MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2151 What is so special?

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For the Special Operations Division, having the authority abroad can take all necessary actions to complete the task, but such things cannot be brought to the surface.

There are such institutions in every country, and everyone is committed to it. They never know it. No one will say it in front of a live broadcast audience.

For example, the CIA in the United States reports to the President and does not report to any other agency.

The Special Operations Division headed by Huo Shaoheng was initially placed under strict jurisdiction by the three bodies of Parliament, the Cabinet and the military.

This requirement is not bad, but he has more institutions to report on, and there are endless hidden dangers to this unseen secret agency.

Huo Shaoheng is the supreme leader of this organization. He is now in the dark, and his identity is not important. For example, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States is always open.

But his subordinates are not. If his field personnel are also made public, what secret frontline work is still to be done?

Give people a head straight.

Coupled with deliberately confusing the eyes of Member B, who specifically took out private matters related to "killing human rights", it suddenly took the rhythm among ordinary people.

The group of netizens who were full of enthusiasm for the "Huo Gu CP" just now was crowded out immediately, and a bunch of people clamored for Major General Huo to answer questions.

At the same time, the diplomatic response in the venue, coupled with the ulterior motive of the navy, immediately pushed Huo Shaoheng to the forefront.

How can he answer?

Answering "No" will be questioned and lied immediately, maybe they will be involved in their secret operations overseas.

If the answer is "yes", it will be even worse. This is to roast his own organization and his subordinates on the fire. Can he be left alone?

Huo Shaoheng pursed his lips and glanced at Gu Nianzhi to speak, and he quickly winked at her so that she would not speak first.

Gu Nianzhi understood it, nodding his head slightly, shaking his open palm slightly.

Such a subtle move made the "Huogu CP" party crazy, and made the picture of her lightly shaking her palm into a moving picture expression package, which soon spread.

Huo Shaoheng closed his eyes, looked up at Member B, and calmly asked, "Mr. Member, I want to ask, why do you ask this question?"

Member Y frowned and said, "Major Huo, I'm asking you a question, not you asking me a question."

Huo Shaoheng's posture was very relaxed, his tall and strong body filled the seat, and his long legs were almost nowhere to rest.

He leaned back and said with a small smile, "I'm here to question, not to be tried."

Implying that parliamentarians have treated him badly has put him at a disadvantage.

Gu Nianzhi seized the opportunity at this moment and immediately said, "Major Huo's words are justified and reasonable. Please ask this Member to reply to Major General Huo's question first."

She also said: "Our parliament's questioning of government and military officials was originally a place for exchanging views with each other. They are equal. You do n’t understand. Ask me. I do n’t understand. Ask you. With a high posture, you have no right to judge anyone. "

Member B laughed and said, "Chief Gu really cares for her husband. In fact, I have long wanted to ask the parliament. This time, I will question Major-General Huo, and Chief Gu should not be present."

"Why?" The skinny female reporter just rightly picked up the stubble.

"It's very simple, in order to avoid suspicion." Member Yi shrugged. "Everyone knows that Chief Gu and Major-General Huo are unmarried couples. How can these two attend at the same time on opposite sides? Isn't this a side for Major-Huo Wang ? "

Gu Nianzhi was in the middle of her arms and said with a smile, "This gentleman has really taken this place as a court and Major General Huo as the suspect of trial."

"Chief Gu, which word did you hear from me for trial? Don't you want to add to the crime?" Member B is even happier, and it is quite decent to be able to take care of it in public.

Gu Nianzhi looked at the other person's cheerful smile and smashed it with a hammer: "But as far as I know, only in court trials, people with relatives or interests are required to evade."

"You are asking me to evade now, and also say that you are not going to be a court here, and Major General Huo is a suspect?"

Member B's face changed, and all the happiness just now was cleaned up by one of the guests.

"You--!" He wanted to refute, but in a hurry, he couldn't think of any occasions that needed formal avoidance.

Gu Nianzhi did not give him a chance to quibble, and immediately said, "I am really ashamed of you. Major General Huo is my fiance, but he is also a soldier born and dead for decades for the benefit of the country and the people."

"How many times has he completed his mission on the verge of death, and you can count his military achievements over the years."

"I really didn't expect that you could treat such a soldier who has made great contributions to the country as a suspect without any foundation." Gu Nian's face became serious. "Who gave you the authorization? Who gave you the idea?" ? "

Member B was blushed by Gu Nianzhi, but he still refused to give up, and could not help interrupting Gu Nianzhi, saying aloud, "I just want to ask Major General Huo to kill human rights! That's it! Chief Gu, don't worry about it. Say him! "

Gu Nianzhi also said politely: "Major Huo wants to know why you ask this question, why do you keep your ears open?"

The two were head-to-head, and no one was willing to flinch.

At this time, it is necessary for the Speaker Long to come forward.

He took the microphone in front of himself and said with a smile: "Congressmen who ask this question, you really need to explain. You have to remember that we are lawmakers, not judges. Don't feel that we are superior."

Then he said to Huo Shaoheng: "After the Member answers your question, you will also answer his question."

Huo Shaoheng nodded politely, "certainly."

Speaker Long spoke, and Member B could not shirk.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I occasionally listen to others, and I'm curious ..."

Ha ha.

Gu Nianzhi smiled unceremoniously, "Mr. Senator, what place did you read the book to ask such a whimsical question?"

Member Y blushed and stared at Huo Shaoheng, saying, "Major Huo, should you answer?"

Huo Shaoheng understands the intention of this Member, and he must be unwilling. Therefore, he said lightly, "No law has such authority for me."

"Ha!" Senator B suddenly stood up in excitement and pointed at him. "You said that there is no law to authorize you, but why do you order someone to assassinate the important witness of Kevin Case Zuo Qinghong?"

Huo Shaoheng: "..."

It's a bit of a spectrum to say that he executed Kevin, and what kind of ghost is he "assumed" Zuo Qinghong?

Huo Shaoheng was too lazy to answer.

Gu Nianzhi raised an eyebrow. "Mr. congressman, if you say such a serious allegation without any evidence, I will sue you on behalf of Major General Huo."

Member Y rolled his eyes and said, "If Zuo Qinghong was not assassinated by Major General Huo, why would he die in a hospital specially guarded by security personnel? And the police could not catch the killer!"

At this time, Member A was doing nothing, and he stood up and said, "And Kevin! He was also taken away from the hospital and died inexplicably in a car accident! How do you explain?"

"Everyone said that your department is not leaking, but how can there be two messes this time!"

"Kevin is still a U.S. citizen, and he was sentenced to life in the first instance. His team of lawyers still has to appeal. There will be a second instance. Are you not killing with a knife ?!"

Huo Shaoheng did not want to answer these idiot questions at all.

Gu Nianzhi spoke for him: "The two members of the Diet originally represented Americans. Today I can understand why you look down on our heroes. It turns out that your **** is crooked and everything is black and white."

"Chief Gu, don't let your blood blow out!" Member A thought that he would no longer be able to choose, so he was less worried about Gu Nianzhi, and began to work against her. "We are questioning Major General Huo, you really care for your husband. what!"

"I'm just doing my own work. Please don't treat others by yourself." I don't even look at MP A, but I still watch MP B, saying, "Mr. MP, are you arguing for Kevin? Was our court wrong? I can answer this question, because I am the prosecution lawyer for the Kevin case, and I am fully qualified to confront you in the Kevin case. "

Member A froze for a moment, then remembered that Gu Nianzhi was indeed the prosecution lawyer of the Kevin case, and he was sinking in his heart, thinking that this case might not be able to get around her.

He thought quickly, saying, "I'm not injustice for Kevin. Any citizen in this position will be injustice for him."

"Then you still have an injustice with Kevin, don't treat the guest." Gu Nianzhi said, "Okay, even if you are in an injustice with all citizens in the Kevin position, then I ask you, what evidence do you have to prove that Kevin Death is related to us? "

"As far as I know, it was Zuo Qinghong and two US special forces who brought Kevin out of the hospital illegally."

"The car they are riding is an illegally modified car, and there is a very high equivalent of explosives in the car."

"The person who detonated the car is also the one who provided the modified car. Mr. Member, do you know who provided this car? And who detonated the car?"

Member B took a look at Huo Shaoheng and said: "This type of explosive, this modified car, I think that only the organization led by Major General Huo can do it. God was unknowingly taking Kevin out of the hospital. Also Major-General Huo. "

"You mean, Zuo Qinghong and that American special commander are Major-General Huo?" Gu Nian's anxiety can't get the word "whimsical" on his head.

Unexpectedly, Member B really did this to her.

He said rightly: "Isn't it? As far as I know, Zuo Qinghong is a graduate student of the Institute of High Energy Physics, and Major General Huo's mother, Ms. Song Jinning, is the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics."

"And those two US special forces, imagine that in addition to the privileged institution of Major General Huo, who else can sneak in and enter the two US special forces?"

"If I remember correctly, Major General Huo had previously been a special forces soldier! Maybe he knew these two Chinese special forces soldiers when he was performing missions abroad!"

As soon as his voice fell, the venue was quiet inside and out.

Many people have a look of doubt and they look at Huo Shaoheng thoughtfully.

Even the capital of minds was dumbfounded.

Obediently winter!

What is so special about this person?

It ’s actually a nose and an eye!

Put the blame for Kevin incident on Huo Shaoheng ...

If Gu Nianzhi was not particularly familiar with Huo Shaoheng, she might even be moved!

It seems that some people are prepared today, really look down on this group of rice buckets.

One of Nian's thoughts quickly sent Lu Jin a message, asking him to help carry out an in-depth investigation into the two lawmakers, while organizing a counterattack in his mind.

To do an in-depth background check in a short time, only to find a way close, because only he has such technical means.

After the news came out, Gu Nianzhi patted his slightly clogged chest with his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "Since Mr. Chan thinks of imagination as fact, let us talk about the clues you have proposed."

"First of all, you said that Zuo Qinghong was a graduate student of the Institute of High Energy Physics, and Song Jinning, the biological mother of Major General Huo, was the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics. Kevin, did Ms. Song Jinning listen to what his son Major General Huo instructed him to do? "

Member B was almost cerebral palsy by Gu Nianzhi's long sentence, but nodded without hesitation after hearing her repeat it carefully several times: "Isn't it?"

"Then you have evidence to prove that Major General Huo directed Ms. Song, and Ms. Song also directed Zuo Qinghong?"

Member B sneered dismissively: "This still needs evidence? A discerning person can see it at a glance!"

Gu Nianzhi smiled and looked down to see that the information sent by Lu Jin had been received on the laptop.

She clicked on the email and looked at it in ten lines ~ ~ has an idea.

Looking up at Member B with a slight smile, he said, "This gentleman, you have a son who has finished college in the United States and went to Carlyle International Investment Co., Ltd. as an executive. He has a subordinate relationship with Kevin. Of course, Kevin It ’s a superior. Are you arguing for Kevin today, is it for your daughter ’s career in the Carlyle International Co., Ltd., to deliberately smear our meritorious service? ”

Member Yi Weiwei then laughed and said, "Who is here who doesn't know that I have only one daughter and no son! And that my daughter works in a state-owned enterprise and is just a small technician. What does it have to do with Carlyle ?! Chief Gu, you are the scorner! "

Gu Nianzhi said "Oh", leaned forward slightly, said a name, and said, "Isn't this man your son? Oh, no, he should be your illegitimate son. He and his mother are both abroad. The child was born and raised abroad. After entering the Carlyle International Investment Co., Ltd. after graduating from the university two years ago, it is still your line. "

"A student who just graduated from undergraduate school became an executive in Carlyle two years later, didn't it have a close relationship with you?"

Member B was frightened, and a "you bullshit" blurted out. He couldn't understand how he had been secretly hidden for more than 20 years!


This is today's second more than four thousand words: Chapter 2151, "What's Really a Personal Talent?"

The seventeenth and eighteenth bonuses of the one million starting coins that rewarded "Hantie Grace" pro-September.

The third chapter is a four-thousand-word chapter plus nine o'clock in the evening.

Find monthly tickets and recommended tickets ~~~

Thank you so much ~~~