vision', everyone will die because of it instead."

   "But as long as I stay vigilant, the entire camp is very safe."

  Up to now, the Terrans in the entire camp are, for Ian, 'auxiliary props' for observing his future. Coupled with the previous conversation with the eldest prince Carlos, and the fact that the other party can change fate simply by "preparing", Ian had to think of this possibility.

  "If this is the case, what decision will I make if I think it is dangerous or not?"

Ian's self-analysis: "I think the danger is that more silver chips will be used, which will lead to being discovered by possible forerunner echoes and then captured? This may prevent the forerunner echoes from attacking others, causing havoc, and causing most people survive."

   "Or it's the complete opposite... Now it's troublesome."

  Yes—whether everyone else is safe or not, and Ian's own safety is not a simple equal sign, and may even be the opposite. If Ian is safe, everyone else will die, if everyone else is safe, Ian will die, or everyone will die... The prophet's daily thoughts are to fight against this "possibility".

   No wonder most prophets are crazy.

   "In this case, I only use the silver chip at the most critical moment."

   And just after Ian made such a guess and decision.

  The sea of ​​black fog and calm white fog that were endlessly rotating on the street finally stabilized, no longer turbulent.

   This is a good thing—but the worse thing is that most people still have different **** entanglements on their bodies.

  Ian's companions, Isengard, Anfa and Xiou, are even more bloody. Although there is no black omen of certain death, it can be seen that they will also experience unusual dangers and battles.

   What about the reverse? What if you use silver chips frequently? Even use it as soon as you enter the heterogeneous research institute, trying to take over the authority of the research institute?

  Although it may cause the "Xenomorph Research Institute welcomes the highest authority owner, Mr. Forerunner, to return to work!" ’ This broadcasts events globally, but the Prophet is going to do extreme things.

   And at the moment when this decision was made, Ian saw that Isengarde, who was still asleep and meditating at the desk in the room, the black energy on his body became thick to pure black in an instant. Dead silence, like the black incarnation of Hades.

  However, the blood mist on the other people's bodies disappeared.

  So no silver chips at all?

  Wow—this is great, Ian thought it was dark for a moment, because it was so dark and dense that it seemed that the black mist pressed down by the entire starless night sky completely filled every corner of the boy's vision!

  The result represented by this vision is actually very simple.

  Everyone dies...without room for tragic death!

   "My glory..." The white-haired boy murmured to himself, "What is there in this **** heterogeneous research institute that can cause this kind of damage under the watchful eye of eight fourth and at least one fifth energy level?"

   It's obvious. The key point is not in other people at all, but in himself - in the use of the silver chip!

   If you don't use it at all, everyone will die.

   If you use it crazily, you and Isengarde will die.

  Use it with caution, although everyone will be dangerous, but it is not guaranteed to die.

"It seems that this time..." Ian shook his head and calmed down: "It is the fate of me and Isengard that is deeply bound. Also, there is a crisis about the silver chip. As the previous generation of silver chip holder, Inaiga The experimental subjects identified in the second era will definitely be related."

   "The nature of the problem behind Isengard may also reveal part of the truth in this exploration."

  "Although there is the possibility of interference from other prophets, where does the danger come from?"

   This omen and speculation is actually Ian’s daily life. Since reaching the third energy level, he has made such big predictions several times a day, and obtained the attitudes and reactions of all parties by speculating on various news and safety.

   "But the scarier it is, the greater the reward."

  Standing up, Ian shook his head: "This proves that inside the Institute of Alien Species... I am afraid that there are really things that can determine the future direction and even the final outcome of Terra!"

After doing this kind of big prediction for the entire big camp and the fourth energy level several times, even Ian began to feel his brain tired again, and the capillaries in his body burst... This time he didn't pretend, but really felt his eyes It's a little itchy, and when you wipe it, your hands will be covered with purple blood.

  But the boy just smiled, but he didn't stop what he was doing.

  He began to organize his armament instead.

   This time, Ian came to Canaan Moor fully armed.

  In addition to the long sword that was carried with him, the weapons and armor transferred by the specialized transport merchant association even arrived at the camp earlier than Ian himself.

  Only the Heavy Abyss Iron Sword and the Death River Armament, the two armaments that he intends to use for the 'Knight of the Valley', he carries with him, and they are treated with silent silver to prevent prying eyes.

  As for the steel-pattern sword, the air-wrapping armor and other weapons and armor used by Ian's superficial identity, they were also sent to the camp after Ian's strengthening.

   In addition, Ian also brought a lot of potions, a specially equipped charging rifle and a magnetic storm generator.

After Ian got the Flash Skeleton, even the mediocre magnetic storm generator can exert incredible power in his hands, and the rechargeable rifle has been specially modified to shoot eight times in a row, and the impact and high temperature are also great. It is enough to completely penetrate ordinary monsters, and it is the best alternative for Ian to hide his attack methods when he does not want to expose his full strength.

   In addition, he also carried a small gift from Adalbert: a simple soul protection bracelet. This dead king researcher is really versatile in this area. He has been able to create this very practical spiritual jewelry within a month of learning to make spiritual accessories.

   As for the others, Ian didn't ask much. Isengard and Anfa must be fully armed. If Xiou came here this time, it would be considered a reconstruction... and helped Ian conceal his identity.

   This time, Anfa brought an extra prosthetic body. The strength of this prosthetic body is similar to that of Xiou's prosthetic body, and the appearance is also the girlish appearance that Xiou imitated in the past. When wearing defensive armor, it is enough to simulate the existence of Xiou.

   And Xiou himself will wear the air-wrapping armor at critical moments, simulating the existence of Ian.

  At that point, Ian will be able to act alone for a period of time with an alibi!

   Regarding Ian’s plan, not everyone in the team felt dangerous and opposed it—but Ian quickly convinced them.

   "I have some real secrets."

He said calmly: "This secret is of great importance. It is related to my talent, inheritance and the power I have now... You should be able to understand what kind of secret this is? Please don't delve into it too much. This is for all of us. Safety."

   "But, this time." Speaking of this, Ian lowered his eyes: "If I can come back alive, then I can sue..."

   "Don't!" Yi Sen immediately signaled to stop when he heard this, he shook his head vigorously and said: "Don't say such words! It will bring bad luck!"

  Everyone has secrets, and Ian's secret is known to everyone who knows him, but they tacitly don't explore it.

  Since Ian is willing to tell them the truth when he gets wait.

  Besides this, there are the core of source matter, the soul of meditation and the pioneer of steel... Ian has already advanced the completion rate to 60%. But because there is no hope for the materials of the third level of the goblin, and the ultimate domain of the Lord of Steel is not perfect, so it is stuck here.

  However, even the imperfect Herald of Steel is completely sufficient.

  In the entire camp, as long as the fourth energy level does not make a move, Ian can defeat everyone... Even if everyone makes a move together, it is impossible to defeat him!

  As for the ancient dragon core and ether crystals, they are working very well. There is even a faint sense of excitement in Gu Long's core, because he has sensed the surrounding dragon's blood, and wants to make up for himself?

   "Next, let's adjust the status and wait for departure."

  After sorting out the weapons and hole cards he owns now, Ian, who was a little tired, took off his coat, lay on the bed, covered himself with the quilt for a long time, and had a good night's sleep.

   A night without dreams.


   Terra 774, June 12.

   Exploration begins.

   "The Institute of Alien Species is located deep underground, with dozens of different entrances. Each team has a different starting order and entry location, so as to avoid conflicts at the beginning, and also to explore in an all-round way."

   "We are the seventh to start."

  Ian was not surprised when the King of the Mountain came to the camp and announced the admission order of the Dragon Worship Cult in Nanling.

   The first place must be Canaan Moore, and then the Empire and the Royal Court of Heaven. Immediately after that is Yanjiang and the Capital of Learning, and then there is the Canaan Moore Dragon Worship.

  The Nanling Dragon Worship Sect ranks seventh, which is really nothing more than normal, and those who can be lower than them are naturally those silver fairies from the kingdom of dead equipment.

Ian has seen those silver goblins from afar, and they are different from the goblins who are loose and free, and may even get drunk in bars (in fact, Ian can't figure out why goblins get drunk at all). It is not an origin at all. Although they are also warm and hospitable, they have an off-line or wonderful thinking mode like other elves, but they are very proficient in cooperation, and are also very proficient in fighting and destruction. They are the most sharp of the elves. spear.

  The silver goblins under the command of Timothy the Dragon King of Death have been taught to be extremely elite. Just looking at them from a distance, the team is full of chilling spirit.

  But this does not prevent these dozen fairies from sitting in a row, which is about the same as a large box of eggs.

   "...A silver goblin?"

  Ian looked at the goblin team in the distance, and nodded slightly: "After the third energy level, if you want to cover up my true strength, ordinary concealment is definitely not enough."

   "It has to be replaced. I have to try to get the blood of the 'Silver Fairy'... at least the least, and I have to get in touch with them this time."

   "If you have a chance, help them in the ruins."

  Led by the King of the Mountain, Ian and his team took Canaan Moore's dragonfly-like high-speed aircraft to the "Entrance No. 7 of the Alien Research Institute" not far away.

   This entrance is located around the Faft Mountains, which is a common wilderness area with sparse vegetation and jagged rocks everywhere. However, there are many miners' towns in this wilderness because of the rich gold mines and various mineral reserves.

   It was such a group of miners who first discovered the entrance of the Institute of Alien Species, as well as the steel stone... They opened up a passage leading to the underground cavity, exposing the buried truth to the world.

   The entrance of the ruins is not very eye-catching. There is only a simple entrance built by the staff of Canaan Moor. There are various materials prepared by the logistics team next to it. From a distance, it looks like an ore transfer area, which is quite well hidden.

  In the center of the entrance area, there is a huge crack tens of meters wide, which seems to go straight to the depths of the ground. Only the most central part of it is artificially excavated, and the rest are natural changes in the recent period.

  Standing in front of this deep crack, Ian stared thoughtfully at the depths of the ground.

"What's wrong?"

  Esen noticed that his friend's face was a bit serious, so he stepped forward to ask.


  Ian didn't turn his head, and there was a bright brilliance reflected in his sapphire eyes.

  Gold and silver are mixed and mixed, giving people an incredible sense of grandeur!

  —Sure enough.

  Ian thought so. Inside the Alien Research Institute, there really are creatures close to the fifth energy level!

Sorry! After watching The Wandering Earth 2 yesterday, I went home and coded, and fell asleep after coding! Sorry for writing this now!

   There is another update today, don’t worry everyone, I’m just delaying, not asking for leave!