MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 598 Fanwai 129 was originally bought for you

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  Chapter 598 Fanwai 129 was originally bought for you

  Gu Sheng didn't care about the brothers' crying, went up to the second floor and took a shower for five minutes, then changed into a T-shirt and jeans and went out.

  Ten minutes later, Gu Sheng reappeared in the flower shop. He used his mobile phone to check the distance to the mall and asked Zhong Ning for his opinion.

   "It's not very close, should I drive?"

   Zhong Ning thought for a while and said.

   "There is no underground parking lot in that place, so it's not easy to park. Let's take the bus. It's only three stops away. It won't be hot when we come back, so we can stroll back."

  Gu Sheng had no objection and said silently.

   "Okay, I'll listen to you."

  Looking at Gu Sheng's docile appearance, Zhong Ning couldn't help thinking why her parents didn't think Gu Sheng was a good person, how good he is.

  There is a bus stop not far from the door. After getting on the bus, Zhong Ning went up first. Although there were not many people in the bus, there were no seats.

   Just as she was trying to find a place to stop, the bus suddenly started.

   The driver was an uncle, and he shifted to second gear within two seconds of starting, and the speed of the car was very fast.

  Zhong Ning was shaken for a while. Normally, this level is not a big deal at all, but who told her to look beautiful today in double stiletto heels.

   At the moment when her ankle sprained, she desperately wanted to grab everything around her.

   Just at the critical moment, a big hand pressed down on her waist, Zhong Ning's hand flew in the air, and then stopped.

  Gu Sheng grabbed the railing on the top of the bus with one hand, put his arm around her waist with the other, and led her to the side, and only let go after she had grasped it well.

  He looked down at Zhong Ning's feet.

   "Are you sprained?"

  Zhong Ning blushed a little, shook his head and said.

   "A little bit, but it's okay."

  Gu Sheng nodded, then silently used his body to block behind her.

   Until entering the movie theater, Zhong Ning paid special attention when walking, for fear of doing something embarrassing again.

  Unfortunately, things backfired. It was really not suitable for her to go out today. The air conditioner in the cinema was turned on too high, making her feel like she was in a refrigerator.

  It's better to wear a long skirt on the lower body, but I feel sorry for her arms, and the goosebumps are rising from the cold.

  She could only wrap her arms around her chest and warm herself.

   Gu Sheng caught a glimpse of her small movements from the corner of his eye, and found an excuse to go out.

   When he came back again, he was holding a red scarf in his hand, the kind that was enlarged and thickened in winter.

  Gu Sheng opened the package, wrapped it for Zhong Ning, and said.

   "I didn't see any women's clothing for sale, I just bought this."

  Zhong Ning looked up at Gu Sheng, letting him brush his hair and straighten his scarf.

  In the next second, Gu Sheng suddenly looked over and met Zhong Ning's eyes.

   Neither of them looked away. At this moment, the air seemed to become sticky.

  In the end, Zhong Ning looked away first, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said.

   "I should have brought a coat earlier, thank you."

  After tidying up, the two continued to watch the movie. Zhong Ning sat upright, as if nothing had happened.

  Only she knew that her heart beat faster just now.


  After watching the movie, the two walked outside the mall. Zhong Ning folded the scarf and motioned for Gu Sheng.

"Back to you?"

  Gu Sheng put one hand in his trouser pocket, glanced at her and said.

   "No, I don't need it, I bought it for you."

  Zhong Ning actually guessed the answer when she asked the question. She nodded slightly, and just as she was about to thank her, she suddenly heard a piercing and breaking voice.

   "Zhong Ning!"

  Zhong Ning froze, and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

   She turned around, tense fingers clenched.


  (end of this chapter)