MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 146

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Murong Zhe did not expect that things would take such a sudden change.

She was born in the Murong clan and was nominally a royal family, but in troubled times, the cold-blooded and cruel nature of the Murong clan was vividly reflected in her body.

In order to achieve dominance, this family cannot tolerate any extra warmth, and the most instilled in their children is also to achieve their goals, using everything and doing everything.

The people of the Murong family are indifferent to family and kill each other. The reason for this is that apart from the natural instinct, this kind of education instilled in the children may also be a reason.

She was found to be quite talented since she was a child, so she was specially trained by the family, hoping that the blessing of skills and royal status could play the biggest role in the family's hegemony in the future.

For her childhood, her deepest memory is that once, because she failed to complete the designated training, she was punished to kneel in the snow that was thick to her knees. When she was hungry and cold, one of her Her elder brother, Murong, quietly gave her a piece of food.

Since then, she has made up her mind that no matter what in the future, she will follow this elder brother with a full brother-sister relationship.

After being dormant for so long, her elder brother, Murong Ti, finally chose this opportunity to launch a long-planned active attack against Li Mu, the biggest obstacle to his realization of the emperor's hegemony and the biggest enemy.

For this attack, she knew that her brother had secretly made extremely careful arrangements.

With a lot of money and Xu Li, he bought the Badong governor of the Southern Dynasty, Rongkang, for his own use. Just one step.

In his brother's plan, this was a duel between him and the man from the Southern Dynasty named Li Mu. Only victory was allowed, not defeat. So she was sent here again to help fuel the flames, in order to take Chang'an as soon as possible and cut off Li Mu's support, in order to achieve maximum suppression on the battlefield.

This time, for her, it was a big risky move.

Her disguise technique can be called consummate perfection, which is unique in the world. She is also a woman, and in the past few years, she has been secretly figuring out Gao's daughter, and deliberately imitating it everywhere. When she pretended to appear, she was sure that to people who were not familiar with Gao's daughter, she was Gao Luoshen. Gao Luoshen is her, absolutely can't see any flaws.

But for those who are familiar with Gao's women, disguise is not foolproof.

Even if she promises that all her eyes and tone can be vivid, and sometimes even she is intoxicated in the mirror, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

But fake is fake. In the daytime, especially under the sun, when the skin and hair are fully exposed, and when you frown and smile, the texture of the fake muscle cannot be exactly the same as the real one, and it is easy to be seen.

The best time for her to act is in the morning and evening when the light is not enough, at night, or on a cloudy day.

She is lucky. When Gao Yun arrived yesterday, the weather was gloomy because of the rainy days.

It was the same at this moment, it was a cloudy day again, and it was still early in the morning, and the light was dimmer, which was more conducive to her actions.

When the two armies fight, morale comes first.

At this moment, she appeared under the city as Mrs. Li Mu to persuade her to surrender, and ordered the defenders to surrender the city.

Even if it fails in the end, just imagine that the wife of the supreme commander personally appeared in the place where the two armies confronted each other, stood on the side of the court and shouted, and the news spread, this would be a head-on for the morale of the Chang'an defenders. Thrash.

She thought that it was God who helped her and brought the opportunity to her.

After showing her face this time, she can use the excuse to disappear and leave safely.

Just give her a little more time, and things might work out.

She didn't expect that the person she incarnated would come in such a way that she was instantly exposed and had nothing to hide!

In a short moment, countless thoughts circled in Murong Zhe's mind.

Under the gazes of countless eyes around her, out of the instinct of survival, she shifted her feet slightly, trying to wait for an opportunity to run to the moat not far away to try her last luck, when her footsteps suddenly resumed. fixed.

The white tiger that was originally squatting beside the woman, stared at her with two eyes, shooting gloomy, as if looking at its prey, making people shudder at the sight.

As if aware of her intentions. The white tiger stood up from the ground at once, arched its back slightly, the hair on the back of his neck stood upright, and a low growl sounded from his throat, as if he was about to pounce at any time.

Murong Zhe immediately stopped trying to escape and stood stiffly in place.

Gao Yin motioned for a follower to go over. The man went up, stretched out his hand, and pulled the woman's delicate face off. Under the disguise, there was a pale woman's face that was completely different from Luoshen.

The people nearby were all dumbfounded.

Gao Yun's face turned blood red in an instant, and he couldn't move.

Luoshen took out the tiger talisman, let Gao Yun look at it, and passed it to the generals beside him.

The familiar tiger talisman was passed from hand to hand, and finally sent to Gao Yin.

"Big brother, Aye chose you as the head of the family. Before he left, did he have an explanation for you?"

Luoshen asked.

Gao Yin solemnly held the tiger talisman in his hand, turned to the sergeant, raised it high, and shouted: "Seeing this tiger talisman is like seeing my uncle himself! I respect the order of the tiger talisman, and all the officers and soldiers obeyed the order, and immediately stopped the battle, retreated in order, and returned home. Camp!"

His order was quickly passed on.

Soon, the cheers from the soldiers who responded to this order resounded in the wilderness outside Chang'an City for a long time.

The army that surrounded Chang'an City overnight began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The gate of Chang'an opened, and Sun Fangzhi took the soldiers behind him and ran out with a smile on his face, greeted Luoshen, and welcomed her into the city.

"Haha, it's dangerous! The Xianbei people are shameless and cunning, and do everything they can! I almost lied to me! I'll just say, how could Madam disregard the safety of Da Sima to persuade him to surrender!"

Gao Huan was also released. He threw off the rope that bound him, ran up angrily with his sword in hand, gritted his teeth, "Dare to pretend to be my elder sister, and die!"

He raised a sharp sword with a flickering cold light, and was about to stab Murong Zhe's chest, without the slightest bit of pity.

"Little General Gao, if you kill me, you will never want to know the whereabouts of the eldest princess!"

Murong Zhe suddenly raised his eyes, his lips moved, and said such a sentence.

For the first time in her life, Luoshen finally stepped into the city that Li Mu had built under the name of Xu Pin.

The army outside the city has retreated and will no longer pose any threat to Chang'an.

Yicheng's good news also followed.

Fan Cheng rushed to Xiling and brought her words to Lu Jianzhi. Lu Jianzhi, who was paying attention to the current situation, immediately summoned the army and rushed to Yicheng. Rong Kang's attack on righteousness failed for a long time, and he learned that reinforcements were coming and were about to arrive. As for Yicheng, he originally came with the idea of ​​eating as much as he could, and running away if he couldn't eat it. Seeing that it was not good, he immediately gave up the siege and fled back to Badong with the army.

Yicheng is safe.

Murong Zhe was locked up and gave some information about the eldest princess. She claimed that when Jiankang was in critical condition and the eldest princess suffered a catastrophe, she rescued her from the pair of sinister siblings, helped her give birth smoothly, and took her to the north. Now not only are the mother and son good, but he has always treated the eldest princess with courtesy.

Although other than that, no matter how hard she pressed, she wouldn't say anything more. But with intuition, Luo Shen felt that what she said should be true.

That is to say, my mother and my little brother who had never met, are still alive today. At least for now, it should be safe.

Although it was still in Murong Ti's hands, Luo Shen didn't know where his father was now, or whether he had tracked down his mother's whereabouts, but compared to the life and death of the past few years, this was a fortune among misfortunes. For Luoshen, it can be called another great news.

She hoped that Li Mu would make a triumphant return as soon as possible.

She really misses him, almost crazy thinking about it. In the bottom of my heart, there are countless words accumulated, and I want to say it to him face to face.

However, with the news about the battle ahead, it grabbed her heart tightly.

The news that came back said that Li Mu had previously won the victory at Tongguan and took advantage of the victory to advance eastward. Now he has passed Hongnong and hit the Wanchi area. Because of the weather, the eastward advance was temporarily stopped, and the Beiyan army retreated to Xin'an. stalemate.

As soon as Chang'an cleared the siege, Gao Huan immediately led an army and subsequent supplies to Ruanchi for reinforcements.

But yesterday, there was bad news.

When the reinforcement army transporting grain and grass arrived in Hongnong, the road was washed away by the soaring mountain torrent, the mountain collapsed, and the traffic was cut off. Mu delivers the message.

Sudden bad weather, extremely complex terrain, unscrupulous opponents.

Luo Shen's heart was suspended immediately, day and night were uneasy. I can't wait to rush to the front immediately to see what happens.

The torrential rain continued, and the river flowing through the pond swelled sharply.

But overnight, the water level overflowed the river bank, the river channel expanded rapidly, the river water washed the mountains on both sides, and large swathes of debris collapsed and fell into the water.

Li Mu stood on the bank of the river. Under his feet, the muddy river water rolled with mud and rocks rolled eastward, slapping the rocks on the bank, splashing bursts of turbulent water.

He looked into the distance, his figure was like a dignified standing rock, which had been standing like this for a long time.

"Da Sima! News from Chang'an came from Hongnong!"

A messenger stepped on the mud under his feet and rushed towards him.