MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2143 3 barium meals

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They both looked like they hadn't seen anyone behind them.

Prime Minister Bai frowned. "What do you care about so much? This is the military affairs."

"I just want to tell you, you are the Prime Minister, shouldn't you know this?" Bai Yueran said with a grin, and Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes saw a figure rising sharply from a screen behind them, and quickly went out.

Bai Yueran nodded, winked at Prime Minister Bai, and made an OK gesture, indicating that the fish was hooked.

The person who slipped out, and later they saw from the surveillance, was the Deputy Foreign Minister.


At the same time, the military was also meeting.

Admiral Ji chaired the meeting in the military's large conference room.

Beige walls and half-height windows hung with heavy blue curtains.

A long conference table is placed in the center of the conference room, and the quarterly general is setting the focus of this year's work.

"Everyone must know that when something happened in the city at the end of last year, the elite special guards of the military were all dispatched, and Kevin was arrested."

"But in the interrogation later, I was able to put together a moth in the court!"

"What the **** are you doing on alert!"

"I didn't say you guys. If it was during the war years, you would lose your heads!"

The heads of the army were all trained by the admiral quarter and couldn't lift their heads.

This is not to blame General Ji scolding them.

The fact that Kevin was attacked in a coma in a military court before did make the military department carry a big blame.

If it wasn't for the prosecution lawyer Gu Nianzhi who had fought a beautiful court battle in the court at that time, the scolding of netizens would have been even worse.

It's just because of considerations that some people try to bring the problem to the verdict, but they never succeed.

Netizens are not blind people, who can't see the fuss of Kevin's identity?

But Kevin can still have an accident in court, it is indeed that the military court is incompetent, and he has been scolded.

Admiral Ji scolded him hard at the table before turning the topic to this year's policy.

"At the beginning of the year, we planned to have a global coverage of the Nandou satellite navigation system this year, and there would be no blind spots in communication."

"The satellites to be launched by the aerospace department have already queued up for a record. Don't put too much pressure on the aerospace department."

"If you can launch, launch, if not, don't force it."

General Ji paused and said, "The cooperation between the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Institute of High Energy Physics is progressing well, and we hope to achieve greater results soon."

He hasn't told these military chiefs so far that the magnetic resonance instrument has been successfully researched.

The wormhole to the opposite space has been opened.

Because this technology is too advanced, if announced, it will cause unnecessary shocks in society and panic in other countries.

Listening to the subtle and proud summary of the admiral, the big brothers who were scolded just now also laughed.

They are members of the military, and they are actually isolated from the society to some extent.

This time, the case in the Imperial High Military Court was really unpleasant.

But it can still be remedied.

When Admiral Ji stopped to drink water, a big man asked, "How is Kevin's condition now? I heard that his team of lawyers has been seeking medical treatment outside the prison."

"If he can't wake up all the time, is he going to be released on medical treatment?"

Admiral Ji lowered his glass and looked coldly: "Even if he became a vegetative, he would serve his sentence in our country's prison."

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other awkwardly and stopped talking.

When everyone was resting during the meeting, Admiral Ji sat in the activity room next to the large conference room and said to Huo Shaoheng, "Kevin, you do n’t have to worry about it. His ward has been changed. Now he is not in room 601 but in 605 Room. — Remember to keep it secret and not let others know. "

Huo Shaoheng nodded and said calmly, "Yes, Chief."

He also asked: "The security of the hospital over there is still carried out by the security department? Should we send some people over?"

"No need." General Ji shook his head and said lightly: "If the security department can't even do this, they will shuffle from top to bottom."

When Admiral Ji said about this, there were several senior generals sitting near him, but they were talking in a whisper to each other, and they didn't know if they heard them.

Huo Guanchen sat alone near the door and smoked, with a smile on his face, and he could not see that his wife was scattered now, and he was alone.

In the end, people who do political work don't know what others think in their hearts, and they seem to hide one by one.


At the same time, the parliament is also convening the first conference of the new year.

This time both the upper and lower houses of the parliament are in a large conference hall. Representatives of the upper and lower houses take turns to speak on the stage. The central idea is to strive for more funding and policy preferences for the region they represent.

Speaker Long chaired high-level meetings of the upper house in his office.

"Senior members of the House of Lords, we must know the case on Christmas Eve last year."

"This is a transnational case, and the United States has a lot of pressure on our government. At this time, our parliament must not stand idly by."

"Everyone serves the people, the parliament, the cabinet and the military. This is a trinity that leads this country together."

He glanced at these people and said with a smile, "Kevin has a deep international background. In addition to the big consortium of Carlyle, there is a government involved in it. As for which countries, I do n’t Called. "

What other countries?

There are only two countries that have the deepest enthusiasm for China: the United States and Japan.

The power of these two countries happens to be behind Kevin.

Speaker Long did not make it very clear, but only so far.

It was also during the meeting, when everyone went out to ventilate, Gu Nianzhi brought a cup of tea to the Speaker Long, put it on the coffee table in front of him, and said softly, "Dr. Long is hard.

"I'm fine." Speaker Long shook his head, took a tea cup and took a sip. "Kevin heard that it wasn't quite right. The security department changed his ward for insurance reasons ..."

"Oh?" Gu Nianzhi looked up and asked curiously, "Changed the ward? Where have you changed?"

"I heard it was Room 607. It used to be Room 601."

President Long Yi said in a low voice, glanced around without leaving a trace, and did not know whether these people heard the sentence and sent it out.


On Friday afternoon, Gu Nianzhi returned home from work in Parliament.

When sitting in her car, she received a call from Huo Shaoheng.

"Read it, where are you?"

"I'm just going home. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Huo Shaoheng whispered, "I have something today and don't go home. You go to Professor Lu's house with Professor Lu on the weekend."

"Is there something? I also have something, so don't bother the general manager." Gu Nianzhi said without hesitation, "I'll wait for you."

Gu Nianzhi started the car, and his heart seemed to be stimulated by the roar of the car's engine, and his heart beat.

Did the three barium meals they had previously fed work?

Who is it?

Or is it not one or two?

Gu Nian's heart was also disturbed.

Therefore, even Lu Yuan's food could not attract her, and she planned to stay at Huo Shaoheng's official residence on the weekend to wait for news.


At six o'clock in the evening on Friday, it is the most relaxed period of the week.

At this moment, dusk is approaching and night is approaching. Someone once called this moment "the magic moment".

Zuo Qinghong was wearing a white coat, a doctor's white cap, a stethoscope around his neck, a medical record under his armpit, and smiling as he set foot on the sixth floor corridor.

He wears a mask like other doctors, and the gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes actually have video transmission capabilities.

As he walked, he transmitted everything that he saw in the eyes to the cloud, and his backup support staff quickly adjusted the algorithm to help him find the optimal course of action, and then transmitted it to him.

The Bluetooth headset worn in his ear has a communication function, which is connected to the network by traffic.

"everything is normal."

"everything is normal."

As he walked from Room 601, he paused, still knocked on the door with a smile.

But there was no response from the door.

A nurse-like man walked past him and said kindly, "Doctor, the patients here have been discharged."

Zuo Qinghong sneered in his heart, thinking that he had just shifted, but he lied to say he was discharged.

If he didn't get the exact information, he would really be blinded.

However, he nodded to the man with a smile and said, "Thank you, where was the discharge procedure for that man?"

"I don't know about this, you ask the front desk."

The nurse glanced at him and didn't see the name on his chest.

Zuo Qinghong knew what the other party was watching, ignored it, and moved on.

When he reached room 603, he stopped again and reached out to knock on the door.

No one responded.

He was about to leave. Suddenly the door was opened. A policeman looked out and looked at him and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Zuo Qinghong was pleased in his heart, and the information he thought was really correct, it was really Room 603!

But he didn't say anything, and he nodded politely. "I'm a rounds doctor. What about the patients here?"

He made an effort to check out the medical records.

The policeman looked at him suspiciously and said, "You were not the doctor who came yesterday?"

"Oh, I was mistaken. Sorry." Zuo Qinghong Binbin said politely, holding the medical record in his hand.

Just as the police was about to close the door, Zuo Qinghong silently took out a silent pistol and fired at the police's abdomen!


The sound seemed to slap against the doorpost.

The police did not say a word, and fell to the ground.

Zuo Qinghong turned back and beckoned, called for two helpers, then flashed into the room, glimpsing that the surveillance in the room had been broken by his own people, facing him warily, but there was no electricity.

He motioned for the two to watch at the door and walked lightly inside.

The wards on the 6th floor of the 3X1 hospital are special VIP wards, and all of them are suites, not like the inpatient department of a general hospital, where many patients live in a large room.

Zuo Qinghong killed the policemen who opened the door, and even more convinced that this was Kevin's room.

As he walked, he felt that the other party was quite smart.

If they don't have a particularly hard internal response, I really can't guess that in fact Kevin just moved to the next room.

He retracted the gun in his sleeve and slowly opened the inner door.

The police inside were sitting on a sofa next to the hospital bed and reading a magazine.

Hearing someone coming in, he turned around and stood up and asked, "You are ..."

Zuo Qinghong immediately raised his hand to shoot!

It's exactly the same scene he played in the game.

It was in this scene that he passed the game completely.

The policeman didn't say the third word and just fell to the sofa.

Zuo Qinghong quickly walked to the bed and looked down.

Kevin's face was covered with a ventilator. His cheeks were thinner and his cheekbones were protruding more than before.

After all, she has been in a coma for more than a month, which is not the same as normal people.

In his appearance, Zuo Qinghong instead believed that this was the true Kevin.

If it is exactly the same as it was a month ago, it must be false.

Zuo Qinghong still has this common sense.

He called out.

Two helpers outside walked in, one took out a needle and whispered, "Are you going to inject now?"

"Of course. How can I get out without waking him?"

Zuo Qinghong glared at the man, "Do you think we can lift people out of the hospital?"

Of course, only let him go out.

Kevin has been stunned for more than a month, but making him stunned is their special medicine.

They have special antidote in their hands. Just inject it and wait five minutes to wake up.

Although he could not walk completely as usual, he did not need to be stretched out to carry him out.

Several watched nervously as the man stuck a syringe in the man's vein and injected the antidote.

Within five minutes, Kevin's eyes blinked, as if to open.

"Okay! He has the ability to move! Hurry up and change his clothes!" Zuo Qinghong looked at his watch ~ ~ Can't wait and immediately ordered his two helpers to bring his clothes to Kevin .

They pulled down the oxygen mask covering Kevin's face, replaced his sick coat, and replaced them with gray chicken collar sweaters worn by ordinary people, wool trousers of the same color, shiny leather shoes, and heads. Put on a peaked cap and sunglasses on your face.

After changing his clothes, Kevin was still stingy and didn't say a word.

"Mr. Kevin? We're taking you out now. Can you walk?"

Kevin nodded and slowly stood up on the bed.

"That's great!" Zuo Qinghong was relieved, his tone was obviously relaxed.

"Get out of here now!" He looked around, "Is there no one outside?"

He was talking to his backup support staff.

The people over there checked the condition of the building and issued a "(action)" instruction.

Zuo Qinghong immediately walked in front, and the two helpers helped Kevin follow him left and right.

They opened the door and looked around to make sure that the surveillance in the hallway had been controlled before they flashed out.


This is the third and fourth thousand words today: Chapter 2143, "Three Barium Meals."

The eighty-eighth one-million-point coin for the "Steel Iron Grace" pro-September reward was given for the 78th time.

Find monthly tickets and recommended tickets ~~~

PS: Congratulations to the three adults, "Ink Snow", "Sky Blue Emperor Phoenix" and "Xibu 602", as the new leaders of "Hello, Major General"!

Major-General has already forty leaders, including the Silver League and the Gold League.

Life is complete. O (∩_∩) O.

Thank you so much ~~~