MTL - Here Comes The Lady Chef-Chapter 453 1 strand of cooking smoke until the flower blooms

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The kitchen lady is here. "Xiao'an, stabbing people." Ren Yue was not ill, and gave a lightly command.

When he saw Dun again, he was awake, followed closely behind Ren Yue, and bowed his head without saying a word. The two were waiting at the gate of the palace.

"Remember what I said to you?" Ren Yue leaned slightly and explained.

That's okay. Once you open the pier, it looks like a sheepskin raft pierced by a silver needle.

While embracing Ren Yue's thigh hardly begging, he shrank back down.

"Gong, slaves ... slaves really can't ... just in case in front of the emperor ... slaves can only have one head!"

"Oh, what are you afraid of! What you want is not yours!" Ren Yue smiled softly and lightly, and straightened her back with cold hair!

"Gong, you ... you'll spare the minions ... there are more chefs who can't cook in this world ... why are you ..." Dun hasn't finished a sentence, and Ren Yue has stretched his hands to the sleeves , A pier that collapsed to the ground and stunned.

"His!" A painful **** se appeared on Dun's face.

"Honest! If you listen to me, you will be safe and rewarded; if you don't listen to me, hum, I will just drop you in the palace and be in prison!" Ren Yue slowly approached the pier At my ear, the sound was low, but the pier was clear and clear.

After saying a word, Dun did not know whether it was scared or scared. The whole person became a wooden man! Cover your crotch tightly with your hands, for fear that this trip to the palace would be missing something.

"Renggong!" As he said, Wen Ting walked over and followed him with a spirited figure. Don't guess, it's his sister's gentleness!

Want to come, the palace people also told Wen Ting things in the palace, just gentle and gentle Wen Shouzheng are all at home, it goes without saying that gentleness is a close-fitting chef of Wen Ting!

Anyway, the palace people just let each person in the first list bring a chef, but did not say that the chef cannot bring it!

"You're here." Ren Yue passed Wen Ting, and greeted the gentleness behind Wen Ting elegantly. For some reason, the gentle-looking father-in-law was so embarrassed to see the familiar kitchen lady today.

"Well, my brother entered the palace for the first time, and I followed, and Xu was able to help." Gentle and lack of confidence answered, she was guilty! When Fang Caiyi ranked first on the street, Lingxi had sneaked out of the palace and explained to her everything that would happen next.

Princess Yunluo didn't know what method was used. Xu shook off Liu Heng's arms and dazzled his eyes, so she could only agree to her idea!

What does it mean "people take food as the sky!" Let everyone in this year's list be brought to the kitchen to be tested by the palace!

Tan Changyi, who arrived at the flower shop, arrived on time later, with the same incomprehensible look, waiting at the gate of the palace with a slick kitchen chef.

A small-eyed little prisoner came to pick up, and when he saw that he was busy subconsciously covering his crotch with his hands again, he muttered intently: "I will follow the wishes of the public, I will not change prison!"

Walking through the palace that entered and exited a few times, bypassing the tortuous martyrdom, a list of chefs with their "helpful" kitchen helpers, stood side by side in the hall of assessment.

At this moment, there was a solemn presence in the hall. Whether it was a prisoner or a maid, all of them stood upright without even daring to breathe.

Just then.

"The emperor is here! Princess Yunluo is here!" A long announcement made all the people in the hall kneel down.

It was saluting again, and a gimmick, a mess of hula.

"Let's be flat!" Liu Hengduan sat on the hall, Princess Yunluo sat elegantly on the side.

Even when Wen Ting took part in the hall test, he also visited the hall! When the emperor Liu Heng of Da Zhou stood by his side for a while, but revisited now and then, Wen Ting was inexplicably nervous.

Oh, who is to blame? Who made him vowed to marry a princess!

Now, his emperor and his husband sit on the hall. How could he not be nervous, such a prospective son-in-law!

For the first time, Wen Ting felt that finding a royal family to be his in-laws was so much suffering!

If the girl of the ordinary family, Ren Laozhangren sits in the hall, his prospective son-in-law will not stand so tremblingly in the hall, it will surely be a chapter and show his style.

However, the ideal is beautiful, and the reality is cruel. Who asked him to provoke the princess first, and then said with a word of mouth that he was going to marry the princess, and in the end he begged to betray and say what to do?

Ugh! Now knowing that this extra test is designed by Princess Heart, even if her own sister of the Royal Chef is gentle beside her, Wen Ting feels that her back is sweating coldly!

Hehe, the emperor and the husband pick the son-in-law! Who knows if it can be done!

"A rare list is here today, and I will come and test you one or two with the princess! The old saying is good, the people take food as the sky. Although you are the former top of high school, you ca n’t just make a chapter on paper! No matter how much it is, you must have hands-on ability and benevolence! "Liu Heng said at this point, paused slightly, and looked sharply at the candidate who was standing by His Highness.

"Today ’s test, although you have to take the test after the temple test, you do n’t have to worry about keeping it in your heart. If you cooperate well with your chef and you have a good test, you can be the pony of Princess Yunji in one fell swoop. After all, there is only one princess. The other two were unfortunately unsuccessful, so do n’t worry about it. After all, today ’s additional test is just to prepare for the princess to choose a horse. There is no other purpose! ”Liu Hengci smiled with a good eyebrow.

"Father Emperor, look at you. If you say it again, the following list should be even more nervous!" Princess Yunji clearly noticed that His Highness Wen Ting's forehead was sweating slightly.

"Okay! I don't say, I step back and let Yunyu choose for himself! Let Yunyu come to ask the question in person, how about it?" Liu Hengyu had to laugh.

"Okay! The princess will not be my benevolent person!" Princess Yunji was also very polite ~ ~ stood up like a butterfly, slowly walked in front of the top one, and said with a smile of tenacity: The princesses have just recovered from their serious illness. Now, please take your own chef and make a bowl of soup for this princess! "

Having said that, Princess Yunji's eyes gently stopped between Wen Ting and gentle brothers and sisters, and she knew her heart gently, and nodded to Princess Yunyunji slightly.

"A bowl of soup!" Dun chuckled, secretly in his heart, so simple!

"For half an hour, each of you can present a bowl of soup to this princess! You can turn to your chef for help!" Said Princess Yunji, swinging her skirt leisurely, like a spirit bird leaping quietly. , Quietly went to Liu Heng.

Not long after, the palace people brought a variety of ingredients and kitchen utensils, divided into different places, placed on the main hall!


(Domineering Rong again robbery ~ robbery of all tickets and subscriptions ~ Hey, last month, everyone has to give Rong Rong more motivation ~ for all support o (n_n) o ~ ~) r1152 Kitchen Mother is coming ( )