MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 27

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Li Mu should be considered a handsome man.

Although he and Luoshen's accustomed father and brother, Lu Jianzhi, and the others had completely different innate appearances and demeanor, Luoshen did not find him ugly.

Just as he leaned over to her, opened his mouth with a smile, called her by her nickname gently, and asked her to wake up for the brief moment, her mind even seemed to flood back into the day when she saw it for the first time in the distance on the boat. When he smiled, that old acquaintance that seemed to impact her whole being.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

As he leaned closer, Luoshen clearly smelled an unfamiliar smell coming towards him.

Alcoholism. The masculine breath of a man with a strong sense of body temperature seemed to be mixed in the middle.


Her breathing became difficult, her hair stood up instantly, and the exposed skin on the sensitive and delicate neck and earlobes quietly appeared small pimples.

She immediately held her breath, frowned, and turned her face back in disgust, avoiding the feeling of pressure that accompanied him that made her extremely uncomfortable.

Li Mu obviously noticed her reaction, his shoulders paused slightly, and then he slowly stood up straight.

"Are you hungry?"

He looked at her, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, but his tone was still very gentle.

The feeling of pressure that came out of thin air finally disappeared.

Luoshen exhaled secretly and glanced at the red candle on the candlestick.

The red candle is only half lit.

In other words, at this moment, at least half of the night should have passed.

She had eaten something in the boat before being picked up by the Shen shi in the evening.

But at that time, I was full of worries, and after a few mouthfuls, I couldn't swallow it.

When he woke up after sleeping for so long, Luo Shen felt that his stomach was really empty and a little hungry when he asked him.

"Not hungry."

She turned her face away coldly, refusing to look at the two eyes he was looking at her.

The more he looked at him, the more discomfort she would feel.

Li Muyang raised his eyebrows: "Alright. Then go to sleep."

His tone was normal, and he turned around after speaking.

Luo Shen secretly twisted his neck back a little, and from the corner of his eyes, he watched him turn his back to himself, and unfastened the nine-section sash that was tied around his waist.

He untied it quickly, and he casually placed it on a table next to the bed where the clothes were placed, just on top of the turquoise wedding dress mixed with gold silk brocade that she had taken off and put there.

The copper hook on the belt hung down and collided with the wood several times, with a "click", making a slight collision sound.

Luo Shen's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened, and he watched helplessly as he continued to take off his clothes.

The first floor, the crimson men's wedding coat.

The second layer, the black lining.

The third layer, white silk shirt...

With the rustling sound, the clothes were removed from him one by one.

As he took off his clothes one by one, Luoshen's heart was beating wildly, almost jumping out of his throat.

Although this marriage started from Aye, no one in the Gao family was happy to see it, and every day was miserable, but after all, people still have to get married.

So before the wedding date, Aju also secretly told Luoshen some secret things about the woman getting married.

In the past sixteen years, this was the first time Luo Shen knew that the so-called "marrying" actually meant that.

As for the bridal chamber, it is the beginning of a woman's transformation from a girl to a woman.

She was horrified and utterly disgusted.

She couldn't imagine that on her wedding night, she would do the kind of thing Aju told her with this strange man named her "Lang Jun".

Unacceptable, totally unacceptable!

Li Mu removed his clothes, only a middle coat was left on his body, turned around and glanced at her.

She still sat on the bed like that, clutching the quilt tightly in her hands, keeping her original posture, motionless.

He knew that she tilted her head at first, probably only looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

But at this moment, she had turned her face back, her eyes were wide open, staring at herself with a look full of alertness and disgust.

He looked at her like this, and suddenly flashed in his mind the first night of his and her bridal chamber a long time ago.

At that time, he was already over the age of 19, and he was a great Sima who had power over the court and the opposition, and was regarded as a careerist and usurper in the eyes of others.

She and her family have to bear their breath, and their fate is in his hands.

At that time, he also knew that she did not marry him willingly.

But on that wedding night, she was so gentle, in front of him, she even brought some cautious grievances and demands for perfection.

For many years, in his heart, she was a completely different existence from other women.

She is aloof, real existence, but vague, like a fairy in the cloud, he only matches her to look up.

Later, after he was powerful enough to overturn clouds and rain, even in the quiet emptiness of the night, it was not that he did not have the desire to get her.

But he knew that this should not be what she wanted.

So that thought just passed by in a flash.

Until that wedding, he never thought that one day, she would really walk down the clouds and become his Li Mu's wife.

That night, such a living, no longer imagined her, completely inspired his infinite love for her.

When the two were facing each other, he, who never blinked an eye when killing people, was also boiling with enthusiasm, trembling all over, as if he had returned to his youthful youth.

I just didn't expect that what awaited him in the end would be such an ending drawn with blood.

He still underestimated the hatred those people held against him.

That is irreconcilable, the bitter hatred of life and death.

The girl who remained in his last impression was so different from the apparently immature and prickly girl in front of him.

She was the same woman who had rescued him when he was a child.

However, she is not the gentle woman who called him "Lang Jun" in her memory, whispered "The rest of my concubine's life is entrusted to Lang Jun", undressed him with her own hands, understood him, was willing to love him, and made him tremble. .

He was born with all the memories of her, with the lifelong regrets and love and hate of a man who had turned the world upside down.

And she was just a little girl.

For such a brief moment, Li Mu's heart was filled with a strong sense of loss and loneliness.

As if the sky and the earth were lonely, he was alone in the wasteland, looking around, but alone.

He let out a slow breath and quickly dismissed this ridiculous mood that was out of tune with him.

In this life, there are still many things waiting for him to do. Perhaps in his entire life, he may not be able to compete.

He didn't have the extra energy to be like those literati who felt hurt and made such senseless sighs.

He stepped in the direction of the bed, and before he sat down, he saw her crawling up, dragging the quilt to the corner of the bed, avoiding him at a distance, as if he was the source of the plague, and then pointed to the front of the bed. place, order him to stop.

"Li Mu, I have something to tell you!"

She called him by his first name to show her contempt for him, and her tone was arrogant and indifferent.

Li Mu glanced at her and stopped obediently.

"Li Mu, you know how you married me! You and I never knew each other before. You did everything possible to marry me, but it was nothing more than a plan for the future. You saved my brother, I am grateful to you. Now that I'm married, you should have achieved your goal. Starting tonight, you'll have yours, I'll have mine, you and I have nothing to do with each other! If you need a woman to accompany you, even if you take a concubine, I will never say half-hearted. What a bad word! In the future, when you are soaring, and your wish is fulfilled, if you feel that I have occupied your wife's position, you can leave me alone, and I will never pester you!"

"I do what I say!"

Luo Shen finally spoke out the thoughts that had been circling countless times in her heart these days.

Li Mu was a little surprised.

He was really surprised.

He knew that she must hate him, and he planned to cry.

But she didn't expect that she had such an idea.

Li Mu looked at her and saw that she was staring at him tightly, with a nervous expression clearly in his bright eyes, but he tried to be indifferent, proudly raised his beautiful pointed chin, and looked at himself with a look of disdain. .

For some reason, facing her like this, the sense of desolation that had just poured out of her heart just because she remembered the past, suddenly disappeared.

He suppressed the feeling of wanting to laugh, and let out a nonchalant sigh.

Luoshen saw his eyes flickering, half a smile, but staring at him like that, with a very strange expression, he only said a word, and he didn't say a word, and he was not sure what he was thinking.

She raised her chest and said angrily, "Did you hear that?"

Li Mu smiled, suddenly raised his leg, and knelt on the edge of the bed, and without any precaution, the whole person actually leaned towards her.

"What if I don't want to?"

The distance between the two people, with his action, suddenly narrowed.

His face was just above her head, and Luo Shen once again clearly felt the hot pressure with the smell of alcohol coming towards him.

His shoulders moved, as if he was about to raise his hand to reach for him.

"Suddenly", Luoshen stood upside down with all the hair on his body, quickly crawled to the head of the bed, reached out and took out the dagger hidden under the pillow, and it was right in front of his neck.

"If you dare to touch me, I will die!"

Luoshen was certain that he would not dare to hurt himself.

He deliberately managed to marry the daughter of the Gao family, no matter what his ulterior motives were, at least for now, he absolutely did not want to make any mistakes.

The Gao family was extremely dissatisfied with this marriage. If she had any good or bad, ten Xu Mi would not be able to stop the Gao family from taking revenge on him.

Luo Shen's hand, holding the dagger, stared at him with wide eyes.

He seemed to be startled, his eyes swept across the dagger in front of her neck, and he stretched out his hand towards her again.

"Li Mu, don't force me—"

Luoshen's heart sank, and he was about to exert his strength when suddenly he felt his hand warm, and the hand he stretched out held her hand holding the dagger.

He took her and gently removed the dagger from her neck. The strength of her hand was not very strong, and it didn't hurt her at all, but her arm just couldn't resist the strength from him, so she could only watch him take the dagger from her hand and try it with her thumb. With a sharp edge, he lightly brushed the bright dagger blade, then raised his head, glanced at her, and said lightly, "The knife will hurt people. You are a girl, so it's better not to touch it in the future."

He got up, put the dagger on the table, then walked to the side of the couch, turned over and lay down on his back, closed his eyes and said, "Go to sleep."

Luoshen sat on the bed, stared at the man for a long time, saw that he was motionless, as if he had fallen asleep, and finally, lay down slowly.

His hands were trembling slightly, and his heart was still beating.