MTL - Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace-Chapter 7 a basket of junk

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   Chapter 7 A Basket of Sundries

   It was an old wicker basket with broken edges.

  The basket is full of stuff.

   He glanced casually and was startled by what was inside.

  Jiang Ning looked at him: "What happened to you?"

   This product is not meant to be robbed.

  This gangster, what can he snatch.

   "That, what is it?" Jiang Ruobai swallowed, pointed at the wicker basket, and asked.

   "Oh, it's just a basket, for clutter."

   "Miscellaneous...things?" Jiang Ruobai's eyes were straight, she walked over uncontrollably, bent down and picked up the top gray-blue tea cup.

   He looked at it carefully for a while, and wiped it hard with his sleeve.

   Is this sapphire polished?

   How much is such a whole gem worth?

  Jiang Ning had a panoramic view of his movements, opened his mouth, and muttered to himself, "Uncle, this is not Aladdin's magic lamp, you can't wipe out a fairy."

   Jiang Ruobai glanced at her, put the tea cup back silently, and reached out to pick up a soft cloth.

   He rubbed the cloth and almost threw it away with a shake of his hand.

This is…

  Tiger skin?

   There are also many messy and odd lines drawn on it.

   Ordinary people can't see it, it will only be regarded as the wear marks of wrinkles.

   But Jiang Ruobai is not an ordinary person.

   He was also born in the two lists of Jinshi. At that time, he was the minister of households, in charge of the world's money and food, and was awarded the imperial title Ziqing Guanglu Doctor.

   Identification of calligraphy and painting antiquities is not a problem.

   The twenty-eight stars of the Zhou Tian painted on this tiger skin were used by the ancients to deduce the stars and predict the future.

   Predicting the future is illusory, but this tiger skin is a real treasure.

   In terms of value alone, it is much larger than the gem-encrusted cup just now.

  I only saw two pieces, they are all good things.

   What about the rest?

   Jiang Ruobai stretched his neck and looked at the basket carefully, gasping for breath.

  Everything in this broken basket is a good thing.

  It is either precious antiques or gadgets made of porcelain, gold and stone.

   are things that look inconspicuous, but only the experts understand.

   Such a big basket, if you take it out, it will not make people crazy.

   Jiang Ruobai looked around at the thatched cottage, and then turned to look at the little girl outside the door.

   What's the situation?

   Could it be that the family who adopted their daughter was actually a wealthy man hiding in the city?

   These cottages are just a cover?

   "Little Seven, where did you get these things... from?" he asked cautiously.

   "Given by old head Li."

   "Lao Li...head?" Jiang Ruobai was dumbfounded again.

  Li is the royal surname.

  Jiang Ruobai reached out and picked up a round wrench, vaguely feeling as if he had seen it in someone's hand.

  Who is it?

   He looked at Jiang Ning for a while, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.


   Isn't this His Majesty's thing?


  Old Lee Head…

   Could it be that the old Li head in her mouth is actually...

   Jiang Ruobai trembled.

   The person who adopted the daughter was His Majesty? ? ?

   "Xiao Qi, who is Old Li Tou and what does it have to do with you?" he asked.

"It's just a poor and fat old man who came to the restaurant to eat. These are all he used to pay for his meals." Jiang Ning explained casually, "Although it's just some worthless junk, the old man is quite good. It's also strange. Now, this old man is not very tall, and he actually has a very cute grandson."

   Jiang Ruobai: "…"

  Jiang Ning frowned: "By the way, if I leave here, Old Li Tou and Xiao Qian will not be able to find me. I have to leave a note."


   Li Tingqian, the eldest grandson of the emperor?

  Jiang Ruobai shuddered, and quickly stopped her: "Xiao Qi, you don't need to leave a note, I will ask someone to guard here. Tell him when they come."

   (end of this chapter)