MTL - Heroes of Marvel-v2 Chapter 1284 influences

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Originally, Tony called Eddie not only to sit on some simple observations and understand his current physical data. Tony is trying to study the venom of the entire ethnic group and humans through the harmonious symbiotic relationship between Eddie and Venom. The effect is some other relationship.

After all, their E-class air and space warships have been out for a few days, and this time is approaching the coordinates given by the venom. In other words, if it is successful, Tony will soon bring back millions or more of the same family of organisms that are as strong as or more powerful than the venom. Then, as the only symbiosis known on earth today, Eddie's research value is naturally great.

"So, let's go ahead." Tony continued to speak as Eddie was silent.

Eddy: "..."

Scientists are really the most terrible existence!

Then, Tony took Eddie to a laboratory next door with more high-tech instruments. In a sealed place deep in the laboratory, Tony's venom sealed in a near-space environment has been here for several months.

However, when Eddie walked into the lab, there was no light in the light, and there was no energy and air in the enclosed space. The "venom" that seemed to completely lose its vitality suddenly became invisible. A bit, then no more movements.

Just after Eddie walked into the lab, Tony's brows did not pick the pick. Because Jarvis just said two words in his ear. Jarvis and Tony have also verified some of Tony's conjectures, which is a small test he took with Eddie to the lab.

"It seems that even in an absolute vacuum or in a space environment, the venom can still be sensed or communicated with each other in some way!" While carrying Eddie to the center of the lab, Tony also Thinking silently in my heart.

Although the "venom" that was sealed in the deepest part of the lab was very small, Tony had come in with Eddie to test the idea of ​​the connection between them. Therefore, Jarvis naturally carefully stared at the "venom" throughout the process, and it was impossible to escape Jarvis's monitoring in minor changes.

Moreover, the environment in which Tony sealed up the "venom" is what he can do without providing a source of external energy to the venom. Of course, if "venom" can be swallowed by super-strong alloys, then Tony can't do anything. This environment should be more severe than real space. After all, there is still sunlight and a lot of ray energy in space.

"However, now that there is a suitable symbiotic earth person, if the real venom in his body is willing to cooperate, perhaps the study of "venom" will have a great breakthrough." squinting and sweeping his face also appeared. A little change, Eddie, Tony has begun planning how to conduct his own experiments, he has to dig more value from Eddie and venom.


In the quiet lab, only Tony and Eddie slowly progressed, and Tony and Eddie were thinking about their own things. And Tony thought that the next study was different, and Eddie’s mind was already a rough sea.

"Damn! Venom, what's wrong with you?!"

From the moment Eddie followed Tony into the lab, the venom that had been in normal chat with Eddie in his head was like a mental disorder that constantly released the chaotic spirit that Eddie could not understand. Under the impact of these chaotic and powerful spirits, Eddie's mind is also chaotic, and his own consciousness is not so stable.

Try to keep your surface calm, and the eyes of Eddie's eyes are gradually showing a hint of black light. At this moment, Eddie has been unable to communicate properly with the venom. Or, the situation of the venom at this time can't adjust the "brain wave" of Tony to the point of communicating with Eddie.

Under the impact of the venom chaos mentality, Eddie is almost unable to continue to control his body. The blackness in the depths of the eye is gradually deepening. It is foreseeable that he will soon be suppressed by the venom consciousness and lose control of the body.

However, just as the black light of Eddie's eyes became more and more obvious, and when the pupil was about to be completely filled, Tony walked in front of him and looked at him slightly. Then, I saw Tony whispered something. Eddie can only see Tony's mouth moving twice, but he has not heard what he said.


And just as Eddie’s line of sight was about to be filled with black, there was a burst of high-frequency sound waves from all over the precisely aligned under the control of Jarvis Eddie.


In the next moment when the high-frequency sound waves hit Eddie, a black venom tentacles exploded from his body, and a cry of similar countless mice was issued. At this time, Eddie is like being controlled by venom, in a violent transformation stage.

"Eddie, can you still control it? If you can't, can I help?" After the high-frequency sound wave forced out the venom, Tony was still standing in front of Eddie, and then calmly asked.

At this time, Eddie resumed listening again. Moreover, he also understood his situation at this time. Because the venom consciousness in his mind has once again communicated with him.

"Eddie! Don't let him help!... I have recovered! I was just influenced by another family!" In the attack of high-frequency sound waves, I resisted violently, but the consciousness of venom was intermittent but very frightened and Idi shouted. Road.

"Are you sure? Because I just felt that I was about to be swallowed up by you! I think that you may have been lying to me all the time. What is the principle of peaceful coexistence, if my consciousness is completely suppressed, is it that I become Your embarrassment?" Did not pay attention to the horror of the venom, Eddie calmly asked.

Nearly a month of getting along, Eddie thinks it is good with the toxic liquid. And after seeing the power of the SHIELD and other mysterious powers in the world, the venom's careful thoughts have converged. But just now, the violent state of the venom still scared Eddie.

"No! I didn't want to devour you at all! Eddie, I really was influenced by another family! This guy has enough means to destroy me, I won't do that!"