MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 8

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That night outside Danyang County, the army camped on the spot to reward them. The army was killing pigs and sheep, drinking and drinking, red fire sticks everywhere, shouting and punching, accompanied by cheers and laughter, resounding inside and outside the gate.


"Let's fight to the death, they have never even seen the face of the rebels, but they are the ones who deserve the most credit every time!"

"Biebu Li, brothers take turns to respect you! Do you dare to take it?"

In an inconspicuous corner of the camp, the fire stick was wrapped in tung oil and burned with a crackling sound. The roaring flames jumped, reflecting the red faces with the smell of alcohol.

A group of middle and low-ranking officers and soldiers were surrounding Li Mu, vying to toast him. Looking at his eyes, in addition to admiration, it is even more indignant.

Every time a battle is won, it is customary for the military to award rewards for meritorious deeds.

In the previous battle, King Linchuan knew that he had no way out, and it was like the last battle of beasts, and he became more and more stubborn.

His subordinates still have 20,000 soldiers and horses that have been in business for many years, and they occupy a convenient location.

If it wasn't for Li Mu riding like a bolt of lightning, a magical soldier descended into the enemy's line and brought back Gao Huan, who was supposed to be a ghost under the sword, completely disrupted the position of King Linchuan, and made the morale of the court army great. Seize the opportunity and launch a fierce attack before the opponent can form a battle. The fighting spirit of the rebels is disintegrated, and the army is defeated like a mountain. Originally, this will be a **** battle.

Until the end, no one dares to decide the outcome.

On that day, in the endless ancient battlefield, between the two armies facing each other, he was firm and sharp, with a long knife and an iron shield, he forcibly tore open the wall of flesh and blood in front of him, making the horse's hooves step in front of the corpse. Go, teach the enemy army to be fearful and soulless, to retreat, so that in the end no one dares to stop him, he can only watch in horror as he is chased by the bow and crossbow behind him, and among the thousands of troops, he brings back Gao Huan.

Anyone who witnessed this scene with their own eyes that day, even if more than half a month has passed, remembering it at this moment still makes their blood boil.

Although Li Mu was only a Sima of another division and was young, he had been in the army for many years.

From the soldiers at the bottom of the army when they first joined the army, to the corps commander, the chief commander, and the hundreds of generals, until two years ago, at the age of less than 20, he was promoted to be a commander of other ministries who can own a private army battalion. The military exploits accumulated in the first war.

In the army originally stationed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River run by the Xu family, almost no one knows about Li Mu, who is brave and good at fighting. In addition to the respect of his father and grandfather, he was among the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers in the army. It's very appealing.

After he served as Sima of the other divisions, all the soldiers were proud to join his other battalions and become his private soldiers.

The three hundred soldiers under his command, all iron-blooded, all warriors, slept in the same tent, and wore the same robes. In every battle, they risked their lives with him and charged into battle.

However, it wasn't until half a month, that battle, that he truly established his admirable status as a god-like man in the eyes of his soldiers.

Heroic blood and courage, Megatron three armies.

This battle, not to mention taking the lead, it is not an exaggeration to call it a battle of gods.

But today, in terms of merit and reward, he has only been promoted from the other Sima to the Right Sima, one of the five Sima, and everyone who had been vacant before thought that this time he was the only second to the commander of the general. , but fell on the head of another nobleman who had only arrived a few months ago.

When the commendation order was issued, the 300 battalion soldiers led by Li Mu were in an uproar, and the rest of the soldiers also talked about it, which was quite injustice.

A few daring ones were going to find Yang Xuan to explain the truth, but they were stopped by Li Mu. Seeing that he didn't care at all, the crowd gave up, but the injustice in their hearts remained unbearable. Tonight, they still called him by the old name of "Biebu" to show their strong dissatisfaction.

With a smile on Li Mu's face, he did not refuse anyone who came, drinking cup by cup with the soldiers who were vying to toast him.

"You take the car, I wear Li, and I will get off the car when we meet again."

"Jun Dan, I cross the horse, and I will meet you for the next day!"

"Mo Dao's alleys are poor young people, and the wind and clouds will turn into dragons!"

Gradually, I don't know who started, and people around began to beat each other with the backs of the swords as a festival, singing this song of Yuedi, which began in the ancient Yue Kingdom.

There are more and more collaborators. The singing and the sound of sword strikes made people's blood flow, magnificent and impassioned, with the night wind being transmitted throughout the entire camp, causing the group of officers from aristocratic families who gathered to drink and have fun in the distance to sneer.

During the singing, Li Mu sat alone by a fire, silently pouring and drinking, with a calm expression.

Suddenly, the surrounding singing gradually disappeared, and finally quieted down.

Li Mu turned his head lightly, and saw a young man holding a pot in one hand and a cup in the other, walking in his direction, which attracted the attention of the soldiers nearby, and countless pairs of eyes looked over.

Gao Huan knew in his heart that, in the army, a young gentry who was at least in the position of Sima and descended out of thin air like himself was very unpopular with ordinary soldiers.

The soldiers below did not dare to do anything on the surface, but behind the scenes, they were very repulsive.

He was very envious of his uncle. He was born in a first-class aristocratic family in Dayu, but he led the army back then, but he was extremely military-minded, and the soldiers at the lower ranks were extremely supportive of him, and he did everything he ordered.

It is said that in his last northern expedition, he returned halfway due to the helpless situation. An army of 100,000 returned to cross the Yangtze River. Qiu Cao Huang Lu, his uncle standing on the north bank, was reluctant to board the ship. When he looked back and burst into tears, the soldiers behind him all followed in tears and bowed down one after another.

At that time, Gao Huan had not yet been born, so he naturally missed seeing the generous and tragic scene that day. But that didn't stop him from looking forward to it.

After coming here, he also thought about getting close to them. But due to the habits of many years and the eyes of others, he never dared to let go of the air that he should have as a child of the gentry.

But Li Mu is different.

When he was tied in front of the formation that day, when he suppressed the fear in his heart and decided not to ask for mercy in exchange for his life, he would rather be separated than fall into the name of Gao because of himself. Li Mu used him like this He was rescued in a way he had never dreamed of before.

Nowhere to be found!

At that moment, the sword-horse, iron armor covered with blood, exuding bloodthirsty and murderous aura, smashed the other Sima who came to him with thousands of troops, and became the one who could be compared with his uncle in his mind. figure.

Even though he came from a prostitute, his status was far inferior to his own.

Under the stares of countless eyes, Gao Huan came to Li Mu, filled the glass with wine, served it with both hands, and respectfully said: "Li Sima, the grace of saving life, Huan has no teeth! Please drink this. cup."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the man in front of him, feeling a little uneasy.

After being rescued, these days, out of gratitude and admiration, he has been trying his best to get close to this young military attache.

He had a feeling that Li Mu did not despise him like the military attachés of the poor family who were promoted through accumulation of military merit.

Even that day, when he was just rescued, because he lost control of his emotions for a while, when he hugged him who came back with him and cried bitterly, he raised his hand and patted his back lightly, as if to comfort him. Tie Han's tenderness is probably nothing more than that.

But Li Mu's attitude towards him is not close.

At least, it was far from what Gao Huan expected.

Tonight, he had been wanting to find him to thank him again, but he was held back, saying that a feast was set up for him, and he was finally able to escape, and he immediately came over.

His hands holding the cup were raised in the air, motionless, waiting for Li Mu to take the wine. He looked expectant, and was a little nervous, but he saw him staring at the wine glass that he had brought over, his eyes were condensed, and there seemed to be undercurrents in the bottom of his eyes, as if he was caught in some distant meditation, and he remained motionless.

There was silence all around.

"Li Sima?"

Gao Huan was a little puzzled, and became more and more nervous, and called out again carefully.

Li Mu's eyes moved slightly, he regained his senses, smiled, took the wine glass in his hand, and drank it.

Gao Huan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the soldiers around him, and saw countless pairs of eyes staring at him. He suddenly became hot, and without thinking about it, he filled another glass and raised it towards the people around him, saying loudly, "You are all with Li. Sima is a warrior who lived and died together! I, Gao Huan, respected warriors the most in my life, and I salute you all!" After speaking, he raised his neck and drank it in one gulp.

On that day, he was held in front of the battle by the rebels. Under the sword, he showed no signs of fear, and he never asked for mercy. Many people here saw it with their own eyes. It is a little more admirable for this noble son of Gao, who looks very lonely on weekdays.

Although the children of the gentry are high above, even if they join the army, most of them just follow the family arrangement and use it as the capital for future advancement.

But among them, it is not necessarily that they are not spineless.

This son of the Gao family is an example.

It's just that he toasted Li Mu to express his thanks, but it was a surprise to take the initiative to toast to these people at this moment.

Everyone was a little surprised, looked at each other, and finally looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled and nodded.

Everyone then drank the wine in the cup, and said in unison, "Thank you, Young Master!" The voice was thunderous.

The atmosphere that had been quiet just now resumed its enthusiasm, and the sounds of boxing and laughter were constantly whispering.

When Gao Huan came over, in addition to expressing his gratitude, he also hid something else in his heart. He respectfully invited Li Mu to a place where there were few people, and bowed to him to the end with a solemn expression: "Li Sima, can I join your Sima camp? Saddle the front and back for you, and let me do whatever you want! Please let Li Sima accept me!"

Li Mu glanced at him, turned and left.

Gao Huan was in a hurry, and while chasing, he said, "I'm by no means a person who fears death! It's not my fault that I was captured this time! I am determined to serve the country. As long as Li Sima nods, I will persuade my uncle..."

Li Mu stopped and pointed to a boulder at his feet that was surrounded by his arms: "Move it up!"

Gao Huan was stunned.

"If you can move it off the ground, I will accept you." Li Mu said lightly.

Gao Huan was overjoyed, his eyes lit up, he immediately stepped forward, rolled up his sleeves, made a horse stride, and hugged him with both hands.

It's just that the stone seems to have taken root, and no matter how hard he exerts it, it will not move at all. In the end, he exerted his strength to suckle, and his face was flushed, but he could only move it a little bit. His feet were unstable, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks. Finally, he had to let go, stood up, and kept going. pant.

"Liu Yong!"

Li Mu called out loudly.

A young soldier of the same age as Gao Huan, who was extremely lean and a little shorter than Gao Huan, his eyes turned around like a monkey, ran over quickly, and saluted Li Mu: "What's wrong with Li Sima? order?"


Li Mu pointed to the stone.

The young man glanced at Gao Huan, grinned, squatted down, roared, and asked him to lift the stone, which weighed a hundred kilograms, to say the least.

Not only did he move it up, but he held it in his arms, walked back and forth a few times in front of Gao Huan, he was very relaxed, and finally threw it back to the ground, clapped his hands, bowed to Li Mu, and retreated.

Gao Huan's face was red and his ears were red, and he froze there.

"Gao Gongzi, I heard that you work in calligraphy, and you are famous. I only accept people who can move jun stone. You should go back, so as not to worry about your family."

With a gentle voice, he patted Gao Huan on the shoulder and left.

Gao Huan froze in place, staring blankly at Li Mu's back, bowing his head in despair.

"Zile! Why are you here?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Gao Huan turned around and saw that it was Lu Huanzhi, who came here today with Jiankang officials to reward the army.


He called out to his friend, hiding the frustration on his face and showing a smile.

After Lu Huanzhi put his hands together, he looked at the departing back in front of him.

"He is from a prostitute, but he is only a Sima. Even if he saves you in front of the battle, it is a matter of course, not to mention that he can also take credit for your uncle. Why should you surrender your identity and be so close to him?"

When Lu Huanzhi spoke, his voice was not lowered at all, and he obviously didn't care whether he was heard or not.

Gao Huan quickly turned his head and saw Li Mu in front of him continuing to move forward, his back as usual, and he didn't seem to be in his ears, Fang heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately lowered his voice: "If it weren't for him, I would have been a ghost with a broken head! I don't care. What is his background, his friendship is settled! I'm afraid he doesn't like me! If you are ashamed of my actions, stay away from me!"

Lu Huanzhi had never seen him speak to him in such a serious tone. He was stunned for a moment, then coughed: "It's fine, you can do it! My eldest brother has calmed down the chaos in Lin Yiguo, and is about to return. When he comes back, your uncle will also If you are free, I will probably change my name and call your second sister sister-in-law. Why should you and my family hurt your brotherhood for an outsider? "

Lu Huanzhi's eldest brother Lu Jianzhi had been the person Gao Huan admired the most for many years.

The reason why he set up his ambition to join the army was largely influenced by Lu Jianzhi. Hearing the news that he would be returning soon, a smile appeared on his face and he nodded: "I'll go see you when the eldest brother returns."

He turned back again and saw the figure in front of him, going further and further away, gradually disappearing into the night.

With Li Muzhi's ear, how could he not hear the conversation between Lu Huanzhi and Gao Huan behind him?

The name that seemed to have melted into his bones and blood, in such a way, for the first time in this life, was faintly introduced into his ears along with Ye Feng.

He still looked calm. The palms were slowly clasped together, and the veins on the back of the hands were beating faintly.

"Your Honor!"

Someone beside him called him.

He looked up and saw that it was his current boss, General Hu Ben Yang Xuan, and stopped.

Yang Xuan came hurriedly, and when he got closer, he could see the smell of alcohol on his face. It was obvious that he drank a lot of wine.

"Jingchen, I'm looking for you!" Yang Xuan said.

"The general has something to say, but please tell me."

Li Mu greeted him and said respectfully.

He joined the army as a young man, and in the first few years, he was tossed and turned many times. When he was fifteen years old, he met Yang Xuan by chance and was used by him to join his subordinates until now.

Even if he came later, Yang Xuan proclaimed himself emperor because he followed Xu's rebellion, defeated Jiankang, and killed himself after the defeat. After all, he also died at his own hands, but Li Mu still respects this old boss who promoted himself. .

After his death, he ordered a heavy burial, and with the power in his hand, he pardoned the Yang family and his descendants from the disaster.

"Jingchen, today's award is awarded. I know that you have suffered injustice. Just now I went to find Situ and made a petition to him. It's just..."

In his eyes, full of helplessness, he paused.

"Situ said that you saved the Gao clan's children in front of the battle. Although you have made a contribution, Gao Gong has already awarded you a reward. You cannot be rewarded twice. It is an exception to promote you as Sima..."

He sighed: "blame me for my incompetence. But don't be cold-hearted. The first time I saw you attacking the city, I knew that you were not in the pool. Over the years, you really didn't tell me to look away. Sooner or later, the total It will stand out!"

Yang Xuan's ancestors have been strong and powerful from generation to generation. For many years, the vassal towns have been in the Jingxiang area, forming a self-contained body.

However, from such a prostitute family background, no matter how hard he works, in the eyes of the clan, he is only a desolate general who is only worthy of his own expedition.

Yang Xuan is known as the number one general of the Xu clan, but now he is only a miscellaneous general, and his status is lower than that of the generals such as Sizheng, Sizhen, Front, Front, Left and Right. Those generals were all from the gentry.

Even if he has been promoted to his current position with merit, what can he do? Even Xu Mi's son can boss him around.

Yang Xuan was so comforting in his mouth, thinking of the treatment he had received, but it was not without sadness in his heart.

Li Mudao: "What Situ said is reasonable. What's more, when the humble post saves people on the day, it is not an attempt to advance to the throne. The general's heart and the humble post are grateful. It's just a general, and you don't need to waste your time on the humble post."

Yang Xuan felt more and more guilty when he heard him so comforting himself.

He actually couldn't see that the reason why Xu Mi suppressed Li Mu was not because of the excuse that one merit cannot be rewarded twice.

Come to think of it, he should have suspected that Li Mu intended to join Gao Qiao, so he gave up his life and rescued Gao Huan before the battle.

This kind of force and courage, not to mention Dayu, is to look at the entire Central Plains, the Xianbei man Murong Xi, who is known as the most powerful general in the world, may not be able to do it.

If such a strong general has two hearts, for the Xu family, I am afraid that he would rather be killed than be used by others.

According to Yang Xuan's speculation, Xu Mi should take the opportunity to beat this time, and he should express something in the future.

Thinking of this, and seeing that Li Mu himself didn't seem to care much about it, he gave up.

"King Linchuan has been executed, and the rest is to deal with the situation in Jiangbei. You can rest for a few days, and in a few days, I am afraid that you will return to Jingxiang, and then you will have to travel long distances."

Li Mudao: "Beijing is just about to find a general to discuss the matter. My army has always only heavily occupied the Jingxiang area, thinking that the lower reaches of the Yiyang area, the defense is empty. If the Jie people change to Yiyang, no matter whether it is Jingxiang or Guangling General Gao , I am afraid that the head and tail will not be able to prevent it, once it is broken, I am afraid that the situation will be exhausted."

Yang Xuan didn't take it seriously: "Jingxiang geography is the top priority in the upper reaches of the river. People from the north have always sought Xiangyang if they want to take the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, Xu Situ has been operating for many years. Yiyang must be a key place, and Huaibei is even more unscrupulous. Crossing is to capture Yiyang, and there is no easy way to go south. It is very dangerous and inconvenient. You are overthinking it."

Li Mudao: "Beijing has heard that there is a southbound road in Yiyang, but only few know about it. In the past, there have also been details sent by Xia people who have been captured nearby. Beizhi would like to lead the 300 soldiers from the camp to set off tomorrow morning, go to Yiyang first, and act according to the opportunity."

Yang Xuan was surprised: "Do you really have this concern?"

"General please order!"

Yang Xuan pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Never mind. Just in case, I will give you the military talisman. You cross the river to Yiyang first, and you can mobilize the Yiyang guards. If there is any change in Huaibei, report it immediately."

"I thank the general for my humble position!"

Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder: "Go and rest early, you have to leave tomorrow morning!"

In the fourth shift, the originally noisy barracks was completely quiet.

In the wild of Danyang County, it was pitch black. Surrounding the barracks, there were only bits and pieces of residual fire, illuminating the shadows of the night patrol soldiers.

The night is vast, and the moon reflects the spring river. How many thoughts are buried in the bottom of the waves with the rolling water, only the world is like a chessboard, and the heart is like a face.

With the sound of the tide, Li Mu stood by the river, looking at the bright moon on the river, and his back was condensed.

Not far behind him, 300 cavalrymen were already dressed and standing, waiting for his order to set off immediately.

Xia Bing attacked unexpectedly in Yiyang. In the past, the battle between the north and the south ended with the weak and the strong prevailing. However, due to the loss of Yiyang in the early stage and the way to the south by the Xia people, Jiangdong was once in an extremely unfavorable situation, and the war lasted for more than a year and ended.

But everything will be changed, starting tonight.

"From now on, the rest of the concubine's life will be entrusted to the prince."

The words of the past are now gone, but the voices are still unbroken, like the sound of the river tide in the night, revolving in his ears.

Facing the night wind, Li Mu finally glanced at the dark night sky at the end of the unseen Taicheng, and turned around.

Three hundred light cavalry galloped westward along the river bank with the crisp sound of the horse's hoofs, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Only this piece of white moonlight quietly illuminates the flowing eastward river by the riverside, and it never stops from generation to generation.

A hundred miles away, on Bailu Island, at this moment tonight, Luoshen still hasn't fallen asleep.

More than half a month ago, I learned that Adi was rescued, and her illness gradually improved.

As soon as her illness recovers, Xiao Yongjia will return to Bailuzhou.

Because Gao Qiao was busy all day, and was ordered by the emperor to go to Danyang to reward the army, Xiao Yongjia simply brought his daughter along with him.

Tonight, she couldn't sleep, she finally got up in her clothes and came to the west window.

Bailuzhou is a very beautiful place, especially in the late spring every year, when the river tides every night, and the flowers and the moon reflect each other.

But maybe because of the subconscious thought that it separated the parents, Luoshen never liked it here.

Especially tonight, for some reason, this feeling is even stronger.

Not far away, the sound of the constant stream of river tides sounded more and more in the middle of the silent night.

Even, as if with a trace of terrifying power.

From the bottom of her heart, an unprecedented sadness filled with sadness slowly poured out, making people want to cry.

She doesn't like this feeling.

I just want to get out of here quickly, better never come back.

But this time, Luoshen lived for three months.

In the past three months, her attention was almost completely seized by the constant news of the war from Jiangbei, and she no longer had the mood to feel sentimental about Huayue like that night.

Not long after she came to Bailuzhou with her mother, news came from Jiangbei that the northern Jieguo attacked Yiyang.

Yiyang is located in Jiangbei. In the Jiangbei territory left by Dayu, it is not within the scope of military strategists competing for important places, so Dayu did not garrison heavy troops here at first. Fortunately, they were prepared before. The defenders took advantage of the terrain to hold the pass abruptly. Before the arrival of reinforcements from General Gao Yun, only a few thousand defenders faced tens of thousands of Beiren forwards. Not even a single boat was allowed to cross the river.

The fighting then broke out in full force.

The Shang Shu ordered Gao Qiao to complete the defense of Jiangdong, and personally crossed the river to go to Guangling. He appointed Xu Yang's prefect Shi Gao Yun as the left general and military governor, and appointed Gao Yin as the expedition general and the vanguard governor. Together with the others, the troops are divided into three routes, along the Huai River to the north, to meet the enemy army that is pressing south. In just three months, after successive victories, Jiangdong's morale was high, and the last battle completely defeated the so-called million-strong southern invasion of Xia soldiers.

The Xia people were defeated and retreated to the north of the Huai River. Dayu took the opportunity to push the border north to the Huainan area. In the Xia Kingdom in the north, there was chaos in the country. The Xianbei, Xiongnu and other Hu tribes who had surrendered to Xia took the opportunity to raise their troops one after another. Northern Xia was in danger, and they no longer had the strength to covet Jiangdong. The Jiang Zuo crisis was finally temporarily lifted.

From the Battle of Yiyang to the defeat of the Xia people and retreat to Huaibei, Dayu not only won, but also won the battle of life and death related to the fortune of the country, and it only took three short months in the middle!

The news of the victory quickly spread throughout Jiangdong. The people were boiling over it. The prestige of the Gao clan, after this battle, has reached an unprecedented level.

In August of the fifteenth year of Xingping, Luoshen, who was still living in Bailuzhou, was overjoyed when he received the news that his father would return to Beijing soon.

All the troubles and sorrows of the girl who had troubled her before were swept away in front of this great news.

It was a sunny August afternoon. In the past few months, Gao Huan, a cousin who had been staying in Jiankang, happily took a ferry to Bailuzhou to pick up Luoshen and return to the city.

"Sister, I heard that my uncle took his opinion at first. At the beginning of the war, before the Xia soldiers were assembled, he took the initiative to attack. Gong. Now even His Majesty knows his name, and I heard that he once single-handedly entered the rebel formation and saved my life. I am very curious and have appointed him to see him."

Li Mu, after hearing about that Luoshen for the first time a few months ago, but now she has forgotten about the name, so from her cousin's mouth, it entered her ears again.

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