MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 169 Tu Shen (ask for full order, ask for monthly pass)

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  Chapter 169 Slaughter God (seeking full subscription, monthly ticket)

  Deep in the mountains.

  A towering high mountain, higher than Shangqing Mountain, straight into the clouds, surrounded by white clouds, standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery below.

The surrounding Nine Heavens Stellar Wind howls and tumbles, forming wind blades, each of which has a size of ten feet and contains terrifying destructive power. Even if it is in the realm of heaven and man, if it is not specially cultivated, the physical body cannot resist it. For a moment, in the endless wind In front of the blade, it must be destroyed.

  In the mountain, there is a hidden cave, a palace hidden.

Majestic, luxurious to the extreme, the floor is made of expensive purple bricks, priceless, no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy it if you don’t have enough status, the walls are inlaid with night pearls the size of basketballs, in a circle, a total of 108, exuding The soft light illuminates the palace. In the center of the hall, there is a blood-red altar, which is three feet three feet high. It seems to conform to a certain law, not more than an inch, and it is made of the rare and heaven-defying divine stone of Taiyi.

  If Zhang Ronghua were here, he would be able to recognize that the entire altar is made of the Supreme One God Stone, the main material for refining the Heaven Fire Hell Beads, and it is hard to see one piece, but it looks like Chinese cabbage, too many!

Mysterious and complicated lines are carved on the whole body, each line is an ancient rune, which contains Taoist rhyme, exudes a palpitating atmosphere, forms a whole with the palace, and arranges the ancient large formation - bloodthirsty swallowing the sky Formation, the grade is far above the sky rank, the power is huge, and it has the ability to be unpredictable.

  The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is an ancient, vicissitudes, and heavy atmosphere. Invisibly, it seems to be detached from all living beings, despising everything in the world, and the level of life is above everything.

In the silent hall, a gloomy light flickered at this moment, and it condensed into a man in black robe, called Shen Nu, with only two eyes exposed, standing opposite the altar, exuding a terrifying aura, as if he could destroy the world with just a single blow. land.


   Knees softened, knees on the ground, kneeling respectfully on the ground, forehead pressed to the ground, respect from the soul, dare not be rude: "I have seen the Lord!"

Dark, cold, and full of weird altars, a strange blood-red flame rose out of thin air, transforming into a luxurious woman, wearing a gold-plated dress, noble, elegant, and exuding nobility. The big aura unfolded, as if He is the master of all living beings and does not belong to the human world. His imposing manner is so strong that people dare not look directly at him.

She is very beautiful, with long orange-red waterfall hair, golden eyes, red lips, and icy muscles and bones. She will be mature, glamorous, and portrayed to the bone marrow, forming a supreme temperament that is self-respecting, like a high-ranking queen, making a decision with one word Countless people died.

  She is called Golden God, as the name suggests, she is a **** and demon.

  An indifferent voice sounded: "Are you ready?"

Shennu didn't dare to raise his head: "The Shangqing mountain range is the center, and the nearby sect forces, demons, ghosts, etc. have all been attracted. The number of people is more than 5,000. The bloodthirsty swallowing formation has also been completed, covering the main mountain range. Once you do it, It will be able to devour all flesh and blood, and after a large formation transformation, refining impurities, condensing into the purest power, together with the many materials prepared before, it will allow you to reshape your physical body and come to the world again."

   "Where are the true spirits and beasts?"

   "Time is running short, here comes a little, there are not many, and the ranking is still low."

   Paused for a moment, as if thinking of something, Shen Nu said hastily.

   "There is a King Realm Perfect Soul Master, who hides very deeply. If it is not in the Bloodthirsty Swallowing Heaven Formation, his subordinates will not be able to find it!"

  Golden God's eyelashes drooped, squinting together, sticking out a fragrant and **** tongue, and licked on the attractive red lips: "Not bad!"

  Shen Nu was worried: "Is it really all right?"

Devouring the flesh and blood of these people, coupled with the preparation of many heaven-defying materials, the master reshaped his body, and his strength could not be restored to the peak. It was only the tenth level of the heavenly realm. Soul master, the outcome is hard to say.

Golden God sneered, full of strong self-confidence: "The times have changed, this is not the ancient times, if it is the ancient times, with the strength of the soul master, the soul masters of the same realm can indeed be the God of War, some terrifying guys, and even beheaded! After so many years, some powerful inheritances have been cut off, even if some super powerful forces still exist, there will not be too many! There are even fewer passed down in the world, Shangqing Mountain is remote, and there are no such terrifying forces around. Strong, even if they go through a round of Thunder Tribulation, they will not be able to attract these guys. Unless it is the birth of a treasure of good fortune or a spirit of law, they will come here at all costs and send old monsters who can't hide from the world to **** it. If that's the case, everyone Xia will not let it go, there is still an old monster in the Destiny Academy, these guys appear, he will not sit idly by and relax, among these people who came, no one can stop the god!"


  Looking outside, his eyes seemed to penetrate the palace and the mountain, and Jin Shen's voice sounded again, a little more impatient: "Let's start!"

   "Subordinates, follow the plan."

  Standing up from the ground, still keeping his head down, not daring to take a breath, he turned into a faint light and left.

  Golden God put his hands behind his back, his majestic eyes were replaced by fiery heat, and he muttered to himself: "In a little while, this **** will be able to reshape his body and descend into the world!"


As time goes by.

  People in the mountain range gradually searched for the main vein. Up to now, Wu Yuanji has no hope. The reason why he didn't give up is because he is unwilling! There is a little illusion that if one is lucky enough to get the Tongtian Lingdan, one Qizong will be able to rise up, recover to a certain height, then change the name of the sect, continue to use the name of "Shangqing Daozong", and leave his own name in history, in the future. In the history of Zongmen's inheritance, there are many strokes left behind, which will be remembered by future generations.

If you retreat now, you will have no resources, relying solely on the Shangqing Baoyuan Kungfu that you have cultivated. Although it is an inherited technique of the Shangqing Daozong, it is powerful and the best in the earth, and the other martial arts are not much, even one-tenth of it. Not at all, relying on this point, it is impossible to restore the former prosperity.

  Looking at the people around, counting him, there are less than twenty disciples of Yiqizong, who are loyal to Shangqing Daozong.

  Seeing them sluggish, dejected, with despair in their eyes, it seems that they have no hope of getting the elixir, and they can't go on like this, otherwise there is really no hope at all.

  Wu Yuanji stopped, cheered up, wanted to use words to inspire everyone's fighting spirit, and then continued to search, said in a deep voice: "Stop!"

  A disciple was puzzled and asked suspiciously, "Sect Master, why did you stop?"

   "Aren't you hopeless about getting the elixir to reach the sky?"

   A group of disciples were silent and responded with actions.

Wu Yuanji encouraged: "As long as we don't give up, we still have a chance! If you don't even have confidence in yourself, how can you get the Tongtian Lingbao? This suzerain knows that the Yiqi sect is now waiting for success, with no resources, no martial arts, and no Money is in dire straits, but as long as you are willing to work hard and put your heart in one place, you will surely be able to grow the sect! Back then, I was the founding patriarch of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty. Nuo Da’s sect?”

   "The suzerain is right! As long as we don't give up, sooner or later, we will be able to repeat the glory of the past."

  Seeing that the atmosphere was mobilized, everyone's eyes were full of fighting spirit, their spirits changed, they were strong and confident, and swept away the previous decadence, Wu Yuanji nodded in satisfaction, and said hello: "Let's go!"

  At this moment, the disciple's eyes lit up, his face was so excited that his eyeballs were about to fly out, he stretched out his hand like lightning, pointed to a direction in front, his arm trembled, and he spoke incoherently: "Sect, Sect Master... Tongtian Lingdan!"

  Everyone was taken aback.

Wu Yuanji was also dumbfounded, and looked in the direction of his finger, about tens of feet away, in a bush, there was a golden light shining, very faint, well restrained, through the gaps between the weeds, one could vaguely see A small man, only two feet in size, exuded a strong medicinal fragrance, a gust of mountain wind brought this huge medicinal fragrance over, and entered the noses of everyone, as if he had been sublimated, a disciple with a weak cultivation level broke through directly A small realm.

   Confirmed, this is the Tongtian Panacea!


  Throats rolled, one by one swallowed, their eyes glowed with fiery light, and they subconsciously looked at the suzerain.

Wu Yuanji was like them, just after the encouragement, he was ready to go on the road, but he found the Tongtian elixir unexpectedly, felt the changes in his body, just took a sip, and his cultivation level improved for about ten days, if he swallowed it, Wouldn't it be a step up to the sky?

  Forcibly suppressed the heat in his heart, met the eyes of the crowd, and ordered in a low voice: "Spread out, surround them together, don't let them escape."

   "Yes." Everyone nodded heavily.

  Finally see the hope of the rise of the Yizong!

   spread out, controlled their footsteps, did not make a sound, and slowly surrounded them like a thief.

  The distance is getting closer, less than ten steps can be seen, everyone's heart is raised to the throat, and if you listen carefully, you can hear their heartbeat, including Wu Yuanji, who has never been so excited and nervous like now.

  Five steps forward, five steps left.

  The Tongtian elixir in the bushes seems to have noticed that the golden light is blooming in a circle, and it is about to escape, not daring to delay, fearing that something will happen.

Wu Yuanji exerted his agility to the limit, performed super-level, the afterimage flashed, spanned five steps, and appeared on the edge of the bush. , with a huge gust of wind, suddenly grabbed it in...

If it was before, Shennu had never met Jinshen, let alone him, no matter how strong his cultivation was, he would not be able to catch him. Now it is different, the Tongtian Lingdan appeared here, it was a trap, and he felt the huge power coming from behind Feng, deliberately slowed down a beat before preparing to dodge, wanting him to catch it.

   Clawed violently and grabbed it!

Wu Yuanji's face was excited, he took out the Tongtian Lingdan from the bushes, looked at the villain in front of him, the golden light was shining, he was struggling violently, at close range, the strong fragrance of the medicine came into his nose, his whole body was transparent, like After eating the Shiquan Dabu Dan, it was as refreshing, and the cultivation base increased again, and there was a vague possibility of a breakthrough. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I would have laughed out loud.


Putting the heart down, beads of sweat flowed out because of excitement, he hurriedly took out a square jade box, and was about to put it in, when the surrounding disciples rushed up and congratulated: "Congratulations, suzerain master, for grabbing the Tongtian elixir, we are all together!" Zong is finally about to rise!"

  Quickly put it into the jade box, then close the jade box, take out the prepared talisman and stick it on, put it in your arms, and bulge high.

  Wu Yuanji said: "This matter is rotten in my heart, no matter what, I can't say it out! When the suzerain refines it and masters the Shangqing Baoyuan Kungfu, it will be the time for us to take revenge and sweep Shangqing Mountain."

   "Yes!" All the disciples responded respectfully.

"go back!"


  A black light flashed, and an old man stood in front of him, his eyes were hot, he stared at his chest, squinted his eyes and said: "I will give you a happy time by handing over the Tongtian Lingdan!"

  Wu Yuanji's complexion changed drastically. Judging from the aura emitted by the other party, he is very strong! He was not an opponent, and the disciples around drew out their swords to block in front: "Sovereign, you go first!"

  The situation is urgent, and it is related to whether the Qizong can rise. Wu Yuanji is also a decisive person: "Good job! When the suzerain develops the Qizong and restores it to the Daozong of the Qing Dynasty, I will set up a longevity monument for you."

  Don't stay for a moment, use your body skills to the limit, and rush into the mountains.

   "Jie Jie..." The old man gave a strange laugh.

  The demonic energy rolled and shot out from the body, covering these disciples. They didn't even react, and the flesh and blood around them were swallowed up, and the bones fell to the ground.

  Looking at Wu Yuanji who was fleeing, with sarcasm in his cold eyes, he mobilized his inner strength and roared: "Put down the Tongtian Lingdan!"

   The billowing air waves spread around.

   After finishing all this, the devilish energy rolled over, and the old man returned to his real body. He wore a black robe, only two eyes were exposed, and his breath was restrained, not leaking a little. He looked at the sky with a look of anticipation: "I have been waiting for this day for a hundred years!"

   A gust of mountain wind blew, and there was no trace of him in place.

Wu Yuanji clenched his fists tightly, feeling aggrieved and burning with anger, he could burn the sky and boil the sea, wishing to burn the world into a big hole, and finally got the elixir to reach the sky, but was discovered by someone, listening to the sound in his ear The voice, can't wait to tear the old man's corpse into thousands of pieces, has poured out the hatred in my heart.

  Did not dare to stop, desperately injured his vitality, used his body skills to the limit, and fled forward.

  The people nearby heard the movement and chased them over. They fell into a dangerous situation for a while, and phenomena appeared everywhere.

at the same time.

The news of the birth of Tongtian Lingdan was like a gust of wind, spreading through the mountains and reaching the ears of every warrior. No matter where they knew it, under the temptation of the heaven-defying treasure, they rushed towards the mountains without thinking much. Go, someone noticed something was wrong, it appeared too unexpectedly, like a conspiracy, a black hand is manipulating everything behind the scenes, consciously powerful, or there are many people in the mountains, even if the other party is hiding something, there are not so many people If the opponent is really in danger, he will retreat when the time comes, and use his body skills to rush inside.

There are no absolutes in everything. Some people who join in the fun and watch the theater are not strong enough. Seeing that the situation is not right, they feel afraid. They dare not go further and want to retreat. Before they have gone far, the situation changes suddenly. Bloodthirsty worms, each as big as an adult's fist, with mysterious lines engraved on their body surface, sharp and sharp tentacles, surrounded by blood energy, turned out from the ground, a large number, and rushed up fiercely.

   After a fight, when it stopped, these people had turned into bones, their flesh and blood had been swallowed, some fell to the ground, and were also absorbed by the bloodthirsty swallowing formation.

   There are many cases like this. As long as someone escapes or dies, when there is no one around, the flesh and blood will be swallowed.

   Over time.

  Wu Yuanji finally fell down. At the last moment of his death, he was still holding the jade box tightly, trying to protect the Tongtian Lingdan, until his arms were cut off and the body was separated.

  In just half an hour, the jade box changed more than a dozen owners in a row. No matter who it fell into, they all had one thing in common. They were forced or voluntarily fled towards the center of the mountain range.

  At the foot of the main mountain.

More than a dozen people wearing the same clothes, with the words "Huang Feng" embroidered on their chests, mainly a middle-aged man named Zhou Nian, covered in blood and seriously injured, leaning against the mountains, with people in front, left and right , a dense mass of people, most of the people who entered the mountains rushed here, and the rest who did not come are being besieged by ancient bloodthirsty insects, not far from death...

There are too many people, and the aura they exude is different. There are too many **** killings, indifference and strangeness, and soaring evil spirits. In the past, the space oscillated, as if it was unbearable, and there was a low-pitched wail.

   No matter how good the heart is, facing the scene in front of you, you have to feel fear.

  Some smart people have noticed that the area at the foot of the mountain seems to have been deliberately leveled. The trees and steep mountains have all disappeared and become a huge flat land. Judging from the traces, it seems that it happened not long ago, no more than seven days old.

   Don't think too much, the mutation happened.

Anniversary is the Supreme Elder of the Huangfeng Sect. He has seen such a big scene. Although he is enduring, his physical performance still betrays his inner thoughts. His legs tremble violently, and his eyes are frightened. Frightened and paralyzed on the ground, the other people were even more unbearable, most of them had been scared to pee, including the female disciple, and the rest of them supported themselves with long swords and persisted to the limit.

   Not daring to haggle, suppressing his fear, mobilizing his internal strength, holding it on the palm of his hand, throwing it violently, and throwing the jade box in his hand, he shouted at the same time: "Heavenly Spirit Pill is here for you!"

   Without looking back, according to the prepared plan, he greeted: "Run!"

  The front is blocked, so I can only climb the mountain and rush towards the top of the mountain.

  The disciples of the Huangfeng sect followed quickly. Some of them were frightened and wanted to escape, but they couldn't muster up their strength at critical moments, and the same was true for their internal strength, let alone use their exercises.

  No one cares about them, they are too busy to take care of themselves, so if they are too late, they have to explain here.

Everyone reacted very quickly, almost instantly hundreds of people shot, finger force, sword energy, palm force, etc., fell on the jade box, the force was well controlled, only destroying it, without hurting the Tongtian elixir inside , wanting to confirm that something exists.


  The jade box exploded, revealing the heaven-reaching elixir inside. After more than a dozen hands, the sealing effect became stronger each time. There were more than a dozen pieces of sealing talismans attached to it.

   "Tiantian panacea!"

  I don't know who yelled loudly, and used internal strength, like thunder, and spread in all directions. As for the escaped Anniversary and others, no one asked.


One after another, the escaping light rushed out from the ground, and grabbed the fallen Tongtian Lingdan, rushing fast and dying fast, there are so many people here, if their cultivation is not against the sky, they cannot be crushed, One can kill them all with one blow.

  The bodies were broken, blood rained down, and the hundreds of people who rushed out were dead.

  The remaining people continued to charge, and then guarded against the sneak attacks of the people around them. The scuffle broke out, fierce and cruel, far more terrifying than fighting on the battlefield.

  Martial skills, supernatural powers, etc., are displayed one after another, and the sword energy, sword energy, palm prints, and fist lights are dazzling, and they kill the opponent.

With Tongtian Lingdan as the center, once it falls, the battle will start there. No matter how you fight, it will not fall. At the same time, knock it into the air, over and over again...

  The interior space of the mountain top.

  The Golden God manifested, with his hands behind his back, standing casually on the altar, exuding a huge coercion, which made people feel surrendered from the soul. The slave of the **** bent his body like a dog, showing respect.

   Right in front of him, he condensed a picture with magical powers, displaying the situation of the outside world on it.

The picture is divided into two pictures, the first one is the fight at the foot of the mountain, the second one is Zhou Nian and others fleeing, hiding halfway up the mountain, hiding behind a boulder, there are six people left, the rest of their lives, sitting on the ground one by one, Taking a big breath of air, it seems that this method is used to reduce pressure. The clothes are already wet with sweat, and they are tightly attached to the body.

   "Elder, what should we do now?"

Zhou Nian stretched out half of his head, looked down, and saw that they were going crazy, he was startled, as if seeing a terrible scene, he hurriedly looked away, and looked around, at the steep and unprotruded place, trying to escape in another direction There is no way out, if you jump down, even if you don’t fall to your death, you will be hacked to death with random knives, holding back your anger, and venting your anger on this disciple: "How does this elder know?"

   Everyone was silent.


  Shen Nu said: "Should the subordinates go down and kill them?"

  Moganshen shook his head: "No need!"

  Shen Nu understands, a group of waste will be cleaned up later, and they want to escape after entering the mountains? No way!

Jinshen raised his jade finger, which was as smooth as beautiful jade, and with a little finger, a golden light hit the screen, and the screen changed to show the situation in other parts of the mountain range. Those who tried to escape or fight were all dead. The ancient bloodthirsty The worm devoured the flesh and blood, and passed it into the altar through the bloodthirsty swallowing formation. The aura that came out was stronger, like a hurricane destroying everything, covered by a formation, and did not escape a little.

   With the devouring, her body gradually solidified from transparent. The feeling was so comfortable, like being in the clouds, refreshing from head to toe, and when she was excited, she couldn't help but let out some suppressed moans...

As time goes by, more and more people die, corpses are everywhere on the ground, piled up very high, even the strong who watched the battle joined the battle, regardless of the small number of people, the battle is even more tragic, all of them are supernatural, with terror With the power to kill the opponent, **** the Tongtian elixir.

  Unknowingly, the sun is setting and the sunset is passing by, and the night is coming. As the middle of the month approaches, the moonlight is shining and the stars are shining, illuminating the earth.

  Looking at the battlefield below, there are mountains of blood and seas of corpses, broken limbs, and broken weapons. The smell of blood is so strong that it is like purgatory on earth.

  Only one old man was left standing, wearing a blue gown and a cyan ribbon, his hair **** casually, with his hands behind his back, suspended in the air.

  He has already put away the Tongtian Lingdan, his eyes fell on the top of the mountain, and an old voice sounded: "Do you still want to hide it?"

  The surroundings are weird, and there is no response on the top of the mountain, as if talking to the air.

Wuchen Tianzun showed disdain, looking at the corpse below, although the Bloodthirsty Swallowing Heaven Formation is an ancient formation, Golden God has been very careful, but was discovered, the withered palm was raised, the power of the soul appeared, condensed into a black flame, As soon as it was about to fall, a cold and stern voice came from above: "How dare you!"

  Shen Nu rushed down at lightning speed and stopped ten steps away from him.

   Wuchen Tianzun withdrew his palm and said sarcastically: "Have you finally been willing to come out? I thought you would always hide."

  Shen Nu said: "You think too much! The Bloodthirsty Swallowing Heaven Formation can hide it from others, but it cannot hide it from the soul master Wangjing."

   "You can't do all of this on your own, let the people behind get out!"

   "You are not worthy!"

As soon as he took a step, God Slave appeared in front of him, raised his claws, and erupted with monstrous magic power, like a demon god, arousing supreme prestige, great magical powers and six heaven-piercing claws were cast, and the claws evolved into six paths of reincarnation, which contained the meaning of reincarnation With force, he grabbed it fiercely.

  Everything is still, as if being wiped out by the power of samsara contained in it.

  Wuchen Tianzun's expression remained unchanged, and there was no panic on his face: "It's just a mere climb to the eighth level of the heaven realm, so what if you use ancient magical powers? It's not enough to see in front of this deity."

  The power of the soul rushes out of the brain, and evolves into a five-clawed dragon with long teeth and claws.


The heavens and the earth vibrated violently, the God Slave was indeed very strong, and what he was using was still an ancient supernatural power, which contained the power of reincarnation, but it was not enough to see in front of a soul master who was consummated in the king state, and the claws he caught were instantly broken. The Clawed Dragon swallowed it, escaped the catastrophe by chance, and was also severely injured. His right arm was completely abolished, his chest was shattered, **** and blood stained his body, and he stood ten feet away without saying a word, as if he could not feel the pain on his body. .


The Bloodthirsty Swallowing Heaven Formation shook violently, forming a blood-colored enchantment. From the outside of the main mountain, it swept towards the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. The corpses at the foot of the mountain, following the full operation of the formation, no longer hid themselves. A few breaths It was devoured in no time, leaving only countless corpses. Zhou Nian and others who were hiding in the middle of the mountain were also killed by blood energy, and their flesh and blood were absorbed.

  Wuchen Tianzun frowned, looking at the scene in front of him, ancient and long, as if hiding something terrible, feeling bad, felt threatened for the first time, and wanted to stop it.

  The ground shook, and tens of thousands of ancient bloodthirsty insects rushed out, killing him fiercely.

   "If it is an ancient insect from the underworld, the deity will retreat instantly! But you bedbugs are not even as good as ants, and you are worthy of the deity's idea?"

He raised his hands, and the terrifying power of the soul erupted. With him as the center, a vortex tens of feet in size was condensed above his head. The supreme suction came out, and with the power to strangle everything, he swallowed it suddenly, like a snake Like swallowing whales, the ancient bloodthirsty worms below were sucked in uncontrollably, killed instantly, blood rained down, and then absorbed by the bloodthirsty swallowing formation.

   Wuchen Tianzun was furious in his heart, watching this scene happen, he wanted to stop it but couldn't take action, knowing that if this continues, more and more flesh and blood will be swallowed by the ancient formation, and the strength of the people behind it will recover faster.

   Within a dozen or so breaths, tens of thousands of ancient bloodthirsty worms were wiped out.

  Wuchen Tianzun looks like he is facing an enemy, his hairs stand on his head, and he is on high alert. He takes out a rare spiritual treasure-the shaking soul clock, a soul treasure, holding it in his hand, and looking at the top of the mountain.


The mountainside exploded, the crushed stones were extinguished, and dissipated immediately. Countless golden lights illuminated the world, but they were blocked by the bloodthirsty swallowing formation and could not be transmitted. A woman with orange-red long hair was wearing a golden dress, naked. Yuzu, bathed in the golden light, the illusory body, with the huge qi and blood pouring in, fused with many materials, reshaped the body, and then perfectly merged with the soul.

  The closed eyes also opened at this time, extremely indifferent, without any emotion, noble and out of the world, like the ruler of all living beings, transcending the level of life.

  Wuchen Tianzun lost his voice, and rarely changed his color: "God and demon!"

At this moment, he wanted to escape. If it wasn't for finding out what was hidden behind him, he wouldn't be in danger. He would leave as soon as he got the Tongtian Lingdan. The blood worm couldn't stop him, he was too confident, thinking that with his own cultivation, he could crush everything and fell into danger.


   With one step, a golden light descended from the sky and appeared in front of Shen Nu, whose eyes were blazing: "Congratulations, Lord, for reshaping your body and suppressing all enemies in the world!"

   "En." Jinshen responded casually.

  The slender jade finger was raised, and a golden light penetrated into his body, and the horrible injuries on his body, as well as the destroyed right arm, instantly recovered.

  Wuchen Tianzun backed away, more fearful: "The power of gods and demons!"

Thinking of the introduction about the power of gods and demons, one of the most powerful forces in the world has all kinds of magic. If you want to attack against the sky, there are four ways to resist. The power of the first law, no matter how strong the power of gods and demons , In front of the power of the law, it is not enough to look at, and it is suppressed in an instant, but the power of the law is very difficult to comprehend, and it is even more impossible to master it. It is not bad to have one or two people in an era; the second soul master, the reason why the soul master Terrible, because of the power of the soul, crazily tempered to the extreme, the pain endured is much stronger than that of a warrior, but the benefits obtained are also huge. The power of the soul has become one of the strongest forces in the world, which can resist the power of gods and demons. force.

The third awe-inspiring righteousness, as the power of masculinity, righteousness, and justice in the world, no matter how strong the power of gods and demons is, it cannot suppress it. The power of the two is on par; True essence and soul power, the former is at the same level as the power of gods and demons, while the latter is directly suppressed, suppressing the power of gods and demons!

   Jin Shen opened his mouth, his lips were stunning and sexy, and the words he said were cold: "Surrender or die?"

   Wuchen Tianzun knows a lot, including some ancient secrets: "Didn't all the gods and demons die in the battle of God?"

   "It seems that your inheritance is not simple."

   "Even if you escaped by chance, how can you keep your soul immortal after countless ages from ancient times to the present?"

   Golden God didn't answer, but made a choice for him: "The dead don't need to know too much!"

The jade feet are a little bit, rippling with golden ripples, obviously there is no aura coming out, but the oppressive force it brings scares away the soul of Wuchen Tianzun, disappears from the spot, and appears behind him like a teleportation, The index finger was raised, and the fingertips surrounded the power of the gods and demons, poking the back of the head domineeringly.

Wuchen Tianzun didn't dare to keep it, almost out of instinct, he mobilized all the soul power and poured it into the shaking soul clock, the endless soul glow bloomed, covering himself, and then as the center, the soul power evolved into a terrifying soul blade, Attacking in a range, attacking in all directions, each soul blade carries the power of destruction.

  Golden God sneered, without changing his expression: "If you are practicing ancient methods, or magic arts, this **** will still be afraid of three points. It's just ordinary exercises and supernatural powers, so what if you have rich combat experience?"

   Without dodging, the golden light shot out, blocking all the soul blades that came to kill, and the speed of the index finger did not decrease, and it landed on the enchantment formed by the shaking soul clock.

   Chi la!

Like paper, the enchantment formed by the shaking soul clock shattered in an instant, and before it continued to fall, Wuchen Tianzun dodged with the help of the impact of this finger, and appeared twenty feet away, with a sigh of relief. Tian, ​​spit out a blood arrow, under this blow, suffered a lot of trauma, and then looked at the shaking soul clock, cracks appeared, like a spider web, which could be broken at any time.

  Gold God Liu eyebrows also raised: "Hey! Did you avoid it?"

   turned into a golden light and disappeared from the spot again.

   Wuchen Tianzun's complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to waste a bit of soul power, he completely relied on his rich combat experience to deal with the enemy, disregarding the limit of the shocking soul clock, he did the same, and once again cast a barrier to protect himself, feeling ruthless in his heart! Knowing that going on like this is not the way to go, once the spirit treasure is broken, it will be even worse to die without its body protection. While secretly guarding, he made a counterattack, the palm hidden under the sleeve, gathered all the soul power, and cast the magic dragon into the sky Technique, once again condensed a five-clawed dragon.

   "Before I was injured, I was no match for my god, let alone now!"

  Golden God did not appear behind him this time, but condensed on the right side of Wuchen Tianzun, raised his pure white jade hand, and slapped him on the head with the power of gods and demons circulating.

  Wuchen Tianzun looked ferocious, completely furious, and roared: "Go to hell!"

   The blow that had been prepared for a long time was blasted out, and the five-clawed dragon stood up, opened its huge mouth and bit down.


  The jade hand fell, and the five-clawed dragon dissipated in an instant, as if it had never appeared before. The palm kept on falling on the barrier.

The tyrannical suction came out from the palm, devouring the strong energy and blood contained in its shattered corpse. When it stopped, the aura exuded by Jinshen increased by three points, and it had reached the peak of the ascension to the sky. Breakthrough.

   Grabbing from the air, he picked up the sumeru bag that fell on the ground, and said calmly: "As expected of a soul master who has reached the consummation of the king realm, he is far from being comparable to those trash."

  Shen Nu stepped forward, appeared in front of her, and asked respectfully, "Master, where are we going?"

The Tongtian elixir has been spread, there are too many forces here, so many people died, if they did not go back, they will definitely attract the strong to check, in case the Great Xia Dynasty is alarmed, send old monsters over, with their current The strength is still unstoppable.

  Just as Jin Shen was about to answer, Liu's eyebrows frowned, forming a "Chuan" character, and looked up at the sky. Although she couldn't see it, her intuition told her that someone was coming, and it was still very strong! The indifferent voice sounded again: "Here comes an old monster!"

  Shen Nu hurriedly looked.

  The nine heavens were empty, and as Zhang Ronghua withdrew his soul power, the colorful auspicious clouds were exposed in the sight of the two of them.

   Standing on top of auspicious clouds with hands behind their backs.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The woman below is not simple. There is a huge force in her body. When there is a fight, try to stand back."

  Yang Hongling looked serious: "Are you sure?"

   "I'll only know after I've played it!"

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded, and decided in her heart that if it doesn't work, use that thing.

   "Go! Let's go down."

   Controlling the colorful auspicious clouds, rushing down.

With a wave of his hand, a golden palm print rushed out from Zhang Ronghua's palm, evolving into tens of thousands of noble righteousness, endless, containing the power of the most masculine, the most majestic, the sacred and righteous, and instantly smashed the Bloodthirsty Swallowing Heaven Formation, appearing in the They were ten paces away.

  Walking down from the colorful auspicious clouds, standing opposite Jinshen, the former still exists, and stopped beside Yang Hongling.

  Looking at the bones on the ground, they were almost destroyed in the battle just now. Judging from the messy ground and the lingering smell of blood, many people died.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Did you kill it?"

   Jin Shen responded, the pride of the gods and demons did not allow her to lie, or in other words, Zhang Ronghua was not qualified enough: "Not bad!"

  The two looked at each other, trying to see through each other.

Zhang Ronghua has already cultivated the basalt spirit technique to the level of the six-level technique, which is close to the Tao. No matter how strong the Golden God is, he has also used the pupil-like secret technique, but he still cannot see through it. , In the future, pointing directly to the source, even if Jin Shen is a **** and demon, he can't resist it. He has reached the peak of the heaven realm, the power in his body is very strong, and he has a little breath of **** and demon skills. Could it be a **** and demon? Asked tentatively: "God and demon?"

   Jinshen was shocked, covered by the power of gods and demons, how could this person see through? Could it be that he has practiced some kind of powerful pupil secret technique? Have you reached a high level? I am more and more sure of my guess, it is definitely an old monster: "Yes!"

   "Why did you create chaos in Daxia?"

   "Are you from the imperial court?"

   "Zhang Ronghua, a doctor from the Ministry of Industry!"

   "???" Jinshen was taken aback, and a series of question marks appeared above his head.

  Doctor of the Ministry of Industry? Isn't it the old monsters of the four major departments, the three university palaces, or other powerful departments? When did the doctor from the Ministry of Industry become so strong? Could it be that the Great Xia Dynasty was already so terrifying that if anyone was picked out at random, they would all have monstrous cultivation?

impossible! No way!

If this is the case, it is impossible for them not to know that the Great Shang Dynasty, the Hundred True Spirit Clans and the Ominous Beast Clan have long been wiped out. The Black Dragon Battle Banner of the Great Xia Dynasty has been planted in every corner of the mainland, retorting: "Nonsense! When will a strong man like you appear in the Ministry of Industry?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist now!"

   Jinshen smiled, his smile was very cold, like Nine Nether Yama, urging people to die: "Are you going to kill me?"



A terrifying aura emanated from her body, like the sun soaring into the sky, like a big sun, shining for eternity, countless golden lights dispelled the darkness, and a huge voice came out, the air mechanism locked on Zhang Ronghua, with a wave of jade hand, cold He said coldly: "Take her down!"

   "Yes!" Shen Nu replied respectfully.

   Zhang Ronghua was dragged by the master, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't get away from his body, so he ran his body skills to the extreme and rushed towards Yang Hongling.

   "Do ants dare to act presumptuously in front of this official?"

With a flash of golden light, Jin Shen didn't even have time to react. When the golden light returned to the original place again, Zhang Ronghua's palm grabbed Shen Nu's neck. Like a dog.

"That's it?"

   Pinch suddenly!


  Pinched his neck, and the phoenix divine fire rushed out, incinerating the corpse into fly ash in an instant, and retracting his palm, Zhang Ronghua calmly said: "It's your turn."

   Jinshen's face remained the same, her brows didn't move, she was still as cold as ice, as if it wasn't her who died, but just an insignificant pawn: "Let's see how you kill me!"

  The jade feet fell, leaving hundreds of golden afterimages, and a series of bursts of air were shot out. Two jade hands were raised, containing the power of gods and demons, like a storm, and slapped overbearingly.

  Between heaven and earth, everything was replaced by palm prints, and a random palm can kill a tenth person who has ascended to heaven.

  Zhang Ronghua remained calm. Her speed seemed to be fast, but in his own eyes, it was just that. Because of the excitement, every cell in his body screamed with excitement.

After waiting for such a long time, those people who were beheaded before were pitifully weak. As their strength became stronger day by day, their background became more terrifying. Killing the Ascension to Heaven Realm was like slaughtering a dog. He couldn't arouse any interest, and he couldn't even warm up. It's rare to meet gods and demons who reshape their bodies and descend into the world, just to test how strong they are.

Hao Ran rushed out with righteous energy, read so many books, and practiced Dao Zhengqi song, he was already comparable to the vice president, and when he opened it, it was like an endless ocean, stretching endlessly, no matter how big the golden god's aura is, instantly She was broken through, her body shook, and her five fingers clenched into a fist. She was faster, faster than her, and the terrifying physical power exploded. Only the physical power was used. Every punch evolved the power to the extreme, as if it was the incarnation of power. Fist to the flesh, simply and rudely crushed.

   bang bang...

The two fought, and they shot hundreds of times in one breath, or even faster, two golden lights hit the ground from the sky, and then from the ground to the ground, and the terrifying force spread out, destroying everything, no matter what was in front of it , Vulnerable to a blow, the place it passed was destroyed in an instant, and there was no way to stay.

  The more you fight, the happier Zhang Ronghua is! What I want is this feeling, the collision of absolute power.

No matter how strong the power of gods and demons is, but blocked by the awe-inspiring righteousness, the attributes cannot be suppressed. Ascending to the peak of the heavenly realm, and practicing Nirvana supreme life skills, chaotic dharma body, tempering the body with spiritual treasures, the powerful effect is reflected, strength, defense Wushuang, just as Jinshen's palm hit him, some of it entered his body, and it was dispelled in an instant as the chaos dharma body circulated.

But his fist punched into her body. The ultimate strength, coupled with the characteristics of Lingbao, is as strong as a golden god, and even the body of a **** and demon can't bear it. Every punch will leave a hidden danger in her body , although it is not fatal, but the accumulation of a small amount, until now, the cold and mature face is flushed red, the color of soy sauce, caused by too much punching force, and the breath begins to be confused.

  Between the same realm, Zhang Ronghua only used his physical body to suppress all enemies, including gods and demons, absolutely invincible!

  Boom boom...

  The sky fell apart, the earth suffered disaster, and so did the nearby mountains. As the two of them passed by, they were destroyed one after another. After fighting until now, Jin Shen couldn't believe it. He only cultivated his physical body, so he pressed himself to fight? His face was ugly: "The ancient physical body exercises are supernatural powers!"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't answer, but sarcastically said: "Is this the only thing that a majestic **** and demon can do?"

  Jin Shindao: "The fun has just begun!"

Taking advantage of the gap between them again, they twisted their hands together and cast the demon god's golden body. A ten-foot-large golden body, bathed in tens of thousands of golden lights, merged into one in a flash. Under its blessing, its strength increased sharply, reaching The degree of horror, sneered: "This time we will see how you resist!"

   "Transformation? This officer will do it too."

Changing the printing method, Zhang Ronghua performed the third transformation of the real spirit treasure technique, the five-clawed golden dragon transformation, and transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, which was nearly twenty feet in size. The terrifying dragon's power came out, domineeringly smashing her divine and demonic aura, and the dragon's tail In one roll, the speed increased sharply, and it rushed directly to the front. The dragon claws were raised, and each blow was violently grabbed with the power of tearing the sky and the earth.

  Golden God lost face for the first time, and was furious: "Damn! Isn't the true spirit treasure extinct? Even in ancient times, not many people knew it. Where did you learn it?"

  It seems that she is very afraid of this secret technique, and the true spirit treasure technique has a lot of background.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Wait until you survive!"

The dragon's claws are non-stop, more ruthless than before, the strength of the physical body has doubled, and the improvement in all aspects, no matter how the Golden God resists, with the falling of the dragon claws, it will definitely leave shocking scars on the golden body of the Demon God After a while, he was seriously injured.

   This is just the beginning, the background of the competition? With the blessing of heaven-defying talent, he can learn everything quickly and reach terrifying heights. Even the old master would feel inferior to himself, but he didn't admit it to his face. With three heads and six arms, two dragon heads and four dragon heads grew again from between his two ribs. dragon claw.

  The three dragon heads opened their **** mouths. The sharp dragon teeth could be crushed by spirit treasures. With the help of six dragon claws, they crazily greeted her.

   bang bang...

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, even with the blessing of gods and demons, Jinshen was very uncomfortable at the moment. She did not expect that when she was born, she would meet an old monster from the court. Great powers.

   "Too much deception!"


  Yang Hongling, who was watching the battle, had watched a good and serious battle at first, but after Jinshen sipped like this, he really couldn't hold back, holding his chest with jade hands, and forgiving her unkind laugh.

   Change to just now.

  Someone dared to laugh at him, and Jinshen wiped her out with a gesture of his hands and feet. Now that he is in danger, he has no time to make a move.

Her background as a **** and demon is more than that, and before she can use it, Zhang Ronghua made another move, and with a move of her mind, the black and yellow chaotic armor turned into a layer of golden dragon clothes, changing at will, appearing on the huge dragon body, four top pieces The fusion of spirit treasures exploded with a power comparable to that of a half-step good luck spirit treasure. The strength, defense and speed increased again, making the already terrifying physical body even more terrifying. It was far from over. Now that the spirit treasure was used, this was just the beginning.

The golden dragon sword, the hundred birds facing the phoenix fan, the blood-drinking sky sword, the half-step good fortune Lingbao Dragon Emperor Tianlei sword, the cool aura, and the tens of thousands of golden lights emitted by itself, set off each other, and the vision manifests, like a **** of war Going down to earth, especially the Dragon Emperor Sky Thunder Sword, the half-step good luck spirit treasure is amazingly powerful, and the thunder power emitted by it can kill everything, and the breath alone makes people palpitate.

   Before he could make a move, Yang Hongling's voice sounded: "Go on!"

  The jade hand patted the purse on the waist, and took out two spiritual treasures, one is the Star Burning Sword, and the other is the Shanhe Township Seal, both of which are top spiritual treasures.

  Golden God's face showed horror, unprecedented fear, and his soul was scared away. This, this is still a human? Even in her heyday, there were not so many spirit treasures in the ancient times, each one was so powerful, and there was even a half-step fortune spirit treasure, which envied her in her heart and wished to **** them all. He can also take out two top-notch spirit treasures and fall into the abyss with one heart. What kind of terrifying existence has he provoked? Why are they here?

   Wanted to stop it, but couldn't. He watched Zhang Ronghua take over the two spirit treasures, and each of the six dragon claws held one. With the ultimate strength, the coercion brought by it instantly increased several times.


After a few breaths, the golden body as strong as a demon **** couldn't resist, and was directly hit and spit out a blood arrow. Taking this opportunity, he quickly retreated to the back, aroused the blood of the **** and demon, and forcibly increased his strength by three times. Great supernatural powers, housekeeping skills, cast with the golden body of the demon god, the claws cover the sky and the sun, and evolve into a black hole. The black hole contains the power of reincarnation. If it is stirred into it, it will disappear in an instant and grab it.

  Zhang Ronghua's indifferent voice sounded: "You are the only one who can improve your strength? Don't you think I can't?"

The three-character secret art of stepping on the sky is performed together. The word "stepping" is used for attack, and the word "sky" is used for defense. The word "xing" increases the speed and increases several times. The black hole of the devil's claws swept over, with a sarcasm on his face, based on the Haoran Wanjian Jue, he used the five-element sky-breaking sword array, and the six spirit treasures were cast together. With the powerful soul power, the six sword arrays were instantly condensed. There are thousands of sword threads in the formation, a total of six thousand, each nearly two feet long, with the power to destroy the world, descending from the sky, and violently smashed over.


  The black hole of the devil's claws dissipated, and all the magical powers fell on the golden god, who was as strong as a **** and demon, and the blessing of the golden body of the devil was not enough.

  The demon god's golden body was blown up in an instant, landed on her body, and directly hit her hard, hitting the ground from the sky. If Zhang Ronghua hadn't wanted to catch her alive for questioning, she would have died by this time.

  Even so, Jinshen suffered heavy injuries, lying on the broken ground, exhaled a lot of air, inhaled less, couldn't even move, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

  The golden light manifested and stopped in front of her.

Zhang Ronghua put away many great supernatural powers and secret techniques, turned into an adult again, returned the two spirit treasures to Yang Hongling, and then put away his own spirit treasures, condescending, stepped on her face, and crushed ruthlessly: "Too weak!" Already! I haven’t warmed up yet, so you can’t do it.”

  Yang Hongling jumped down from the colorful auspicious clouds, stopped beside him, and asked curiously, "How much of your knowledge did you use?"

   "Thirty percent!"

Martial arts and soul masters, including other powerful supernatural powers, have not yet been used, even the Dragon Emperor Tianlei Sword has not used all its strength, otherwise the power of the half-step fortune-telling treasure will appear, combined with the terrifying physical body. can take her down.

   Jinshen's mouth was blocked by the soles of Zhang Ronghua's feet, and he closed it tightly. Even if he didn't open it, some soil from the soles of the shoes turned into his mouth, and he forcibly ate the soil!

  Yang Hongling asked: "Have you stepped on enough?"

   "You want to step on it too?"

   "This is a **** and demon!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, retracted his foot, and Yang Hongling stepped on it.

  Mojinshen's eyes were blazing, and he felt aggrieved, but he had no choice but to bear the humiliation silently.

   Half a sound.

  Yang Hongling stomped enough and retracted his foot.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "How did you escape from the battle of God?"

In Wanshu Palace, I saw some introductions about the War of the Heavens, but there are very few records. I only know that in ancient times, gods and demons were born, and they wanted to enslave the mainland, treating all living beings as blood food, and the powerful led all The people rose up to resist, gathered the power of the entire continent, and broke out in a great war, and paid a heavy price to kill all the gods and demons!

  Mojinshen had no fear, and said coldly: "Do you think this **** will say it?"

   "I just like a tough guy like you!"

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his right hand, the power of the soul was concentrated in the palm, and a strong suction burst out to envelop her, and he snorted coldly: "Get out!"

  Golden God is desperate, with fear written on his face: "Don't..."

   Wanted to stop it, but there was no way to do it. I saw my soul was forced to rush out of the newly formed body, and was caught in his palm.

With a little finger, move the eternal power, mobilize the power of the soul, evolve into a soul chain to bind her, throw it into the soul-destroying gourd, and then transform into a soul cage, imprisoning her in it, with a movement of mind, the black lotus flame Cast, start burning….

   Time Treasure Hunting Mouse was taken aback for a moment, and looked suspiciously. Judging from its aura, it was born noble, like a **** and demon. Has such a horror been caught in it? How strong does he have to be?


Zhang Ronghua withdrew his soul power, put away the soul-destroying gourd, and looked at Jin Shen's body. Some parts were broken, but overall it was complete. It happened to refine the real "god and devil puppet" with the inheritance of the gods. Once the refining was successful, the potential was greater Zheng Yi is even stronger, and will reach the peak height of Jinshen when he grows up, which will bring huge benefits.

   With a wave of his sleeves, she put her away, holding two sumeru bags in his hand, one is the God of Jinshen, and the other is Wuchen Tianzun, and he didn't check it immediately.

  Looking up at the sky, his eyes fell on the top of the mountain range.

   "There are still some things in there, wait for me."

  Yang Hongling has no objection: "Okay!"

   Leap forward.

  Zhang Ronghua appeared in the air in an instant, with a single point of his finger, a sword qi slashed down, smashing the mountain wall, and with a wave of his sleeve, he emptied the Ye Mingzhu, the altar made of the Supreme One God Stone, and the Ziwen bricks, etc., and then destroyed them.

   Return to the ground.

  Yang Hongling asked: "The things are thousands of feet underground, how to get them?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled confidently: "Simple!"

Holding her hand, without even giving him time to react, he cast the earth escape technique, turned into two golden lights and escaped into the ground, when he reappeared, he was already a thousand feet below, looking at the accompanying large formation in front of him, covering his breath , do not spread a little.

   let go of her hand, and sighed: "As expected of a large array of heavenly ranks dedicated to concealment, the effect is just different."

  Twisting with both hands, dozens of seals fell down, and the formation opened by itself, revealing a passage.

  Yang Hongling asked curiously: "Did Time Treasure Mouse tell you?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

The two walked in side by side, followed by the formation, and after a few breaths, they stopped at the edge of the Lingquan, which was ten feet in size. The spring water was transformed by the aura of the heavens and the earth, and became rich and substantial, just as it said As stated, the aura of heaven and earth is ten times stronger than that of the outside world, even the imperial palace may not be able to match it.

  It is crystal clear without any impurities.

  In the middle of Lingquan, at the bottom of the lake, lies a bead quietly, golden in color, only the size of an egg, exuding the power of time and space, devouring the rich aura of heaven and earth around it, and nourishing itself.

Zhang Ronghua made a move, grabbed it from the air, and a huge suction force erupted from the palm of his hand. He grabbed it, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. Apart from emitting a little power of time and space, there was nothing magical about it, and no vision came out. , It’s not as grand as when the Dragon Emperor Tianlei Sword transformed into a half-step fortune-telling treasure, frowning: “Is it fake?”

   "No!" Yang Hongling shook his head and told what he knew.

   "Grandpa said that no matter whether it is the Lingbao of Good Fortune or the Spirit of Law, it has not been conceived, and it cannot be seen from the outside, let alone its power. Only when it is born can it use all its power."

  Zhang Ronghua showed helplessness: "So, after spending so much effort, the treasures obtained can only be seen but not used?"

   "It's cheap and good-looking! When this law spirit treasure is conceived, with your background, few people can stop it."

   Yang Hongling didn't ask about his many secrets, such as the Dragon Emperor's Heavenly Thunder Sword, Earth Dungeon, etc. When liking someone, besides believing in him, he also needs to leave a proper space.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "If you want it to be born quickly, it seems that you have to add elixir and elixir to the spiritual spring for it to absorb."

   "This is a good way."

   Flick with your fingers.

  The golden bead fell into the Lingquan again, and with a wave of his sleeve, Zhang Ronghua used his supernatural powers to take away the entire Lingquan, and then dismantled the hidden formation of heaven and put it away.

  Take out the soul-destroyer gourd and release the soul of Time Treasure Mouse.

  Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, except for the Law Lingbao and the Heaven Rank Formation, his thoughts turned, and the mouse had already guessed it, but he had a question: "Is she a god?"


   "Hiding in Shangqing Mountain?"

   "Could it be possible that I made a special trip to deal with her?"

If not only the soul is left, the cold sweat of Time Treasure Mouse would be terrified. I really didn't expect that there is a terrifying existence hidden here. I am grateful and afraid at the same time, otherwise I would have died a long time ago, let alone survived until now .

  Knowing that Zhang Ronghua will not let him go, he closed his eyes calmly: "Give the mouse a good time!"

   Slash with a wave of your hand, the sword energy falls, kill it!

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Find a place to rest."

   "Okay." Yang Hongling had no objection.

   After a quarter of an hour.

  The two of them stopped at a small stream, completely away from Shangqing Mountain. Hundreds of flowers were in full bloom, filled with rich fragrance, and the scenery was pleasant and intoxicating.

  Yang Hongling said: "I'll make dinner."

Zhang Ronghua responded, clapped his palm on Wulong Yuling's belt, took out two tents, set them up, squatted down, sat casually on the grass, took out the two sumeru bags, and checked the dust-free first. Tianzun's, open it, and in the induction, there are three things inside, a heaven-reaching elixir, a soul skill supernatural power and a batch of gold, a total of ten thousand taels, no more, no less, nothing superfluous.

  A soul master who is imposing and consummated in the King Realm, is he so poor?

  Looking at myself again, the realm is about the same, and the wealth is flowing. Shaking his head, he took out the three things, put the gold into the Wulong Yuling belt, and returned to the capital to hand it over to Zheng Yi for development.

  Looking at the villain in his hand, it is the Tongtian Lingdan, which is different from the True Spirit Wanhua Pill that he took last time. There is an extra line of thunder on his body surface, a turn of the Thunder Tribulation Pill?

The quality of the elixir is as high as the heavenly elixir, and every time it goes through a thunder calamity, it will leave a thunder pattern on the surface, but the elixir is fragile and has no defense at all. It is so difficult to survive the thunder calamity. It was the first time I saw it, no wonder it attracted so many people to **** it.

  Put it on the side at will, covered with sealing charms, you can't even move it, let alone escape, the scent of medicine is also blocked, and you can't spread it.

Check it with your soul skills and supernatural powers, and there are five gold-plated characters written "Magic Dragon Transforming Heaven". Open it and read it carefully. According to the above introduction, the stronger the soul power, the stronger the power of the condensed magic dragon. Where there are gods and ghosts, there are unpredictable abilities.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and said, "It's okay."

Put it away, check the gold god's sumeru bag, in order to reshape the physical body, prepare for a hundred years, all the rare materials collected are exhausted, and there is only a large space left, only "Six Paths Tear the Heaven Demon Claw" and The "Golden Body of the Demon God" are all top supernatural powers from the ancient times.

  Don't look at the battle just now, the effect was mediocre! That's when I met myself and was suppressed in all aspects. If it were someone else, it would be like Wuchen Tianzun, a perfect soul master in the king realm, right? He was not even qualified to let Jinshen perform supernatural powers, so he was killed! If it is cast by him, the power that erupts is much stronger than Golden God.

  To sum up, different people have different cultivation powers, no matter how powerful their supernatural powers are.

Yang Hongling finished dinner, and brought a basin with Kunpeng noodles in it. The last time Kunpeng hadn't finished eating, she put the basin on the ground, took out two sets of bowls and chopsticks, filled a bowl of noodles and handed it over, Zhang Ronghua caught it , filled another bowl to eat by himself, stroked his hair, and asked with a smile: "Is the food below me good?"


   "Is it fragrant?"

  Zhang Ronghua seriously replied: "Fragrant!"

  The superb cooking skills of the four realms are here, they are still real spirits, and the condiments are also made of spiritual things, how can it not be delicious?

  Yang Hongling asked, "Is this all?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   "Poor ghost!"

   "..." Zhang Ronghua was speechless.

   After dinner.

  Yang Hongling packed up and sat down beside him.

  Zhang Ronghua picked up the Tongtian Lingdan, tore off a bit and handed it over: "After taking it, it is enough to go further."

   "The rest is enough for you to break through?"


  Take out the golden body of the demon **** and hand it over, the content has been memorized by him, and he said: "This golden body has extraordinary supernatural powers and has unique features. I will give the old master a lesson or two, and maybe we can quickly create a world of dharma."

   "Okay!" Yang Hongling took it and put it away.

   "You can't chew too much, don't rush to practice, first cultivate your own supernatural powers to a high level, and it's not too late to practice! Before practicing, first improve your physical body, and then you will get twice the result with half the effort."

   "Good!" Yang Hongling responded.

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "I will protect the law for you!"

The two of them entered her tent, Yang Hongling crossed his legs, sat down on the soft bed, and swallowed the Heaven-reaching Spirit Pill in his hand, although it was only a little bit, the power it contained was astonishing. The power formed a storm of pills, whistling and impacting, not daring to delay for a moment, forming seals with both hands, running exercises and supernatural powers to refine, the aura emitted gradually became stronger, and in the end, all the medicinal power was refined, and the body spread The huge voice broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, broke through to the second level of the Heavenly Human Realm, and practiced for a while, and waited until the breath was stable, then ended the cultivation and opened the beautiful eyes.

   "One more step forward."


   "Stop! Compared with you, it's still far behind." Yang Hongling rolled her eyes.

   "I will protect the law for you!"

Zhang Ronghua took out more than half of the remaining Tongtian elixir, opened his mouth to swallow it, and ate it. No matter how violent the medicinal power was, he was overbearingly suppressed as soon as it entered the abdomen, and he couldn't even stir up a wave, and the golden light bloomed. Light up the whole person and make its temperament more charming.

With the delay of time, the huge medicinal power was refined by Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu. As I said just now, the remaining is enough to break through. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed a huge vortex, which was refined as soon as it entered the body, and the cultivation base was stabilized.

   Wait until you stop and feel it carefully. Xuanhuang Zhenyuan has increased seven times, which can support more great supernatural powers to be displayed at the same time. As the realm gets higher, the power of gods and demons is slowly revealed.

  Yang Hongling blinked: "Is this a breakthrough?"

"if not?"

   "When you reach the Ascending Heaven Realm, even with the help of pills, it is very difficult to move forward every step of the way. When you come here, all common sense is broken."

  Zhang Ronghua shrugged: "Talent!"


  Zhang Ronghua continued: "Protect me!"

   "Is the soul master going to break through?"

   "Refining puppets!"

  Standing up from the top of the collapse, Yang Hongling got up after seeing this, led her, performed the earth escape technique, escaped underground again, and stopped at Baizhang.

   With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen golden lights shot down in a row. Zhang Ronghua opened up a space with a diameter of ten feet, and then set up an enchantment to seal it off, preventing the breath from coming out.

  Meeting her puzzled eyes, he took out the Vientiane Treasure Tripod, the Golden God's body, the Dragon Ball for Zhu Jiutian, and the Taiyi God Stone that he had just obtained from the Wulong Yuling belt.

  Looking at this pile of things.

  Yang Hongling's curiosity was aroused, and her long eyelashes twitched: "What kind of puppets do you need to refine these heaven-defying materials?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You will know soon."

  Flipping the palm of the hand, the phoenix divine fire appeared, and the gilt golden flame was burning, and there was a heart-pounding power as it turned.


When it fell down, the flames enveloped it, turning it into Zhang Da, and under the blessing of Xuanhuang Zhenyuan, it burned violently, and instantly heated up the cauldron, and threw Jinshen's body into it. Although it had just condensed, but after her It doesn't matter whether there is a soul or not, and it will not affect the puppet potential of successful refining.

  The printing method changes, controlling the tempering of the phoenix divine fire, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, without sparing a place, erasing all the traces left by her, and then improving, refining impurities, and becoming more pure.

With the delay of time, three and a half hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the sky outside had brightened, a little longer than refining Zheng Yi. Looking at the body of Jinshen purified in the cauldron, he threw the dragon ball into it and smashed it into pieces. Recover its injuries and make it stronger, followed by the Taiyi Divine Stone, a whole altar, three feet three feet, really too many, all refined and integrated into it, improve its physical quality, further transform, and then use heavenly magic Purification of the gods and demons heaven and earth creation technique recorded in .

I don't know how long it took until the ninth turn was successful, and it was all carried down. Zhang Ronghua stopped, put away the Phoenix Divine Fire, and looked at the cauldron again. There was a young woman lying quietly, exquisitely carved, although her eyes were closed, Still can't affect her beauty, Qiong nose is slightly straight, red lips are sexy, skin like jade, jade legs are very long, even and thin, about six feet (1.8 meters), exuding an aura of indifference, judging with Jinshen If the two of them have different auras, even standing in front of her, they wouldn't be able to recognize each other, and they wouldn't even think that this was their own divine body.

   With a wave of her sleeves, she was taken out of the tripod, stood on the ground, and put away the Vientiane Tripod.

  The atmosphere changed, oppressed and heavy, a pair of beautiful eyes full of evil energy stared at him, Zhang Ronghua was stunned, and saw Yang Hongling looking at him unkindly, subconsciously looking at the refined young woman, and slapped her forehead! How could you forget this? Don't wear a thread, isn't this asking for trouble?

   smiled awkwardly: "The Phoenix Divine Fire is too strong, there is no time to dress her, otherwise she will be burned."

  A golden light fell down and turned into a long white dress, which appeared on the puppet.

  Yang Hongling squinted his eyes: "Yes! I can't control the temperature of my own things."

   "!!" Zhang Ronghua was speechless with black lines all over his head.

   Attacked again, another ray of black and yellow true essence struck down her beautiful hair, waist-length, beautiful as nature, knowing that she was a puppet, Yang Hongling was still jealous, and wanted to kick him and vent her anger.

Change the subject.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's still the last step."

   Separated a ray of soul power, penetrated into her eyebrows, and merged with her body. In this way, life and death are in her own hands, and she will never betray her. She will carry out the order thoroughly, and shouted: "Wake up!"

  He opened his eyes leisurely, his beautiful eyes were like peach blossoms, cold as a pool of cold water, without any anger, he took a step forward, knelt on the ground, and saluted respectfully: "I have seen the Lord!"

   Think about it, and give her a name. The puppet refined by Tianshu starts with the word "Zheng", called Zheng Qingyu, and said, "From now on, you will be called Zheng Qingyu."

   "Thank you Lord for giving the name!"

   "Call Master!"


  Zhang Ronghua said: "Go out and talk."

  Leading them out of the ground, they appeared beside the tent, looking at the sky, the sun was shining brightly, and it was already noon. I didn’t expect that it would take so long to refine the real gods and demons.

  Yang Hongling wanted to ask, but felt it was inappropriate. He opened his mouth, but he didn't ask.

   See her like this.

  Zhang Ronghua guessed it, and simply said about Tianshu.

   Finish listening.

  Yang Hongling sighed: "It's good luck."

   Didn't sleep all night, yawned, still hungry.

   "Eat before sleep? Or sleep before eating?"

  Zhang Ronghua said with a smile: "Eat before going to sleep."

   "Okay." Yang Hongling replied.

  Take out the pot and start cooking.

Although I don't know how terrifying Jinshen was at its peak, but just after shaping the physical body, it is so terrifying, and it will not be weak if you think about it. Due to the limitations of heaven, although it cannot be surpassed, it is not bad to be able to reach the previous height. It's a waste to let her practice the exercises.

   Think for a while.

Zhang Ronghua had an idea, and taught the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Kungfu, which was only one step away from the god-devil kungfu, and then taught him the Qingdi Qingtian Kungfu, the three-character secret technique of stepping on the sky, the basalt spirit technique, the golden body of the demon god, and the six-way tearing sky demon claw. She cultivates both martial arts and physical body at the same time, and also uses secret techniques to improve her cultivation and conceal her breath. With her two great supernatural powers, she is enough to deal with all enemies!

  The index finger was raised, and the fingertips were shimmering with golden light. He gathered these martial arts and supernatural powers together, and touched her eyebrows, and then retracted the fingers.

   After about seven or eight breaths, Zheng Qingyu opened his eyes and digested them: "Thank you, Master, for your blessing!"

  Zhang Ronghua took out some medicinal pills for cultivation and threw them over, and ordered: "Go to cultivation!"

  Zheng Qingyu took the order, walked to the side and stopped, sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a elixir and took it, and began to practice the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Kung...

  Yang Hongling came over, carrying six dishes, and two bowls of Kunpeng noodles, stopped at the side, put it on the ground, and handed Slender a bowl: "The conditions are poor and we can make do."

   "Already good."

   After taking the noodles, Zhang Ronghua started to eat.

  Yang Hongling asked: "Really let her be your maid?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

"With the improvement of status and status, it is always inconvenient for Shi Bo to be the only one in Nuo Da's house. There are so many secrets in him, outsiders are worried about using it, and the prince has already opened his mouth three times, wanting to give Shuang'er to him. I, being able to block it temporarily is not a long-term solution, with her here, I can avoid many troubles."

  Yang Hongling frowned, and said unhappily: "What does he want to do? Let Shuang'er be a concubine? Then spy on him?"

   "Who can say for sure!"

   "Where are Ma Ning and Ma Jing?"

  Zhang Ronghua took a bite of the noodles, and continued: "Mother is training. After she is ready, Zheng Qingyu will be trained. They will not be allowed to enter the mansion until they pass the test. At that time, three maids, no matter how high their status is, will be enough."

Yang Hongling nodded, stopped talking, concentrated on pulling the noodles, moved the chopsticks occasionally, and ate a piece of meat. Seeing that the meal was about to be finished, he suddenly thought of something, raised his head, and beautiful jewel-like eyes fell on him , with scrutiny, asked meaningfully: "You have refined her so beautifully, she has an excellent temperament, and her figure is also good. She is no worse than Jinshen. You don't think you want to do bad things, do you?"

   19,000 words burst!

   There is really no water, no water at all! Little Octopus is guaranteed by personality.

   Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, say the important things three times, please brothers and sisters.

   Ask for further reading and support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)