MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 464 do not do that…

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  Chapter 464 Don't do this...

  After hearing Zou Heng's words, Si Fu's face turned red immediately, and she felt that Zou Heng definitely did it on purpose.

  What does it mean that she likes to wear Zou Heng's clothes? It's obviously him...every time he does things, he messes up her clothes, and he doesn't know how to wear women's clothes, so he can only wrap her in his own clothes.

  Thinking about it carefully, since she married Zou Heng, Si Fu hardly wore her own clothes when she woke up in the morning.

  Of course, this was before Zou Heng ascended the throne.

  After he became the emperor, Si Fu seldom saw him. Even in the rare tender time, Zou Heng always looked very tired.

   While her thoughts were racing, Si Fu felt her cheeks warm up, she came back and saw Zou Heng touching her face.

   "What are you thinking, so engrossed?"

   Zou Heng asked in a low voice.

  Si Fu sideways avoided Zou Heng's hand, a little at a loss.


  Outside the window, there were dark clouds, and the gloomy sky seemed to cover everything on the ground. It was clearly at noon, but it was as dark as evening.

   The sound of "cracking" rain kept going, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Judging from the situation, the two of them would not be able to leave for a while.

  Si Fu deliberately avoided Zou Heng's sight, and stood alone by the window, her eyes casually fell outside, and her heart was in a mess.

   Not long after, a thunderstorm sounded outside, frightening Si Fu instinctively took a step back.

   With this retreat, her whole body slammed into a hard chest, Sifu exclaimed.


  Zou Heng held her waist with one hand, raised the other hand to close the window, and a magnetic voice rang in Sifu's ear.

   "Afraid of thunder, how dare you stand by the window?"

  After the window was closed, Zou Heng's hand still hadn't left. Si Fu felt a numbness in her waist, and stretched out her hand to push him.

"do not do that…"

  After pushing Zou Heng's hand away, Si Fu made a gesture and turned around, her eyes panicked like a frightened little rabbit.

   Zou Heng's eyes darkened, and Si Fu's coquettish tone made him tighten his abdominal muscles.

  He stood still in front of Sifu, trapping her between the window and his body.

   Seeing that he was not moving, Si Fu raised her head and looked at him suspiciously. After the two looked at each other, Si Fu's ears turned red instantly. How could she not understand the meaning of Zou Heng's eyes when they were married.

  Sifu raised her hand to push him, wanting to escape.

   " let me out."

  Through the thin clothes, Si Fu's fingers felt the outline of Zou Heng's abdominal muscles, and couldn't help but shrink back.

  I think back when she was with Zou Heng, he wasn't so strong, and he didn't have muscles as hard as rocks. He even had a belly for a while.

  Pictures of the past flashed in his mind, Sifu froze in place.

  Under the circumstances, Sifu had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

   "Your Majesty, this is unreasonable."

  Whether it is a lonely man and a widow living in the same room, or such an ambiguous distance between the two, it is not appropriate.

  Sifu felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have shown kindness and invited him over just now.

  In Zou Heng's sight, he could see Si Fu's trembling eyelashes, her small nose, and the red lips that he had thought about countless times.

   Her appearance made him want to rub her into his arms and bully her fiercely.

  In fact, Zou Heng did exactly that.

  He hugged Sifu into his arms, pressed one hand on her slender waist, and put the other around her shoulder, with a deep and powerful voice.

   "What's wrong, you are my queen!"

  (end of this chapter)