MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 16

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Gao Qi stood behind Gao Qiao without squinting. Seeing Gao Qiao looking back, he took out a roll from his sleeve, held it with both hands, and stepped forward.

He walked to Feng Wei's side, bowed to Emperor Xingping, then turned around, facing the civil and military officials and many celebrities who were allowed to sit under the viewing platform to watch the battle at close range, took a deep breath, and proclaimed loudly: "This is The volume was written by Xianggong himself, and before it was unsealed, no one except Xianggong knew the questions. Xianggong said, Gao's son-in-law must be both civil and military, and one is indispensable. Therefore, this exam will have three exams."

He raised his arm and pointed to a wind pavilion that stood on the top of a mountain several dozen meters away: "Everyone, please take a look."

Everyone followed what he pointed and looked up. Only then did I notice that at the top of the wind pavilion on the top of the mountain, a bundle of dogwoods was inserted and tied.

"Xiang Gongyan, today is the occasion, so the cornel is the color. The two contestants will answer the question together, and whoever can pass the three tests first and get the cornel at the top will be the husband's son-in-law. The loser will also be the Xianggong. I will give you Quehu Villa as a gift to show your affection."

Gao Qi announced the completion and handed the scroll in his hand to Feng Wei.

The paper roll was sealed with oil and wax.

With Gao Qiao's reputation, since he announced it in public, no one would suspect that he secretly leaked the question in order to choose a good son-in-law.

The surroundings became silent, and countless pairs of eyes all looked at the roll of paper in Feng Wei's hand.

Feng Wei unfolded it carefully, browsed it once, and read it out according to what was written on the paper.

Although there are only three questions today, but a total of four levels have been set up, two literary and two martial.

The four levels are as follows:

The first hurdle is the text, which must be tested, and the test is the mind of the two. The location is at this viewing platform. Here, Gao Qiao will present a thousand-character parallel poem, and ask the two of them to recite it together. Whoever completes the dictation at one time and checks that it is correct can set off for the second level. If there is a break in the middle, or the dictation is wrong, you can read the original text again, but you have to start over. There is no time limit on this level, but you must pass this level before you can continue on to the next test.

The second pass, martial arts, is also a must test, and the test is bowing. Thirty feet away, set a target with a baht coin embedded in the center of the bullseye. Anyone who can first nail the arrow into the hole in the middle of the baht coin without hurting the money will be considered to pass, and they can continue to the third pass, which is the last one. close.

For the sake of fairness, the last level is a choice of two. The literary test is for eloquence, and the martial arts test is for Hushan. The two can choose one of them according to their strengths.

Whoever can successfully pass the three stages first and obtain the bunch of dogwoods on the top of the wind pavilion will be the winner today.

While Feng Wei was reading the question, someone with good deeds retold the question and quickly spread it to the foot of the mountain.

The spectators at the foot of the mountain, in addition to the people who join in the fun, there are also many children of inferior noble families, scholars from poor families, and warriors in the military.

On weekdays, it can be said that these people can't be hit in one place, but today they are all gathered here, but their camps are clear.

On one side of the scholars, on the other side of the poor, and in the middle of the Chu River and Han world, there was no one.

Today coincides with the Double Ninth Ninth Festival. In addition to the senior officials of Jinshang and Chaozhong, the scene also attracted many ladies who heard the wind and came to watch the battle. Among them, in addition to Princess Qinghe and Madam Lu, it is said that there is also Princess Yulin.

The seats of the ladies and the men were naturally separate, and they chose another flat ground in the middle of the mountain, where a curtain was erected, and the people sat inside, covered by various curtains. You can see inside, but you can't see inside from outside. In the distance, only Yingyingchaochuo can see the swaying figure. But if luck is good enough, when the mountain wind blows the curtain, you might still be able to peep inside.

The frivolous prodigal sons among these people were all looking up at the direction where the ladies were, but when they heard these four questions, no one looked at them, and both sides were clamoring for it.

The children of the scholar were cheering, but the people from the poor family were shouting that the husband's question was unfair, and he obviously favored Lu Jianzhi. Noisy for a while.

This is the case at the bottom of the mountain, and the same is true in the middle of the mountain.

After Feng Wei finished reading the question, he passed the question paper to Emperor Xingping as a witness.

Lu Guang heaved a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help it, his face was slightly pale.

Xu Mi got up immediately, but he didn't smile: "Jingshen, non-foolish brother is nitpicking, you seem to be fair, but in fact it is biased. The three questions are all detrimental to Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu is talented and intelligent, and he made a gift at the age of seven. , Everyone knows. He is good at archery, and the second martial arts pass is also in line with the ability of Master Lu. The last two to choose one, Qingjian Tanxuan, is the director of Master Lu. If Li Mu also chooses Xuanjian, let's take it for now. No matter whether he knows what metaphysics is, how can he win if his opponent deliberately creates difficulties , climb to the top early? Let’s talk about the first pass, it seems fair, but it’s not that I don’t believe you, but who can guarantee that the gift you show, Mr. Lu has never read before?”

"Injustice! Injustice!"

Xu Mixun laughed and shook her head.

Lu Guang's expression turned unpleasant: "What do you mean by this? Could it be that you questioned that Brother Gao secretly leaked the question to Jianzhi? Take a step back, even if Jianzhi read the gift shown by Brother Gao in the past, it is also credited to him. The usual knowledge is well-known and knowledgeable. How can he go beyond that? As for the so-called injustice, it is even more absurd! Li Muruo was lucky enough to pass the first two levels and lost here, and he can only blame himself for his lack of talent. Isn't there another level of Hushan, brother? He can make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and compete with the Cambodian one!"

The two were arguing on the stage, and hundreds of officials and celebrities under the stage also whispered and whispered.

Gao Qiao slowly got up from the seat.

As he stood up, the surroundings fell silent again.

"Can Situ still remember, that day I asked Situ to judge together? I asked Situ to help me with the fu used in the first round. Situ took today's Chongyang as the topic and made the fu on the spot. With Situ's on-the-spot work, test his mind. , what does Situ think?"

Everyone nodded.

Then Xu Mi smiled and said: "In this way, I will be ugly."

He turned his eyes again: "But this third pass, I don't know how holy the expert you have invited is? If he is partial, I'm afraid Li Mu will suffer."

Gao Qiao smiled lightly: "The famous scholars of metaphysics today are all here today. If both of them pass this test, the Lu family will choose a scholar who will test Li Mu, and Situ will choose a scholar who will test Cambodia. How about it?"

Xu Mi pondered for a moment.

In the first pass, he could almost conclude that Li Mu would set off later than Lu Jianzhi.

Gao Qiao set this question as the first question, which seems unintentional, but after careful study, it is quite interesting.

Lu Jian is talented and intelligent, and even has the name of chanting. Li Mu wants to compete with one of Lu Jian at this level, and his hope is really slim. Once Li Mu is too far behind in the first pass, he must be impetuous. When it comes to the second pass, Lu Jianzhi is already on the top of the dust. Under such circumstances, even if his archery skills are exquisite, it will be affected. .

And as expected, if it is correct, in the last stage, Lu Jianzhi must choose a clear talk.

Among the contemporary famous scholars of metaphysics who are present today, there are naturally many people who are close to them. Even if Lu Jianzhi is good at this, as long as that person is eloquent and tries to prolong his time at this level, even if Li Mu is behind, he can take this opportunity to catch up.

With his force, he successfully passed Hushan and competed with Lu Jianzhi for the cornel. It should not be a big problem.

That is to say, although this arrangement cannot guarantee Li Mu's victory, at least it will give him a chance to compete in such an obviously disadvantaged examination school.

After Xu Mi thought about it, she nodded reluctantly.

"Just follow Gao Xiang's arrangement!"

When Gao Qiao returned to his seat, two glances passed Lu Jianzhi and Li Mu who were standing side by side in the field.

Lu Jianzhi is handsome and handsome, and his appearance is like a jade tree, which is exactly in line with the man's appearance and demeanor that everyone yearns for at the moment.

From the moment he appeared at the foot of the mountain this morning, the eyes of the women on the road frequently fell on him, and even the men cast envious glances.

And Li Mu...

It's the other extreme.

Gao Qiao's gaze stopped for a moment on the younger generation who was silent, or in other words, the scheming was so deep that he couldn't see through, and even felt a vague sense of unease.

These days, Gao Qiao has a feeling more and more.

Li Mu was like a sharp blade hidden by a thick scabbard. Once you get the chance to unsheath, you will definitely test the mans with blood.

Read Kill the Sun