MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1162 Completely reunited (ask for a monthly ticket in the last few days)

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  Chapter 1162 Completely reunited (ask for a monthly pass in the last few days)

  When Liu Qingshan finished dealing with the affairs of the United States and returned to the capital, it was almost golden autumn and October.

   The dumb grandpa and others came back with him.

  The dumb grandpa was thinking about his school. After getting off the plane, he and the bearded principal took the train home directly.

  Xiao Liuzi was thinking about his fourth sister, so he went back to Liulichang's home with Liu Qingshan.

  There were not many people in the family, only Aunt Lu was preparing lunch, and Liu Qingshan found out after asking that his mother, Wu Tong and the others had all returned to their hometown.

   On the phone, he already knew that Wu Tong was pregnant again, so he went back to Jiapigou to recuperate.

  Although the current family planning policy is relatively tight, Liu Qingshan has the nationality of Lilan, let alone having two children, even marrying two wives is no problem.

   After tidying up, Liu Qingshan went to the treasure room of the main house to see what the old hat master uncle had harvested.

  There are not many things in the treasure room. Basically, they are saved for about a month before being transported to the museum.

  Since the Panjiayuan flea market has taken shape, there are still a lot of old objects, unlike decades later, it has completely turned into a handicraft market.

  Liu Qingshan was playing with a set of snuff bottles, when he heard the cheers of the fourth child from the yard, he also walked out of the house, and saw the fourth child was jumping around with the little six in his arms.

   This girl is eighteen years old this year. She is already a big girl, but she is still so innocent and happy. This is actually what Liu Qingshan hopes for.

   "Brother, I heard that you are the richest man in the world now, please give me some pocket money first." The fourth child stretched out his small hand with a smile,

  Liu Qingshan patted her palm lightly: "Do it yourself, you will have enough food and clothing."

  The youngest and fourth pouted: "Brother is really stingy, Shan Xing called and said, I will go to her when I get home tomorrow."

  Xiao Liuzi's small eyes immediately narrowed: "Wow, we three sisters can be together again!"

   Entering the room, Liu Qingshan asked the fourth child about his studies, the college entrance examination is coming next year.

  Liu Qingshan will not force his younger sister, he respects Shan Xing's choice, and now he also respects the choice of Xiao Lao Si.

  The fourth child's grades have always been good, and his household registration is in the capital, so he has no problem getting into those prestigious schools.

  But the fourth child wants to go to film school, she still prefers acting.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: This is not a problem, the fourth child is his younger sister, and there will be no such unspoken rules in the future, as long as she likes it.

   After the family had lunch, Liu Qingshan was picked up by a red flag car and did not return until evening.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan's happy face, the little fourth brother cheerfully asked: "Brother, what is the happy event?"

  There are some things that Liu Qingshan can’t talk about, so he said with a smile: “It’s Tuva. The road connecting the country has been completed, and the airport has also been built. It’s just the National Day holiday, so I’ll show you around!”

  The two girls were naturally happy to slap their hands. They went there the summer before last, and Tuva left them good memories.

   Besides, that is the territory of the eldest brother, so he went to fight for righteousness.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan went to the airport to pick him up.

  Shan Xing came back with Xiao Wu and the others. Xiao Wu led Xiao Di Li with one arm, and a lady carried her with the other arm.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up: Xiao Wu, is he finally enlightened?

   Take a look at the lady. She is tall, slightly taller than Xiao Wu, and looks like a typical Lilander.

  But in terms of temperament, it has the fashionable atmosphere of modern urban women, and the whole person gives people a sense of radiance.

   "Fourth Sister, Sixth Sister!" Little Di Li jumped over happily.

  Xiao Wu greeted Liu Qingshan: "Let me introduce, this is Yiman."

  The name is a bit masculine, Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand: "Iman, hello, I am Liu Qingshan."

  Iman also showed a bright smile on his face, and said in English: "Mr. Mountain, I know your name."

   "In the past two years, Iman was known as the Queen of Africa in the fashion industry in the United States."

  Xiao Wu introduced, "In the past two years, Iman has returned to Liland and devoted himself to the construction of his hometown."

   It seems to be not bad, Liu Qingshan nodded, since he is willing to return to Lilan, it means that he has not forgotten his roots.

  He can also roughly guess that Iman must have business contacts with Rainbow City, and then the two hooked up together, and now it seems that they are quite compatible.

   I just don’t know, will Xiaowu’s family have any objections after knowing that he has found a foreign wife?

   "Go, go to my house first, and accompany me to see grandpa."

  Xiao Wu blinked at Liu Qingshan, obviously, this kid was also worried about the same problem, and then pulled Liu Qingshan to help him stand on the platform.

   They are all good brothers, of course Liu Qingshan couldn't refuse, so he invited everyone to get in the car together, a total of two cars, one in front and one behind, drove to Liuyin Street.

  Sitting in the car, Liu Qingshan asked Xiao Wu in a low voice in Chinese: "Did Iman ever undergo circumcision when he was young?"

  As a result, Iman's proficient Chinese came from the co-pilot: "Liu, my father is a diplomat and my mother is a doctor."

  Liu Qingshan heheed twice in a little embarrassment, he thought the other party didn't understand Chinese.

   Now it seems that this girl is serious.

   And from the perspective of family background, it is still very good, with a higher education.

   "Liu, thank you to the medical institutions in Rainbow City, who have always been committed to abolishing circumcision. That is too cruel and terrifying." Iman's words were very sincere.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "It's not me, Rainbow City's achievements are all the result of Xiao Wu's hard work."

   "Hahaha, Liu, you are too modest, and you don't need to deliberately praise Wu in front of me. In my mind, he is my hero."

  Iman's temperament seems quite bright, and he made no secret of his love for Xiao Wu.

   On the contrary, Xiao Wu coughed and said solemnly: "Iman, don't engage in personality cult."

  Iman just giggled, Liu Qingshan felt that they got along well.

  When they arrived in front of Xiao Wu’s grandfather’s house, everyone got off the car with big bags and small bags. Xiao Wu pointed to the courtyard wall and the courtyard gate: “Iman, we’re home.”

  Little Di Li had already run to knock on the door, and shouted in a small voice, "Grandpa, I'm back!"

   This voice is really good. As soon as the courtyard door opened, Mr. Wu greeted him cheerfully, with open arms.

  Little Di Li threw herself into Wu Lao's arms, but she didn't ask the old man to hug her. Instead, she put her arms around Wu Lao's neck and pressed her cheek against him.

  Little Di Li is now nine years old, and she is quite tall. She is worried that her grandfather won't be able to hold her.

  Wu Lao didn't follow, he still picked up little Di Li and walked around, and then put it down: "In two years, Grandpa really won't be able to carry her."

  Everyone looked at the old and the young with a smile, and waited for them to be affectionate enough before Xiao Wu stepped forward: "Grandpa, I will..."

  Elder Wu waved his hands, then straightened his waist and looked at Yiman.

  This kind of veteran general who has experienced wars, if he stares at others, it really makes my heart shudder.

  Yiman is okay, although she is a little nervous, but she looks at Mr. Wu with peaceful eyes, and her eyes are also very calm.

   "Okay, Iman, welcome home." A smile appeared on Wu Lao's face.

   It was obvious that Xiao Wu was secretly relieved that if he could get his grandfather's approval, then the rest of the family would not have any obstacles.

   "Grandpa!" Iman called out in Mandarin.

  Old Wu nodded with a smile. For Xiao Wu, the grandson, the family does not train him into politics, and it is not a big problem to marry a foreign wife. It is better than him not marrying a wife.

  Liu Qingshan felt that there should be nothing wrong with him here, but he was already at the door, so it would be impolite not to go in and sit around.

  Everyone entered the yard, there were deck chairs under the pomegranate tree, where Mr. Wu should have been enjoying the shade just now.

  There were several fist-sized pomegranates hanging on the tree. Seeing this, little Dili ran up immediately: "Grandpa, pick pomegranates and eat them!"

  Old Wu nodded cheerfully and agreed: "I will keep it for you, haha, the hundred pomegranates are a symbol of prosperity for future generations."

  Xiao Wu took Yiman's hand and smiled at each other.

  Liu Qingshan ate lunch at Wu's home before driving home.

  Ask Shanxing, Lilan is not bad. Recently, many oil companies have gone there to buy exploration rights and provide a large amount of funds for the development of various tribes.

  This can also be regarded as a gift from Liu Qingshan to the second motherland.

  As for Rainbow City, it is also developing rapidly. It has basically become the economic center of Lilan, echoing the political center of Moga Ancient City.

  Shan Xing also enthusiastically introduced the situation of his foundation. Just a few months ago, the Rainbow Foundation issued the first Rainbow Award, and it was a complete success.

  The foundation originally had more than 10 million original funds, all of which were Shanxing's manuscript fees and her own savings.

   This money, Liu Qingshan directly exchanged it for her into the stock of Earth Network, and the rate of return last year has exceeded 50%.

   That's five million dollars in income, which is really a lot.

  Shan Xing was also willing to put down the money, and took out five million as a bonus.

  In the poor Liland, this amount of money is incredible, and it has attracted widespread attention in the country, thus completely starting the name of the Rainbow Award.

  Rainbow Award has many award settings, involving various industries, mainly to select and reward outstanding talents in Lilan.

  The medical team who received the medical award was the medical team of President Wang Chunying of Rainbow City. They have made remarkable achievements in helping women and children.

  However, Dean Wang Chunying directly donated the 100,000 US dollars he got to a tribe and dug several wells.

  Even Xiaowu's girlfriend, Iman, won the Rainbow Award.

  As an internationally renowned supermodel, she was selected as the image ambassador of Lilan.

  Liu Qingshan was also very happy to hear that: "Old five, not bad, you have finally found a career you like, keep working hard, how is the preparation of the new book going?"

  Shan Xing is planning to write a book "Rainbow City", which will show the poverty and backwardness of Liland, all aspects of social life, and of course, the transformation and development of Liland, as well as the bright future.

   This realistic work is a bit difficult for Shanxing to control. She returned to China this time mainly because she wanted to go back to Jiapigou and discuss it with Writer Lu and her eldest brother-in-law.

  Liu Qingshan gave some encouragement, and of course he supported it. It is estimated that Shan Xing's book will take at least three to five years to write.

   When the fourth child finished school at night, the four, five, six and three sisters finally got together again.

  The fourth child is also on vacation, and the three little girls get together to discuss the matter of going to Tuva tomorrow.

  Now there are two routes to choose from, one is to fly directly from the capital.

   There is only one flight a day for this flight. It is said that it is very popular and it is hard to find a ticket.

  If Liu Qingshan booked a ticket, it would not be a problem, but it doesn't feel too much to fly over by plane.

  Another route is to fly to the frontier first, and then take a car over the road. This route takes a long time, but you can enjoy the scenery along the way.

   It happens that the fourth and fourth child have a relatively long National Day holiday this year, so it’s better to choose to go there by car.

   Along with Li Tie and Li Tieniu, Xiao Wu also enthusiastically asked to go with him.

   A group of people took a plane, first flew to the capital of the frontier, and then transferred to ALT.

  In this city, you can take a bus, cross the ALT mountain pass, and go directly to the capital of Tuva.

  But when Liu Qingshan and the others went to the long-distance bus station to buy tickets, they learned that the tickets for the last three days had all been sold out.

  The conductor said that this is because the tickets are only sold three days in advance, otherwise, it is estimated that the tickets for a week can be sold out.

   Liu Qingshan was disappointed, but also a little happy. After all, the more tourists went to Tuva, the more popular it was, and the more income it brought him.

   "It's really not possible, let's find two off-road vehicles and let's drive there by ourselves." Xiao Wu knows that there are garrisons in the local area, so it is not difficult to borrow two vehicles.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded, he couldn't wait here forever.

   Several people were about to leave the passenger terminal when they heard an exclamation: "Fourth, old, five, six, why are you here?"

  I saw Chu Yunxiu, a girl with an eye-catching little red hat on her head, hugging Xiao Lao Si and the others.

   After chatting, I found out that Chu Yunxiu's travel agency has opened a tourist route to Tuva. She is free and is also with the group.

  According to Chu Yunxiu, since the opening of the highway, this route has become the most popular.

   Chinese people are very curious about the only enclave in China.

  Because Tuva is also the special historical origin of Tannu Ulianghai, many people want to set foot on this land and feel it.

  That’s just right, just take Chu Yunxiu’s tourist bus, it’s crowded and lively.

  Liu Qingshan was still joking: "It was agreed in advance that we will definitely not pay."

  Chu Yunxiu is a small money fan, and she smiled: "If people don't pay, they use sheep to pay off their debts. Wherever they go, eat roasted whole sheep first!"

  Little Six and the others also kept clapping their hands, I don't know which group it is from?

  The next morning, two tourist buses set off. The frontier in autumn is the most beautiful time.

  Liu Qingshan found that there were many herdsmen in robes in the car, and they also spoke Tuvan.

  At first, Liu Qingshan thought it was a herdsman over there, who was visiting the country.

   After asking, I found out that these were originally Tuva people in China, and they went there to meet their compatriots.

  In the Kanas area, there are also some Tuva people who moved back to the country before, and they are an ethnic group with a relatively small population in the country.

  A sense of pride came from the bottom of Liu Qingshan's heart: this is good, the whole nation is now completely reunited.

  (end of this chapter)