MTL - Have You Written Your Will Today?-Chapter 22 You are greedy enough

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  Chapter 22 You are greedy enough

  Yao Lang sitting in the hall was dozing off, when he heard the sound, he couldn't help looking for the source of the sound in a daze.

  He is not skilled in medicine, he is regarded as an apprentice and has not yet graduated from the teacher. Ordinarily, at most, I read and asked about it, or took medicine according to the prescription in front of the cabinet.

  But the appearance of Shen Hua also made him stand up suddenly. In a hurry, he yelled loudly in the direction of the back hall.

   "Master! Come quickly, don't go to sleep if the snoring is loud, there is a lady who is not well."

   As he spoke, he arranged for Shen Wei to sit down again.

Yaolang smiled apologetically: "The New Year is approaching, and every family has to buy new year's goods. Most ordinary people want to have a good year, so they are reluctant to spend money on medicines for minor injuries and pains. Our Ci'an Hall is also deserted. few."

   As he spoke, he hurriedly said again: "Don't look lonely, but my master's medical skills are well-known in the entire Fengzhou City."

  Shen Hua regained consciousness a lot, and the effect of the medicine presented by Cui Yun turned into a warm current, forcing the cold air out of her body.

   It was the first time that Shen Hua felt the warmth without the help of the charcoal fire in the stove.

  But I can't stop coughing.

   Soon, an old man with a white beard walked out quickly holding a medicine box. Xu Shi came in a hurry, his outer shirt was loose and loose, and he was never dressed neatly.

  Seeing Shen Hua's bloodless face, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help scolding.

   "Idiot, what are you doing in a daze, I didn't hear that the patient was coughing badly, and I didn't go to get a cup of almond tea that nourishes the lungs."

   As he spoke, he sat down opposite Shen Hua, and quickly took out the pulse pillow.

  Shen Wei raised her hand and put it on the pulse pillow, and pulled the sleeve, exposing a small jade-like wrist to take the pulse.

  The doctor took his pulse carefully, but his expression became more serious.

  Fever symptoms are not worth mentioning in front of weak diseases.

   Looking at the pulse condition, this weak disease is an old disease. Survival until now is nothing more than hanging with various nourishing medicines.

  You can take medicine all year round, which is three-point poisonous.

  The doctor's brows became more and more wrinkled, and finally connected into a twisted line. After a while, he smiled regretfully and apologetically at Shen Wei, expressing that there was nothing he could do, and then he could only prescribe some cough medicine.

  Shen Hua is not surprised. Around, no accident, she can live for three years.

  Three years is enough to do a lot of things.

  In the carriage, Ji He hugged her hands, just staring at Cui Yun.

   Throughout Shengjing, he saw a lot of hypocrites. If you want to gain a foothold in the officialdom, you have two faces. Even Cheng Yanghou, who is the most noble, is greedy and accepts bribes in private.

  But Cui Yun is different.

  Back then, the First Battle of Chicheng suffered heavy casualties, but they were lucky enough to be dragged to the court to rescue and save the city, while the Marquis of Yangling died with his eldest son.

  Cui Bai is the eldest son of the Cui family, and he is the best in their generation. Cui Yun, the second son of the first line, was only too good at learning, but the former was as good as gold and beautiful jade, noble as green bamboos and pine cypresses, but the latter was hard to say.

  Cui Yun is just standing on the cusp of the storm, he must lead by example, and use the "innocent heart" to carry things with virtue.

  He had to learn to approach Cui Bai and learn to take on the responsibility of being the head of the Cui family. Learn to stop being yourself.

  In recent years, Cui Yun has indeed been comprehensive in everything, making people unable to grasp it, well-mannered and decent.

   Ke Jihe absolutely didn't believe it, this kind of black heart who kicked the prince into the water really changed into a good person!

  With a face that should not be approached by strangers, he pretends to do all the benevolent and righteous things in the world. It is no wonder that all the girls in Shengjing are crazy about him.

   Ji He clicked his tongue.

   "Master Cui Xiaohou is considerate, but I said, are you tired of carrying it all the time?"

   Cui Yun raised his eyes, still seeing the breeze and bright moon in front of everyone: "What does the Seventh Prince mean?"

OK! Don't admit it, it's really okay!

   Ji He then changed the subject: "When will you return to Shengjing?"

  Ji He talked about looking for Hua Niang, but he also knew that Cui Yun came here for that purpose.

  Cui Yun glanced at the time. In the rush to come here these few days, Ji He yelled that he couldn't read and didn't have a good rest.

  He pondered a thing or two.

   "Xu Shi will leave in two days tomorrow."

  Cui Yun was not in a hurry to find Shen Wei, and after sending the two back home, he thought about going to the inn to rest first.

  Out of the pharmacy, Shen Wei was holding a few bags of medicine in his hand. She was chubby and said to Ji Qing who was standing outside the carriage.

   "Brother, please go ahead, turn left at the second intersection, walk another street, pass the crooked neck tree, and then turn left, there are two majestic stone lions standing."

   That is to write down.

  Shen Hua got into the carriage with a flash. As soon as she entered, her eyes met Cui Yun's.

  Maybe it was the cup of tea. She didn't cough anymore, and she didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore. His eyes stayed on Cui Yun for a moment.

  That fox fur is of the highest quality. It is also rare in the entire Toyosu City. Even in Shengjing, only the most prestigious people can afford to wear it.

   Shen Xue is the one who is well-informed and has a lot of communication. He also has friendship with merchants who deal in the fur business, and spent a lot of money in every possible way and waited for five years before he got this one.

   Looking at the purple-clothed Ji He next to him, he is definitely not someone to wait for.

  Shen Hua sat in the corner with Zheng Qianyu in a polite manner.

   She twirled her fingers. Thinking of what Zheng Qianyu said just now, she has never been indebted to favors, the little lady thought about it, and looked expectantly at Cui Yun who looked cold.

  Unlike in front of Shen Qu, his tone was cold and hard, but now his voice has the softness of his daughter's family.

   "Everyone talks about life-saving grace, so don't be ambiguous. The little girl has nothing to repay, why not..."

  Jihe:! !

   He is familiar with these words.

  A few years ago, the third princess also used this as an excuse to run to Cui Yun.

   "They all say that the grace of saving life should not be ambiguous. This princess has nothing to repay, so why not promise it with your body?"

   Tsk tsk, is this little girl here to woo?

   Yes, Luo Hua is intentionally flowing and ruthless again.

   Courting Cui Yun is better than courting him.

   Ji He glanced at Cui Yun, then at Shen Hua, and smiled inexplicably.

  Cui Yun's black eyes glanced at Shen Hua who shrunk into a ball.

  Slap-sized little face, pitifully, has a maturity that doesn't belong to this age. But he, who was equally fragile, could break her neck with just a little force.

  Shen Hua took a deep breath.

   Under three pairs of eyes.

  She generously took out a five hundred taels of silver note from her bosom. His fingertips were white and glaring, and he passed them towards Cui Yun little by little.

   This was the first time that Cui Yun was hit with money.

   Ji He laughed angrily:? ? ? "You little girl, aren't you insulting people?"

  Shen Hua was at a loss for a moment.

  She lost her mother when she was young, and Shen Wei felt sorry for her to let everything go smoothly, but she did not assume the responsibility of teaching. It's lucky that it didn't grow completely crooked.

  In the previous life, everyone used her, and no one taught her the ways of the world. Of course, Shen Wei doesn't understand now. But she knows the truth of money and goods.

  She turned her head and asked Zheng Qianyu: "Is this an insult?"

  Zheng Qianyu gritted his teeth and whispered: "How can giving money be an insult? If so, I wish someone would insult me ​​every day."

   Insulting her severely, don't worry about her being a delicate flower!

  Shen Hua understood.

  She looked at Cui Yun in embarrassment.

   "My life is indeed not something that can be exchanged for just five hundred taels."

   "Do you think I gave too little?"

  Shen Hua pursed her lips, and accused a little: "You are greedy enough."

  (end of this chapter)