MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 141

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Gao Yongrong stood on the bank of the river, staring at the ship that was getting farther and farther, his figure was motionless.

Liu Hui hurried up and said in a low voice, "The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother just now saw it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears! Even she is like this, and Li Mu's remorse is obvious! This minister has persuaded the Queen Mother many times before, and I will do it again today. To put it bluntly at the risk of death. Since ancient times, there have been no ministers who have lost their positions, only kings who have lost their kingdoms! If Dayu disappears, we can still be officials as long as we change into official robes. But if that day comes, Where will Your Majesty go? Where will the Queen Mother go?"

Liu Hui's expression was excited, and even his voice was trembling slightly: "It's not that the minister took the opportunity to avenge his personal revenge, but Li Mu does not get rid of it, and there will be endless troubles! In this way, it is the luck of the Great Yu and the luck of all the people!"

"Liu Shizhong has a heart. I know how to deal with it."

Gao Luoshen responded lightly.

She turned her face, her eyes seemed to have crossed the heavy Guanshan Mountains, and turned to the far southwest direction, staring at it for a long time.

"Ami, if you don't obey me, as I said, you will regret it."

Her eyes flickered, her lips moved lightly, and such a sentence came out of her mouth as if she was muttering to herself, then she left Liu Hui who had not yet reacted, turned around, and walked away step by step.

Thousands of miles away, Hou Li, the prince of Qiuchi Kingdom, was watching the trainer training the beasts in the animal park where he kept beasts. The little white tiger that has been there.

Such a mythical beast was not able to be tamed for his own use that day, and it is still a pity to think of it to this day.

He was secretly regretting it when he suddenly saw a subordinate hurried forward, and the imperial envoy of the Dao Dayu faction arrived, instead of the current emperor to appease the people, and ordered to go to meet him, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

Because of Li Mu, Qiu Chi had returned to Dayu early, and he was appointed as a minister, but he did not send anyone to Jiankang. In the past few years, although Jiankang has also handed over gifts, the imperial messenger is still the first time he has seen it.

His father, Wang Houding, had some health problems in the past two years. Since last year, the affairs of the middle school have been slowly handed over to him. Hou Li asked about the emissary's identity, and learned that his name was Yao Xiang, a civil official. He didn't dare to neglect, changed his clothes, and hurried to greet him.

After Yao Xiang gave him some encouragement, he ordered Hou Liping to retreat, and only then did he take out an imperial decree, saying that Li Mu had openly disobeyed the order, betrayed the court, and plotted to cause chaos. He ordered Hou's father and son to help the court and won Yicheng.

Hou Li was astonished, and only then did he understand the purpose of this Jiankang messenger's trip.

The reason why Qiu Chi surrendered to the Dayu court was all because of Li Mu. He admired Li Mu from the bottom of his heart, how could he obey the imperial court's orders to attack Yicheng? Immediately refused, the other party suddenly attacked.

When Hou Ding heard the news and rushed over with his sick body, he saw that his son had been captured by a man with a scar on his face. , Fate Pool cooperates.

His army was already outside Qiuchi, and as long as he gave an order, he could attack Qiuchi at any time.

Taicheng Willow, Moling Tree, Suzaku Bridge, Fangcaodu, Luoshen was born and grew up in Sri Lanka.

In her memory, Jiankang is such a beautiful city, and she has an inextricable relationship with her.

But it was also today that she only knew that even in this city, when there was no last person in it, and the day of departure came, there would be no nostalgia for it.

Half a month later, the boat arrived at Gangneung and docked, waiting for a group of people who arrived first. The leader of the team was Li Xie, who came quickly.

Luo Shen knew what it meant when he appeared here, and looked at the entourage behind him, knowing that he should have come out of the Duwei Camp with him, and thanked him.

Li Xie returned the salute respectfully: "Madam's words are serious. It is a blessing for me and my brothers to be able to serve Da Sima and his wife. We will follow wherever Da Sima is in the future."

He married Lu Niang last year, and Luoshen was still acting as a mediator at that time. Now that he is out of Jiankang, Lu Niang can't stay there anymore. Luoshen asked her placement.

Li Xie hurriedly said: "Mrs. Lao is worried. My wife was previously arranged to go to Yicheng quietly. She is pregnant. Now that the person has arrived there, everything is fine. I am looking forward to my wife passing by earlier, so that I can serve my wife in the future. ."

Lu Niang had already gone to Yicheng. Luoshen finally let go of her heart, and when she learned that she was pregnant, she was even more surprised, and hurriedly congratulated him.

Li Xie's eyes were full of unconcealed smiles. He invited Luoshen to get in the car and meet with Fan Cheng's people. There were hundreds of people in the group, and they set foot on the road to Yicheng.

Jiankang has been left far behind, since the day Jiangling went north, the road has been safe.

Li Mu should still be in the Tongguan area now. Luoshen didn't know how the situation and the battle progressed there, but she knew that he must be concerned about his own safety. She was eager to arrive and sent him the news that she was safe, so that he could completely let go of all his worries and let go of what he wanted to do.

There are also Ajia, A Ting, Shen Shi, and the others, who are also in Yicheng, waiting for her arrival. She hadn't seen them for several years.

That city also carried countless memories about when she and Li Mu were together.

It's been a few years since we parted. I don't know if the yellow bamboo next to the stone pavilion in the backyard of the governor's mansion is still there? In the summer evening, she helped Li Mu flush the cool well, is the water still clear? Is the flower she planted in front of the window still in full bloom?

She returned to her heart like an arrow, and even dreamed that she wanted to get to Yicheng as soon as possible, but she was not afraid of the hard work.

This afternoon, walking to the foot of a mountain ridge, the sun was burning hot, Luoshen saw that everyone was working hard, so he asked everyone to rest for a while.

The waterway and the land route have been traveled for nearly two months. The distance from Yicheng here is finally less than a few hundred miles away.

After crossing this mountain ridge, you should be able to arrive within three or four days.

After going all the way to this point, Luoshen was already very tired, but thinking that he would be here soon, his spirit was doubly excited. Sitting in the shade of a tree at the foot of the mountain, drinking a few sips of the water handed by the maid, and looking into the distance, the soldiers who had just been sent to explore the mountain had already galloped back on horseback, shouting, "There are some over the mountain. The army of the brigade is heading towards Yicheng!"

In the past few years, all the forces that were originally active in this area have been cleaned up by Li Mu. Yicheng had a daily garrison of about 20,000 people, left behind by Guo Zhan and Dai Yuan. It's not too far from Yicheng.

Luo Shen's first reaction was that the army should be the defender of Yicheng.

But soon, she realized that things didn't seem so simple.

Li Xie and Fan Cheng asked the soldier a few words. Li Xie got on his horse, led a few people, and quickly walked towards the mountain ridge. Fan Cheng gathered all the soldiers around Luoshen with a very solemn expression.

Luoshen asked him, "Is the army not ours?"

"It doesn't seem to be. But it's just far away, and I can't see it clearly. Madam, don't worry about it. Li Duwei has gone to investigate, and he will know the details when he returns."

Luo Shen's heart skipped a beat.

If the army that Shanliang is sending to Yicheng at the moment is not his own, who is it?

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the last sentence her cousin Gao Yongrong said when she left Bailuzhou that day.

She said to herself that Li Mu has no tomorrow. If she goes, she will regret it.

At that time, she didn't pay much attention to that sentence.

But at this moment, a strong sense of foreboding suddenly emerged in her heart.

When Li Xie came back, he caught a scout who had left the team.

From the other party's mouth, Luoshen heard terrible news.

The army was sent from Badong in the southwest, and was led by the prefect Rongkang himself, with 50,000 soldiers and horses, rushing all the way, with the goal of attacking Yicheng.

It's not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that Qiu Chi has also been controlled.

With 20,000 to 50,000, plus Qiu Chi's help from the side, how will Yicheng deal with it?

She climbed up the mountain ridge, and the sight she saw made her tremble.

On the other side of the mountain ridge, in that vast expanse of wilderness, full of pits and valleys, filled with a huge army. The army was like a dense ant colony, heading in the direction of Yicheng. In the distance, the dust was flying, and the faint roar of wild beasts was heard in the wind.

It was the Beast Army Corps from Qiuchi.

Yicheng can no longer go.

Several people quickly finished the discussion.

Li Xie immediately rushed to Yicheng to deliver the news, and at the same time sent people to Chang'an, calling Chang'an to send troops to help Yicheng.

Luoshen stayed in place for a while. Fan Cheng found a hidden hiding place and built a temporary camping place, and the group temporarily settled down.

Three days later, the person sent to Yicheng to inquire about the news came back.

Rongkang's army had already moved beyond Yicheng and launched a fierce siege.

In the past few years, in order to facilitate the communication between Chang'an and Yicheng, and to ensure that Chang'an can receive any news from Yicheng in the fastest time limit, Li Mu is on the military road connecting the two places, every other day. Fifty miles away, a post point will be set up.

The messenger changed horses every 50 li, traveled day and night, and the news was sent at an expedited speed of 800 li, and within two days, he could reach Chang'an.

Li Mu had a heavy army stationed in Chang'an, and Luoshen believed that after Gao Huan and Sun Fangzhi learned that Yicheng was attacked, they would definitely organize a rescue at the fastest speed.

Fast is seven or eight days, slow is ten days. Within ten days, reinforcements will surely arrive.

With the tallness and sturdiness of the Yicheng city wall and the 20,000 well-trained defenders in the city, Luoshen believes that even if surrounded on all sides, it should not be a problem for the defenders to persist until the day when the reinforcements arrive.

In anxiety and anticipation, she waited day and night for a reply from Chang'an.

After a few days, the news finally came back. But the seriousness of the matter has far exceeded Luoshen's original imagination.

At the same time that Murong sent a letter of credentials to the Southern Dynasty to seek peace, Beiyan did not stop attacking Tongguan in the slightest. Murong Tei went on an expedition in person, pouring out the entire country's troops, more than 200,000 horses, and marching westward with all his strength.

Li Mu's army is now in the Tongguan area, fighting fiercely against the Beiyan army. In the short term, they will not be able to escape.

And his eldest brother Gao Yin would lead the army to Chang'an at this time. Not only has he cut off the military road between Yicheng and Chang'an, but it is said that he was ordered by the court to replace Li Mu's Chang'an. The position of prefect will take over Chang'an.

This sudden new news completely shocked Luoshen.

She never dreamed that the members of the Gao family would be so involved in this dispute that originally occurred between the royal family, Li Mu and Murong Ti.

At this point, she finally understood Gao Yongrong's entire plan.

Detaining himself in Jiankang as a pledge, at the same time, with the fastest speed, he sent Rongkang to attack Yicheng, and sent Gao's army to occupy Chang'an.

Yicheng was the place where Li Mu started, and Chang'an was the rear base that ensured Li Mu's army to get food supplies.

If Gao Yongrong's plan can be successful, it is self-evident what it means to Li Mu's army who are fighting fiercely with Beiyan.

It turned out that the attack on himself before was just the beginning.

This series of lightning strikes was the real arrow she shot at Li Mu from behind.

She also finally understood why Gao Yongrong said that to herself when she left that day.

She still underestimated her cousin's bottom line.

There was no longer the slightest doubt—obviously, between his cousin and Beiyan Emperor Murong Ti, apart from the so-called armistice and peace talks, the two must have reached some kind of private, unknown tacit understanding.

Chang'an is also about to face a crisis. Obviously, it is no longer possible to expect that there will be troops there to rescue Yicheng.

What should she do?

She was so cold that she could barely stand, and sat down slowly.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze as well.

Fan Cheng brought several hundred soldiers and stood in front of her with a very solemn expression.

She didn't move, like a stone statue, she only felt the blood in her body swell like a tide, washing her eardrums with a thud, and the whole person kept breaking out in cold sweat, and soon, the sweat soaked her clothes. , sticking tightly to her back.

A gust of wind passed, and she shivered. Suddenly, something appeared in front of him.

She remembered.

The little box that my father left for me on the eve of my father's departure that year! In the past few years, she has been keeping it properly, and this time she left Jiankang and took it with her.

She stood up abruptly, ran to the tent where she was temporarily spending the night, rushed in, opened the box, quickly removed the clothes, and quickly found the small box.

She picked up the key beside her, and with trembling hands, inserted the key. Enter the keyhole of the small lock and twist it.

With a slight "click", the lock opened.

Luoshen's heart was beating violently, her palms were soaking wet, and sweat rolled down from her forehead, fascinating her eyes.

She raised her sleeves, wiped away sweat quickly, opened the box, and saw a tiger talisman inside.

Beneath the tiger talisman was a neatly folded letterhead.

The two things lay so quietly in the box. It seemed that she had been waiting for her to open a long time ago.

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