MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2149 Own person

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"Zuo Qinghong didn't die in vain. His death caused the security department to rush down and wipe out all the enemy agents who had been in the hospital for many years." Huo Shaoheng picked up a military magazine and sat down in the back seat calmly Qi Dingshen tilted his head leisurely and said in an official voice: "It still made a certain contribution to the people of the country."

Yin Shixiong was extremely speechless and gave a thumbs up to Huo Shaoheng: "Huo Shao, if you can tell the people in the Parliament like this, I will respect you as a man!"

Zhao Liangze gave Yin Shixiong a glance and said, "What do you mean, Daxiong? Zuo Qinghong is dead, what is it to do with us? Besides, he forced the lady to show up in person, what value is he?"

If not Huo Shao completely let go of the security over there, how could that lady be easily hooked?

If you want to catch big fish, you can only put bait.

Yin Shixiong stretched his waist, leaned his head on the window and thought for a while, and realized: "... it makes sense, too. That lady is really very cautious. When we had someone walking nearby, she was really Was so anxious that he didn't show up at all. "

"It wasn't until she was convinced that we had all withdrawn, and she took someone in to see Zuo Qinghong."

Zhao Liangze had a small laptop on her knee, typing cracklingly, without raising her head and saying, "Do you know how hard she worked? In order to make sure we all evacuated, she used all the things in the 3X1 hospital. The lurking object. Some people, oh, it's totally unexpected.

Yin Shixiong smiled and shook his head. "But I think that if this happened not at home but abroad, we must have a better way to deal with her."

Their Special Operations Division's authority in the country is severely restricted and is often tied.

Fortunately, Huo Shaoheng was very evasive of domestic matters, and rarely intervened in domestic matters unless this matter was related to Gu Nian.

This time, it was because of the involvement of Kevin, an American, and Song Jinning, that they could justify their involvement.

"Don't be too optimistic. Who the lady is, we don't know yet, only know that there is such a person, it is Kevin's backing."

"Why is Kevin her heir? Why does Zuo Qinghong also want to be the wife's heir?" Yin Shixiong asked doubtfully.

"This is something we need to continue investigating." Huo Shaoheng put the magazine back on the floor and asked Zhao Liangze, "Did you notify the US field staff? Who does Kevin have close relationships with, this time we will re-investigate."

Before they investigated Kevin's parents and friends, they never knew that there was such a "wife" who had a close relationship with Kevin.

"It's all an heir relationship. Why didn't we find it at all last time?" Yin Shixiong was also puzzled. "How tight is this?"

"It's not necessarily concealing." Huo Shaoheng thought more. He sat in the back seat and thought deeply: "It should be the wrong place for our investigation."

"What do you mean?"

"We are investigating Kevin's situation in New York. What if he associates with this lady, isn't he in New York?" Huo Shaoheng looked up at Zhao Liangze. "Let the field workers think more broadly, don't confine to one place."

"Yes, Chief." Zhao Liangze recorded Huo Shaoheng's order and sent it out in encrypted form.

Yin Shixiong looked at the parliament ahead, took out his mobile phone, and sent Gu Nianzhi a text message: [We are here].

Gu Nianzhi is the chief legal counsel of the upper house of parliament and is directly under Speaker Long.

Of course, she knows that today is the day when Huo Shaoheng came to Parliament for questioning.

She came to the office early in the morning to find background information on those news media practitioners who came to Parliament today.

Know yourself and know the interview style of these people.

Huo Shaoheng's special car reached the underground parking lot of the upper house of the parliament. He looked around and found that the head of the security department and the police department had already arrived.

They, like him, came to be questioned.

Looking at the crowded cars parked in the underground parking lot, more than doubled than usual.

Huo Shaoheng pushed the door and got off, thinking, how many people have come this time?

Take the elevator to the 12th floor of the parliament building, which is also the floor where the parliamentary conference hall is located.

Several parliamentary staff waiting at the elevator door saw Huo Shaoheng and his party coming, immediately led them to the lounge next to him, gave him coffee and tea, and put a few dishes of snacks, while secretly saying: " Major General Huo, don't worry, Chief Gu has arranged for you, we will not let you suffer! "

The talking parliamentary staff member is a young boy with a head full of brains. When talking about "Chief Gu", his black eyes will be brightened, and he really admires it.

Huo Shaoheng looked at him with a smile, and nodded his head, his low magnetic voice bursting with humanity: "Thank you."

"Will Major General Huo meet Chief Gu? Let me help you." Another clever, fat staff member rubbed his palms and said without looking at all.

Huo Shaoheng could actually call Gu Nianzhi directly, but he still accepted the kindness of the staff and asked them to say hello.

After these people left, Zhao Liangze smiled and said, "Huo Shao, I never knew when your popularity was so good? These people don't treat you as an outsider at all ..."

"What outsider is insider?" Yin Shixiong took a sip of coffee, ate a few small cookies, and said with a strange smile: "Huo Shao is the son-in-law of the upper house of the parliament. He himself ... read it is the care of the upper house of parliament Chief, it ’s good for Nianzhi ... people are love house and black ... "

Zhao Liangze looked at Huo Shaoheng, not knowing what the brain had made up. He looked away with a smile, and looked at the large LCD TV on the wall of the lounge.

At this time, the head of the security department, Minister Nie, was questioned.

The seats in the large conference hall are arranged from low to high, just like the seats in the movie theater, but they are circularly distributed. There is a lot of tables and chairs in the center of the circle.

Minister Nie was sitting in a seat in the center of the circle and receiving questions from members of the law and qualified journalists.

Now talking to a skinny female journalist with a Hermès scarf around her neck, her neck is particularly long and her head is particularly large.

She said solemnly, "Secretary Nie, I want to ask you, what is the work flow of your security department? Why did you kill two people who were placed under your protection? One of them is still an American citizen!"

In his fifties, Minister Nie had no hair on his head. As soon as he was nervous, his scalp was shiny.

Holding the microphone in front of him, he stuttered, "We provide the best protection, but Comrade Journalist, no matter how good the protection is, it is not foolproof ..."

Having said that, Minister Nie said the details of the protection they provided, very detailed, and many members nodded frequently and were already very satisfied.

"I can't accept your words." But this female reporter interrupted the answer of the head of the security department aggressively. "Did you provide the best protection? It is not you who decides. Your workflow must be correct Only then can we show procedural justice. You tell the details of your workflow, and let's comment on them together. "

Minister Nie shook his head in surprise and said, "Excuse me, I can't provide details of the workflow. This is against discipline."

"What kind of discipline is violated? Minister Nie, you are here to be questioned. How can you say nothing? Then why are you here? Are you refusing to accept the supervision of the Parliament and the media?"

Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze were shocked when they saw this scene.

So the question is like this?

They are ignorant!

The two looked at each other, and when they were about to say something, Huo Shaoheng suddenly sat upright.

Zhao Liangze glanced at the TV screen, and found that there was actually a surprise on TV!

It turned out that she was already at the challenge venue.

"Nianzhi is here too!" Zhao Liangze blinked in front of him, and found that he hadn't seen it for a few days, and Gu Nianzhi seemed a little more beautiful.

Instead of sitting like everyone else, she stood behind a podium.

The tall, slender, simple and low-key custom smoke-gray professional women's dress did not reduce her face value, but made her skin whiter and brighter than her eyes.

At the meeting, Minister Nie was very anxious. It made people feel that he had done something to regret everyone. In fact, he just didn't know how to respond to the question of female reporters.

The female reporter was even more proud. She thought she had seized the handle of Minister Nie and planned to become famous in the First World War.

She was about to continue questioning, and Gu Nianzhi said: "Comrade, this reporter has been tempted on the verge of breaking the law. Please don't continue your illegal topic. Otherwise, we can call the police and arrest you on the spot."

The female reporter froze and looked furious. "I questioned the head of the security department. Why do you intervene? Here is the parliament! I have the freedom to speak! Do you want to block my mouth?" ! "

"You have the freedom to speak, but you do not have unlimited freedom beyond the control of the law." Gu Nianzhi responded calmly and resolutely. She raised her right arm and faced the clearly relieved Minister Nie there and continued. "Minister Nie has answered your question to the extent permitted by law. Please do not delay everyone's time."

"He didn't answer my question!" The female reporter fisted angrily and waved in the air. "He refused to say the details of the workflow, which violates the principle of procedural justice!"

Gu Nianzhi held down his palm in the air and made a "quiet" action, saying, "Comrades of journalists and the security department's work processes have confidentiality regulations. You have repeatedly asked him to be on such live broadcast occasions. It ’s a violation of the confidentiality law if we announce the details. If he does, we can report you and one person can get a bonus of 500,000. "

The female reporter was red-faced by Gu Nianzhi, and the stubborn teeth that had always been in front of the camera disappeared, stuttering: "You you you ... you bullshit! I just want procedural justice to be guaranteed! You know, today is Kevin He Zuo Qinghong has an accident, tomorrow will be yours and me! "

Gu Nianzhi sighed clearly. The sound passed through the entire venue through the high-definition microphone in front of her. Of course, it was also broadcast live to the ears of hundreds of millions of TV viewers.

Huo Shaoheng's mouth was tinged with a smile he didn't even notice, and his usual hard and cold expression seemed to crack a crack, letting people see the tenderness and comfort inside.

He fixedly watched the TV screen, listening to Gu Nian's soft and soft voice coming out from the TV: "Comrade Reporter, what's your comparison? You have to compare yourself to a criminal and a suspect?

"I will not hold a gun illegally, kidnapping others by force, endangering public safety."

"I won't pretend to be a doctor to enter the hospital illegally, buy in the hospital staff, and take away the felony prisoners inside."

She said separately what Kevin and Zuo Qinghong did.

The female journalist was utterly speechless by Gu Nianzhi's seemingly simple but casual words.

Only then did Gu Nianzhi show the expression of "kindness and look at idiots" again, and said with a smile: "Of course, Minister Nie did not disclose the secret. Your spying was unsuccessful, so we will not report it for the time being, and observe the effect."

She looked at the moderator of the parliamentary inquiry behind the female reporter, "Can you start the next question?"

The host over there nodded and said, "Yes, the next is Mr. Wang from the North."

The question asked by this Member is relatively normal. He is not as aggressive as the female reporter just now. He has to follow up on the details of the work process of others.

In fact, the security department's workflow is indeed a confidential category. Knowing their workflow, many times they can deduce what they are doing.

For this reason, the workflow of the security department is not fixed, but it is changed from time to time.

Just like your computer password, you can force you to change the password regularly to achieve higher security effects.

Because Gu Nianzhi sat in the meeting room and ensured that both the questioning and answering parties would not break the law, the subsequent questioning went smoothly.

The head of the imperial police department was retired after being asked only a few scene questions.

Yin Shixiong crossed his legs ~ ~ Watched TV and said with emotion: "... these people are more interested in the people in the security department ... I don't know if it was out of innate curiosity or acquired curiosity……"

The working procedures of the police department and various laws and regulations are all open. The key is the degree of law enforcement. Therefore, the angle we ask is not tricky.

Only the previous question to Minister Nie was like a feast of bloodthirsty vultures facing the injured antelope.

After the questioning of the head of the police department was over, it was Huo Shaoheng's turn.

He stood up calmly and strode toward the meeting place.

Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze followed behind him and walked into the venue together.

Sit at the center of the circle in the center of the round venue, Huo Shaoheng raised his eyes and glanced at the venue.

It seems like it has a powerful aura, and it calms down the people in the house.

Gu Nianzhi smiled and looked at him with a smile, and his firm and stern handsome beauty also returned with the same smile.

The crowd watching the live broadcast at the venue, in front of the TV, and on the Internet suddenly fry.

[Look! Suddenly caught by a dog food and couldn't breathe! 】.

[What the **** did I do! Saying yes is a serious questioning occasion? !! The sour smell of love is almost coming out of my TV! 】.

[My real name refuses to scatter dog food regardless of the occasion! If I need to sprinkle more, I hope to be more! 】.


This is the third and fourth thousand words today: Chapter 2149, "Myself."

The fifteenth and sixteenth bonuses of the one million starting coins that rewarded "Hantie Grace" pro-September were given away.

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Thank you so much ~~~