MTL - Help! After Being Forced To Be In a Love Affair, She Burst Into CP Sensation-Chapter 73 duck nest

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  Chapter 73 Duck Nest

  The person in front of him smiled at him and shook his head.

  Xiao Nanqi followed the indication in her eyes and looked at the photographer.

   Now is not the time to speak.

  Aunt Guijuan went out for a while and came back with a hammer, nails and planks.

"Thank you."

   "Just make a simple version of the duck nest, which can keep out the wind and rain."

  Xiao Nanqi nodded, took the plank and the hammer head, Meng Huaiyin saw this and took the iron nail in his hand.

  The two began to make gestures on the ground with wooden planks, and after finalizing the shape of the duck nest, Xiao Nanqi started construction.

   "You can play as you like." The aunt on the side smiled as usual, but at this moment it seemed a little weird.

  Meng Huaiyin looked up, and from her current perspective, she could only see Aunt Guijuan's chin, mouth, nose tip, and half-exposed eyeballs.

  The dark eyes stared at them tightly, and the dark tide surged inside, like a wolf that was about to bite up at any time, taking a bite of flesh.

  Smiling all over the face, but not the eyes, only the skin.

  Meng Huaiyin lowered his head and handed the iron nail to Xiao Nanqi.

  There was a sound of bang bang bang, and the chickens in the chicken coop suddenly flew around.

  After nailing the base, he used wooden boards to surround the duck nest.

   It seems that there is not enough wood. Aunt Guijuan on the side smiled and said, "I'll go get some more."

  As soon as Aunt Guijuan left, Meng Huaiyin approached Xiao Nanqi and whispered something in his ear.

  Xiao Nanqi's pupils shrank, realizing that things were getting serious.

  The two looked at each other, and decided to quickly nail up the duck nest in front of them, and then slowly explore the truth, hoping that the matter would not develop to the point of no return.

  Meng Huaiyin looked at the photographer, this is a trouble.

  Xiao Nanqi was so blessed that he also looked at the photographer.

  Photographer: What are you doing? It's scary, what do you see me doing all of a sudden?

  The screen in the live broadcast room was always on and off, and the audience was annoyed.

  【? ? ? What's the situation, haven't the programmers fixed it yet? 】

  【The picture is intermittent, which makes me uncomfortable. 】

  【I just went to another live broadcast room, and it’s not like this? It's so strange. 】

  【Am I the only one looking for sugar in the cracks? What did they whisper? 】

  Aunt Guijuan came back after a while. She was holding a bundle of wood, and her steps were a little staggering.

  After putting down the wood in her hand, Aunt Guijuan went back to the chicken coop to watch them build the duck coop.

  Xiao Nanqi took the iron nails from Meng Huaiyin and fixed the surroundings.

  Meng Huaiyin untied the wood Aunt Guijuan brought and handed it to him one by one.

  The two cooperated tacitly, and the duck nest was almost built in a short while.

   At this time, there is only one roof left.

   "Auntie, do you want a pointed roof or a flat roof?" Xiao Nanqi raised his head and asked.

  The smile on Aunt Guijuan's face began to widen, "I want a steeple."

   "For a steeple, the boards are not enough."

   "Okay, I'll get it again."

  Xiao Nanqi dismissed Aunt Guijuan and walked to Meng Huaiyin's side.

  She shook her head at him, and said softly to him, "Can you cut off the live broadcast room?"

   "Now is not the time. If the live broadcast room is cut off for too long, the director will find it suspicious."

  Meng Huaiyin nodded, "I will cut it off at a critical moment later."

  The two reached a consensus and continued to play with the wooden board in their hands.

  The photographer on the side scratched his head, and they whispered again, but he hadn't caught it yet.

  If the director saw it, he might be called out again.

  Aunt Guijuan came back for the third time and put the wood on the ground, "Xiao Xiao, see if it's enough, I'll get it if it's not enough."

  Xiao Nanqi nodded, "Auntie, that's enough."

  The photographer concentrated on shooting the scene where they built the duck nest, and suddenly captured Aunt Guijuan's expression looking at them.

  The photographer's eyes began to enlarge, and the entire eyeballs were wide open.

  The corners of Aunt Guijuan's mouth in front of her grinned wider and wider, revealing her dense teeth.

  The smile on his face became more and more weird, which made people's expressions change.

  Because the live broadcast was intermittent, the audience did not see this weird scene, but the photographer was terrified.

  Although he is not superstitious, he also feels that things are gradually going wrong.

  He shifted the camera silently, only filming the scene of the duck nest, not even Meng Huaiyin and Xiao Nanqi were photographed much.

   The two squatting on the ground were as calm as usual. They communicated normally and cooperated with each other.

   Under Xiao Nanqi's beating, the roof was finished.

   Now it's just a matter of nailing them together.

   "You guys are so beautiful, wait for me, I'll get what you want." Aunt Guijuan covered her mouth and laughed.

  After Aunt Guijuan came back again, Xiao Nanqi had already assembled the duck nest.

  She handed them a handful of flower coins, "You guys are doing so beautifully, so I'll give some more."

   "Young man, have you learned it?"

   "I have never seen such a beautiful and neat duck nest."

   "It was my old woman who took the cake today, otherwise how could I get such a duck's nest?"

   "Well, my wife will feel sorry for it, and you will have lunch at my house in a while, and I invite you."

  Aunt Guijuan was in a hurry, and she spoke a few words in a row, without giving anyone a chance to refuse.

   It happened that the two wanted to explore Aunt Guijuan's home, so they agreed to Aunt Guijuan's invitation and chose to stay for lunch.

   However, it was still early for lunch, so Aunt Guijuan invited them to the living room to watch TV.

  The three went to the living room, and Aunt Guijuan made tea for them.

   "Young man, what's your last name?" Aunt Guijuan looked at the photographer at the side, "You come and sit, and just put the camera aside at an angle."

   Tan Ming set up the camera and sat next to them, "My surname is Tan."

   "Xiao Tan, you have worked hard, drink some water." Aunt Guijuan handed him a cup of tea.

  Tan Ming thanked her after receiving the water.

   "Sit down first, watch TV, I have to do some other work." Aunt Guijuan left the living room after finishing speaking in a hurry.

   The three of them looked at each other in dismay, and left now?

  Do you trust them so much?

  A voice came from a distance, "Xiaoyun, entertain the guests."

  The girl who just opened the door walked slowly, and finally sat on the other corner of the sofa.

  She grabbed some melon seeds, "You can do whatever you want."

   After speaking, he looked down at the phone.

  Meng Huaiyin made eye contact with Xiao Nanqi, and after understanding what she meant, Xiao Nanqi muted the live broadcast room.

   "Xiaoyun?" Meng Huaiyin asked tentatively.

  The girl in front of her raised her eyebrows, "I am."

   "It's like this. I think Aunt Guijuan is not happy." Meng Huaiyin asked cryptically.

   "Damn, she has a lot of unhappy things." The girl said indifferently.

"how so?"

   "What else can I have?" It seemed that it was the first time someone asked her this question, Xiaoyun slowly revealed something, and gradually opened up the desire to talk.

   "My mother is the women's director, and she usually resolves conflicts in the neighborhood."

   "Yesterday Uncle Li's chicken disappeared, and today so-and-so lost money. She will intervene in everything."

   "Evidently she is only a female director, but people in the village come to her for everything."

   "She tells some weird things to her family every day, spit out negative energy every day."

  Speaking of this, the girl also had some complaints, "Not long ago I was going to take the college entrance examination, but as a result, she talked about this and that every day, and she didn't give people peace."

   "Don't look at her smiling happily on the surface, drooping her face every day at home, as if everyone owes her."

  Meng Huaiyin was taken aback. She didn't expect Aunt Guijuan to have two faces at home and outside.

  The girl seemed to realize that she had made a slip of the tongue and covered her mouth suddenly. After all, it was her own mother. It was not good for her to tell outsiders like this.

  She doesn't know what's wrong with her recently, she always loses her temper easily.

   "You don't want to say it." Xiaoyun said in panic, and then looked at the camera in horror.

  (end of this chapter)