MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2139 Password has been cracked

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Gu Nianzhi muffled his mouth and continued muttering, "In the Caribbean blue caves, you abandoned me, and went to see your comrades ..."

Huo Shaoheng: "..."

He couldn't say anything because of the care.

This silly girl, after so many things, still loves him wholeheartedly and is willing to be with him.

Huo Shaoheng thought that his life's luck was used to meet Gu Nianzhi.

Without her, he would never know how good it was to love each other.

"... I'm sorry." Huo Shaoheng held her tight, guilty, but didn't regret what he did.

Gu Nianzhi quietly raised his lips and smiled.

It's a matter of exposing this matter.

The two kissed on the aisle from the living room to the dining room.

The moonlight of the fifteenth of the first month is clear and moist, and the silvery white light envelopes the mountain woods outside the villa.

The elegant white window screen is jealous, and the silhouettes of the two kissing are seen from the floor-to-ceiling windows outside.

Lu turned around to find Gu Nianzhi, and just saw this scene.

A smile of relief from the old father appeared on his face.

When the girl grows up, she really wants to marry ...


Huo Shaoheng hugged Gu Nian's kiss for a while before he managed her messed hair and came to the restaurant hand in hand with her.

Lu Yuan, Song Jinning and Lu Jin were already waiting there.

Seeing the two men coming in, Song Jinning said with a smile: "The willow head on the moon, after the appointment of dusk, today is the real Lantern Festival."

Gu Nianzhi smiled embarrassedly and sat down next to Song Jinning.

Her other side was sitting near the road, and Huo Shaoheng was sitting in the empty space between the near road and the far road.

It is not that she does not want to sit with Huo Shaoheng, but only these two vacancies are vacated.

Presumably it was deliberate.

Gu Nianzhi was not angry. Anyway, today's dining table is a round table. Even if you don't sit next to each other, you can't go far.

After Huo Shaoheng sat down, he glanced at the dishes on the table.

On the turntable in the middle of the round table, an eight treasure winter melon cup was placed instead of a Buddha jumping wall near the road.

Because it takes more than a day to make a Buddha jump over the wall, the way to order in the morning is not enough, and only the eight treasure winter melon cup can be used instead.

This winter melon picked by Lu Yuan is almost perfectly oval.

He washed the melon clean, drained the water, cut the flat side up, like the top of a teapot, cut out the melon dumplings, flattened the guts, and cut the melon cut into a jagged shape. , Placed in the stew pot with the mouth facing up.

Then choose a fresh chicken, add Spanish black pork, Yunnan ham, wild Bohaiming shrimp, Jiangxi Baojian magnolia slices, Shidao scallops into the chicken belly, add water, steam in an electric pressure cooker for 30 minutes, It was rotten, but the shape of the chicken remained the same, and the flavor was steamed in.

Then pour the steamed chicken with the ingredients from the belly into the cut winter melon, add the lotus seeds, wolfberry and lily slices, and then steam in a saucepan for 30 minutes.

It took more than an hour to make it, and the taste is not worse than that of Buddha's jumping wall, but the ingredients are not rich and supportive.

Around the round table is a bowl of winter melon cups, and a circle of dishes that everyone loves to eat.

In front of Lu Jin is a steamed big lobster with open teeth and claws. The big red tongs are paired with a few yellow fresh corns, and the color is very eye-catching.

In front of Gu Nian was a plate of shrimps with egg slides. Although simple to look at, this simple home-cooked dish was the best test of the skill of the chef.

Gu Nianzhi immediately scooped a spoon into the mouth.

It's worthy to say that the egg is slippery, the entrance is instant, and I don't know how Lu Yuan made it. It perfectly blends the umami of eggs and shrimp, and does not cover the other party's taste.

When you eat it, the egg is an egg, and the shrimp is a shrimp. When the shrimp and eggs are chewed together, the taste is doubled, and the taste buds are instantly lit, like fireworks blooming.

Gu Nianzhi even felt that even Buddha jumping through the wall is no better than this.

She almost made a gurgling noise from her throat and couldn't help taking another sip.

In front of Song Jinning is a bowl of brightly colored salted fish, chicken and eggplant, which is also her favorite taste.

This dish is nothing special to eat in summer, but having such fresh eggplant on the 15th of the first month is a long way to go.

In front of Huo Shaoheng is a bowl of steamed pork ribs with black sauce and a plate of oysters, with a cup of Maotai on hand.

To send oysters with Moutai is exactly how the old man eats.

What Lu Yuan prepared for himself was the use of porridge with bonito, stewed on a small alcohol stove, and the fillet was ready. When eating, take a slice and roll it in the porridge, then dip a little **** and raw Smoke it, then put it in your mouth. The fishy smell of fish fillet is gone. Only the tenderness and sweetness of the fish remains, and the aftertaste is endless.

In addition, there are glittering intestines, exquisite shrimp dumplings, and Xiao Long Bao specializing in Maryland blue crab meat as stuffing.

Gu Nianzhi ate praises: "Mr. Lu, your cooking has evolved again. Seeing the true chapter in ordinary times, you can be a god!"

Song Jinning said with a smile: "Of course, have you noticed that I have lost five pounds since I got married?"

"I didn't see it." Gu Nianzhi carefully looked at Song Jinning. "I think you are young again, and your skin is so tender that you can't even see the pores. What care products did you use? Did you make it yourself?"

Song Jinning shook her head with a smile and said, "Where do I make skincare products? I use ordinary moisturizers and sunscreens. I have never used anything else."

Lu Jingang took a small clip to clamp the meat from the lobster tongs and heard the words: "What kind of skin care products do you want? I can make a mask, essence or eye cream? I can do it."

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

She just said casually.

She's only twenty!

Oh no, it's twenty-one this year.

Gu Nian was a little sad, and took a big mouthful of slippery egg shrimp, saying with emotion: "Why can you relieve your worries, only food?"

Huo Shaoheng glanced at Gu Nian and gave her a bowl of Babao Winter Melon Cup with a spoon, and placed it in front of her across the road. A little winter melon cup, and then Xiaolongbao. "

Gu Nianzhi is as good as good. In food, she has always been a generous person. She has learned from others and never treasures herself.

Lu Jin looked at it with a smile, and Gu Nianzhi also picked up a dish of lobster meat and put it in front of her, saying, "Girl, eat, there are several steamed lobsters in Boss's kitchen."

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

This is one of the two who raised her as a pig.

But how happy is it?

I don't want to say anything about Gu Nian, because I can't talk.

She ate happily and seriously. The people present were infected by her and couldn't help eating an extra bowl of rice.

After eating this Lantern Festival dinner, Gu Nianzhi resigned and returned to Huo Shaoheng's official residence with Huo Shaoheng and Lu Jin.

Huo Shaoheng drank and couldn't drive, Gu Nianzhi happily took the steering wheel and started her drag racing journey.

Late at night on the fifteenth day of the first month, there were quite a lot of cars on the highway.

The lights converge into a light path, and it is like a river. The river flows endlessly. No wonder there will be a "youche river".

Gu Nianzhi drove comfortably, speeding all the way, and soon returned to the door of the official residence of the headquarters of the Special Operations Division of Huo Shaoheng.

Lu came off the car with pride, and said to Huo Shaoheng in the back seat of the car, "Shao Heng, my girl has good car skills!"

Huo Shaoheng: "..."

Is good.

He looked at Gu Nianzhi and said nothing, but just raised his lips and smiled.

Gu Nianzhi heard a little blush, and quickly pulled Lu near the house and said, "Dad, I can't wait, you can try to crack it!"

Lu Jin's attention immediately turned to the disguised phone number and said, "Give me some time and I'll see what algorithm to use."

"Dad, I hope that the algorithm you use is the most optimized, and the computers we have will be able to crack the best."

Gu Nianzhi said implicitly.

Lu Quan's quantum computer can not be brought out in a grand light within 50 years, so they need an algorithm that can use the most advanced computers available to crack the program.

This can be used as a testimony when needed.

Because cracking the phone number or IP address that the other party disguised, in fact, the final calculation is the computing power of the computer.

Any program that cracks passwords cannot bypass the hardware requirement of the computer's performance.

So the password that Gu Nianzhi and Huo Shaoheng could not crack is not a problem near here, because he has a quantum computer that has surpassed the technological level of this era by at least fifty years.

After Lu Jin entered his laboratory, he started to design algorithms.

Even if he has the most powerful computer, he cannot always rely on the performance of the computer. He will further improve the cracking method in software, that is, the algorithm. Otherwise, he will stand still and cannot make progress.

And Gu Nianzhi gave him this disguised phone number, and it took a bit of cleverness to crack it, that is, the algorithm must find the optimal value.

This is what Gu Nianzhi asked of him.

Because of this requirement, it took Lu Jin nearly one week to find the optimal algorithm.

He first entered the algorithm into his quantum computer and started his own cracking program.

To his surprise, even using his quantum computer, it took nearly an hour to completely crack the other person's disguise.

At this speed, if we use Huo Shaoheng's super computer in their central control room, it will probably take a week.

Lu Jin looked at the cracked four-digit invalid phone number and was lost in thought.

I always think there is something wrong, but I can't find any problems.

After a long time, he still picked up his mobile phone and called Gu Nianzhi, who was still working in the House of Parliament: "Read it, the number is broken. Although I think there are still some problems, the result should be right."

Gu Nianzhi is a bit puzzled.

The result is right, what else can be wrong?

She had just finished the meeting, and she still had the messy sound in the meeting room. When she heard the words, she said, "I'll be right back. Dad, did you tell Huo Shao?"

Lu Jin shook his head. "Notify him."

In fact, Huo Shaoheng went to work in the office building of the headquarters of the Special Operations Division, and Gu Nianzhi sent him a text message: [Password has been cracked].

Huo Shaoheng immediately knew what was going on, and quickly packed the things on his desk and returned to his official residence.

It took twenty minutes for Gu Nianzhi to arrive home.

She did not want to go to her bathroom to wash as usual, but came to the small laboratory near Lu as soon as possible.

Huo Shaoheng is already waiting here.

He clearly knew the answer, frowned slightly, and sat on the round sofa in the middle of the laboratory, watching the data in front of him.

Gu Nianzhi knocked gently on the door.

Lu Jin looked up and waved at her, and Shen Sheng said, "Come here, look at this number."

Gu Nianzhi trot almost behind the road.

When she saw the four-digit phone number on the display in front of Lu Jin, she was so surprised that her lips could not be closed, and they rounded into an o-shape.

After a long time, she said "Yeah" and said, "... is an invalid number again? It turned out to be the opposite ?!"

This opposite is, of course, the world parallel to their side.

It is also the world where He Chichu was.

Gu Nianzhi came back, looked back at Huo Shaoheng, and asked, "Huo Shao, do we want to call He Shao?"

Huo Shaoheng subconsciously did not want to contact He Zhichu anymore.

But the phone number cracked by Lu Jin showed a great relationship with the opposite world.

"... Who will be the opposite world?" Gu Nianzhi held his arms and walked back and forth in the small laboratory near the road.

"Who else can?" Lu Jin said, "Of course Qin Baye and Qin Yaoguang are shameless father and daughter."

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

Well, her worst enemy is also these two.

"But Qin Yaoguang has become a mouse experiment, and Qin Baye has also been shot by General He." Gu Nianzhi stopped, thinking carefully about the timeline of these things.

Lu Jin said, "Looking at these short messages, it should be when we are still in the opposite world. Qin Baye or Qin Yaoguang contacted here ~ ~ What do you mean, with the Hong family, Guo Huining, and Ms. Song? This series of events are all Qin Baye, or is Qin Yaoguang leading the world opposite? "Huo Shaoheng asked, he didn't think it was that simple.

Gu Nianzhi thought for a while, and nodded, saying, "There is indeed a question. Other text messages can be explained clearly, but the last text message ..."

She took out her phone and called up the text message and clicked.

[Good-hearted person]: Major General Huo has a "magic drug" there that can cure your daughter. Why don't you go to him and ask him to take responsibility for your daughter?

"This text message was sent six months ago, after we returned from the opposite world." Gu Nianzhi raised his head and looked at Huo Shaoheng with clear eyes. "At that time, Qin Yaoguang was no longer a man, and Qin Baye was dead. Did he say, Is there anyone else in the Qin family? "

"I don't think there is anyone else in the Qin family involved in this matter." Huo Shaoheng was relieved at this time. "You can call He Chu and ask him how much the Qin family knows."

With He Chu's current status and power, the Qin family should have been clearly arranged by him.

Gu Nianzhi got Huo Shaoheng's permission before he went to Song Jinning and asked to call He Chu in the opposite world again.


This is today's second and fourth thousand words: Chapter 2139, "The Password Has Been Cracked."

Give the "Second Iron Grace" pro-September reward of the one million starting coins for the second time.

The third chapter is a 4,000-word chapter plus eight o'clock in the evening.

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Thank you so much ~~~

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