MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 136

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Although Gaoliang is a companion capital, it has a population of nearly 100,000, and there is also a grand and gorgeous palace in the city.

This night was the last night that the victorious emperor of the Xianbei people gave to the soldiers who fought for him. At this moment, when many people who were trapped by the siege and could not escape, spent three hellish days, struggling and screaming in despair and fear, looking forward to the dawn of the day, the main hall of Gaoliang Palace Inside, the lights are bright tonight, and the dancing girls are limp.

Murongxi, the emperor of Beiyan, held a banquet in the hall, and exchanged cups with his vassals and generals. After a few cases beside him, he sat in sequence with Zhang Ji, a Hanchen he reused, and several of the most powerful Xianbei nobles, such as Tu He, Wei, and Ruojiu, and the rest of the Yan State officials sat with them. When the atmosphere was warm, a guard came in from the outside. Dao Murong had already led the army back. He knew that he had disobeyed the emperor's order and killed Emperor Xia. Waiting for the emperor's condemnation.

Everyone knew about his torture and murder of Emperor Xia. Hearing the news of his coming back to plead guilty, they stopped feasting one after another, all of them looking at Murong Xi, the Emperor of Dayan, who was sitting in the center of the hall.

Murongxi, who used to be known as the No. 1 general in the north, was burly and imposing. When the guards entered, he was smiling and pushing the cup with the nearest disciple, Duke He, who was sitting on his right. Twenty guards. The guards have excellent martial arts skills, and their vigilant eyes swept across the faces of the people in the hall from time to time, even in the darkest corners.

Tu He Gong is the leader of the Xianbei Tu He clan. Rumor has it that Murong Xi has the possession of Qian Yan before he destroyed the country

At the beginning when Beixia was in decline and fled back to the north, things didn't go well, and there were very few responders. It was only with his help that he was able to convene the old team smoothly and make a comeback. After he restored the state of Yan, he not only enshrined the disciples of the He clan with a high official and a high salary, but a few days ago, he also intended to let one of his sons marry a woman of the disciple He clan as his wife, and the two surnames became marriage-in-law. Hearing the guard's report, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, he put down the wine cup, waved his hand, signaled the dancers in the hall to stop the music and dance, looked around at the vassals, and said, "To make King Zhi disobey, what do you think should be done? "

Murong Ti was the younger brother of the former Yan emperor who was destroyed by Bei Xia. He was named King Lingzhi. The emperor had no children. Although the Yan Kingdom perished within a few days, and he was also taken captive along with the Yigan clan, his identity was his identity and would not change. Now that the State of Yan is re-established, and the emperor's uncle Murong Xi proclaimed the emperor, Murong Tie's position seems a bit awkward.

Many Yan officials in the hall looked at each other in dismay, but no one answered for a while. After a while, Zhang Ji, who was the prime minister, said, "Before King Lingzhi set out, the King of Heaven had ordered him to capture Emperor Xia alive to assist Luoyang. It would be fine if he accidentally killed him in the chaos. Killing by such means, the bad heavenly king will not say anything, and there is no heavenly king in his eyes. It should be handled strictly according to my Dayan regulations, and be an example to others!"

As soon as Zhang Ji finished speaking, Duke He said: "I have always admired the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister's words are biased. The Prime Minister is not from my clan, how can you understand the deep hatred of our clan for Xia Jie? What's more, King Lingzhi Young and energetic, when enemies meet each other, they are extremely jealous, and they can’t hold back for a while. I don’t think he intends to offend the king. But disobeying the order of the king is indeed a fact. Now that he knows his fault, he confesses his guilt to the king, in my opinion. , scold him for dozens of times, and tell him to remember the lesson, what does the King of Heaven think?"

These Xianbei clans or nobles present here were more or less humiliated by the Jie people when the country was destroyed. At the beginning, in order to survive, I could only be a slave, but now I can turn over and have a deep hatred for Bei Xia. I learned that Murong Ti tortured the enemy to death in this way, and everyone secretly felt happy. It's just that because of Murongxi's order, he didn't dare to express it. At this moment, the disciple He Gong took the lead in defending Murong, and they all agreed, and the voices of approval in the hall came one after another.

Murong Xi looked around again and saw that Zhang Ji seemed to want to speak, so he interrupted: "What the general said makes sense. Let him lead the forty army sticks by himself, and that's all."

His face turned solemn: "If there is another time, no matter who it is, don't blame this king, and don't show mercy!"

Everyone should be.

His orders were quickly passed on. Yan Guan began to sing praises to Murong Xi. Murong Xi's face was slightly bright, and he ordered the banquet to continue. In the middle of the night after the banquet, Murong Xi was half-drunk. Under the **** of twenty loyal guards who stayed with him day and night, he took some vain steps and was called by Zhang Ji on the way to the dormitory. stop.

Zhang Ji stepped forward and said, "The King of Heaven didn't listen to me before, he succumbed to the crowd, changed his mind, and used this city as a reward for the army. You must not show mercy to this Murong! He is not a person who keeps his own way. If the King of Heaven doesn't take this opportunity to kill him, he will be attacked by him in the future!"

Zhang Ji came from a family in the north and was known for his dexterity. Murong Xi admired his name, and after three visits to the cottage, he finally invited him to join Yan as an official. Today, a series of official titles and laws of the state of Yan are all drawn up by him, and Murong Xi usually respects him. But tonight, seeing that he didn't let Murong Tei go, pushed himself to kill him, and chased him here, I felt a little disapproval. He smiled and said: "The prime minister is overly concerned. I have always known my nephew. Based on my inference and his character, this time he will definitely kill Emperor Xia to vent his hatred. This is also the reason why I sent him to send troops. It is to tempt him. If he refuses to kill because of my order, he is suspicious. You can rest assured."

Zhang Ji shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Maybe he figured out the intention of the king, so he deliberately followed the intention of the king and killed Emperor Xia to confuse the king."

Murong Xi waved his hand: "The prime minister thinks too much!" Seeing that Zhang Ji seemed to want to speak, he became impatient, and said, "This time I promised to use the city to reward the army, and I also have my own considerations. The prime minister can rest assured that this is the last. Once. When Luoyang is conquered, there will never be such a thing again! I am tired, I have to rest, and the Prime Minister should go to rest earlier."

Zhang Ji had no choice but to leave unhappy.

Murong Xi watched him leave, turned around, and with the support from the left and right, returned to the bedroom, put his arms on the shoulders of the two beautiful women who came out, and swayed inward, with twenty guards behind him, two of whom followed step by step. , did not leave an inch, and the rest stayed outside the hall.

At this time, there was another sound of footsteps behind him. This time, a female voice came: "Tianwang, please stay, my niece has something to tell me."

Murong Xi turned his head and saw Murong Zhe standing on the steps outside the hall, so he ordered the beauty to step back: "It's so late, what else do you need to find me?"

Murong Zhe walked quickly in front of Murong Xi and saluted, "It's so late, my niece shouldn't come here to disturb my uncle's rest, but there is something from my niece, and I really can't wait for tomorrow. Brother made a mistake this time and disobeyed his uncle. No matter what the punishment was originally, Brother A should be punished, and the niece did not dare to be dissatisfied. However, the niece heard that at the palace banquet, someone openly slandered Brother A and questioned Brother A’s loyalty to his uncle. If it's weird, I have to defend my brother in front of my uncle."

Murongxi expected that she was here for this matter, and said with relief: "Zhang Ji is just an upright temperament, plus his prejudice, so he said a few more words. Don't worry, I won't listen to him. I blame you, brother tonight. , there is no other intention, the law is there, and no responsibility is not enough to convince the public.”

Murong Zhe said gratefully, "Thank you uncle. There is one thing that my niece has never dared to tell her, for fear of being reprimanded by her uncle. Tonight, the eldest brother has been wronged so much that he has to say it even if he is scolded."

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle must also know that the eldest princess of the Southern Dynasty was unfortunately killed during the national turmoil, right?"

When Murong Xi was young, he fell in love with Xiao Yongjia at first sight. Although his life has been ups and downs over the years, Xiao Yongjia turned into an indelible shadow in his heart because of his previous requests.

The north and the south are enemies, and between them, secret spies are indispensable. The news of Xiao Yongjia's death last year naturally reached him. At that time, he was also sad for a while, and ordered someone to set up a mourning hall for Xiao Yongjia, which is no secret.

When Murong Xi heard her niece mention her suddenly, she was a little clueless and puzzled for a while, and looked at her suspiciously.

Murong Zhe continued: "Uncle should still remember that when the religious rebellion and Jingzhou rebellion broke out in the Southern Dynasty, after the niece sent a letter to Li Mu for her uncle, she secretly went south to spy on intelligence? She is an old friend of my uncle, so I can’t make mistakes, so I’m going to pay more attention to the eldest princess. Although she has a high status, the Southern Dynasty was in danger at that time, and even the emperor escaped from Jiankang with hundreds of officials. Who knows what will happen?”

"After I arrived in Jiankang, I secretly kept an eye on the eldest princess. At that time, she was about to give birth, and Gao Qiao sent her to the mountains to give birth. I saw that she was all right, and just as she was about to leave, it was also a coincidence that I ran into him. She wanted to harm her enemy. At that time, the eldest princess was about to give birth, and the situation was in jeopardy. Thinking of my brother's advice, my uncle has always been very concerned about the eldest princess, so I had no choice but to bring her back first..."

As Murong Zhe spoke, he observed Murong Xi's expression secretly, seeing that his eyes were gradually widening, and his face showed excitement, and he said, "I have worked so hard to finally bring her here, Ben. It was a good intention. I didn't want the eldest princess to misunderstand me, and then I misunderstood that it was your uncle's instructions. In addition, the situation in the Southern Dynasty was settled later, my brother and I were in a dilemma. Just sending her back like this, I am afraid that not only will we not be able to make a good relationship with the Southern Dynasty, Instead, you have to cause trouble. If you hand over the eldest princess to your uncle, and you are afraid of causing trouble for you, the uncle will accuse Brother A and I of making a decision that was too good for you..."

"How is she now? Where is she?"

Murong Xi interrupted Murong Zhe.

"Bring her to see me immediately..."

"No, no! I'd better go see her! Hurry up!"

Without waiting for Murong Zhe to answer, Murong Xi couldn't wait and walked out.

In the dark night, a man hurriedly walked through a winding and deep courtyard, and finally came to a residence.

The doors and windows were closed, and there was a dim light inside.

Murong Zhe stopped and said in a low voice, "The eldest princess is inside."

Murong Xi quickly climbed the steps, gently pushed open the door, took a few steps in, and saw a woman sitting in the room at a glance.

The woman's eyebrows were trimmed with phoenix eyes, her head was full of blue silk, and the lights even reflected a beautiful face. Although her cheeks were slightly plump, it was a little different from the girl in her memory, but Murongxi still recognized it at a glance.

The woman in the house, as expected, is Xiao Yongjia, the eldest princess of the Southern Dynasty!

A few days ago, Xiao Yongjia's child was forcibly taken away, and he was brought here from the place where he had been under house arrest for more than half a year. I was anxious until this moment, when I saw Murongxi appear, I was stunned, then recognized it, suddenly opened my eyes, suddenly got up, and said angrily: "Murongxi, it really is you! You asked Murong to take me Did you get it here? Where did you take my baby? What do you want to do?"

Her brows were furrowed, her face was full of anger, and when she opened her mouth, she reprimanded, but Murong Xi seemed to be unaware, her eyes were like eagles, and fell straight on her for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have regained her senses. Haha laughed a few times, ordered a maid who was standing at the beginning of the dark corner of the room to go out, turned her head again, ordered all his guards to retreat, not allowed to follow, he closed the door with his backhand, and walked towards Xiao Yongjia. , smiled and said: "Princess, Murong Xi is fortunate to be able to meet you here again in her lifetime! Don't worry, I will never hurt you, let alone your child. You know? I have now restored the state of Yan, and I have become the emperor of Dayan. As long as you are willing to join me, I will treat your child as my own nurture..."

Xiao Yongjia saw that his face was red and his eyes were shining, he was approaching him step by step, and then he retreated in horror.

"Murongxi, are you out of your mind? What kind of identity do you have to do this to me? No matter how bad the Southern Dynasty is, my husband will not watch me suffer such humiliation, and Li Mu, you don't know , who am I? You dare to touch me today, and in the future you will be killed without a place to be buried!"

Murong Xi stopped and stared at Xiao Yongjia for a moment. The blush on his face because of excitement slowly subsided, and his eyes became gloomy.

He snorted: "I am Murong Xi who is afraid of things? Gao Qiao is only afraid that he has already lost half of his life, and he is a waste. Your son-in-law Li Mu, I will fight him sooner or later. You will look carefully then. Now, in this world, who is the real hero!"

Xiao Yongjia's face slowly turned pale, and his body shook slightly: "Murong Xi, are you determined to let me go back?"

Murong Xi hurriedly took a step forward, stretched out his hand to support her shoulder, she threw her hands away, rubbed her palms, looked at her eyes, gradually softened, and said, "Since you have come to me, stay with peace of mind. The next thing is. Don't worry, I won't force you. I see that your body is a little weak, so you can raise your body here first, and when it's done, ask someone to send your child back to you."

Xiao Yongjia was bitter, his hands clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled slightly.

Murong Xi shouted towards the door, and soon, the maid came in again.

"Good life to serve! If there is a half-point, I will ask you!"

Murong Xi looked at Xiao Yongjia and instructed the maid with a stern tone.

The maid looked a little panicked, bowed her head, and said in a low voice, her hands folded in her sleeves, and hurried towards Xiao Yongjia. When he passed by Murong Xi, he suddenly raised his head, and the candlelight reflected a pair of eyes with purple pupils like Yehong.

At this moment, Murong Xi's eyes still fell on Xiao Yongjia, and he did not see the eyes of the maid beside him suddenly.

But the maid came too close to him.

An instinct that he had cultivated on the battlefield for many years made him suddenly have a premonition that danger seemed to be imminent.

He turned back immediately.

But it's too late.

At the moment when the maid raised her head, her right hand, which had been tucked in her sleeve, turned slightly, and a dagger with a blue edge was added to her palm.

When Murong Xi saw those familiar purple eyes, the maid's hand moved as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the dagger silently pierced through his shirt, deeply It plunged into his chest, and instantly entered without a handle.

Daggers are poisoned.

Murong Xi roared angrily, and the arm that had wielded the knife to kill countless people was lifted into the air, feeling a tingling in his heart. That numbness seemed to spread to his whole body in an instant, and his whole body suddenly lost his strength. His once tall and unshakable body, like a mountain peak, slammed and fell to the ground.

Murong Xi felt that the blood in his body was rapidly cooling and solidifying slowly. He opened his eyes full of rage and disbelief, staring at his nephew, Murong Ti, who was disguised as a maid, and said word by word, "Do you think that those people can hold you to the top? "

Murong looked down at his uncle who was struggling on the ground with his Buddha-like eyes full of compassion, and said, "Uncle, you want to use the wisdom of the Han people to govern the country for you. This idea is correct. But you don't know that you used the Han people too early. Your Yan Kingdom has an unstable foundation, and now you have to rely on those barbarians who only know **** and loot. From the day you reused the Han people, you Your subordinates will start to dissociate from you. What’s more, if they know that you are committed to success and are unwilling to lead them to loot the wealth and beauty of Jiangnan, do you think those people will still be loyal to you as before?”

"Even if you don't care about the Southern Dynasty, you should draw a pie for these idiots so that they can listen to you."

Murongxi's body twitched a few times on the ground and muttered: "You are plotting the Southern Dynasty, do you think you can defeat Li Mu...?"

Murong narrowed his eyes, and his thin lips drew a delicate and elegant arc.

He smiled and said, "Why should I fight a war with someone who knows it's hard to win? When I become the emperor of Dayan, I just have to keep a low profile, wait for the opportunity, or push it appropriately, and let the people of the Southern Dynasties solve their war problems by themselves. Invincible God of War, wouldn't it be much easier for me to take another shot?"

"Uncle, you are known as the No. 1 general in the north. Do you know why you fell into my hands? Because you never use your brains."

With sympathetic eyes, he looked at Murong Xi, who had gradually stopped struggling on the ground, stretched out his hand, and slowly closed his eyelids for him, then slowly stood up, looked at Xiao Yongjia, who was pale, and said: " Princess, I have wronged you, and I am afraid you will stay with me for a while. Don't worry, I will return your baby to you tonight. You can stay at ease. "

His tone was very respectful, and when he finished speaking, he smiled at her, then turned around and floated away.

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