MTL - Help! My Delicate Object is a Madman-Chapter 22 Enchanted by night? ?

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  Chapter 22 Insomnia? ?

  Chapter 22 Insomnia? ?

   She saw that Ah Ji was bleeding profusely, and the long arrow was still stuck in him.

  She stretched out her hand, grabbed the long arrow, and said, "Hold your breath and concentrate."

   Probably because of Shen Suhe's one-eyed bullshit, Aji did as he was told.

Qin Yu grinned, and there was a hint of self-control that mocked ordinary people in that smile: "Shen Gongzi, this long arrow was specially made by God Domain, and it is mixed with special things. Once it enters the body of the beast, it is difficult to pull it out. come out······"

   He hasn't finished speaking yet.

   just heard a pop.

The    long arrow was pulled out, and blood splattered on the ground.

  Suddenly, Qin Yuqing's voice stopped abruptly.

   Shen Suhe threw the long sword on the ground like trash.

   Looking closely, the point of the long sword is very thin, as sharp as a nail. The entire blade is too thin to be half as thick as the little finger.

   She glanced over her shoulder.

   Of course she knew what was so special about this long arrow.

   Even the arrowhead of the long arrow, she felt kind at a glance.

  This arrow was nourished by her body back then.

   Seventy-nine **** nails, nourished by the body of her tower guard, absorbed the energy of the Brahma silver fan.

   So this arrow, Ah Ji can't pull it out, because it can't be pulled out.

   But she can, because it was originally pulled out of her original body.

   Qin Yu's eyes flashed in surprise, he looked at Shen Suhe for a long time, and said, "What relationship does Young Master Shen have with God's Domain?"

   Shen Suhe thought for a while: "It seems, some."

  Qin Yu tilted his face with an elegant smile: "Shen Gongzi seems to like scorpions very much."

   Shen Suhe glanced sideways at Fei.

  The one-eyed calf was so cute back then, anyone who saw it would like it.

   She replied: "Hmmm"

   Behind the crowd, Su Ye's eyelids drooped, quietly listening to this conversation.

   He rolled up his sleeves and glanced at his arms.

   is densely packed with engraved spells, which is ferocious and scary.

   looked up again and took a look at what the plague cow looked like now.

   White and tender, well-behaved, with a good appearance.

   Su Ye's eyes flashed red.

   I almost forgot, at first he used this skin to coax people over, but now, except for a face to see, there is no good place for him.

   Ever since Ah He knew that Fei was a one-eyed cow, his attention never stopped on him.

The realization of    made him feel gloomy.

   The arrogance in the whole body could hardly be restrained, and it was released.

  Qin Yuqing noticed the night after the crowd.

   thought quickly flashed in his eyes.

   After a long time, he looked at Shen Suhe and said, "The duty of the God Realm is to tame the beasts and prevent them from doing evil everywhere. The beasts are still in their infancy. If Young Master Shen has a way, then the responsibility of teaching the beasts, please."

   Shen Suhe listened, a strange feeling arose from the bottom of his heart.

  Qin Yuqing just let go of her in such an understatement?

   is like a slap raised high and gently dropped. Originally, he had clearly made up his mind to take him away, but now he suddenly changed his mind.


   She thought about it for a while, but she didn't understand why he did this.

   Such doubts made her continue from day to night, until Qin Yuqing left.

  Song Ningyuan was very happy: "Ah, the villagers have been saved, everything is fine, we will go home tomorrow!"

  The wound on his body had already healed. He held Nan Liu's hand and frowned tightly.

   He said, "That divine light didn't heal you."

  I saw a few rashes on Nan Liu's arm.

  Nanliu smiled and reassured: "Don't think too much, Ah, I feel much better."

   As soon as he finished speaking, due to the violent fluctuations in his mood, the thick gray mist in his body meant that it was about to spread out.

   murmured: "They are alive, but you are going to die. Why?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Suhe handed over a tea cup and handed it to Nan Liu: "Drink it."

   Looking carefully, there was burnt yellow talisman soot in the tea cup, and there was a smell of blood.

   Shen Suhe had a circle of gauze wrapped around his hands.

   The head looked up.

   Nanliu took it and asked, "This is?"

  Shen Suhe said, "It's very troublesome to explain. Drink this and your smallpox will disappear."

  Nanliu look at the centipede.

   did not refuse.

  Nan Liu picked up the tea cup and drank it.

   After a while, the only red spot left on Nan Liu's arm was disappearing.

  Nan Liu was surprised: "Young Master Shen, do you still heal?"

   Shen Suhe shook his head: "I won't."

   She just suppresses beasts.

  The body of Nanliu is not a plague of smallpox.

   is now in infancy, that is, not yet underage.

  It can't control its own energy as well as an adult beast.

   From time to time, energy leaks out of emotions.

   Nanliu and Fei have been together for a long time, and Fei's energy invaded Nanliu's body.

  Nanliu is a person, but she endured the energy of the beast. Of course, she couldn't hold it, so her body showed symptoms of smallpox, and one day it festered and died.

   The drink she just gave her was Huang Fu plus her blood, so it was suppressed.

  Age looked at Shen Suhe, and finally seemed to be sure of something, and said, "You are Ahe."

   Shen Suhe turned his head sideways, neither refusing nor admitting.

   finally seemed to remember something.

   That fierce beast, Su Ye, likes to stick to Ah He the most.

   He also only sticks to Ah He.


   put on a world-weary face, and said seriously: "Ahe, don't play with Suye in the future."

   Shen Suhe tilted his head: "You used to be very clingy to him."

   Thinking of the previous "painful" experience, his expression changed.

  What a sticky night.

   It was the snake who didn't want it to lie in A He's arms, so he took him away, tied those yellow talisman dumplings to it, and then threw it aside.

  It was in a very weak infancy at that time, and it was suppressed by those yellow symbols, which caused it to sleep every day and couldn't wake up.

   opened his mouth: "Ahe still likes to play with him now?"

   He spoke with a sense of youthful innocence.

   Shen Suhe listened and wanted to laugh, but nodded in cooperation.

   appeared puzzled: "Why?"

"what why?"

   "No one likes to stay with a beast that has been enchanted. Why does Ah He still like it?"

  Shen Suhe paused and looked up blankly: "What is the devil?"

   confided: "He's in a demon. Doesn't Ah He know?"

   Shen Suhe groaned in his heart, always feeling that being in a demon is not a good thing.

   She stared at him, waiting for the words behind him.

   Yuan's face was expressionless: "His white hair is a sign of the beast's enchantment. Can't Ah He see it?"

  Shen Suhe said, "What does it mean to be enchanted?"

Ji lowered his head, and when he heard the word "infernal", he didn't like it in his heart: "Beasts are like humans, as long as they practice, they will have demons. Demons represent the dark side of the heart. However, it is almost impossible for beasts to enter demons, he is very sharp."

   As soon as he said this, Fei rarely praised Su Ye.

  Beasts and human beings, as long as they cultivate, they will fight against their inner demons all their lives, and they will not let their dark side devour themselves and destroy themselves.

   But beasts are inherently evil, and they represent the dark side. If you have evil in your heart, you will immediately go out and do evil, making it difficult for beasts to breed demons.

   At least from ancient times to the present, he has never heard of a vicious beast.

  Unfortunately, the fierce beast Su Ye did it.

  Shen Suhe clenched his fists, his voice was a little hoarse: "What will happen after being enchanted?"

  蜚 thought for a while: "I have never seen a vicious beast fall into a demon. But I will definitely not wait for Ah He to feed strawberries like before."

After    finished speaking, Fei said again: "A He himself should have noticed that he is different, right?"

   recalled the old night, since the meeting, he acted as if he was in the tower.

  Oh, it's also a little different.

   That night before, the girls chirped, liked to cling to Ah He, were afraid of the dark, liked to eat strawberries, and played with temper.

When    think of this, it is as uncomfortable as eating a mouthful of dirt.

   (end of this chapter)