MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 70

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In Hou Jian's original plan, after the city was conquered, he would kill Hou Li in the chaos, and when he returned, he would explain to his father on the grounds that Li Mu did not keep his promises.

Even if his father is suspicious, his brother is dead, and he has the support of his mother and Xianbei people behind him, he would not dare to attack. If you look deeper, you will be replaced by yourself, and it will be a matter of course.

What he did not expect was that the Yicheng City Gate, guarded by a mere 2,000 people, was impregnable and unbreakable.

The siege of the city in the middle of the night was not only fruitless, but Hou Li also had nothing to do.

Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, the wounded were crying constantly, and the siege was powerless, they had to order a temporary retreat for a few miles, and ordered to bury the pot and cook for a while, and rest for a while.

Gradually, the sky was bright, and he planned to organize another siege. It really doesn't work, anger Li Mu and tell him to kill Hou Li in anger, then his trip can be considered to have achieved his goal.

He was convening several deputies to discuss, when he suddenly noticed a commotion from the soldiers nearby, he looked at the sound and couldn't help but be stunned.

The front gate opened, and Hou Li rode a horse and galloped out of the city unscathed.

Hou Li quickly came to the front, stopped his horse, and shouted at the thousands of soldiers in front of him, and all returned with him on the spot.

This Yicheng city head is really a bone that cannot be chewed. Who is not happy when suddenly learned that there is no need to fight?

Soldiers looked happy, and there was a hum of low-pitched discussions.

Hou Li's cronies, who were in the team, echoed on the spot, ran over, and lined up behind him.

Hou Jian signaled silence behind him, walked over, and said without a smile: "Brother, you were captured by Li Mu first, let's not say why the Han people suddenly let you go. As soon as you came out, you ordered me to retreat. This Li Mu Don't take this opportunity, you and I will work together to destroy him and let him sit next to my Qiuchi, won't there be another disaster in the future? Could it be that Li Mu promised you a favor, and you were willing to speak for him in order to survive ?"

Hou Li was furious: "I am on the city wall, but you ordered to attack the city and shoot arrows, what is your motive?"

He turned to the soldier and said loudly: "I, Hou Li, are greedy for life and fear of death, you know better than that! I accidentally fell into Li Mu's hands the night before. Even if I tried to die, I would never fall into my Hou family The name. I don’t want Li Mu to speak out, Daowei regards my Qiuchi as an enemy, and is willing to turn the war into jade and silk. Although the Southern Dynasty has now retreated to Jiangdong, it is also the previous Dynasty, but what is Xianbei’s child? Li Mu has no intention to fight against my Qiuchi Enemy, why should I, Qiu Chi, be driven by Xianbei'er, willing to be lower than others?"

"Among you, those of you who are willing to be slaves of Xianbei with Hou Jian, just stay! Those who are willing to come back with me, come with me!"

When he was done, he ran away.

The cronies behind him, elated, whistled loudly, followed Hou Li, and the sound of horses' hooves roared away.

Ordinary Jie people, with flat forehead and narrow eyes, belong to the Hou clan, but Hou Liyin has his mother's blood, with a high nose and deep eyes.

At this moment, he raised his arms like this, not to mention the cronies who followed him, but the remaining Hou Jian's people, looking at the back of Hou Li's group as they rode away, also showed hesitation.

Hou Jian looked at the back of the horse that was galloping away in front of him, his face extremely gloomy.

Originally thought it was a great opportunity to get rid of Hou Li, but he did not expect Li Mu to act in such a way that his overall plan suddenly fell through.

The siege didn't go well, morale was already low, and Hou Li made such a fuss, taking away nearly half of the troops...

Hou Jian turned his head and glanced at the city wall with a towering horse face not far away.

On the top of the city wall, a dense row of figures can be seen faintly, and there is a dazzling light, which is the reflection of the swords in the hands of the soldiers under the sun.

He knew the opportunity was lost. If you force a siege again, you will not only bring shame on yourself, but no matter how many people and horses are damaged, you will not be able to explain it when you go back.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth and snarled to retreat.

Above the head of Yicheng City, the soldiers looked at the thousands of men and horses in front of them, divided into two groups, and went chaotically, and could not help but let out a thunderous cheer.

"People are beaten--people are beaten-"

On the empty field in front of the governor's mansion, a dozen or so children were in high spirits, running, cheering loudly, and dancing the wooden sticks in their hands, imitating the soldiers to fight, making a "bang bang bang bang" sound.

Someone came to repair the door, filled the mouse hole in the corner, climbed on the roof, and renovated the tile in the corner of the leak.

Luoshen temporarily avoided Gao Huan's place.

In the past, the entourage who saw him lying on the bed and was listening to the news was describing to him the city's defense last night and the scene when the Qiuchi people retreated this morning.

He also said that last night, Li Mu himself was on the top of the city, leading the soldiers to defend the city, and even Fan Cheng joined the battle with the hundreds of guards.

Gao Huan thumped his chest and stomped his feet, full of envy. He only hated that his **** was not good enough. Others followed Li Zhanshen on the city wall and were busy defending against the enemy, but he could only lie here, and even had to be supported when he walked down the ground.

Luo Shen stayed at Gao Huan's place for most of the day, and a servant girl came and said that the house was repaired, and Li Langjun returned just now.

Luo Shen suddenly became nervous.

Thinking back, I was a little timid.

She still remembered how proud and even bossy she was in front of him when she first married into the Li family in Jingkou.

The scene of the day is still in front of me.

In fact, it was only half a year.

But I don't know why, but now I am so afraid to be alone with him. When Pian Gaohuan heard that Li Mu had returned, he kept urging Luoshen to go back, and begged her to say a few good words to him in front of him. After the injury was healed, he wanted to stay and told him not to drive people away.

Luo Shen had to return.

Walking halfway, I remembered the scene where he forced her to make out with her in the dark and damp corner after he broke into the door last night, and couldn't help but secretly warmed his ears. There seems to be a trickle in the lower abdomen, which slowly spreads out. It is warm and makes people's knees weak and atrial fibrillation out of thin air.

She thought about it all the way, dawdled, and finally returned to the front of the yard, stopped outside, and glanced around.

It was quiet inside, not a single sound could be heard.

He couldn't guess what he was doing at the moment, so he slowed down, and finally finished the corridor that had been shoveled down a lot today, and reached the door.

The door has been repaired and erected again, and the latch has been installed, vacant, and opened a crack.

Luo Shen did not go in immediately, but stopped at the door and quietly glanced in.

Just looking at it, she was stunned.

Li Mu was indeed in the house.

He is sleeping.

But not sleeping on the bed, but in kimono, lying on her back on the table she dragged to the top door last night.

The bar is long and narrow, but his legs are longer and he can't sleep at all.

Next to it is the bed. He was lying on his back like this, with one arm behind his head as a pillow, one leg bent, and the other leg hanging from the corner of the table.

And so, fell asleep.

Luo Shen immediately understood.

He probably hadn't slept for several nights, but now the siege is over, and the matter finally came to an end. When he came back, he was tired and didn't want to dirty her neat and fragrant bed, so he just leaned back on the table and slept. past.

Luoshen told the maid not to follow him, he walked in slowly, and stopped in front of the note.

After marrying him for so long, it seemed that she was still looking back and told her to see his sleeping face.

In those days when she was in bed with him, almost every morning, when she woke up, he had already got up and left.

She had never seen him sound asleep.

This position of his, visually, will make it very uncomfortable to sleep.

But he closed his eyes, breathed evenly, and remained motionless.

Not even the eyelashes fluttered.

slept very deeply.

Luoshen watched silently for a moment, and finally looked away from the handsome, tired face and looked at the bed.

I want to wake him up and go to bed. She wouldn't despise him for being dirty.

But seeing him sleeping so deeply, he couldn't bear to wake up.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to let him go to sleep.

She took one of her own thin quilts from the bed, came back lightly, bent over, and put it on his stomach.

When he was about to straighten up, he suddenly saw a blade of grass flying from somewhere in the folds of his sleeves.

She stared at it for a moment, couldn't help but reached out and leaned over, gently twisting the blades of grass with her fingertips.

Just as he was about to straighten up, the sleeping man suddenly moved his eyelids slightly, and his hand moved, as if subconsciously chasing after her, hooked one of her pinky fingers, and then pulled her hand, which she just wanted to retract, silently. Wrapped in the palm of his hand.

The palm of a man is thick, dry and warm. He still closed his eyes, as if he was stroking it in a dream, as if he was feeling the incredible softness that came from the object in his palm.

Then, he slowly tightened his fingers and took her hand.

Luo Shen was stunned again and looked at him.

He woke up. Slowly opened his eyes.

At the bottom of those eyes, there was still a faint layer of bloodshot that had not disappeared after a light sleep, and the eye sockets were slightly sunken. There was a hint of laziness in his eyes that he had just woken up from. People just looked up lazily under her line of sight, looking at her silently, holding her hand with one hand and not letting go.

Luoshen's heart suddenly became soft and messy.

For a moment, she even had a hallucination.

She felt that as long as he opened his mouth, no matter what she wanted to do for him, she would definitely agree.

With such a man, who can ruthlessly reject him?

He stared at her like a child coquettishly, and gently shook her hand that was held by him.

Luo Shen's knees softened, and people knelt beside him.

I looked at him for a moment.

"Come here."

He ordered her in a low, hoarse voice.

As if being urged, she leaned over to him and lay on his chest.

The house was very quiet. A dim yellow sunset slanted in from the west window and fell on the corner of the wall.

Luoshen slowly closed his eyes and quietly listened to the steady, heartbeat sound in his chest.