MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 103

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A faint ray of morning light penetrated through the gaps in the doors and windows.

Luoshen didn't sleep well afterward last night. The genius was bright, and he woke up.

As soon as she woke up, before she opened her eyes, the scenes from last night immediately appeared in her mind.

She opened her eyes.

Li Mu lay on his side beside her. An arm gently wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his arms.

In the hazy morning light, he was still awake. The chin rested on her forehead. The warm breath, following his breathing, gently landed on her forehead.

It was silent, no sound could be heard.

The gusty winds and torrential rain last night had vanished without a trace.

Luoshen slowly closed his eyes that were still a bit sour and swollen, and continued to curl up beside him quietly.

But the mood became chaotic again.

After last night, he kept holding her like this, comforting her constantly, until she was so tired and fell asleep in his arms.

She knew he didn't mean to treat her that way. She liked this man named Li Mu so much. So, even if he was so scary at the time, she was so frightened that she cried non-stop, and she soon forgave her after that.

It looked as if things had finally passed.

She knew that he would never do that to her again. It's an intuition. She believed in this man.

They will be the same as before. He continued to spoil her, and she could continue to be his wife without any worries. When you are happy, act like a spoiled child with him, and when you are unhappy, make him annoyed.

And he will always be so good-natured. Except last night.

But in the bottom of my heart, there is clearly another voice, quietly reminding Luoshen.

After experiencing the ups and downs like last night, her heart could no longer truly settle down like before.

Her husband, Li Mu, originally made her feel extremely safe every time she thought about it.

But now, she can no longer find that reassuring feeling by his side.

Her intuition was quietly reminding her that Li Mu must have something to hide from her.

Just because he saw the few manuscripts of piano scores that recorded her and Lu Jianzhi's old exchanges, or when she came back from this trip, she accidentally mentioned Lu a few words in front of him, and he became so abnormal. , she really couldn't believe it.

But he just didn't tell her.

She felt utterly powerless.

A night of strong winds and torrential rain devastated the flowers and trees all over the place.

Outside, the servants and maids who got up early saw the flowers and branches falling all over the floor before their eyes, and the bananas fell to the ground.

The broom swept across the wet corridor, making a slight rustling sound.

Li Mu woke up, but did not open his eyes immediately, but slowly tightened his arms, holding the warm and soft body in his arms tighter.

After a while, he felt a small hand gently caressing his cheeks, which had been stubble overnight, opened his eyes, and saw that she was staring at him with the swollen eyes of last night's crying. .

He stared at her, slowly grabbed her little hand that was resting on his cheek, brought it to his lips, and kissed her finger.

"Are you still sleepy? Sleep for a while, and I'll accompany you."

He leaned over and rubbed his chin lightly against her face.

Luoshen hummed softly, and in his arms, slowly closed his eyes again.

If there is no urgent matter in the court, officials will rest once every five days. Take a break again today.

In the past, even if he took a break, Gao Qiao would definitely go to the Taicheng government office. Today, for the first time ever, he stayed at home with Xiao Yongjia.

When a person reaches middle age, he not only reunites with his wife, but now he has to become a father again. In the name of fear for many years, he was finally able to turn over. Gao Qiao couldn't hide his smugness in his heart, and he was overjoyed. When asked about it, he wanted to show off. So within two days, all the people in the government office knew about it and congratulated him one after another.

The news that the eldest princess was pregnant was immediately known to the palace. Although Empress Gao did not leave the palace herself, she sent a palace envoy to bring congratulatory gifts to express her joy after learning the good news to the Gao couple, and asked her aunt to give birth to a child.

Gao Qiao was in a good mood this morning. After getting up, he watched Xiao Yongjia comb his hair in the room, and rushed to thrush her eyebrows. After the painting was finished, Xiao Yongjia glanced at the mirror and repeatedly disliked it.

Gao Qiao is a self-proclaimed master of danqing, and the eyebrows that she despised to draw, how could she give up, and she must draw it again for her. One of the two disliked her, and the other coaxed her to be patient and laughed in a low voice, just like a young couple. After tossing for a long time, I heard the message from the servants, and the daughter and son-in-law came, so I gave up, and came out together, leaving the two for breakfast.

After the meal, Luoshen accompanied his mother back to the room to rest. Li Mu opened his mouth and asked Gao Qiao to take a step to speak.

Gao Qiao knew that he should have something to do, so he led him to the study. He smiled and said: "Jingchen, I drank too much that night. If you don't want to learn, I won't force it. But if you want to learn, I have a few good posts here. I know you are busy, but You might as well take it and wait until you have time. Every day is to learn a word or two. The so-called "walking a thousand miles, merging rivers into the sea, as time goes by, it must also be beneficial..."

As he spoke, he went to the bookshelf to find the post and brought it over.

Li Mu took it respectfully and thanked his husband with a smile.

Gao Qiao asked him to take a seat, and then asked what was the matter.

Li Mu didn't sit, but bowed down to Gao Qiao and knelt down with a solemn expression.

Gao Qiao hurriedly called him to get up. Incomprehensible: "What do you mean?"

Li Mu still knelt on the ground and said, "To be honest, I seriously injured Lu Huanzhi last night. The censor should pass on me today. Lu Guang is afraid that he will also take the opportunity to find his father-in-law. I know it will disturb the purity of my father-in-law, please. Father-in-law take more care."

The day after Li Mu returned, he encountered Lu Huanzhi's provocation on the way. Gao Qiao had already learned about it from Gao Qi. Although I was dissatisfied with the son of the Lu family, I thought it was over, but I didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up, and I was surprised: "How did you hurt the son of the Lu family? What happened last night? "

Li Mudao: "Last night, my son-in-law and some old brothers went to Qinhuai for a drink. When they met Lu Huanzhi again, they didn't agree. I made a mistake and severely injured him."

Gao Qiao asked about the hurt. Hearing that Lu Huanzhi was hit by the hilt of the sword, his head was broken and his ribs were broken. At that time, the man passed out, "Hey", got up from his seat, took a few steps back and forth, stopped, and frowned at Li Mu.

"Jingchen, it's okay for you to go to that kind of place with others. Human feelings are inevitable. But I thought you were always calm. The Lu family's son is rude, it's okay for you to teach me a lesson, and things should be done in moderation. How can you be so serious? Wan Wan Once you are beaten to death, how will the human life lawsuit be ended?"

His tone was reproachful.

Li Mu kowtowed: "It was indeed me who lost my sense of proportion at that time. The younger son-in-law bears the blame for himself. Just because the father-in-law will inevitably be implicated, I implore my father-in-law to forgive me."

Gao Qiao was silent for a moment, shook his head, and sighed: "That's all! That son of the Lu family is indeed rude, his personality and personality are as different as those of his brother. I've been beaten, you are my son-in-law, Don't I care? Get up!"

Li Mu got up.

"You're still young, you're arrogant, and your hands are heavy, and sometimes you miss it. Fortunately, no one was killed this time. Remember, don't be so reckless in the future!"

Li Mu respectfully agreed.

Gao Qiao told him to go first. After thinking for a while, he returned to his seat, intending to send a letter to Lu Guang first. After writing the letter, I felt inappropriate.

No matter who is more reasonable, after all, it was his son-in-law who beat him so badly, and he is still in a coma at the moment, and only sending a letter seems to be insincere.

After thinking about it again and again, Gao Qiao decided to meet Lu Guang in person.

Although there was little hope, Gao Qiao decided to go first to see if things could be alright. So I wrote another post of worship, put it in my sleeve, and I was only halfway out of the house. My family hurriedly chased after him, and Li Mu was sent to the Censor's desk. Only then did I know that Ding Song, the chief of the Censor's Office, had already received it early in the morning. In Lu Guang's case, he sued Li Mu for the murder last night, seriously injuring Lu Huanzhi, and demanded severe punishment to be disciplined.

"Even His Majesty was disturbed by the matter. His Majesty sent the King of Xin'an to investigate on his behalf. Someone just came over there, and it was said that Li Langjun was quick to question."

Gao Qiao frowned, turned around immediately, and hurried to Taicheng.

Luo Shenbian returned to the house with his mother and sat beside her, listening to her talk about the weather getting hotter and planning to go to Bailuzhou to escape the summer heat. Suddenly I heard my mother call me again, and then I came back to my senses. Seeing her looking over, she looked concerned and hurriedly responded.

Xiao Yongjia touched his daughter's forehead, and there was no difference.

"You have something on your mind? I saw that your eyelids were swollen this morning, and you didn't sleep well last night? I was talking to you just now, and you don't know where you are!"

How could Luoshen dare to let her mother know what happened last night? Even after getting up this morning, he repeatedly told the servants and maids in front of him that they were not allowed to mention anything about Li Mu's unusually late return last night in front of Aju or his mother.

Listening to her question at this moment, she hurriedly denied it. Seeing her mother looking at him in disbelief, remembering that she said she wanted to move to the island with her for the summer, Aye also agreed, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "Auntie, I also really want to be with you again, It's just that I'm afraid it won't work. When Langjun is done here, I will visit A's family with him, and we will probably return to Yicheng..."

Just a few days after returning, he was leaving again, and Luo Shen was really reluctant to part with his parents. But thinking of Li Mu's tone when he said last night that he didn't like this imperial city, his heart softened infinitely.

After she finished speaking, she looked at her mother, her eyes apologetic.

Xiao Yongjia was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and nodded: "It's okay. Yichang's side is important, and it's not good if Jingchen is away for a long time. You just go. Don't worry about A-Niang. A-Niang has Aye."

Luoshen nodded, leaned over, and gently touched his mother's belly.

"Auntie, when you give birth, remember to send me a letter."

Xiao Yongjia smiled and took her daughter into his arms: "I know. How could A-niang forget you?"

Luo Shenyi was by her mother's side, she couldn't help herself, she remembered what happened last night, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Auntie, you taught me before that I should remember that I am Li Mu's wife now. I also want to do well..."

She hesitated, sat up straight, and looked at her mother.

"But if he has something on his mind, he won't tell me. What should I do?"

Xiao Yongjia glanced at his daughter. "Is he hiding something from you?"

"How?" Luo Shen immediately shook his head.

"I just thought about it, I just asked casually. I thought that I would be leaving in a few days. If this happens to him in the future, if I had asked earlier, I would have a good idea in my heart."

She pretended to be relaxed, and then smiled at her mother.

Xiao Yongjia didn't ask any more questions, he just said: "You really stopped me by asking this question..."

She pondered for a moment, then smiled and shook her head.

"Others don't know, you are my daughter, and you know it best. You and I, Aye, he has always had something to say to me for more than 20 years. Thinking of myself, why not? It is this As usual, you and I, Aye, have just bumped into each other, and it has never been good. In the past, you also suffered a lot of grievances. Now think about it, take me as an example, I am too strong, and I pressed you from the beginning. Aye, I told him to avoid me. But you are different from A-Niang..."

Xiao Yongjia looked at his daughter.

"It's also my mother's fault. I raised you too delicately from a young age, and you are naturally weak. A-niang thinks, if your husband has always regarded you as someone who needs his complete protection, he has How can I tell you so easily? The more important it is, the less I will tell you."

"So A-Niang told you earlier that you have to forget that you are the daughter of the Gao family, and treat yourself as his wife. What is a husband and wife? You are not just someone who needs him to protect you. You also need to call him. You know, if he doesn't go well, you can reach out to him. Even if you can't help him much, you won't let go, and you will never give up. If you want to come here, if he has something to do, he will naturally not hide it from you. "

Luo Shen was ecstatic.

Xiao Yongjia smiled and sighed: "It's a lifetime thing to get along with a husband and wife. It's easier said than done. That's how A-Niang is."

She grabbed her daughter's pair of soft weeds and said softly, "Ami, you have a much better personality than A-Niang, and you are also smart. A-Niang just said that, if you are free, think about it carefully."

Luoshen looked at his mother and nodded slowly: "Auntie, I will think about it."

Early in the morning, the Taicheng Censor's Office was lively again.

Taking a break today, in Taicheng, it is rare that even Gao Qiao does not show up. Everyone can finally rest assured at home, but Lu Guang forced them to come over.

In the imperial censor, Ding Song was full of annoyance, but he was helpless. In addition, even the emperor was disturbed to say something. He also sent Xiao Daocheng, the king of Xin'an, to come over to investigate. An angry Lu Guang waited for Li Mu's arrival.

Li Mu actually shot and injured Lu Guang's son Lu Huanzhi. According to the official newspaper sent to the Lu family for an injury examination, what Lu Guang said was not an exaggeration, and Lu Huan was seriously injured. His head was broken, one side of the rib was broken, not to mention, the night passed, and he was still unconscious at this moment.

Ding Song kept crying in his heart.

Originally, this case was not difficult to resolve. It was just a very ordinary case of wounding. Since the person involved was a court official, he handed it over to him.

But now, because one side is the Lu family, the other is the Gao family, and the one who shot and hurt was Li Mu, who had just conquered Chang'an and made a great contribution.

This becomes a big problem.

Ding Song felt uneasy in his heart, and finally heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the office, and looked up to see Li Mu coming.

Although he was summoned, but he had not yet been convicted, and his rank was higher than himself, Ding Song hurried out and greeted him in person.

Li Mu came in, greeted Xiao Daocheng with a smile on his face, and then turned to Lu Guang.

Lu Guang's face was ashen, and before the others could speak, he scolded sharply: "Li Mu! My son Huanzhi, I accidentally ran into your servant on the street that day, quarreling a few words, why did you treat him like this? Ruthless? It's a pity that after a night, he is still in a coma, and his life is uncertain! If you don't tell me clearly today, I will never let it go!"

King Xin'an coughed: "Lu Shangshu calm down for the time being. Since King Gu came on his orders, may I ask, what happened last night?"

Lu Guang looked at the servant who brought him to the side.

That person was Lu Huanzhi's entourage last night, he knelt down on the ground with a "poof", lowered his head, and closed his eyes: "Second Young Master heard that there is someone who is good at playing the qin in the Qinlou in the south of the city. That's all, I didn't want to meet General Li, so General Li couldn't help but say that, so he locked the second son in the room and beat him up like that. After beating people, he walked away. What the slave said was absolutely true, not half false!"

King Xin'an looked at Li Mu, with a look of concern and regret: "General Li, if this Lu Jianu's statement is true, General Li will not be reasonable. There will be personal resentment, and this kind of shot to hurt people is not tolerated by the country's law. What's more, General Li is still an official of the court, with a high stature, and he should set an example for others, how can he act so impulsive?"

Lu Guang slapped the case violently: "Li Mu, what else do you have to say?"

His voice fell, and another voice came from outside: "Lu Shangshu, the second son is still in a coma, so naturally he never spoke. He never spoke, how can you listen to the nonsense of a family slave?"

Everyone looked at the prestige, and saw that Li Xie, the general guard, was coming. They stepped inside, and when they got there, they bowed to Xiao Daocheng and looked at Lu Guang.

"Lu Shangshu, your slave is very forgetful. I just saw it last night, why didn't you mention me? I can also testify. I was in the Qin Building last night. It is true that General Li beat the son, and everyone is watching. You, but not as your slave said. At that time, it was clearly that Young Master Lu wanted to do something wrong to the woman who played the piano. The woman desperately resisted, annoyed Young Master Lu, and even drew a sword and threatened him. Just last night, I and I General Li was in the Qin Building, and when he heard the woman calling for help, he searched for him, and persuaded Young Master Lu to stop. Young Master Lu was full of dissatisfaction with General Li, as everyone knew, not only did he not listen, but he drew his sword and stabbed General Li."

He turned to Xiao Daocheng: "Xin'an Wang Mingjian. I saw the scene at that time with my own eyes. The second son of Lu was like a mad tiger. General Li made his move in self-defense. Intentional. True, I can testify!"

Lu Guang was furious: "Li Xie! Who doesn't know what is the relationship between you and Li Mu! Who can trust you to testify like this?"

Seeing that the master was angry, the attendant hurriedly opened his mouth, and was about to follow suit, when he heard the sound of swift steps, raised his head, and saw that Gao Qiao was also coming, he did not dare to make a sound for a while, and hurriedly lowered his head.

Everyone was busy to greet him, and even Xiao Daocheng got up. Lu Guang didn't move. Seeing Gao Qiao bowing to him, Fang nodded lightly and said, "Gao Xianggong, I know that your son-in-law has friends all over the world. It's just such a testimonial, it's ridiculous. The two of them are close, how can the testimony be trusted?"

Gao Qiao frowned.

"Lu Shangshu, Li Mu accidentally hurt Huanzhi. I know it. Regardless of right or wrong, it is not appropriate to hurt people. I just wanted to visit my nephew and ask you to discuss how to resolve this matter. I heard that everyone came here, so I came too."

He glanced at the Lufu family slave kneeling on the ground.

"What you said just now must have come from your servants. His relationship with the second son is probably more close than Li Duwei and Jingchen. He can testify for the second son, if what Li Duwei said is true, why? Can't you just say a few words for Jingchen?"

Lu Guang suddenly choked.

Xiao Daocheng was speechless.

Li Xie smiled, and immediately said: "Mr. Xianggong, what the officer said is true! Not only the subordinate can testify, but the victim girl last night can also testify."

Gao Qiao nodded: "That's the case, heir."

Censor Zhongcheng breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked, "Is someone here?" Seeing Li Xie nodding, he immediately called someone to pass it on.

After a while, accompanied by the sound of light footsteps, a woman in her twenties came in, with a beautiful face, a slender figure, and a simple and elegant dress.

It's just that on a hot day, there is a scarf around his neck, which is a bit eye-catching. After entering, with a serious expression, he bowed his head and knelt down to the crowd, calling himself Lu Niang, a qin play in the Qin Building.

Ding Song repeated what Li Xie had just said, and asked, "What Li Duwei said, may you testify?"

Lu Niang's eyes turned red, she raised her hand and slowly untied the towel wrapped around her neck, revealing a scar on the side of her neck, sobbing: "That Li Duwei's words are not false. This opening was wounded by that young master with a sword last night, if General Li hadn't stopped him in time, the slave would have been killed at this moment."

Ding Song immediately approached and checked carefully, and saw that the wound on her neck was neat and uniform. It was indeed a sharp blade injury, and it was several inches long and penetrated deep into the skin. Although it had passed the night, there were still bloodshots near the wound. Extravasation, and the location is even more dangerous, not too far from the neck. If it goes further, I am afraid that I will not be able to live at that time.

Ding Song shook his head, came back, narrated what he saw, and then looked at Gao Qiao and Xiao Daocheng.

Lu Niang covered the wound on her neck, kowtowed again, and said with tears: "This slave is a lowly body, I know that the son is of noble birth, and I can't afford it. Originally, I died under the sword last night, and it was my life. Dare to complain. I was lucky to escape, and I was recuperating at home today. Suddenly I was called here to ask the slave to testify. The slave did not know what to do, so he dared to die, and told the truth. I beg the nobles to spare the slave. The slave really doesn’t know anything. …”

She took out a handkerchief and wiped away her tears.

It was quiet in the lobby.

Gao Qiao's expression was calm, and he couldn't see happiness or anger. Lu Guang's face was extremely ugly.

The servant was flustered.

After the second son, who was unconscious and seriously injured, was brought home last night, the Lu family was in a mess. Lu Guang was furious and pressed him. How dare he say that Lu Huanzhi stole the piano score, intending to spread the affair between his brother and Gao's daughter? squeak. Being forced into a hurry, he made up a random story, wanting to prevaricate it first, and wait for Lu Huanzhi to wake up and tell him to make up his own mind. But he didn't expect that when Lu Guang made trouble here early in the morning, he could only bite the bullet and continue to fabricate it. But I didn't expect that this Li Xie was actually blacker than himself. Not only did he make the mistake of beating someone clean, but he also took a bite.

Seeing the head of the family glaring at him, as if he was about to eat himself, he hurriedly shouted: "This woman is talking nonsense! It's all fabricated! The second son never hurt her, but Li Mu beat the second son because—"

"For what?"

Gao Qiao stared at him, eyes like electricity.

The slave was stuck again, and under the gaze of Gao Qiao's two eyes, his face rose like a pig's liver, and he lowered his head dejectedly.

Li Xie glanced at Lu Niang, who was still kneeling on the ground and wiping tears, and couldn't help feeling both admiration and surprise in her heart.

He had only promised her last night that he would come here to testify for himself when she needed it, that's all. I never imagined that a seemingly weak woman could think of it, and cut her own neck with such a horrifying scar.

He went up and said: "King Xin'an! Zhongcheng! The right and wrong have long been clear. Even before the Majesty, this is the only thing the lower official has to say." After speaking, he respectfully stepped aside.

Ding Song did not want to offend Gao Qiao and Li Mu, the husband-in-law of Weng, but the situation took a turn for the worse. It was reported that outside the gate of Daotai City, there were many Qinhuai prostitutes on their knees, all complaining for this green lady, and the crowd was surrounded by people watching the fun, and there was a lot of discussion. .

The scene fell into silence for a while, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

Xiao Daocheng stood up suddenly, and said, "It was a misunderstanding! General Li saw injustice on the road, and he acted righteously, also out of self-defense, and accidentally injured Second Young Master Lu."

He looked at Lu Guang.

"Lu Shangshu, in the opinion of the solitary king, this matter should not be a big deal anymore, and the Lang is still in a coma. Now the big thing is not as safe as the second son's life. Gao Xianggong said it just now, he is also deeply I'm sorry, Lu Shangshu might as well sell his face to the solitary king first. This matter is put on hold for the time being. Now the top priority is to treat the second son and save the wounds. Let’s discuss, can you? General Li is not there, and Gao Xianggong is in Jiankang and can be seen at any time.”

A facial muscle on the side of Lu Guang's lips twitched slightly, he slowly got up from his seat, stared at Gao Qiao and Li Mu angrily, turned and strode away. The slave rolled and crawled and hurriedly followed.

When the others were gone, Xiao Daocheng laughed and said to Gao Qiao: "When the solitary king came, he knew that there must be something else hidden in this matter. As expected! Fairness is at ease in people's hearts, Gao Xianggong rest assured, after returning to the palace , I will tell the truth."

Gao Qiao bowed his thanks. Xiao Daocheng turned to Li Mu, who had always been silent, and after a few words, Fang Xian left.

Gao Qiao asked Li Xie to take the woman named Lvniang to see the injury. Li Xie agreed, and went to Lvniang to help her up, not to mention the injury.

With a smile on his face, Ding Song sent Gao Qiao and Li Mu out. Thinking of the scene where the sword was drawn, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Three days later, Li Mu went up to the temple early and begged to return to Jingkou to visit his mother, and then returned to Yicheng and went to Chang'an to serve as the prefect.

The emperor had previously learned about it from Gao Qiao, and he would play it in court. After the dynasty was dispersed that day, in front of the gate of the Gao family, all the court officials heard the news and came to say goodbye.

Li Mu was busy socializing with people during the day and never saw anyone.

I have to leave Jiankang tomorrow morning.

Xiang Wan, Luoshen had already packed up, nothing to do, sitting in front of the window, holding the scroll in one hand and holding his cheek in the other, looking at the open space in the courtyard where the wind-blown bananas had been shoveled, and gradually, he came out again. God has arisen.

That rainy night, before Li Mu came back, it turned out that he met Lu Huanzhi again and severely injured him.

It is said that up to now, Lu Huanzhi is still unconscious. The imperial doctor was also helpless, saying that he would heal slowly, and he might wake up one day.

Of course, the implication is that it may not be possible to wake up.

When Luo Shen heard the news, his mood was very complicated.

It's not that he was so stubborn about why he went to a place like Qinlou.

For this, she completely trusted him. Even if she went, she must be socializing with her friends, so she didn't feel worried at all.

But she couldn't figure it out more and more, even if Li Mu really helped Lu Jianbuping with his sword, he wouldn't miss Lu Huanzhi's serious injury to such a degree.

Luoshen always felt that Li Mu was an extremely stable and restrained person.

He should know that serious injury to Lu Huanzhi may cause trouble not only for him, but also for his father.

But he still did.

In the past few days, his behavior, one after another, has all been so abnormal.

In the past two days, he seems to have finally returned to his original appearance. So when the two were facing each other in private, she tried to ask him why he hated Lu Huanzhi so much.

Judging by the degree of Lu Huanzhi's provocation in the street that day, although it was hateful, Li Mu, whom Luoshen knew, had never been so narrow-minded.

He didn't admit it, just said it was a momentary miss. She asked again, and he took care of him.

His apparently evasive attitude made Luoshen feel deeply disappointed again.

I'm leaving tomorrow. She should have felt relieved to end this unpleasant trip.

But it didn't. She just felt upset.

What happened that night before Li Mu came back?

Night fell gradually.

Luoshen put down the book in her hand, stood up, and wandered around the room for a long time. The thought that had started in her heart two days ago resurfaced and became clear.

She clenched her fists and finally made up her mind.

It is precisely because I will be leaving tomorrow, and I will return to Jiankang next time, and I don't know when it will be.

If she didn't clarify the doubts in her heart before she left, even if she returned to Yicheng with him, she would not be at peace.

She went to the door, opened the door, and told the maid outside to prepare the car for her.

When it got dark, the bullock cart that Luoshen was sitting on stopped by the bank of Qinhuai.

She boarded a hired boat and sat quietly in the closed cabin, waiting for the person she wanted to call.

Lu Niang had a neck injury, and she hadn't seen any visitors a few days ago. Because of the good medicine she used, today, the wound she cut herself has been scarred. Suddenly I heard that there was a high-profile guest who was boating on Qinhuai tonight. He wanted to board the boat and play the piano by himself. Thinking it would help the fun, he hesitated, agreed, and dressed up. On the shore, I saw a large boat parked there, looked behind me, paused for a while, and finally went up.

She was led into the cabin by a maid, and when she looked closely, she saw that the porthole in the cabin was closed and the lights were bright, but there was no man inside.

On one of the couch, there was only a young woman with a childish look on her face. Looking at her clothes, she should be married.

Lu Niang was startled, she immediately turned her head and looked behind her, only to see the woman smiled at her and said, "I am the one who invited you to board the boat. Sister, please sit down as you please."

Lu Niang looked at her in surprise, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Dare to ask who the little lady is? Why do you ask the slave to come over?"

Luo Shendao: "Li Mu is my lord. Tonight I invite my sister to come, it's just one thing, I want to ask my sister."

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