MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1156 The End of Middle-earth & Cabin in the Woods

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Middle-earth has completely collapsed. He Xie did not stay in this world, but chose to leave directly.

But the origin of the world he recreated and the will of all living beings united, and the will of the sealed old father, Iluvatar, launched a confrontation for tens of thousands of years.

This process is long and cruel, but fortunately everything is going according to the script set by He Xie.

When human beings first started, they could only fight against monsters, carrion, evil spirits or demons who wandered in the wilderness and transformed into the lowest level of **** servants.

These strange beings cannot be completely killed or destroyed by normal means. Even if their corpses are crushed into pieces and burned into ashes, they will still be resurrected in an incredible way.

People paid a painful price to deal with the strange transformation of these lowest-level servants of gods, and even once, because Iluvita's consciousness had a sign of 1% sober, human beings almost ushered in the fate of extinction.

In the end, He Xie's oracle was excavated by humans and popularized.

Humans settled in the sealed land of the eight main gods, dividing the world into eight continents.

Each continent has eight huge altars.

Then, they spent 500 years and paid the lives of hundreds of millions of warriors to seal all the strange existences that were floating in the world in the ground.

But this is just the beginning, not the end.

After that, each continent will carefully select five people with different fates through the guidance of the oracle.

If there were no accidents, these people should have become the children of luck, but in this world, they can only be reduced to sacrifices to the old gods.

The five children of luck must die in a specific way and in a specific order, and then use their blood and souls to sacrifice to the gods in the seal.

This is the cause and effect of all living beings, and it will be counteracted with the poison of time and space, resulting in the permanent replacement of Iluvatar's power.

Eight altars, eight ceremonies, every time a ritual is completed, a strange existence of the lowest level will completely die out.

And every time people hold a sacrifice ceremony, the price they pay is at least five fresh lives.

In this way, people continue to weaken Iluvatar's power and obliterate his consciousness. It's like wearing a terrazzo.

Such rituals have been passed down for thousands of years, allowing human beings to multiply and develop in this strange world and gradually enter the era of scientific and technological civilization.

In order not to cause public panic, and to prevent careerists or crazy guys with ulterior motives from using the old evil **** to destroy all mankind, the sacrifice was listed as the top secret of the Human Alliance, and a secret force under the personal control of the Alliance Council was personally responsible for it.

The inheritance of the sacrificial ceremony for thousands of years, although the core has not changed, is accompanied by the development of human civilization and is closely integrated with science and technology.

The sacrificial ceremony held on July 15 every year has become a tradition and custom of the eight continents and has been carried on.

And as the strange beings transformed by the low-level divine servants were completely eliminated, the following strange beings, as well as the evil gods, became more and more difficult to deal with? The failure rate of rituals was also getting higher and higher.

But the despairing thing is? Thousands of years? People haven't consumed even a third of Iluvatar's power.

On the other side, He Xie's clone went to the doomsday world and the world of mermaids on the wandering earth, completely solved the cause and effect of these two worlds, and once again followed the deity in the long river of time and space for thousands of years, stabilizing the backlash of cause and effect, and then returned to it again. to this world.

When He Xie came back, he clearly felt that the former Middle-earth world had completely lost its original aura and appearance.

A chaotic consciousness, sleeping in the depths of the ocean? It is the creator **** Iluvita who was sealed by him.

And another mixed consciousness, according to his previous arrangement, the eight altars, combined the will of all beings and the origin of the world into one? Against the will of Iluvatar.

"As expected of the poison of time and space..." Feeling that thousands of years have passed in this world? But Iluvita's life was only wiped out by less than one-third, and He Xie couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"But this also has something to do with the inheritance of the formation." He Xie quickly frowned? He discovered that in the process of the development of human civilization, he had tampered with the "oracle" he left behind. Iluvita hasn't completely disappeared for so long, and it has a lot to do with this.

According to the inheritance left by He Xie, it was originally a five-element formation of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, which used the five elements to promote cause and effect, and used cause and effect to fight against the old time and space.

Five elements must find five people with different five elements of life, let them sacrifice their lives and souls in the method of mutual generation and restraint, so that the insect of cause and effect will come early and wipe out the power of the old evil gods.

Originally everything was fine, but 2,000 years ago, a natural disaster caused the civilization of this planet to shift from east to west, and the center of the world was dominated by Western races. The important task of fighting against the old evil gods and maintaining peace on earth is naturally the same. into the hands of Westerners.

Westerners do not understand the five elements and gossip left by He Xie.

They understood the chosen sons of the Five Elements as the five unlucky ones born in a specific constellation calculated according to a complex algorithm.

The five elements create and restrain each other, which they understand as the different character characteristics of the five sacrificers.

The game of cause and effect with the old evil **** is understood by them as an incomprehensible strange hobby of the evil god.

So, everything changed.

The success rate of sacrifices has been greatly reduced. There were originally eight altars, but the success rate of sacrifices was more than six every year.

But in the past 100 years, the annual success rate has been below two altars.

It can be said that human beings have been on the brink of extinction all these years, and it is a miracle that they can still exist before He Xie arrives.

"Playing the piano randomly!" He Xie shook his head, very dissatisfied.

He reversed his palm and fast-forwarded directly into time and space, allowing the world to enter the day of July 15 ahead of schedule.

Then he took a step and came to one of the altars.

This altar is disguised as a barren mountain, and the core area is in a wooden house between the mountains and forests.

This altar has begun to function, and the five Chosen Sons have begun to choose their own destiny. According to He Xie's design, they will choose an item that is closely related to their fate according to the pull of cause and effect, and this item is the strange existence they are about to fight.

But the truth is, the altar is covered by satellite surveillance and some ubiquitous tiny cameras, and these Westerners are smart enough to think that the five hapless people are choosing their own way of death. So they monitored the whole process and deliberately guided them to choose the corresponding items.

After selecting the items, those strange beings drawn by cause and effect will appear in the altar, and then these sons of heaven need to work together to fight against them.

If you win, the reward for winning is doubled, which means that one strange existence can be wiped out, but if you win in the confrontation, you can wipe out two.

But the fact is that the ceremony has been passed down to this day, and there is no confrontation at all.

The Westerners behind the scenes mistakenly believe that the evil **** must kill all five sacrifices in order to make the world run smoothly for a year.

So not only did they not fight, but they would use various means to assist the evil gods in killing five sacrifices.

The original confrontation sequence due to the mutual growth and mutual restraint of the five elements was understood by Westerners as a fixed death sequence based on their own wrong algorithm.

They divided the five sacrifices into five categories, namely, women, fools, athletes, scholars, and pure people, and let them die in strict accordance with this order of death, and no mistakes were allowed.

The order of death in this arrangement is coincidental with the mutual growth of the five elements, but the problem is that the evil gods will not listen to the arrangements of human beings. Once they kill people in the wrong order, then the ceremony will be declared a failure.

At this time, the five Chosen Sons were in a dark basement. They picked up a dilapidated notebook and read out the bizarre stories recorded in the notebook that made the scalp tingle.

What they didn't know was that not far from their hut, there was a pile of barren graves with no tombstones and overgrown with weeds. And as they finished reading this spooky story, the protagonists in the story—five zombies who were corrupted and degenerate from the former **** servants, staggered up from the grave and slowly walked towards them.

And in a huge underground base at the foot of the mountain, a big screen is playing every move of the five Chosen Sons in real time. Hundreds of staff in white coats in front of the screen are wondering what the five unlucky ones will choose. Bet, make gambling bets.

When the five zombies staggered and stood up from the grave, most of the people present made an annoyed sound.

The annual sacrificial ceremony has made them numb and mechanized, and they often rely on this seemingly cold-blooded method to find some fun for themselves.

The altar had begun to roar, and the five Chosen Ones had no idea what they were going through, continued joking, and were ready to enjoy a good night.

"Iluvita, it's about to wake up..." He Xie was hidden in the void, and couldn't help frowning and muttering to himself.

He just calculated with his fingers and realized that the fate of this world would end in just six hours.

Eight altars, and the other seven altars soon failed one after another, and the seven evil gods ate all the sacrificers and regained a certain strength.

And the five chosen sons of this altar were also killed three successively, and in the end only the Fool and the Pure were left. Released all the evil gods sealed under this altar!

In the end, Ole, the king of craftsmen, woke up from the belly of the mountain, broke the seal, and after destroying the continent, released Iluvatar with his own hands.

Then, the human civilization created by He Xie was completely destroyed.

"Fortunately, I came back in time."

He Xie was a little fortunate that he had strengthened the causal traction with this world before, which made him dangerously and dangerously let him come back before all the causality was reversed.

"Then it's time to set things right and end this!"

He Xie stomped lightly, and suddenly, the altars of the eight continents all shook.

Immediately afterwards, his consciousness dissipated, instantly locking in seven hundred and sixty five elements of fate, people with the potential of the Son of Heaven, and then instantly moved these people to the eight altars.

In this way, each altar has a hundred chosen sons.

These days, the Son of Heaven's Chosen suddenly arrived at the altar, naturally very shocked and flustered.

The base personnel who were monitoring the forum behind the scenes were even more shocked. They had no idea why this happened.

Just like in the world of ace agents before, He Xie quickly lowered his will projection to inform the base personnel and the 800 chosen sons of the new sacrifice rules.

In each altar, ten strange beings with different shapes will appear, namely aliens, aliens, undead, zombies, ghosts, aliens, monsters, aliens, fallen creatures and ghosts.

The strengths of these strange beings are arranged from low to high, and they appear randomly in sequence.

The 800 Chosen Sons need to kill all the strange beings in order to survive.

And whether they choose to cooperate or go it alone, there are no restrictions, or even cannibalism between them.

Every time you kill a strange being yourself, you will get a certain number of points randomly.

If it is a group cooperative kill, then each member of the group will also get corresponding points.

Points can be communicated to the mall through consciousness at any time, and exchanged for weapons and abilities with special effects.

After all the monsters are killed, the surviving Sons of Heaven will receive rewards, and after they are refurbished, they will continue to fight for a new round, and the number of people will be replenished to a hundred people again.

If all the chosen sons of a certain altar are destroyed, then He Xie will continue to select 100 chosen sons and continue to fight monsters.

This cycle repeats until all the old gods except Iluvatar have been eliminated, and the game will not end.

This is a game set by He Xie imitating the so-called reincarnation space. Although it is cruel, it can achieve what He Xie wants as soon as possible with the least cost, the shortest time, and the least energy.

The brutal and **** slaughter began, and the whole world was shaken.

Although the first batch of strange existences were all very low-level, the Chosen Sons still paid a very heavy price.

All the chosen sons of the seven altars were destroyed!

Only He Xie was in this position, the two struggled to defeat all opponents and lived to the end!

Eight hundred people, only two survived in the end!

As for the old gods, of the eighty old gods, only seventeen died.

It sounds like the strength of the two sides is very different, but in fact, if the normal development is followed, it will take seventeen years for the seventeen old evil spirits to be wiped out.

And the price spent in these seventeen years also required the death of more than 600 Chosen Sons.

He Xie just shortened the process in advance.

The two survivors received generous rewards. They not only repaired all injuries, but also chose good abilities and weapons.

Soon, the second round of the game began.