MTL - Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace-Chapter 928 I don't like it or give it to you

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   Chapter 928 If I like it, I won't give it to you

  Li Hongyuan was staring at a map. After a while, he raised his head and said, "If you want to make trouble with Master Commandment, you have to stop in moderation. A dog will jump over the wall if he is in a hurry."

"how do you know?"

   "If you ask me about a monk, it's not because you want to worship him as a teacher to go to the Buddha." Li Hongyuan said indifferently, "After all, you are a person who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall without anything."

   "Cough, I'm too utilitarian in your heart."

"Let's go as soon as you get it. I'm very busy here. I don't have time to greet you." Li Hongyuan lowered his head again to study the map. From Jiang Ning's point of view, he could vaguely recognize that it was a detailed map of the intersection of Xinluo and Rouran. Marking mountain trends, lakes and rivers.

   This map is more detailed than the one Jiang Yi gave to Jiang Ning.

   In this age without satellites, it is very difficult to draw an accurate and detailed map.

   Very few people can get such a map.

  Jiang Ning couldn't help but take a few more glances.

   "Like?" Li Hongyuan glanced at her.

   "I like it." In front of him, Jiang Ning has always expressed his mind directly, never twitching or refusing.

   "I won't give it to you if I like it." Li Hongyuan said.


   Then you ask about wool.

  Jiang Ning said angrily, "Look slowly, I'm leaving."

  Li Hongyuan said: "Remember my words, enough is enough."


  Jiang Ning took the note and left quickly.

  Li Hongyuan shook his head.

   He knew that her promise never counted.

   The words "okay" and "understood" in her mouth just came out naturally, in order to perfunctory what others said.

   If anyone thought she agreed, she really agreed.

   Then he will definitely suffer a lot from her.

   Because she herself never takes her promises seriously.

  Li Hongyuan often thinks that she is weird. It seems that the secular benevolence and morality cannot restrain her at all. She has her own set of rules for doing things.

  Some things that others find completely unbearable, but she doesn't take it seriously.

   For example, a concubine in the East Palace has always been in control of the affairs of the East Palace, and even the princess's food and clothing must be received from her.

   This is unimaginable in the eyes of other main rooms.

  Jiang Ning didn't care at all, and even took the initiative to ask Concubine Li to help manage things.

   Even now, when Li Yuanyuan was seriously injured and could only move with crutches, Jiang Ning never said anything about taking back his power.

   still let her take care of things.

   At the same time, it's really scary for her to be stubborn about things that others don't think are important at all.

   For example, her preference for shoes.

  Clothes are not important, she can wear an ordinary cotton skirt comfortably, but the requirements for shoes are extremely strict.

   A little bit of inconvenience is not enough.

  Li Hongyuan is convinced that she is the person who owns the most shoes, especially luxury shoes, in Dasheng.

  Shoes are just trivial matters, another example is the death of Concubine Jin.

  To this day, most people have forgotten about this.

   Even the emperor could not pursue this matter for the sake of a mere prophecy. Even Concubine Jin's own son can endure for the throne.

   She is just an outsider who has nothing to do with Concubine Jin, and for ordinary people, there is no need to take risks.

   But she is not.

  Li Hongyuan once asked her: "Why are you so persistent in avenging your mother-in-law? Just because she has helped you a few times and likes to eat your dishes?"

   (end of this chapter)