MTL - High Above-Chapter 21 sacrifice

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  Chapter 21 Sacrifice

  Hilliard didn't ask why Ian could tell who was the guard and who was the leader. Psykers could know information that ordinary people couldn't understand, and he was used to it.

   "I can't guarantee your brother's safety."

  The old knight simply stated: "It can only be done by yourself. Hope you are ready to fail."

  He could see that Ian had already figured out how to deal with the aboriginal attack from the very beginning, but he didn't expect the other party to come so quickly and with so many people.

  In this case, let's see what he will do.

   "That's enough, teacher, thank you."

  Ian responded lightly, and his tone was calm: "When I dealt with my uncle before, I had a lot of 'preparations' in the house... Most of them were useless, and maybe they can be reused now."

   Saying so, he took a deep breath, and then stepped forward alone, towards the house.

   Entering the house, the wooden boards creaked, and the smell of blood in the air had dissipated. On the contrary, there was still a little smell left by Ian's cooking meat and grilled fish before, permeating the corridors.

  The light from the algae oil lamp in the living room shines on the mottled wooden wall, and the dim light is faintly visible, just like when we left.

  Ian noticed that the hunter hidden in the corridor was watching him through the gap in the wooden wall, and he was a little surprised—it was not Ossena they expected, but the other party's nephew.

   This is indeed unexpected, but it has nothing to do with their work. They only need to be alert to whether there are neighbors around or whether the guards are aware of something wrong here.

   Regarding this, Ian pretended not to know, he relaxed his breath, and crossed the aisle. The traps on the wooden planks have been repaired, and there is no difference at all from the outside.

   "They made preparations that I or Oxenna would not come back tonight, so they hid their tracks very well."

  Of course Ian could guess that the reason why these Sequoia natives stayed at home was precisely because they planned to chat with Oceana.

  When Ian was a child, he would often see Uncle Cheap in the middle of the night talking to some unknown people.

  Although Ian hadn’t awakened his memory at that time, he was smart enough to never reveal that he knew the news. It was after that that the child Ian began to prepare to hide a few small silver coins and escape from this house.

  My own appearance will certainly surprise these natives, but it will also make them doubtful, so I can give Hilliard and myself a chance.

   After calming down, Ian came to the living room.

  Here, a figure is waiting.

   "It's actually you."

  The jerky Imperial language sounded, and the figure who was treating the wound on his foot stood up, staring at the boy with slightly vertical pupil-like eyes.

  Ian also looked up.

This young aborigine has no hair or eyebrows, brown skin, dense and strange lines all over his body, including his cheeks, and his figure is not much taller than his seven or eight-year-old child, but the feather ring around his neck proves that The identity of the opponent's shaman.

The Sequoia natives are short in stature, and even the strongest hunters in the clan are only about 1.56 meters. They are indeed much thinner than the Imperials, but they are very sensitive in movement, have a certain night vision ability, and their sense of smell and poison resistance are also better than those of the Imperials. The imperial people are much stronger, they are natural forest hunters.

In the era of empire development, many colonial imperial people died in conflict with the local aborigines. Therefore, the parents on the Nanling side used the phrase "being caught and eaten by the aborigines" as a way to scare their children, so Ian knew the other party very well. Case.

  Elan was wrapped in a blanket and placed on a chair next to the shaman. The white-haired toddler was sleeping soundly, slamming his mouth, unaware of the danger he was about to encounter and the current situation of being entangled by the **** mist.

   "It seems that the one who died was Osenna, it's really hard to imagine."

The shaman's face was surprised, and the corners of his mouth moved, causing those tattoos to twist weirdly: "He often said that his nephew is very smart and is the best material for sacrifices, so he needs to pay more... But he probably didn't expect that you are so smart This level."

   "It is indeed the best sacrifice." He said firmly.

  Ian was silent about it.

  The shaman sensed the meaning behind Ian's silence, so he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "You dare to come back alone... It seems that Oceana told you everything before he died."

   "Or, have you informed the guards of all this?"

  A child who can kill his uncle and see himself so calmly and silently, the shaman guessed that the other party has informed the local guards of the fact that Osenna and them have hooked up and asked for asylum...

   Perhaps behind Ian, there is already a team of Harrison Harbor Guards following closely.

   But soon, this guess was thrown aside.

   Not only was it impossible for the guards to follow a child and let him go home alone, but also because Ian had already spoken.


  The boy stood at the other end of the living room. He said calmly, "Tell the guards that my brother will die. Of course I won't do that."

   "He is a sacrifice."

  Looking at the toddler beside him, the shaman thought thoughtfully, then turned his head to stare at Ian again: "You too."

   "But not now."

   Grinning, the ring-feathered shaman showed a weird smile: "Ian... I remember your name. Do you plan to inherit your uncle's work and become our partner?"

   "You are very smart, Ian. With my help, you can live comfortably and freely. You are much smarter than your uncle, and you won't be as crazy as that mushroom-sucking idiot..."

  He issued an invitation: "We in the Mountain Bone Department like to cooperate with smart people."

  The shaman thought that Ossena died from a dream while he was smoking mushrooms, and was attacked by his nephew while he was asleep. This stupid way of death was within his expectation.

  The shaman's proposal was not a whim. Because they really need someone to provide them with news about Harrison Port. Although it is inconvenient for children, it is easy to control.

There are not many indigenous tribes around Harrison Port, and there are even more people who cooperate with the people in the port, but the only partner who belongs to him is Oceana. If Oceana can not provide him with some food and various tools, As well as the occasional sacrifice, it is impossible for him to become a shaman at such a young age.

  Ossina's death is indeed a loss, but that madman sucking mushrooms is too difficult to control. If Ian, a smart kid, is replaced, it may not be a bad choice.

   No matter how bad it can be used as a sacrifice.

   “A wise man makes the right choice.”

  So the shaman smiled weirdly, he didn't believe that Ian would choose to commit suicide.

  As for Elan's life and death... the shaman didn't say anything, it's unnecessary.

   He also didn't feel the need to bargain with a child, which was his stepping stone to the great shaman's eyes and a must for the Horde.

  (end of this chapter)