MTL - Help! After Being Forced To Be In a Love Affair, She Burst Into CP Sensation-Chapter 277 wolf dog

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  Meng Huaiyin put away his phone.

   Now that there is a call, the villa is quiet again.

  They walked back to the villa and found that there were several guests scattered in the hall.

   "Why are you here?" Director Mu frowned, a little flustered.

   Meng Huaiyin took a glance and found that there was some resentment in their bodies.

  Jiang Xinyue showed a weird smile, "I'm waiting for you."

  The director was so excited that he almost cried.

   Could it be that he was in this state just now?

   Now he looks so scary in the light, so what was he trying to do in a dark corridor just now?

  Meng Huaiyin stepped forward and poked her on the head.

   Director Mu watched helplessly as an unknown wisp floated out of her head, slowly turning into powder.

  Jiang Xinyue passed out and lay powerlessly on the sofa.

  Meng Huaiyin looked back at Cao Yingjie who was behind her. She watched the scene with a dazed face, but she didn't say anything strange.

   It seems that after being possessed by resentment, everyone's state is different.

  Meng Huaiyin resolved the grievances in the hall one by one.

   After a while, a bunch of people lay on the sofa.

  Mr. Mu: I was dumbfounded. It turns out that Meng Huaiyin is not an ordinary person.

   That's right, if Meng Huaiyin was an ordinary person, Xiao Nanqi would not have taken a fancy to her.

   “Why is everyone sleeping on the couch?”

   After the call came, everyone in the room came out. They mustered up their courage and chose to go downstairs to find out what happened.

   "Maybe I'm tired." Xiao Nanqi said lightly, maybe because he said it too naturally, others didn't doubt his words.

   The corners of Meng Huaiyin's mouth twitched, what are they so tired of?

  Some people believe this kind of nonsense.

  Meng Huaiyin scanned the audience, no more complaints.

  Any-looking person who likes to move around.

  The person on the sofa woke up leisurely, and Cao Yingjie was shocked that she went downstairs in her pajamas without any makeup on her face.

   This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for her.

   No, the point is not this.

  The point is, why is she lying on the sofa?


  Why is everyone else here?

   "Everyone, go wash up and get ready." Director Mu said.

  But with the shadow just now, many guests are reluctant to go back to the room to wash.

  They were afraid that the power would be cut off again in the middle of washing.

   Moreover, they also noticed something was wrong about this matter.

  Let's not talk about how they got from their room to the lobby.

  They were not aware of this matter.

  In the situation just now, in the case of a power outage, how did you get downstairs without a light source?

   Their cell phones are not with them.

  Some people panicked.

   "Mu Dao, the road outside seems to be closed to prevent accidents." Ren Qi leaned over to Mu Dao and said.

   "Do you know how long it will be closed?"

   Ren Qi shook his head.

   Director Mu was a little melancholy. There are dozens of people living in the villa, so what if they don’t go out to supply supplies?

   "At least we have to wait until the rain is over and the water recedes." Ren Qi guessed.

   "We have to go out." Meng Huaiyin's face was serious.

   Where they can see, there is resentment, but what should they do when they cannot see it?

  Xiao Nanqi nodded.

  Meng Huaiyin just used his spiritual sense to explore the place where it rained and the power was cut off. There are only three or four places in this area.

  Although there was rain in other places, there was no power outage, and the situation should be fine.

  Besides, the Bureau of Demon Control has first-hand information, so they should also take action.

  They found the director and explained their purpose.

  The director knew that they had other abilities, but he was also very worried whether the villa would be attacked again.

   "It should not come again in a short time."

   For such a powerful thing, one time is enough to hurt it.

  The director took out his raincoat, "Take this with you."

  It is also inconvenient to open an umbrella.

  Meng Huaiyin and Xiao Nanqi walked out of the villa, and there were wolf dogs barking in the remote villa area.

   But the shepherd's bark is not wild enough, it seems to be domesticated.

  Meng Huaiyin dragged Xiao Nanqi to another villa, which was the nearest blackout area to them.

  It is in the same community as the villa of the program group.

  The inside of the villa is dark, presumably the switch has not been pulled up

  The closer Meng Huaiyin got, the louder the wolfdog barked.

   This wolf dog is actually raised by this family.

   It is not easy to knock on the door and enter under special circumstances.

  The two of them dodged together, leaped directly over the wall, and jumped into the villa.

  The wolf dog was stunned. Where did these two come from?

  But the aura of these two people gave it a great sense of security, and it couldn't help approaching them.

  The wolf dog is very alert, and the villa is very dangerous, and it is not something this little dog can compete with.

  It can only roar, trying to get the attention of others to save them.

  The gate of the villa is a fingerprint lock.

  They do the old fashioned way, see if they can get in from the balcony.

   But when they saw it from a distance, this villa didn't even have a balcony. The balcony on the second floor was specially decorated by them, and it was completely surrounded by glass.

  Then there is only one way now, and that is to smash the glass on the second floor.

  The situation is urgent, the owner should not blame them, right?

  It is not impossible to smash the door, but the door is very expensive at first sight, and it is more troublesome to install the door than to install the glass.

  Meng Huaiyin took a leap and kicked directly on the glass of the balcony on the second floor.

  The glass was overwhelmed and gradually shattered.

  The quality of this glass is pretty good, it’s not bulletproof, right?

  Who is so cautious and installs bulletproof glass?

   Meng Huaiyin made up again when he saw this.

  Xiao Nanqi and her split into two groups.

  He went to find the switch.

  She stepped gently onto the second floor.

  Meng Huaiyin scanned with his spiritual sense, and there seemed to be no one on the second floor.

  It's strange here, as if something is blocking her from snooping.

  She can only see the situation on one floor.

  Meng Huaiyin walked to the first floor. The first floor was also dark and empty.

  This villa has a total of four floors, so it seems that it is not on the third floor, but on the fourth floor.

   At this time, a call came from the villa. It seems that Xiao Nanqi found the switch.

  When she passed the second floor, she saw Xiao Nanqi coming in from the hole she kicked just now.

   "There is no one on the first floor, let's go to the third floor first." Meng Huaiyin touched the dust on the wall.

  Why is there dust on this tile?

  The two came to the third floor, "Let's go directly to the fourth floor."

  Xiao Nanqi continued, "There is no one on the third floor."

  The wolfhound outside is still barking, it seems to be disturbing the neighbors.

  Meng Huaiyin heard people in the villa next door cursing.

  As soon as he reached the fourth floor, Meng Huaiyin felt a strong sense of resentment.

  She knew why it couldn't be detected.

  The resentment here is too strong, covering up her exploration.

   A pair of eyes in the dark are watching them.

  Meng Huaiyin and Xiao Nanqi walked into a certain room.

   "There are two people on this floor, and one of them is in the room."

   Another appears to be moving.

  She pushed open the door, and suddenly a pair of black hands came over. Meng Huaiyin turned around and dodged, and immediately hit his acupuncture points.

   Someone fell down.

   "He seems familiar."

  Xiao Nanqi frowned, anyone who can make Meng Huaiyin familiar must have been on TV.

   "Ah, it's not that..."

   "Who is chasing the draft star?"

  Meng Huaiyin forgot his name for a moment.

   She scratched her head, it doesn't matter.

  She pumped out all the resentment in his body.

  If other people have a trace, then he has a big lump.