MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1105 1 empty

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In fact, the corpse dumping case on the subway presided over by Yan Liang and the six corpse cases on the Shanghai Expressway led by Hou Ju are both corruption cases in the final analysis.

However, the boss of the former is at most a hyena, while the mastermind behind the latter is a veritable tiger.

At present, the case of the big tiger is unknown, the evidence chain has not been conclusive, and the key point is that many procedures have not been started. If the cause of death of Zhao Gongzi and Qi leader, as well as the details of their involvement in the case, are rashly announced under such circumstances, it will only make Ben alert. The big tiger misjudged the situation, thinking that it was a matter of life and death, and launched a frantic counterattack, triggering a series of uncontrollable serious consequences.

Not to mention that Hou Ju has no authority to do this, even his superiors would not dare to be so reckless, it would make a serious political mistake and even bear judicial responsibility.

Hou Ju was shocked and angry. He is now a little difficult to ride a tiger. In fact, he did not want to continue to play this game with He Xie, but after he reported Niu Ben's death, he came to replace him as the leader of the special department that completed He Xie's interrogation work. He clearly told him on the phone that he wanted to continue playing with He Xie. He could not refuse this order, and he had to cooperate fully.

Now that things have come, he can no longer call the shots.

"What's in it for you to announce the case and their cause of death?" Hou Ju asked in a deep voice, his eyes full of anger.

"You only have one hour to arrange everything, Hou Ju, are you sure you want to waste your time on such unimportant things?" He Xie said with a faint smile.

He didn't mean to explain to Hou Ju, because even if he said Hou Ju, he couldn't understand.

The death of He Xie in the previous life was due to the entrustment of Hu Lijing, but the result was the case of this big tiger.

Now he has grafted Yin into Hou Ju, but Guo is still on him. He can only bring this matter to the fore by letting Hou Ju, the new "Yin", detonate the results that he had never seen in his previous life. Most of the cause and effect are transferred to the past.

His warning was enough to draw the attention of Hou Ju, but as far as He Xie understood, although the announcement of the case would cause a certain amount of turmoil, it was not as serious as Hou Ju imagined, because many problems involving top-floor buildings were ultimately caused by route problem.

A problem of this level will either be peaceful and win-win cooperation no matter how serious it is, or even if there is no problem at first, once it starts, it will be shattered and will never die.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the big tiger will be beaten, but the appearance of He Xie just disrupted the original deployment and rhythm of others, and caused a little headache to them.

Hou Ju could no longer argue with He Xie. From the beginning to the end, He Xie never put himself in the position of a suspect, and whether Hou Ju or Yan Liang were smart enough not to regard him as a suspect. Ordinary suspects, this is also the premise and basis for the two sides to continue to communicate until now.

Unfortunately, this foundation will soon be broken.

Ten minutes after Hou Ju, who was full of worries, left the room where He Xie was, a row of military vehicles lined up and drove into the police station in a mighty manner. The entire police station has been turned into a temporary front line, with not only real guns and live ammunition, but also various high-tech military weapons.

What is even more exaggerated is that the air power is also on standby at any time. Once there is a change, it can immediately respond within a minute and enter the battle.

The tense scene blew everyone away.

When Zhao Weimin, the police chief who received the news, rushed downstairs in a hurry, the top commander of the unit had already arranged everything and was listening to the serious-looking Hou Bureau reporting the situation.

Beside him, there was a woman wearing glasses and a military uniform, who was quickly taking notes.

Zhao Weimin followed Yan Liang, Ren Yueting and others who came down together. Yan Liang understood what was going on at a glance. He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. Some were relieved, some lost, and some worried. It was very complicated.

The reason for the relief is that as a criminal policeman, no one is more aware of the danger of He Xie than him. With the military taking over, it can finally reduce some of the harm.

The reason for the loss is that in fact, he still wants to continue the game with He Xie. He is eager to explore the hidden secrets of He Xie, but now that the military takes over, I am afraid he has no chance.

The worry is half because he is afraid that He Xie will not be able to satisfy his previous "wish" because of this change, and the other half is because he is afraid of angering He Xie and causing uncontrollable consequences.

No matter how worried Yan Liang was, he was speechless here, he was just a small character.

Even Zhao Bureau lost the right to control the situation.

"Hello, I'm from the XX department. My surname is Zhang. Just call me Mr. Zhang." The commander of this unit showed a certificate to Bureau Zhao, which caused the latter's complexion to change immediately.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm Zhao Weimin from the Rongcheng Bureau. If you have any orders, please give them any instructions. I will fully cooperate with you as a whole!" Zhao Bureau made a decisive statement without any hesitation.

"Thank you Zhao Bureau." Mr. Zhang is no Please ask Zhao Bureau to complete the emergency evacuation of your unit within half an hour. We will use your place to handle an emergency related to national security. In addition to the suspect He Xie, all the staff of your bureau, as well as the criminals currently detained in the bureau, as well as the masses and other personnel, all urgently evacuate, leaving no one behind! "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!" Director Zhao agreed immediately without any nonsense, and hurried back to the building.

Mr. Zhang looked at Hou Ju: "Where is the man? Take me to see him."

"This way."

Soon, Hou Ju brought a team of heavily armed soldiers to the detention room where He Xie was.

These soldiers are well-behaved, doing various professional military actions and deployments along the way, and they look like they are waiting in battle, which makes Hou Ju can't help but get nervous.

At the door, Hou Ju introduced: "This is a suite, the outside one is the monitoring room, the inside room is the detention room, and He Xie is the inside room."

A burly soldier held an instrument in his hand and frowned: "That's not right, there is no heat sensor in the detention room, but there is a person in the monitoring room..."

"Are you sure it's here?" Mr. Zhang frowned and looked at Hou Ju.

"Sure!" Hou Ju was a little puzzled, "I just came out of here ten minutes ago."

"Go in!"

Mr. Zhang took a step back and ordered decisively.


The door opened, and a dozen soldiers filed in.

Three seconds later, a crisp voice came from inside: "Safety!"

Then Mr. Zhang walked in with a blank face, followed by Hou Ju.

I saw that the police officer in charge of monitoring was standing aside with his hands raised in panic, and through the one-way mirror of the detention room, we could see that there was no one inside!

They fluttered.


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