MTL - Have You Written Your Will Today?-Chapter 340 Yo, I'm not mad yet

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  Finally hearing a familiar voice, Wei Yingying was really relieved.

   She was even the most excited one.

   There is a hurry ahead, and the girl is still a little panting at the moment. But this does not affect her aura eight feet tall.

  Shen Wei entered in cold, glamorous and noble Shi Shiran. He looked at the admiral's wife with cold eyes.

   "Madam's eloquent remarks just now are really amazing."

"If it's so good to be a concubine, why don't you ask yourself to go to Wei's house to be a concubine? Although it's contrary to human relations, it sounds absurd, but Madam has such deep affection for Mr. Wei, she doesn't care about reputation. "

   "As for me, I am also willing to show you the way."

  The address of "you you" in her mouth.

   I don’t see much respect for people in what I can say.

"At this juncture, Madam might as well go to Wei's house to make a fuss, first make the matter real, and then seek death and live in front of the rich gate of Wei's house, so as to learn from death, or blood spattered three feet, or , It was a false alarm, Mrs. Wei Guogong may have to bite the bullet and recognize you."

  The admiral's wife's mouth was crooked when she said these words.

  Wei Yingying endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't.

   "Pfft, ha ha ha ha ha."


  Shen Hua put her hands between her lips and made a shhing motion. She cast another glance at the admiral's wife.

   "Ma'am, why are you so anxious? If you want to make a big deal, you will naturally have to take some risks."


  Her tone completely lost the playfulness at first.

   "You also know that some words are not pleasant to listen to? How come others can't say what Madam said?"

Wei Yingying answered: "That's right, what's the reason? Over the years, Sister Yan has earned a lot of good reputation for the Yan family. No wife can boast of her talent and knowledge. Sister Yan is so filial. From what I can see, every time she swallows her anger, I don't mention it. When Madam Shicai came, she didn't feel sorry for her, but she just blamed her blindly. But after a long time, I know that she was wronged from the beginning to the end. Madam's words are really heartbreaking! Listening to it makes people feel sad."

  As soon as Shen Hua came, Wei Yingying had a lot of rebuttals.

  The face of the admiral's wife was completely dark.

   "This is the Admiral's Mansion! Is it your turn to make trouble?"

  The admiral's wife had a severe headache, she looked at Shen Wei: "How did you get in!"

  After learning about Yan Mi's accident, she locked the door and prevented anyone from entering or leaving, so as not to leak the news. There was another commotion.

  Shen Hua knew everything and said, "I jumped over the wall."

  A wall a few feet high, Yingwu hugged her like a joke, relaxed.

   As she said that, she somewhat disliked the vigilance and security of the Admiral's Mansion, which was really bad. Today is her, if a thief comes another day, no one will notice.

  The latter couldn't bear it anymore: "Come on, drive her out!"

  Wei Yingying hurriedly said: "There are many people crowded outside waiting to watch the fun. If there is a commotion, it may be bad for Madam."

  Shen Hua tilted her head, and smiled shyly: "Not only can Madam not drive me away, it's a pity, I'm afraid she will have to pay for me."

   "This is the Yan Mansion! You should show some respect to your wife!" The mother-in-law stepped forward to protect the calf. Like a loyal dog.

  Don't think that a dog can bite people.

  Shen Hua ignored it as if she had never heard of it.

  She took out a piece of jade from her waist. He looked carefully at the light.

   "Who likes this jade?"

   Wei Yingying sang and chorused, her eyes widened: "This is too beautiful. The whole body is purple, and the color is excellent!"

  Shen Wei threw it at Wei Yingying: "Then I'll see you off."

   A beat later, Shadow Five:!

  Shadow Five:? ? ?

  Shadow Five is heartbroken.

   No! She had all the sacks ready and didn't wait for Shen Wei to throw the jewelry. She has been staring at this piece of jade for three days!

   It's gone!

  The admiral's wife tried hard to calm her breathing.

  Shen Wei looked at her again, and praised sincerely without hesitation: "Yo, I'm not mad yet."

  The admiral's wife sneered, but after all she had some concerns. Now that the Yan family was the target of Sheng Jing's eyes, they couldn't stand the slightest bit of wind and rain.

   She waved her sleeves angrily, turned around and left. As soon as she left, the maids and women who were serving behind her left together, and soon, the house became extremely empty.

  Wei Yingying was worried: "You are not afraid to turn around and she will go to the Yangling Hou Mansion."

  Shen Hua disapproved: "She's afraid it's hard for her to protect herself."

   This is also true.

   Wei Yingying went to see Yan Mi, and said angrily, "It's also thanks to me."

   "I didn't die this time, so don't make mistakes—"


  Yan Mi raised her hand and touched the scar on her neck.

   "If you don't come, the rope that has been tampered with will break sooner or later."

  She never thought of committing suicide.

  Human life is not so cheap.

  She has to live, live upright.

  Shen Hua came to the couch and glanced at Yan Mi. Before she could speak, Yan Mi smiled lightly. An incomprehensible look flashed across his eyes.

  What's the big deal about this matter, it doesn't matter whether Shen Hua and the others are helping her solve Wei Xiheng or getting Xie Xun out of trouble.

   "The daughter of the Yan family's prostitute hanged herself and forced her mother to force her. I think the world will probably continue to talk about this matter."

  Yan Mi said softly: "You can't just sit back and enjoy the success, I should also contribute some effort."

  Shen Hua knew this was coming to live.

  After leaving the Admiral's Mansion, she asked Ying Wu to arrange it.

  Walking on the street, Wei Yingying first let out a long sigh, then leaned into her ear, and said in a very low voice: "By the way, I have something to tell you."

  Her tone was full of complacency.

   "Yesterday, I pressed Ji Tran against the wall and kissed him according to the drawing book."

  Shen Hua paused. She looked at Wei Yingying slowly.

  Wei Yingying: "He didn't dare to resist at all. Let me decide."

  ...It doesn't need to be so detailed.

  She grabbed Wei Yingying's arm and imitated her in lowering her voice.

   "Then you are finished."

   "No one told you that if you press against the wall to kiss, you will also get pregnant?"

  Wei Yingying was frightened: "Is this... like this?"

  Shen Hua was expressionless and wanted to tease her to avenge her previous 'revenge', when she heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from far away on the street. A group of Jinwu Guards came on horseback. Each waist is equipped with a big knife.

  The people gave way one after another, fearing that they would run into each other.

  Shen Hua shouldn't have been paying attention, but when she was about to look away, she managed to notice one of them.

  Muscle knotted, complexion fierce. A scar stretched from the corner of the eye to the root of the ear.

   is familiar to her.

   A gust of wind passed by, and the group of Jinwu guards passed by, driving the wind to blow the corners of the girl's clothes.

  She was stunned, motionless.

   That face was enlarged and enlarged in my mind.

  —little beast. If it weren't for keeping it useful, I would have slaughtered you long ago!

  The man was playing with the dagger in his hand, holding down the cat that was twitching in pain while trying to escape, and hit Bupu Maoer.

   One knife after another, cut open its flesh neatly.

   he said grimly.

  —Blood was also released, enough for Gu. Our lord, this time, wants the second son of the Hou family to die.

  The girl's memories came to an abrupt end, and her blood froze and cooled down all over her body.