MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1138 tapping

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USA TV is the most traditional TV network, lacking in bright spots, and belongs to the popular low-cost pay TV.

The profitability has been very good in the past two years. Last year, it even made a profit of 450 million US dollars. That is because there are strong high-quality programs supplied by New Universal, and the bundled sales of Starz channels, and its own hematopoietic ability is almost non-existent.

In the long run, lack of potential can only be a half-dead existence.

It is completely incomparable with TV stations such as Starz and Discovery Channel, which have distinct characteristics and can dominate one side in their own field.

With the popularity of "The Hilton Family" and Steve Burke's misjudgment of the prospect of this reality show, Dunn is naturally willing to sell this burden as soon as possible.

Sell ​​at a high price!

A few years ago, when Dunn Pictures acquired a series of assets such as Universal Pictures, USA Television Network's assets in the final transaction case were assessed at $2.8 billion.

This transaction can earn at least 80%!

For New Universal, the content crisis at Disney and NBC Columbia Group is a potential moneymaker.

Sallywood was sold to Disney, and USA Network might as well sell it to NBC Columbia.

In contrast, News Corp., which is ambitious and bully, is the real tough problem.

The News Corporation in the previous life, of course, was at the end of the road, constantly selling, splitting, and even selling 20th Century Fox to Disney.

But in this life, because of Dunn's appearance, under the butterfly effect, News Corporation may not be completely defeated.

What if Xiong got up?

At a critical moment, Dunn needs to push behind News Corporation on the edge of the cliff and let it fall into the abyss completely.

Just at this time, a big news broke out in the British press.

Glenn McKell, a private investigator working for the News of the World, has been arrested!

The newspaper's editor-in-chief, Coulson, was also unable to bear the pressure of public opinion and chose to resign.

The reason is because some time ago, the "News of the World" reported a gossip about the royal family. Prince William injured his knee because he fought too hard with his girlfriend.

This kind of thing is usually a woman's knee injury, and Prince William's knee injury is really ironic. I don't know what new trick was used.

After the "News of the World" learned about the incident, it directly reported it.

The result was a problem.

Prince William's knee injury is known only to a few of his closest associates.

How would the News of the World know?

After an investigation, the "News of the World" pushed Detective Glenn McKell out, stating that he had illegally wiretapped Prince William's phone messages to get the news.

Illegal eavesdropping!

Immediately, there was an uproar in the British press.

You must know that it is not the first time that the News of the World has done illegal wiretapping.

As early as three years ago, the disappearance of a 13-year-old girl named Millie Dowler drew national attention.

To get the scoop, the News of the World hacked into her phone's voicemail. Because the mailbox was full and worried about not being able to capture the latest news, the detectives from the News of the World even emptied some of the unimportant information to make room.

Then the girl was not found for a long time.

During the investigation process, the police found that the girl's mailbox was deleted, and they concluded that the girl was still alive and was still using her mobile phone. Increase the hunt and tell the family not to worry.

As a result, the girl was already dead.

Was killed by a nightclub doorman.

Because of this incident, the "News of the World" compensated the girl's family with 2 million pounds, and Murdoch himself even donated 1 million pounds to express his condolences.

But he flatly denied the eavesdropping, saying he did not know.

Murdoch's influence in the UK is too great.

He owns 70% of the UK's newspapers.

So much so that politicians from both parties in the UK have to find a way to get close to Murdoch and make good friends. Once Murdoch is offended, the news media controlled by the media tycoon will directly ruin their political careers if they attack.

Because of the existence of this relationship, News of the World, a subsidiary of News Corporation, has not been substantially punished.


Dunn had already sent his personal assistant, George Paxton, to secretly investigate the eavesdropping of the News of the World, in preparation for the future "sneak attack" on News Corp.

After hearing about this, the two sides immediately began to communicate.

Dunn asked, "How is the situation over there?"

George Paxton replied: "The influence of public opinion is very large, but the substantive influence is not too much. Except for the resignation of the editor-in-chief of "News of the World", it seems that the government will not impose additional penalties. At present, " The News of the World is also operating in an orderly manner, and there is no panic."

He had already paid for insiders at the paper, a vice president and a board secretary.

Dunn said somewhat mockingly: "It seems that those politicians in the UK don't dare to offend Murdoch."

George Paxton said: "This is normal. These British Prime Ministers have a deep relationship with Murdoch, especially Prime Minister Tony Blair, who is said to be with Deng Wen..."

"Okay, those don't need to be said." Dunn interrupted him and pondered for a while, "The News of the World has not been knocked down, but it is more beneficial to us. The deeper the grievances, the more they will erupt and spread to the future. The bigger the face is. Let them go deeper and deeper into hell. They have a tradition of wiretapping, and it will not change because of the resignation of an editor-in-chief.”

Eavesdropping means getting first-hand exclusive information!

It is precisely this kind of exclusive news that drives the sales of the News of the World.

If the News of the World wants to make money, the tradition of eavesdropping will certainly not be abandoned.

George Paxton paused and said, "Dawn, I feel the need to tell you something. The scope of the "News of the World" wiretapping may affect you."


Dunn couldn't believe it.

The security of his mobile phone information is not much worse than that of the president.

George Paxton said: "It's not you, it's a Hollywood star, Sienna Miller. At first they should have wanted to get inside information about "The Queen Wears Prada", but they heard something and you unexpectedly related content. But they didn't report it."

Dunn's expression is a bit weird.

It's a lot of trouble for women.

Sienna Miller and Anne Hathaway live in Dunn's Villa No.

With this kind of close relationship, when the phone was tapped, a piece of Dunn's private life would definitely be captured.

Fortunately, the News of the World did not dare to be too blatant.

For this kind of news media, it is better to provoke politicians than media tycoons like Dunn.

However, this feeling of being secretly eavesdropped on is really bad.

Now is not the time to sanction the News of the World.

Then just say goodbye to Sienna Miller.


That night, Dunn stayed at Villa No. 3 overnight.

Anne Hathaway and Sienna Miller together, gave Dunn endless tenderness.

In terms of the level of serving people, those girls in Asia are really not as active and enthusiastic as these two Hollywood female stars.

After enjoying, the three went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Dunn said his intentions and told them bluntly that this relationship should end. From now on, you are free, you should fall in love, you should get married, and there are no restrictions.

Anne Hathaway smiled and said, "Okay, you miss me in the future, you can ask me at any time."

She has been with Tang En for a long time, almost four years.

There were also two separate periods during this period.

When you get tired of playing, leave. If you miss it, call back.

It's getting used to it.

Sienna Miller was a little disappointed, "Dawn, I... I don't want to leave you, let me stay by your side."

She is not like Anne Hathaway.

Anne Hathaway is a solid Hollywood A-list star, earning between $12 million and $15 million for a single movie.

She's just a newcomer in the industry and doesn't even get paid $1 million.

After leaving Tang En, how can you live a top-notch life?

With Dunn, you can get 300,000 US dollars of "living expenses" every month, how good?

Tang En was determined and unmoved, "The whole world is watching the movie "The Queen Wears Prada", you are a supporting actress, the media will not pay less attention to you. It will be very troublesome to follow me , it's better to be separated."

Sienna Miller bit her lip tightly, looking very lost.

Anne Hathaway comforted her and said, "He's had enough fun~ After a year and a half, he might remember how good we are and call us back again. It's alright."

Dunn laughed and said: "how to say it? I'm a feminist, and what I pursue is equality between men and women. What do you mean by having enough fun? Anne, your words are a bit discriminatory against women."

Anne Hathaway just smiled.

Sienna Miller also burst out laughing.

Dunn changed the subject at will, "By the way, when will you be dubbing "The Devil Wears Prada"?"

Anne Hathaway said: "The current arrangement is mid-October."

Dunn asked: "Do you have any work?"

Anne Hathaway said: ""Pirate League", there is still a large part to be filmed in the later stage, and it will be in the group next week."

"Pirates Alliance 3" and "Pirates Alliance 4" are two consecutive films.

Among them, "Pirate Alliance 3" will be released in June next year.

Sienna Miller said softly: "I will play a small Warner production, a biopic of Edie Sedgwick, and I am a heroine."

Tang En nodded and said, "Well, you are so beautiful, and it will be good for your future career to play some complicated roles."

Sienna Miller murmured: "Pretty and drove me away."

Tang En frowned and put her in his arms, "Okay, let's get together and break up. Let's play again in a while and give you an unforgettable experience."

"Playing? Who are you playing? Dunn, your words don't respect women!" Anne Hathaway immediately grabbed his words and laughed.

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