MTL - Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband-v3 Chapter 2819 rest well

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? "Wang Yi is estimated to be tired recently, and appendicitis has recurred. Now he is performing an operation to remove the appendix in the operating room! Don't worry, it's just a minor operation!"

Appendicitis surgery? Of course Fang Yuanyuan knew that it was just a minor operation, but there was no one around Wang Yi to take care of him. After all, Aunt Wang was too old and she was still sick. How to take care of Wang Yi who had the operation?

Hearing Wang Yi had the operation, Fang Yuanyuan couldn't sit still. o After hanging up the phone, she ran to Yi Feng and hurriedly knocked on Yi Feng's door.

Seeing her anxious, Yi Feng asked concerned: "Sister Yuanyuan, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yi Feng, Wang Yi is currently undergoing surgery. I think I will fly to Nanling State now. I should be able to catch up. Can you arrange it for me!" Fang Yuanyuan knew that Yi Feng's family had a private jet. If she ran away now It would take a long time to buy a ticket at the airport, so I might as well take Yi Feng’s private jet directly.

Hearing that Wang Yi's brother had undergone an operation, Yi Feng also expressed concern. It was not until Yuanyuan said that it was just an ordinary appendix surgery, and Yi Feng was relieved.

Care is chaos! Sister Yuanyuan must have cared too much about Wang Yi's brother, so she was so nervous about a simple minor operation.

"Sister Yuanyuan, I will arrange a private jet right away. My brother and I will fly back with you to see Brother Wang Yi!"

"No! It's just appendic surgery, I'll go back alone! You can handle the matter here first, and I will let Wang Yi video with you!" Yuanyuan calmed down and felt that she was a little fussed, and Aunt Wang said it herself. It was a minor operation, and she was worried here, she couldn't help it, but she could fly back to have a look. But if Yi Long and Yi Feng were dispatched again, it would be a bit too fussy! After all, they are still two children, and flying back and forth is also very tiring.

Yi Feng told Yi Long about the incident, and Yi Long soon prepared a private jet to take Yuanyuan to the airport, and did not forget to bring the prepared supplements from the trunk of the car to brother Wang Yi.

"Sister Yuanyuan, I will send you all your luggage!" Fang Yuanyuan's luggage is too late to pack, but now it's easy to send it by post. When I get back, Yi Feng will pack up Sister Yuanyuan's luggage. o

"Okay, trouble you!" Fang Yuanyuan is no longer in any mood now, thinking about Wang Yi on the operating table, desperate.

Although it was just a minor operation for appendicitis, there were many surgical errors, and some people died on the operating table! What if Wang Yi also had an accident!

Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly got off the plane and ran to the hospital in a hurry.

On the hospital side, Wang Yi has already come out of the operating room. His appendicitis is acute. At this moment, the anesthetic has not passed, and the whole person is groggy.

Wang Minrui didn't expect Fang Yuanyuan to rush over. Didn't Wang Yi say that she was still abroad? Why did she come back after answering the phone?

"Aunt Wang, how is Wang Yi with him?" Fang Yuanyuan didn't pay attention to herself. She was too anxious just now, and she cried a little when she spoke.

"The operation was very successful! Yuanyuan, don't worry! Now, after the anesthetic is over, Wang Yi will be able to wake up."

Wang Minrui has experienced life and death herself, and she is also bearish on these.

Fang Yuanyuan patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief, but she was scared to death!

Although she left in a hurry, she still brought back the clothes given to Aunt Wang and Wang Yi.

"Aunt Wang, this is my gift to you!"

Wang Minrui didn't expect Fang Yuanyuan to come back in such a hurry and bring her a gift. She is still sitting in a wheelchair, still wearing

Patient gown. Seeing Fang Yuanyuan's bag of clothes, she became interested.

Fang Yuanyuan took out the clothes she bought for Aunt Wang from the bag and showed it to Wang Minrui.

"What a beautiful dress!" The clothes in Wang Minrui's closet are all styles bought a few years ago. Fang Yuanyuan brings the latest styles, so Wang Minrui finds them good-looking.

Fang Yuanyuan shook his head, and passed the clothes on her hand to Wang Minrui, "I bought this for Wang Yi, Aunt Wang, take a look!"

Wang Minrui smiled like a flower. She happily opened the clothes in the bag, and a black suit appeared in front of her for the first time. It feels comfortable and has high-quality fabrics. It is very expensive at first glance. o


Under the effect of the anesthetic, Wang Yi actually called out the name "Fang Yuanyuan", and Fang Yuanyuan's face turned red again.

Wang Minrui was very satisfied. This stupid boy of her own is finally about to get rid of it!

"Yuanyuan, since you are here, don't stand stupidly. Sit here for a while and wait for Wang Yi to wake up!"

This is the ward. Wang Minrui was inconvenient to greet Fang Yuanyuan, so she only let her rest aside, while she went to the sink and washed a fruit.

Older people always feel that the fruit is delicious and nutritious, and Wang Minrui is no exception. She handed the big fruit in her hand to Fang Yuanyuan's hands and asked her to eat a fruit for nourishment.

Fang Yuanyuan has never liked eating fruits. Thinking of fruits, her mouth becomes sour, not to mention that there are still fruits without peeling.

But this fruit was handed over by Wang Minrui, and Fang Yuanyuan certainly wouldn't refuse. She was hesitating where to get a fruit knife to peel, and Wang Yi on the hospital bed woke up.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here!" He woke up and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Wang Minrui and Fang Yuanyuan.

He was not shocked at all when he saw Wang Minrui, because he was in his mother's ward when he fell ill. It was Wang Minrui who called the doctor to drag him into the emergency room.

But Fang Yuanyuan is different. Shouldn't she be with Yi Long and Yi Feng in Tianqi Kingdom? Why are you back again!

"It's fine if you wake up, I'll go for a review!"

Wang Minrui is more discerning. In this situation, if she still stays here, isn't it a delay, she has to give these two people some time to be alone.

Although appendix surgery is a minor operation, after all, it hurts vitality with a knife. Wang Yixiang supported himself to get up, but found that it was just a futile effort.

After a few attempts, the wound started to hurt. His hand covered the wound, and the pain continued to hit.

"You quickly lie down and rest!" Fang Yuanyuan saw his lips turn pale, knowing that he was hurting his vitality. "Is there anything I want to eat? I'll buy it!"

The nurse who came to hang the water immediately dissuaded him: "Don't give him food first, you have to wait for him to fart and breathe before he can eat!"

"Puff!" Fang Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect to have a minor operation and would have to wait for fart to eat.

If you don’t fart, will you never be able to eat?

Wang Yi also felt a little embarrassed. The two of them didn't know what to say to stagger the topic.

Qin family.

Qin He closed the shop and went home as usual that day, preparing to cook dinner. Early in the morning, Qin Sihai took the initiative to invite him to buy groceries. Unexpectedly, when Qin He returned home, the kitchen was still empty.

Qin Sihai didn’t see anyone for a long time. Qin He thought it was Qin Sihai who was busy at the martial arts hall, so he went to the vegetable market to buy it.


Unexpectedly, Qin Chaojie and Qin Xinyu were all over from school, and Qin He's dinner was ready, but Qin Sihai still did not come back.

Qin He made a call to go to the Sun Family Martial Arts Hall. He didn't expect that the people in the Sun Family Martial Arts Hall would also find Qin Sihai one day today. Qin Sihai never went to the Martial Hall to work.

Where will Qin Sihai go?

Since he came back, he has left the Sun Family Martial Arts Hall and his home, and other places will report it! Qin He tried to call Qin Sihai's cell phone several times, but no one answered it. Qin Sihai seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

"Mom, did Dad leave again?" You may get used to it without the love of the father, but the feeling of being lost and regained is so happy and beautiful. Qin Xinyu is immersed in it and can't help himself! Now Dad left them again, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

"No!" Qin He firmly believes that Qin Sihai will not leave for no reason. They were fine last night, looking forward to their future life. He also said that he was going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and he had even discussed what to buy, so how could he suddenly leave without saying goodbye!

No, it's not something happened, right?

"Chaojie, call Yi Long and ask him to help!" Qin He wanted to call the police, but Qin Sihai was missing for less than 24 hours, so the police should not accept it!

Qin Chaojie nodded obediently. Deep down in his heart, he also felt that Qin Sihai would not just leave home like this. When he came back this time, Qin Chaojie clearly felt that Qin Sihai was trying to be a good father. He hadn't fully recognized him yet, how could he just leave like this!

"Yi Long."

Qin Chaojie's voice was suppressed and low, Yi Long suddenly heard something wrong in his voice, and asked him aloud: "What happened?"

"My father is missing!"

Although Qin Chaojie's tone was calm, his words kept shaking uncontrollably.

Yi Long can hear that Qin Chaojie is very worried and nervous.

"I'll check it for you right away!" Yi Long is not worried if other people are missing, but Qin Sihai has a special status. If he is missing, it is really possible that something happened!

In the Qin family, Qin He was completely messed up. The happy days in the past few days turned out to be just one dream after another. She couldn't control her emotions and hid her face in front of Qin Chaojie and Qin Xinyu and wept bitterly.

Qin Xinyu saw that her always strong mother was crying, and he couldn't help crying with her mother. Qin Chaojie didn't know who to comfort him!

"I'm just going out, why are you crying like this one by one!" Qin Sihai stepped into the house when he heard crying and couldn't help complaining.

"The Four Seas?"

Qin He raised his head in disbelief when he heard Qin Sihai's voice, and Qin Xinyu followed his mother and raised his head.

At the door, a real person was standing at the door, looking at that figure, who was it if it wasn't Qin Sihai!

"Sihai, where have you been, you won't answer the phone if you call!"

Qin Sihai looked apologetic, "The necklace I customized for you has arrived. I ran to get it. I got off the wrong bus and walked for a long time in vain! The phone is dead!"

Qin Sihai took out his cell phone and showed it to everyone, it turned out to be black and out of power.

"What about the necklace!" Qin He choked open his hand and asked Qin Sihai for a necklace. Qin Sihai took out a chain from the inner pocket of his clothes and handed it to Qin He, a little aggrieved: "I haven't had time to buy a box!"