MTL - Help! After Being Forced To Be In a Love Affair, She Burst Into CP Sensation-Chapter 295 accept failure

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  Chapter 295 Accept failure

   After absorbing the strength, Wei Yunqu waited for them at the door, and he was relieved to see that they came back safely.

  The three of them walked into the maze again. The black dragon outside had no way to enter, so it could only circle around again.

  It doesn't believe that they won't come out.

   "How is it?" Seeing them coming back, Meng Hu asked.

   "Successful." Wei Yunqu said.

"That's good."

  Little Silver Dragon immediately turned into a human form. It has to be said that his appearance is still very deceptive.

  The long silver hair was pulled back, and the silver eyes reflected on the magnificent face, Meng Hu stared blankly for a moment.

   "Wake up!" Fu Xi couldn't bear to look at Meng Hu who was almost drooling, he didn't even want to admit that he knew this guy.

  Meng Huaiyin chuckled.

   Wei Yunqu is very proud, it seems that his face is quite useful, only the two puzzled guys on the opposite side can't see his beautiful face.


  The statue of the Progenitor Dragon is gone, and I don't know if Wei Yunqu can still see the Progenitor.

  When Weiyunqu approached the center of the square, the disappeared statue came back.

   "It really is alive!" Meng Hu was proud, he was right!

  Meng Huaiyin helped his forehead.

  After this incident, Meng Huaiyin also knew that only the dragon that is about to accept the inheritance can summon the ancestor dragon.

  Grandpa, the great ancestor, has a lot of things to do every day, and he will only appear at critical moments.

   A flash of silver light flashed, and Wei Yunqu disappeared in front of them.

  Meng Huaiyin knew that he was going to see the ancestor grandpa.

  I'm so jealous, she practiced for more than a thousand years before accepting the inheritance, but Wei Yunqu is only a ten-day-old baby now!

  He saw the great grandfather!

   She didn't think about the age in his eggshell at all.

  The Dragon Clan does not recognize the age in the eggshell!

   That is to say, if a dragon lays two eggs successively, and the second egg hatches first, then he is the elder brother.

  No matter how long you stay in the eggshell, your age will be recalculated after it comes out.

  At this time, the grandfather inside also looked at the little silver dragon in surprise.

  But Wei Yunqu couldn't see his dragon face.

  This newborn cub is actually the one who will receive the inheritance this time?

   With such a small body, I don't know if he can bear this strength.

   Also, in this world, has he been here today?

  He visited more than a dozen small worlds today. Although the layout of the inheritance places in each small world is the same, he will not admit the wrong breath.

  There are actually two dragons in a small world?

  The ancestor wondered if there was something wrong with the key of the void.

   Wei Yunqu looked at the giant dragon in front of him with bright eyes.

  Is this the proto-dragon?

   "Ahem, child, how old are you?" The ancestor asked his age kindly.

  Although he knew it, he just wanted to tease him.

   "Uh..." What should he say, say he is one year old?

  In the human world, a newborn cub, no matter how many days old, can be said to be one year old.

  After all, some of those young people are clearly in their early twenties, so they say they are going to be in their third year!

   Wei Yunqu made a careful comparison.

  The ancestor laughed, the laughter was deafening.

   Wei Yunqu covered his ear that was hit, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

   Isn’t it one year old?

  The Proto-Dragon withdrew his smiling face and looked serious, "Are you a dragon bred by this world?"

   Wei Yunqu nodded.

   "Originally you got experience in other places, but because of other irresistible reasons, you have been staying in this world."

   Wei Yunqu was stunned by his amount of information.

  The Proto-Dragon waved his hand, and a key appeared in front of him.

   "You can't accept inheritance in your own world, so now I give you two choices."

   Wei Yunqu continued to listen, although he didn't know why he couldn't accept the inheritance in his own world, but what the ancestor said was always right.

   "The first choice, if you want to accept the inheritance as soon as possible, I will immediately activate the key and send you to another world."

   Wei Yunqu didn't expect to be separated from everyone, and he was still a little bit reluctant.

   "The second option, you can temporarily not accept the inheritance, stay in this world for a while, and when you figure it out, you can come again."

  Wei Yunqu chose the second one. Now that this world is still in danger, how could he just watch.

   "I choose to stay."

  The great-grandfather smiled, "I'll take you out."

   Wei Yunqu appeared in front of everyone again.

"How about it?"

   Wei Yunqu shook his head, "If I want to accept the inheritance, I have to go to another world."

  Meng Huaiyin originally wanted to take advantage of the loopholes, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the grandfather.

  The truth about time travel is the test given to them by their grandfather.

  The key to the void was also deliberately activated by the ancestor grandfather.

   It's just that Meng Huaiyin didn't understand why he couldn't accept the inheritance in his own world, and the grandfather didn't explain it either.

   This gave Meng Huaiyin the feeling that he could take advantage of the loophole.

   "That is to say, you will leave here one day?" Meng Hu asked.

  Wei Yunqu nodded, feeling a little depressed.

  Although we have not been together for a long time, he is very reluctant to leave everyone.

  When Fu Xi heard this rule, his eyes flickered.

   If he transforms into a dragon, won't he be able to stay here?

  Although he can go anywhere, but what about his silly brother?

  Although it is still too early to say all of these.

  The rules are really ruthless, why can only one dragon be treated in a world, what if there is a relative?

   Wouldn't they have to be separated?

   No wonder dragons are always lonely.

   Did not get the inheritance, Meng Huaiyin brought Weiyunqu to the giant tree.

  Since this is the case, it is not too much to take some treasures, right?

  The giant tree seems to be very tolerant to everyone, and it is very enthusiastic to contribute its treasures.

   Whichever one you like, it doesn't feel bad.

  A secret book fell in front of Wei Yunqu.

  For a cub who is more than ten days old, cultivation is the most important thing at present, so the giant tree gave him the most suitable exercises.

   In this way, even in another world, there are some guarantees.

  Everything may be lost, only what you have learned will not be lost.

   Wei Yunqu was very interested in the cheat book in front of him, and Grandpa Jushu sent it to his heart.

  He was worried about not knowing how to practice.

  He is now a reckless man with nothing but strength. If he had really promised his grandfather to go to another world just now, he might have fallen to death many times before he found the place of inheritance.

  He thanked Grandpa Giant Tree.

   "This place is very safe, we can practice for a period of time, and when we have accumulated enough strength, we will go out to find the black dragon." Xiao Nanqi said.

   After all, they don't know anything about the situation of the black dragon. Only by improving themselves first can they have the confidence to deal with each other.

  Others nodded, and they all agreed with this statement.

  Some people meditate on the spot and start practicing exercises.

  Meng Hu scratched his head, he only has a knife, but no sword skills, so let him play around?

   Moreover, the black dragon has no entity, so it can be seen that physical attacks are useless to it.

  But he can only attack physically...

   If you want to talk about magic attacks, you can only use weapons...

  Meng Hu scratched his head and took out his magic weapon, "Grandpa Giant Tree, can I exchange it with you for something?"

  The branches of the giant tree twitched and came to him.

  It touched the magic weapon with a branch, and seemed to be very satisfied with it, so it dropped a book of exercises, and at the same time took away the magic weapon in his hand.

  Meng Hu was overjoyed, he had no hope at first, but he didn't expect that the giant tree was really taken away, and he actually knew his inner thoughts.

  (end of this chapter)