MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 78

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Gao Qiao returned from Taicheng and had just entered the door. He heard from Gao Qi that the eldest son had returned, the journey was safe, and he was waiting for him in the study.

"Where are Ami and Rokuro? Are they going back together?" Gao Qiao asked immediately.

Gao Qi shook his head.

Gao Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and his face turned bad immediately. He didn't have time to take off his official uniform, so he hurried to the study.

Seeing Gao Yin, first ask him about the road situation.

Gao Yindao went smoothly, and then got up to apologize: "Uncle, nephew is incompetent, this time, not only did I fail to bring back Amei, but even Liulang stayed behind."

Gao Qiao frowned slightly: "I just heard that Gao Qi has already said. What happened?"

"Liu Lang always wanted to follow Li Mu, and you know that, uncle. Li Mu didn't accept him before, and it was because of his uncle's disapproval. This time I went, Liu Lang refused to follow me back, and left a letter, stating that Aspiration. My nephew thinks that he is young and passionate, and he rarely has great ambitions. With Li Mu, he is expected to take care of him.

He presented Gao Huan's letter to him.

Gao Qiao glanced at it, with a helpless expression on his face, and sighed.

"Forget it. Ami, why didn't she come back? Didn't she say earlier that she would come back after clearing up the conversation with Li Mu?"

"Uncle, A-mei originally wanted to follow me back, but she didn't want to come out, and was chased back by Li Mu..."

Gao Yin remembered the scene where he was locked out of the city gate that day, and felt sullen, and he didn't want to talk about it any more, he took a vague sentence and said, "Li Mu gave me a letter, the message is to my uncle. account."

He took out the letter and presented it again.

Gao Qiao immediately took it and unfolded the letter.

Gao Yin had not read the letter in private, and did not know what Li Mu wrote or what the explanation was.

Seeing Gao Qiao staring at the letter without saying a word, he couldn't help being curious and asked, "How did he say it?"

Gao Qiao handed the letter to him, with anger on his face, and snorted: "General words, no sincerity at all! Is this an explanation? He just took these words and coaxed Ami, and Ami didn't reply?"

In front of Gao Qiao, Gao Yin didn't dare to mention that overnight, Amei's attitude changed drastically, and what she saw with Li Mulang's concubine.

After deliberation, he said, "Although Li Mu's words are empty words, they are also disrespectful to the imperial court. They are arrogant and arrogant. But looking at them, they should not be two-faced and three-sided. Without any evidence, he doesn't have to admit it, and if he shies away completely, he won't make his uncle so displeased, let alone many things that happened later."

"Since he said so, it must be sincere, and it can also be regarded as a concession to uncle. If the situation of the court can be maintained as it is in the future, it is expected that it will not be a big deal. Uncle need not worry too much."

After he finished speaking, seeing that Gao Qiao's face was still angry, he simply added something he had wanted to say for a long time: "This is the end of the matter, Amei has already married him, and she is willing to follow him, how can my uncle be? On the grounds of hidden dangers, while his foundation is still shallow, eradicate him as soon as possible?"

Gao Qiao was stunned by his nephew's words on the spot.

It was because his beloved daughter was caught in the middle that he hated it when he remembered it.

Although Gao Yin didn't mention a word, Gao Qiao had already guessed that it must be her daughter who stayed there willingly, and her nephew returned without success.

Li Mu, who used a trick to get rid of his daughter at the beginning, and now coaxes his daughter to the point that he doesn't even want Aye himself, is even more disgusted with him.

His face was extremely ugly, he paused for a while, then waved his hand: "That's it! Let's leave this matter for now! What happened to Yicheng? I heard that Xijin Xianbei is trying to seize Xijing. Li Mu is not with me for a year. Date? It's been a few months now, how's he doing?"

Gao Yin recounted what he had seen and heard.

Hearing that Yicheng City is built with high walls, refugees from all over the world, like flowing water, enter the city every day to ask for shelter, and also hear that Li Mu has formed a covenant with the Qiuchi Hou clan, is cultivating the wasteland, accumulating grain, and expanding the army. It finally got better.

Seeing that he stopped asking questions, Gao Yin resigned.

Gao Qiao comforted him and told him that he had to travel **** the road, and told him to rest well and go to Guangling in a few days.

Gao Yin respectfully responded and retreated.

As soon as his nephew left, Gao Qiao couldn't sit still, got up, and paced the study with his hands behind his back.

After walking back and forth for more than a dozen times, he stopped and stared at Li Mu's letter. Finally, as if he had made up his mind, he returned to pick up the letter and hurried out.

When it was dark, he boarded Bailuzhou from the bow and came to the gate of Bieyuan where Xiao Yongjia lived.

The concierge said that the eldest princess had been away for a few days and was invited to be a guest.

Gao Qiao was stunned.

The last time Xiao Yongjia proposed a reconciliation, he was angry and forced to force it. He was coldly rejected, and he withdrew ashamed. It has been more than two months.

These days, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Yongjia to seek him first.

After Gao Qiao's initial sense of shame faded away, he was suffering day by day.

I persuade myself not to have the same knowledge as the woman, so I might as well go find her again and speak clearly.

But every time he made up his mind, he went out and backed out.

Today, I finally have an upright reason, how can I hold it back, and I hurried here.

But I didn't expect that Xiao Yongjia was not there.

Busy asking for details. The concierge also said that she was invited by the county magistrate of Huaide to be a guest. She left the door three days ago and has not returned today.

The fief of Huaide County is located in Huaide County, dozens of miles northwest of Jiankang.

This county owner, Gao Qiao also knows, is a daughter of the Xiao family, and has a bold personality. Since he was a child, his relationship with Xiao Yongjia has been very good.

Xiao Yongjia's popularity is not good. In recent years, among the people who have been in contact with her, she has the closest relationship.

Originally nothing.

But this county owner has died three husbands. A few days ago, it seemed that she had married a fourth term. It is a Huangmen Sanqi with a low official position, not only a dozen years younger than the county owner, but also looks like Pan An. When getting married, Xiao Yongjia also sent congratulations.

Gao Qiao was stunned. When asked about the return date, the concierge said that he did not know.

He stood at the door for a long time, his heart was slowly scratching like a cat, and he was extremely uneasy.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to take Xiao Yongjia back in person immediately.

After all, the daughter's affairs are the most important.

He was eager to find her to discuss.

He hurriedly turned back, abandoned the car and rode, and drove all the way, and finally arrived in Huaide County, found the place, and ordered someone to pat the door.

The door opened, and the servants learned that the middle-aged man who came here overnight was actually the husband of the eldest princess. When the court minister, Gao Qiao, was very surprised, and hurried in to report and then brought him in.

Gao Qiao entered in a hurry, and before he reached the banquet hall, he could hear the sound of silk and bamboo from a distance.

To be introduced, stand at the door, and see the Chinese lamps in the hall, bright as day, delicious food and wine, full of guests, and even actors playing the flute and sheng, and dancers dancing around the pillars.

Such a scene of indulgent night banquets was staged almost every night in the homes of those dignitaries who pursued pleasure in Jiankang, and Gao Qiao was already commonplace.

Standing at the door, two eyes searched for Xiao Yongjia's figure.

At a glance, I saw her lying on the side of a wide couch covered with brocade mats, holding her head in one hand and a fan in the other, with half a glass of wine in front of her, smilingly looking at the county owner and her young husband. Playing with fenugreek.

There were cheers and laughter around, Xiao Yongjia's side was surrounded by the diligently serving beautiful maid Juntong, and she also had a smile on her face. In a pair of eyes, a bit of absent-minded fatigue was evident.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, the wind swept to Gao Qiao, who was standing at the entrance of the lobby.

She was stunned, turned her face quickly, glanced at him, and saw that he was indeed coming, with a smile on her face, and she froze slightly.

Gao Qiao's intrusion was extremely discordant, and immediately interrupted the atmosphere of the banquet.

Everyone's eyes were cast over.

The county owner hurriedly got up and brought his little husband to greet him.

Gao Qiao smiled and said, "It's really presumptuous to visit the door all night. I just have an urgent matter, and I need to ask the eldest princess to discuss it. The family told her that she is a guest at your place, so I will not invite her. If there is any disturbance, I apologize."

The eldest princess and Gao Qiao and his wife were at odds. The county owner naturally knew and knew Xiao Yongjia's temperament. Make your own birthday and invite her.

I was extremely surprised to see Gao Qiao appearing like this. Hearing that he was in a hurry, and looking at his expression, he always felt that something was wrong, but he said, "Why did Gao Xianggong say this? I invited the eldest princess here because of my birthday celebration the day before yesterday. I was reluctant to let her go, Forced to stay to this day. I didn't want to but delayed Gao Xianggong's affairs, tired of you coming all the way from Jiankang all night. It's my fault!"

Saying that, he turned around and urged Xiao Yongjia: "A-Ling! Hurry up, Gao Xianggong is in a hurry to find you!" With Gao Qiao behind his back, he secretly winked at her, slightly constricting.

Xiao Yongjia slowly sat up from the couch.

Gao Qiao stared and saw a beautiful boy kneeling on the ground, putting on sandals for her.

She put on the clogs, walked over, glanced at Gao Qiao, and said, "Go out and talk."

Gao Qiao followed and walked out, followed by Xiao Yongjia in front, and stopped in front of a pavilion in the courtyard.

Xiao Yongjia asked people to step back and looked at Gao Qiao: "Why are you looking for me?"

Gao Qiao turned his head and looked around. Seeing that the light was dim and there was no one nearby, he hesitated, got closer, and said in a low voice, "Ling, last time... I was really bad... I lost my head for a while. , to do such a thing to you... After I go back, I regret it very much. These days, I have long wanted to come and make amends for you..."

"Gao Qiao! Is this what you asked me to do urgently?"

Xiao Yongjia's original attitude was quite friendly, but suddenly he seemed to be angry, and he raised his voice slightly, interrupting his words.

Gao Qiao was stunned. Seeing that the matter has passed for so long, when she mentions it, she has such an attitude, showing how disgusted she is, she can't help feeling more ashamed, and her face flushes.

Fortunately, there are no lights here, and no one can see it. He waved his hand in a hurry: "That's it, if you don't like to hear it, I won't say this... I'm here to find you for my daughter and son-in-law!"

"Ami doesn't want to go back and stayed in Yicheng?"

Gao Qiao was stunned again: "Did you already know?"

Xiao Yongjia frowned: "What did Li Muke say?"

"Said that in the future, as long as the imperial court does not impose persecution or hinder his northern expedition, he will forever be a minister of the Great Yu..."

"Then it's over!"

Xiao Yongjia nodded.

"I'm in. Come back."

She turned around, left Gao Qiao behind, and walked in.