MTL - Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband-Chapter 42 Loved ones, outsiders, lovers

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Yin Jingyao made a paragraph and let Xia Ning put it on the stage. Baidu.. Book title + Beech makes Xia Ning in a position of embarrassment.

The contradiction between the wife and the mother has always been the most common and important contradiction in society.

Xia Ning is in the dark, intends to leave, do not want to talk to Yin Jingyao.

Like knowing what she wants, Yi Yunrui holds her hand, and her cold face looks like a smile, to Yin Jingyao.. "You are at

Ask me how to be a son of man, how to be a husband and wife? ”

"I..." Yin Jingyao shook his head quickly. "I don't mean this."

"Even if I did not do anything in a certain way, it is a family matter of Yijia. What is Miss Yin coming to me today?"

What about the matter here? ”

"I just……"

"My principle of Yi Yunrui doing things is that people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes." Yi Yunrui doubles and condenses, one word and one word.. "Yin Jing

Haruka, what you do to Xiao Ning, I am clear. I hope that you will be self-respecting in the future, otherwise, don’t blame me for Yi Yunrui’s work.

! ”

Yin Jingyao had a cold heart and his face was slightly white. She knew that Yi Yunrui’s words were to sue her. She is not reconciled, but now

It’s not a time to play temper.

"Sorry, my tone is a bit heavy." Yin Jingyao bowed his head and escaped the eyes of Yi Yunrui's review. "I still have some things to go."

Well, this is the first thing. ”

After the words, Yin Jingyao picked up the famous handbag and turned and walked out the door.

Looking at Yin Jingyao is almost the body shape that came out of the door. Although Xia Ning’s heart is deflated, her intuition is somewhat inappropriate.. “Rui, she is good to follow you.

I have known for eight years and I am a girl. Is it too straightforward to talk like this? ”

Looking at Xia Ning, Yi Yunrui’s eyes are gentle and gentle. "Isn’t she doing something directly to you? Xiao Ning, don’t think too much, there is

If something matters, my husband will help you. ”

Xia Ning's face was red, and he didn't open his face. "This, I will go to the dishes first..."

"No, you are in poor health, take a rest first." Said, Yi Yunrui actually picked up the dishes.

Looking at ‘hardworking’ Yi Yunrui, Xia Ning was stunned. Yi Yunrui is a military commander, let the military commander clean the house...

"Reassured, I have been in the cooking class, don't be afraid that I will marry your bowl."

Before entering the kitchen, Yi Yunrui threw such a sentence.

Xia Ning only feels that the wind is messy...

Anecdote class...

"Xiaoyao, have you found the woman?" Seeing Yin Jingyao coming back, Zheng Yao took her hand and asked anxiously.

Sitting on the side of Zheng Yu and Xiao Tingting quickly sat over.

Yin Jingyao nodded.. "Found it."

"What does she say?"

Yin Jingyao slowed down, a little bit of talk and stop.

Zheng Yao frowned.. "Not afraid, what she said, you can just say it. What happened, Auntie for you!"

Yin Jingyao sighed softly.. "Auntie, I can't move the big brother. He is very protective of this woman."

Yes, very protective. From the moment she walked out of the summer house, she knew that Yi Yunrui would no longer treat her like she used to.

She is not reconciled, she is jealous, she envy, she hates!

But there is nothing to do.

Yin Jingyao's words made Zheng Yao's face change, and he took a lot of pictures. "I am mad at me, I really want to see what she has."

I dare to swear like this! ”

See Zheng Yao really fire, Zheng Yu and Xiao Tingting looked at each other, Xiao Tingting slightly sneaked, Zheng Yu patted Zheng Yao's back.. "Sister, first

calm down……"

"What kind of gas! I can't swallow this breath!" Zheng Yao slammed back in a sentence.. "Xiaoyao, give me a coat, wait for you to bring

Road, let me go to the meeting this little goblin! ”

Yin Jingyao sighed and was about to leave. Then there was a carousel outside the door and a black Audi drove in.

Father is easy to show back.

I patted the clothes on my body, and I easily walked in. When I was about to open, I saw the situation in the hall and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" This sentence, Yi Xian asked all people. But only looked at Zheng Yao.


"Great coward."

Zheng Yu and Xiao Tingting screamed and looked at Zheng Yao, not afraid to have more mouthfuls.

"It's all good things that Xia Ning that Xiao Nizi did!" Zheng Yao said a word, his face was slightly flushed.

"The old general," Yin Jingyao continued. "Auntie is condensed by the summer, and these days a few things have come out in the summer. Easy Big Brother Station

On the side of Xia Ning, so Auntie is very angry..."

"I know." Yi Xian interrupted Yin Jingyao's words. His expression was as gentle and elegant as he used to be. He spoke to Yin Jingyao more.

A cold desert.. "Quan Yao, Xiao Ning is the wife of Yun Rui, hurting his wife is a matter of righteousness. I also know about Xiao Ning,

You don't need to worry about the things of Yijia. ”

Said, Yi Xian said to Jiang Dahai behind him. "The weather is not too early, send it back and go. Be careful on the road."

"Yes, the head!"

Yi Xian's face with a touch of far but near, like a near but far smile, quietly watching Yin Jingyao.

Under the general, the general is the order of the passengers!

Yin Jingyao looked sad and stunned. Some grievances nodded.

"Show, Jingyao is this..." Zheng Yao wants to say something for Yin Jingyao, the eyes that the husband sees, the words on his mouth, the birth

Swallow back in your stomach.

If it is not when it comes to business, Yi Xian is a very easygoing person. But she knows her husband, who decided what to stop

It is. Besides, it seems that there is still more in the eyes of the husband.

She does not understand.

"Auntie, I am leaving, I will come to see you when I have time." Seeing the situation is wrong, Yin Jing is far away from knowing.

On the car, Yin Jingyao did not say anything. After the car was launched, it suddenly seemed like a thought. "Troublely send me to a place...


I don't know when she became an outsider in the eyes of the people in the house. She was the most promising woman to marry Yi Yunrui.

But just today, she understands the fact that everything is just her infatuation.

Looking at his own reflection in the window, Yin Jingyao bit his teeth, and his charming eyes are bitter.

Xia Ning, this woman has destroyed all her beautiful future. This woman stole her most beloved man!

Xia Ning, waiting for you, I want you to pay the price!

I will let you take the initiative to leave Yi Yunrui!

After Yin Jingyao left, Yi Xian turned to look at Zheng Hao and Xiao Tingting who were sitting next to their wives, and coughed a bit.. "Auntie, Ting

Ting, actually, this evening, I have prepared some special programs for Yao. Can two of them..."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zheng immediately noticed and smiled. "Good, we understand. Sister, you see your brother-in-law hurts you a lot."

I still have this mind when I am old. I am so envious, well, I will not bother you with Tingting. Tingting, go home. ”

After that, Zheng Zheng pulled up Xiao Tingting's hand and left in a hurry.

In the hall, only Yi Xian and Zheng Yao are left.

"Why are you going to drive them away? Do you want to talk to that woman?" Zheng Yao is not happy.

Yi Xian went to Zheng Yao and took a sigh of relief. "I am not coming to help anyone. To say that it is really partial, I am sure to protect you."

You are my dearest wife. ”

Zheng Yao’s heart was warm and his tone slowed down a bit. “What do you mean by calling them away?”

"Ayao, the so-called ugly can not be promoted. I know that you like Jingyao, but after all, Yunrui is married, how to say, Jingyao

They are all outsiders. For your own son, your own daughter-in-law, how to teach you how to close the door, but don't let people laugh. ”

Yi Xian said that the situation is reasonable, Zheng Yao thinks about it, but the heart of the heart has been condensed.. "Yes, you are right. But Yun Rui

With such a woman, the arrogance was so arrogant that he even bullied Tingting’s head and did not put my mother-in-law in her eyes. You said

What can I do later..."

"In my opinion, things are not as simple as they seem." Yi Xian puts on the hand. "You said that Xia Ning bullied Tingting, but

As far as I know, this is not the case. ”

Zheng Yao doubts.. "What do you mean?"

"Yun Yi Xiaozi gave me a call yesterday and told me something. Yun Yi said about the interview with Li Dezheng of the Li Group.

Tingting did some hands and feet. Put a summer coagulation, and I plan to let Xia Ning back this black pot. This happened to be hit by Yun Rui, now things

The feelings are relatively big, Yunrui is burning. ”

Zheng Yao was so surprised that he opened his mouth and couldn’t speak for a while.

what? Is this all that Tingting came up with?

"Is this really fake? Why is Tingting doing this?"

Yi Xian suddenly said nothing, like laughing and laughing at his wife.

"How... what's wrong. What do you think I do?"

"Yao, have you complained about Xia Ning in front of Tingting?"

Zheng Yao’s glimpse, this is the case...


All of a sudden, Zheng Yao understood it, and passed through a sigh of relief in his heart, but he still did not admit defeat. "Yes, I said Xia Ning.

But about the report of Xia Ning, is definitely not a hole in the wind? Zheng Yao is not the kind of snobbery. I am married to Yi’s family. At the very least, it’s a

Clear white house..."

"I said Ayao," Yi Xian took her hand and put it on her lap. "No, just before the truth, don't just

People make a conclusion. I am not very clear about Xiao Ning, but Yun Rui is our son. What character is most clear to you. Yun Ruixi

Happy people, naturally have the truth he likes. For the rest of our lives, try to give the children some tolerance, let the children solve it themselves.

. We will not mix it. ”

Zheng Yao is silent, as if thinking about something.

"According to what I said," Yi Xian lightly coughed a few times. "Ayao, you see that I have been beaten for most of my life, and the pain of my body is also quite a lot.

The children have grown up, we don't have to worry so much. If you really have to worry about it, it’s better to worry about your husband. Hey, this body can be

It’s getting more and more out of use..."

Said, Yi Xian coughed a few times. When Zheng Yao smiled and a powder punched in the past, there was a bit more heartache in the discourse.

Love, the commander of the People’s Liberation Army, how can it be so weak? Well, I am listening to you! Yes, I stewed the soup, you sit first

I will come to you.