MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2695 disappear

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

The Bewitching Monument, which had sealed the despicable Haierbo underground for nearly a thousand years, could not suppress the witch Kern for even three seconds...

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this seems to be a matter of course, and Maca probably knows that there may be such a result.

Yes, Professor Dumbledore and Greenwald joined forces to fight against him. Even if he was stronger than the witch Kern, he was obviously injured.

The way she appeared from behind Maca didn't look good.

It's a pity that at the moment when the two finally forcibly grabbed her, although Maca captured the timing of the action very accurately, with the help of the power of Safina, who holds the power of "arrogance", she prepared here in advance. The Bewitching Monument successfully gave her that one shot, but it still failed to seal her.

But, as Kern herself put it, even aside from this failure, Kern is literally left in this place—at least until she finds a way to get back into the physical world. stay in this white place.

Presumably she would not be unfamiliar with this place, after all, she had wandered back two thousand years in this unreal place before that!

As for the reason why she couldn't leave...

"According to her previous strange reaction, it seems that it is because of this... the arrival of 'another Maca'?"

The quick-thinking Hermione realized this subconsciously, but at the moment, she didn't have the time to think more deeply.

Because the moment the witch Kern finished her previous remarks, the scene in front of her once again experienced a dramatic change beyond everyone's imagination—

"Ms. Kern, it seems that it is really not easy to get your sincere compliment!"

When saying this sentence, Maca's chest has been penetrated by the other's hand.

Although from the perspective of location, it is not where the most important heart is, but even so, the severity of the injury will not be reduced too much, but it will add more pain than a fatal blow.

However, his tone remained calm.


Seeing him with his back to this side, he grabbed Kern's arm that penetrated his chest from behind with both hands, and said slowly:

"Since you're satisfied, shouldn't it be time for me to be a little bit more satisfied?"


Before Kern could finish his words, along with a crisp glass shattering sound, the others could only see the space where the two of them were in a sudden pause.

In that stagnant space, there were only a few invisible scattered gravels glowing with insignificant golden light, floating and scattered in a state contrary to common sense, from fast to slow, and then again from slow to fast.

The overwhelming sense of abruptness made everyone's heart tremble, but they couldn't react at all. Because this process seems to be very slow in the eyes, but in fact it is so fast that it is difficult to describe in words.



Before Kern's surprise could be fully translated into words, he was blocked by an incomparably powerful force that no one knew about, and then wrapped her around her and Maca, who still maintained a posture of being penetrated by her hand. , disappeared from the public eye.

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】


The belated cry seemed to resound throughout the entire space, so that the surrounding scenery had undergone new changes. The original, completely different scenery on the front and rear sides began to become hazy and distorted, and then slowly changed, and then changed, until white once again took over the entire field of vision.

It was Hermione and Harry who shouted. After they came to their senses, they both subconsciously took a few steps forward, but they stopped again soon after.

Behind them, in addition to Safina, who was confused, Luna stood there blankly, seemingly stunned.

Then, all eyes refocused on the "other Maca" who was still standing not far ahead.

At this time, he hadn't looked back, he was still standing there, looking at the place where Kern and "him" disappeared, wondering what he was thinking.

"Children, how are you?"

Suddenly, an old and familiar voice sounded from everyone's ears. Then, as far as the corner of the eye could see, a small flame jumped up with a "poof", and when everyone turned their attention, it swelled and turned into the golden flame that was just seen not long ago. Red Phoenix.

When the phoenix changed into a human form again, the blue flame that appeared next to him also changed into the appearance of Greenwald.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, everything will be fine..."

It was Dumbledore who spoke, and although Greenwald also appeared together, he did not speak, but stood by with a sullen face and speechless.

"Professor Dumbledore—" Harry looked at the old man, then turned to look at the back not far away, not knowing what else to say.

In fact, he didn't blame him, because even Hermione just opened her mouth silently at the moment. There are thousands of words I want to say, but right now...

"Professor," she stumbled after a few seconds of stunned silence, "Kern... no, I mean... is this the end...?"

In fact, Dumbledore's figure at this time looked a bit immature, and Greenwald's state was actually even worse. But maybe it's because of the state of the soul! On the surface, at least, they were still as spotless as they were before.

For Hermione's question, Dumbledore was still calm, only to see him smile first, then turn around and point out:

"I can't answer it! Miss Granger, I think you should ask your Professor McLean! After all, he is probably the only one in the world who knows the answer to all these questions."

"Don't you even know?"

Suddenly, Greenwald next to him interjected.

Dumbledore gave him another smile.

"You and I just happened to pass by, didn't I?" he said, "I only know what I can know..."

"It's a bit cunning to say that! The professor knows a lot more than I thought! Without the assistance of the professor and Mr. Greenwald just now, all the plans would not be possible..."

I don't know when, Maca who was standing over there has also turned around and returned to a few people. After joking about Professor Dumbledore, he looked at everyone left and right, and then smiled at Hermione and said:

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

"I heard what you asked just now... Well, in fact, our work is not over, there is still the last and most critical step left - let's go! Say goodbye to the professor and Mr. Greenwald, we should go back! "

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