MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 62

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He was dressed brightly and looked the same as a madam from a wealthy family in Jiankang. He was just timid and shy, and there was a little bit of jubilation on his face, which made him feel arrogant.

Being brought in front of Luoshen, he was even more respectful. He wished he could express his gratitude and admiration for her at the moment. He opened his mouth and said a lot of words of flattery and gratitude for her husband.

Luoshen patiently listened to her, and invited her to be seated - she had just invited Mr. He to be seated, but she insisted on refusing. This time again, Mr. He finally answered the invitation and sat down gratefully.

Luoshen asked someone to serve her tea and asked about Shen Shi's current situation.

He hurriedly said: "Auntie is all right. The only thing is that her man left with General Li this time, and she was the only one left at home with two children. Before going out this time, I thought that it was not easy for her, so I went there in person. Jingkou, I gave her rice, noodles, money, and two pieces of cloth. The weather is hot, so I just made new clothes for the two children at home."

With a smile on her face, she said, "I know that Madam and my sister-in-law are on good terms. You can rest assured that Madam is in the memory of Madam. She is a family, and her man is now helping General Li to do important things for the emperor. The family is missing a pillar, I am this As the elder sister-in-law, is there any reason not to take care of it?"

She glanced at Luoshen, and her smile became even stronger: "It's not just my aunt, I also went to visit Mrs. Li last time. The old lady is really kind and nice, and she told me to walk back more."

Hearing that she finally mentioned Lu Shi, Luoshen's heart skipped a beat. Following He's words, he asked casually, "My family and the others, are they all okay?"

"Old Madam is fine!" Mrs He nodded, "It's the same thing. A few days ago, I accidentally stumbled and injured one leg. Fortunately, it's not a big problem. When I went to see her last time, I said Just a few more days of rest and you should be fine."

Luo Shen was startled and asked for details.

It turned out that after Li Mu was promoted to General Wei, many people came to defect with their families and fields, hoping to get shade, avoid paying field grain, and avoid all kinds of corvée stalls.

Li Mu refused all of them, leaving only a distantly related couple surnamed Zhao. Before leaving home this time, I asked the Zhao couple to come to the house to help Ah Ting.

That Zhao family is diligent, honest and honest, but one day, he forgot to remind him, and he put a used bamboo pole by the door and forgot to put it away. After the people left, the bamboo pole was blown to the ground by the wind. When Lu passed by, he didn't pay much attention, stepped on it, didn't stand firm, fell to the ground, and accidentally injured his leg.

Seeing Luoshen, Mrs. He seemed a little anxious, so she hurriedly comforted her, and said again and again that there was nothing wrong, and said, "The old lady is just inconvenient to go to the ground. I think she is in good spirits..."

She said, as if she suddenly remembered something, "Ouch", and patted her mouth.

Seeing Luoshen looking over, she hurriedly followed with a smile and said, "Look at my mouth! The old lady heard me saying she was coming to Jiankang, and she even instructed her that if she saw you, don't mention it, lest you forget about it. ."

"Madam is at ease, the old lady is fine!"

Luoshen fell silent.

That He is also a person who can wink.

This time, I was able to come to health with my husband, enter this amusement park, and see the demeanor of the noble ladies of Jiankang's high family, which is a great honor. After going back, it was enough for her to show off for half a year. At this moment, I came here thick-skinned to thank the Lady Gao. Seeing that she had said something, she seemed to be tired, and she didn't dare to stick to it any longer, so she got up with a smile and resigned respectfully.

Luoshen personally sent her a few steps, and He was flattered and thanked her again and again.

Luoshen stopped and asked someone to take her out. He stood on the corridor. Seeing that his mother had not returned, he brought Qiongshu and walked slowly along the stream.

The matter has come to this point, as sad as she is, she had already made up her mind not to take Li Mu to heart again.

This is not a fellow traveler, and ruthless. She no longer cares whether he is dead or alive in the future, rich or poor.

But his mother was so kind to him. She was forcibly taken away by her parents twice. Instead of complaining at all, Lu Shi was always comforting her. Now that Mrs. Lu broke her leg, she doesn't know what the situation is. She just doesn't know, she already knows, how can she be at peace if she doesn't look at her?

The spring is bright, the birds are singing in the air, and the peach blossoms are flowing by.

Luoshen's brows were furrowed, and he didn't have any interest in enjoying the spring. He broke a weeping willow in his hand, full of thoughts, he walked up the stream, and unknowingly, he reached the end of the gable.

The gables are exhausted, and the flowers and trees are shaded. Opposite is Dongyuan, and I can faintly hear the sound of the man on the other side drinking and having fun, entering the wall with the wind.

Peach blossom water flows through the foot of this gable, connecting the east and west gardens.

The flowers and trees by the stream were wet and green, and the corners of Luoshen's skirt were wet.

Luoshen couldn't help but think of the scene where she and Lu Jianzhi compose the Xiaoqin music together at this time and place.

The joy of that day, now that I think about it, is like a beautiful spring dream.

When he was stunned, suddenly, he heard a short exclamation from the other side of the gable.

"Murong, you dare—"

It was a man's voice, gnashing his teeth, full of unbelievable surprise.

Before the sound was over, accompanied by a painful groan, there was another rustling sound that seemed to be overwhelmed by flowers and trees, and the other end became quiet.

A wisp of thick scarlet blood flowed from the foot of the gable along with the running water, slowly fainted on the water surface, and gradually dissipated.

Luo Shen was horrified.

Although she couldn't see it, she could already imagine what was going on at the other end of the wall at this moment.

"Little lady, blood!"

Qiongshu shouted in surprise, and as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he immediately realized that something was wrong, he covered his mouth suddenly, and looked at Luoshen in panic.

Luoshen immediately pulled her, turned and left, but it was too late, and a figure quickly turned over on the wall behind him.

The man was as agile as an eagle, and with one jump, he flew down from the wall and rushed behind Luoshen and the maid.

Luo Shencai wanted to open his mouth to call, and his neck was cold.

A sharp, blood-stained dagger was brought over.

In front of her, a young man appeared.

The man was in his twenties, with white skin and purple eyes, and a beautiful face, but his hair was messy, his forehead was sweating, and his clothes were not neat.

His lips were also cracked, and the corners of his lips were stained with a little red blood, adorning the whole face, and he looked like a strange color.

But at this moment, he stared at Luo Shen's eyes, but it was extremely gloomy, the corners of his eyes were reddish, like smearing blood.

Luo Shen froze.

It was only a face-to-face with the man who rolled down from the wall, and she confirmed the name that came to her ears just now.

The Xianbei clan who defected to Dayu, Murong Tzu.

She also guessed, just a moment ago, what kind of scene was staged on the other side of the gable.

Obviously, this Xianbei person shot and killed the other party just when he was being humiliated.

It's just that she doesn't know who the dead person is.

Murong's hand holding the dagger was still pressed on the side of Luoshen's neck, almost between the lightning and flint, and the other hand grabbed the neck of Qiongshu who opened his mouth to call. He couldn't make a sound, his eyes turned white, and he struggled desperately but in vain, and his face quickly flushed because he couldn't breathe.

Luoshen sensed the killing intent of this Xianbei man.

For some unknown reason, at this moment, in her mind, the killing that she and Li Mu had experienced in the night market on the night of the Lantern Festival not long ago passed by.

The sense of panic that was caused by unintentionally peeping into the secrets of others has disappeared, and he is not afraid at all.

"Murong, do you know who I am? Try killing my maid?"

She raised her face slightly and looked directly at the person opposite her.

"Just now, since you dared to commit murder here, you must have figured out a way to escape. As long as I don't say it, you can live. But if you dare to hurt a single strand of my hair, today's turbulent waters will kill you. Three people, including me, do you think you can escape safely?"

Murong turned his face slowly, staring at the girl who was still a girl under his dagger.

Her expression is indifferent, her posture is noble, and there is no panic in her eyes, but a hint of contempt.

Lady Gao, he knew.

That day, I met for the first time in Jingkou Town. Although he only glanced at her from a distance, she also covered the curtain at that time, but this figure and this voice, he immediately thought of it.

If you want to come to the whole health, apart from Gao's daughter, what other woman dares to speak in such a deterrent tone?

Moreover, he was indeed caught in the scruples in his heart by her words.

Killing a person, even if the person is of high status, Murong Tei is confident that he can dispose of the body and leave without knowing it.

But if you add the Gao girl, it will be difficult to say.

"He forced me too much, and I had no choice but to do it. It's okay if I don't kill you. How can you guarantee that you won't tell what you saw today?"

He lowered his voice and asked word by word.

Luoshen glanced over his disheveled shirt, frowned, and snorted, "Do you think I want to meet you? How can you be qualified to ask for my guarantee?"

After she finished speaking, seeing his dignified face and flickering eyes, she raised her hand and pushed away the dagger on the side of her neck, turned her head and stared at him: "Don't let go of my maid?"

Murong squinted his eyes, and finally let go slowly, finally letting go of Qiongshu.

Qiongshu fell to the ground, covered his throat, and kept coughing.

Luoshen rubbed her a few times, raised her head, and said coldly, "This is my mother's private residence. I don't care who you kill, move the body farther away, so as not to defile the place."

She helped Qiongshu up and went away without looking back.

Murong Ting stared at the slowly receding figure in front of him, stood for a moment, quickly tidied up his clothes, squatted by the water, washed the blood off the dagger, sheathed it and hid it in the boot, lowered his head again, and bowed. The water washed the lips that had just been bitten.

A sting. There was a stern look in his eyes.

After holding it for a long time, it was the person who deserved to die. Today, I finally asked him to find an opportunity to kill the person who dared to humiliate him.

Unexpectedly, it bumped into the hands of the Gao lady.

He stood up and subconsciously glanced at the direction she was leaving.

There was no one in front of him, only the shadows of flowers swayed and the water gurgled.

He stood up, glanced at the wicker stick that fell from her hand on the ground, retracted his gaze, returned to the wall, and climbed up with a vertical leap, and the figure quickly disappeared behind the wall.

After such an accident, Luoshen, on the way back, thought about the courage and ruthlessness of the Xianbei people, and then he felt a lot of fear.

He repeatedly told Qiongshu, who was still in shock, not to tell her what she had just seen. Slowly, she settled down.

Approaching the building, I saw Aju looking for her, and knowing that her mother had returned, she hurriedly entered.

Xiao Yongjia had lost interest in this kind of occasion for many years. Today, he just came here to accompany his daughter. Seeing that Lu Xiurong had left, he asked Luoshen if he still wanted to play.

What is the mood of Luoshen? The mother and daughter came out and went back together in the ox cart.

On the way, Luoshen kept leaning on his mother's shoulder, closed his eyes and slumbered without saying a word, and didn't say a word until he returned home, "Auntie, there is someone from Jingkou today, saying that A's family fell, and I feel a little uncomfortable. Don't worry, it's okay anyway, I want to go back and see her."

Seeing her mother's hesitant expression, she smiled and said, "A-niang can rest assured, I will go back after seeing A's family."

The next day, Xiao Yongjia asked Gao Yin to **** Luoshen to Jingkou.

After walking on the road for a few days, when the boat arrived at Jingkou, it was already night and it was completely dark.

Unlike the previous two times, when Luoshen arrived in Jingkou, the pomp that almost caused a stir in half of Jingkou Town was different. This time, she went ashore quietly, sat in a car, passed through half of the town shrouded in darkness, and arrived at the gate of Li's house.

It's only been over a month since I left, but it feels like a long time has passed.

The door was closed, the lantern at the door was not lit, and it was deserted. Only the branches of the old magnolias were much more lush than Luoshen's departure, and the wildly blooming branches stretched out from the wall, silently welcoming her return.

Luoshen stepped on the steps, calmed down, raised his hand to grab the knocker, and knocked several times.

After a long time, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the door. Then, the door opened a crack, revealing the head of a strange woman. She raised the lantern, took a photo, and looked at Luoshen and the standing behind her. , with a look of doubt in his eyes.

"You belong to the Zhao family?"

Luoshen asked.

The woman nodded: "Who is the little lady? What are you doing here?"

Luoshen hesitated for a while, and was about to speak, but the woman's eyes suddenly lit up, "Oh," she said happily, "I see! The little lady wanted to come back to Jiankang's Mrs. Li, Ah Ting and sister-in-law? "

Luoshen smiled and nodded slightly.

The Zhao family was overjoyed, he hurriedly bowed, opened the door quickly, and said, "Come on madam! Madam, you don't know, after I came, A Ting told me all day long, how outstanding her sister-in-law was, and how beautiful she was. How good, even the voice sounds like Huang Ying'er, but it's nice. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the lady who returned..."

The Zhao family hurried to let people in, then rushed in again, shouting, "Old Madam! Ah Ting, your sister-in-law is back—"

Accompanied by the sound of fast footsteps, Luoshen saw A Ting's figure rushing out from inside, and ran to the front, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and when Luoshen called her, he called "Ah" Sister-in-law", jumping over happily.

Luoshen caught her, said a few words, and then asked Lu Shi's current situation.

"Amu accidentally fell that day, and his legs and feet are inconvenient. The people are in the house. Sister-in-law, come with me."

Luoshen entered the house where Mrs Lu lived, and saw that there was a lamp lit inside, the light was dim, Mrs Lu was sitting on the head of the bed, feeling like she was about to get off, she hurriedly stepped forward and supported her.

"Ajia, sit back quickly!"

Lu Shi held Luoshen's hand and said with a smile: "It's really Ami here! Just now I thought I heard something wrong. Is it **** the road?"

Luoshen shook his head, said it was not hard, sat next to her and asked her about her leg injury.

"Ajia, I brought Jiankang's best man, and told him to show you again. You should get better soon."

The Zhao family stood aside, ashamed, and couldn't stop blaming himself.

Luoshen looked at Lu Shi carefully. Seeing that she looked a lot thinner than when he left a month ago, I couldn't help feeling a little sad.

On the contrary, Lu Shi should have sensed her emotions and comforted her in every possible way. Said that in these days, except for the inconvenience of going to the ground, everything else was fine. Shen Shi and his neighbors always came to accompany him during the day, so Luoshen didn't have to worry about it.

Luo Shen knew that he was here to visit her, and it was difficult for her to worry about herself, so he changed the subject and asked Na Langzhong, who came with him, to show Lu Shi's legs again.

After reading it, Lang Zhong said that as long as the injured leg was fixed and rested slowly, it would get better. It's just that people are getting older, and it's better to slow down. Go and prescribe a prescription, and let the medicine help you recover.

Thank you Lucy. Luo Shen asked someone to arrange Lang Zhong to rest. Aju went to clean up the house for Luoshen and lay a bed. Luo Shen accompanied Lu Shi and talked some more, because it was not early, Lu Shi told her that she was working **** the road and urged her to rest.

This night, Luoshen slept again on the square bed that she had become familiar with, but tonight, suddenly seemed to have become unfamiliar again.

The tent fell down, and the room was silent. A gust of night wind with the scent of magnolia flowers poured in from the half-opened window, swept the curtains, and the hooks tapped the hard wooden edge of the bed, making short and clear collision sounds.

One moment, full of rhythm.

Luoshen closed his eyes and lay on the pillow, listening to the voice, in his breath, he slowly seemed to smell a wisp of the man's undisappeared body breath left in the tent, his mood suddenly became depressed, and he wanted to drive him away, but there was nowhere to go It seemed that he couldn't sleep at all, so he sat up, and after a moment of ecstasy, he put on his clothes and got out of bed, without lighting the lamp, putting on his shoes, he walked silently past Ah Ju, who was sleeping with him in his room, Open the door and walk towards Lu Shi's house.

The moonlight was bright and bright, making the yard turn white. Luoshen looked at his shadow on the ground, reached the door, knocked lightly, and pushed it in.

Lu Shi was still awake.

Luoshen walked to the bed, sat over, leaned into the arms of the loving old woman, and asked in a low voice, "Ajia, why did you know why Lang Jun married me?"

Lu shi hugged her soft body, gently stroked her long black hair scattered on her back, silent for a moment, and said, "Ami, I have also asked several times, he doesn't tell me, neither does A's family. Know."

"But Ah Jia guessed, you should be the only girl I cared about since I was a child."

"When he married you, the news came suddenly, and I asked someone to paint the room you were sleeping in. He used to be a person who could sleep on the ground even when he was sleepy, but at that time he thought that the craftsman could not paint the walls white, and he painted it himself. Once again. Outside the window of your house, there was an old plantain that had grown for many years. He slept in that room at home. I never heard him complain, but suddenly he said that the wind was blowing at night, and the banana leaves were rattling. Noisy, when the weather is hot, and mosquitoes and flies are recruited, I cut them all down, and even smoothed the ground overnight..."

Lu Shi laughed, the wrinkles at the end of his eyes stretched out.

"Although I hadn't seen you at that time, I was very curious about what kind of girl would make him care so much. Later, when you came to my house, my family knew. A girl like you , who can do it, not to like you?"

Luo Shen's heart was blocked for a while, and he couldn't bear it any longer, and sat up from Lu Shi's arms.

"Ajia, you treat me very well, and I don't want to lie to you. After I come back to see you this time, I won't come back in the future..."

She spoke, her voice choked up.

The smile on Lu Shi's face gradually disappeared.

"Ajia, will you blame me?"

Lu Shi suddenly smiled again, shook his head, and patted her on the back soothingly.

"A's family doesn't lie to you anymore. When Mu Er married you, A's family was worried. The disparity between the two families is so great that it is difficult to make a good match. This time your father came to pick you up, although he didn't say anything at the time, but At that time, Ajia knew that it must be your father who was dissatisfied with Mu Er. Ajia has already prepared that you will not come back..."

"Ami, you are still willing to come back to see me and tell me these things. The A family is already satisfied."

She hesitated.

"Just if it's convenient, can you tell Ajia why your father picked you up?"

Because of his ambitious and unruly plots, he may become a chaotic minister in the future, which is a hidden danger to the court.

But to his mother, how dare Luo Shen say this.

With only tears in his eyes, he said vaguely: "I don't know... It should be him and I, Aye, who have different political opinions..."

Lu Shi was silent, and did not blame his son, but after a long time passed, he let out a long sigh.

"Sometimes what he's thinking, Ah Jia doesn't know."

she says.

"It's fate. He has no luck in his life, and he can't be a long-term husband and wife with you. After you go back, you don't have to worry about him anymore."

"A's family just thinks that my Li family is sorry for you. No matter what happens in the future, A's family only hopes that you can live well."

Luo Shenyi was beside the old woman, silently weeping, tears gradually dried up, and finally exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, outside Jingkou, at the foot of Jinshan, when the vast white river mist still filled the river, Luoshen embarked on a journey back to Jiankang.

Ah Ting was very puzzled by A-sister-in-law who came overnight and left early the next day, and was even more reluctant to part with it. Back, quietly wiping tears.

Luo Shen didn't know what else he could do and what was the point of staying behind.

This trip to Jingkou, instead of bringing her peace of mind, made her even more sad.

I was so sad that there was a fire burning in my heart.

A few days later, when she returned to Jiankang, she heard a message.

Xu Mi's clan younger brother, Xu Yue, the chief of the imperial censor, has disappeared since the day when Qushui Liujing started.

The Xu family searched the entire Leyou Garden and asked the defenders of the four gates of Jiankang, but no one knew his whereabouts.

For a while, the whole city was discussing, and there was an uproar.

After that Murong came to Jiankang, it is said that he attracted the attention of many good men.

A murder caused by a mysterious affair.

Moreover, although it was not stated at the time, the Xianbei people let her and the maid go, and she kept the secret for him, which was also a tacit commitment.

In this case, she doesn't seem to need to worry about it.

Luo Shen's mind did not stay on this for long.

The day after returning, after another long sleepless night, she finally made a decision.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely difficult decision that she has never had in her previous life.

She called Gao Huan over, screened him out, and told Gao Huan that she was going to Yicheng and asked him to make arrangements for her.

On this day after Li Mu left for more than a month, Luoshen finally made up his mind.

She was going to go to Li Mu and ask him in person if he really wanted to be the chaotic minister and thief his father said.

If you don't want her, why did you marry her in the first place?

And that night, what was his love for her?