MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 200 Doppelganger seems stronger than you

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"What are you doing again?"

Tom doesn't want to talk anymore, Qin Weijie, this crazy critic, is about to start doing things again.

"The ban on the second-level domain has been broken, and mirror magic can also be used. Pull this group of knights into mirror space, our skills CD, and mirror shadow can still play! Pulling into mirror space is the home field of mirror shadow, which consumes energy. Kill them! Let's take the opportunity to hide and heal."

Saying that Qin Weijie took out Uncle De's double-sided mirror in his arms, Emma also pulled Tom Yukong and landed it on the dragon's Kuntu's head.

The next second, a guy who looked exactly like Qin Weijie appeared beside Qin Weijie.

It's just that this guy's appearance is a bit...a bit unsightly.

At this time, Jingying was sitting on the toilet with a newspaper in hand, and while it was convenient, he was humming the little song Qin Weijie taught him:

"Oh my god, my broken shoes are leaking toes

The teacher asked me to pay the tuition fee, I said to wait two days.

I have no money, I'm barefoot, there are snowflakes outside

The little girl next door saw it with tears in her eyes.

She is my sweetheart, she is named Xiaojuaner...

Um? Why is it a little frozen? ...whoops! Qin Weijie, your uncle..."

The mirror shadow people are stupid, standing on the back of the dragon and shit, this is the first time, and it is still in front of so many people... The ultimate society died, live broadcast.

"Can you put your pants up first, don't you see that you are desperately trying?" Qin Weijie was speechless, and sighed while trying to block the hole in his chest that was bleeding continuously.

"Fuck you, he's not prepared at all. You've been gone for more than a month, and you haven't contacted me for more than a month. Who knows you'll find me when I'm shitting!"

Jingying put on his trousers and threw the Daily Prophet aside: "Say, what's the matter?"

Qin Weijie stared at Mirror Shadow's ass, his temples twitching: "You don't seem to have wiped your ass!"

"Don't care about this...Fuck it, breaking the domain level! You are sick, why don't you run away and die!" Jingying said that she was about to open the mirror passage and escape: "Go to death yourself, don't mess with my mentality. !"

Qin Weijie grabbed Jingying's collar and grabbed it back for him: "Don't force it, don't worry about that golden retriever, I'll let you pull the group of guys who use the Heroic Spirit Battle Formation into the mirror space, and enter the slow exhaustion. Kill them and find a place for us to recover by the way."

"I've really suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes. I might as well have had a fight with you back then. If you win, I will merge with you, and if you lose, you will be able to fulfill me! It's better now, you **** kill me, let me Wipe your ass!" Mirror Shadow said cursingly.

Qin Weijie rolled his eyes at him: "Who asked you to wipe your butt, you only need to be responsible for pulling the group of knights in, and I will wipe your **** for you!"

"Hehe, who cares! Look, it's not just pulling people into the mirror space, as long as it's not a domain-breaking level, it's fine!"

Mirror shadow said, Qin Weijie suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking, turned to look.

The mirror was cracked...

It is a crack in the real physical sense, and the crack is very hierarchical, with dense cracks all over the body.


The cracked mirror image suddenly shattered, turning into dust in an instant, and the wind blows it to the end.

"I've seen the ashes and ashes, but you raised yourself up, there's something wrong with this operation!" Qin Weijie subconsciously complained.

Tom on the side glanced at the speechless Emma with a wry smile, and reached out and patted Emma on the shoulder: "It's good to get used to it, talking a lot is part of Vijay's battles, and I have to say that sometimes he talks a lot. It can really create a miraculous effect, at least every time he fights with people, his rude words have the effect of making the enemy lose their minds."

"Hey, this is a sensible person. Talking a lot is my tactic! You don't understand..."

Qin Weijie got off the donkey and looked shameless.

Tom was silent, saying that you were fat and you were out of breath. Your rhetoric had nothing to do with tactics, it was just because you were rude.

Of course, Tom didn't dare to say the above, after all, Tom believed that he really couldn't beat Qin Weijie on weekdays.

Emma didn't bother to pay any attention to Qin Weijie, she snorted lightly and looked at the mirror image of 'disappearing ashes'.

The mirror image shattered into countless pieces of dust, drifting away in the wind, as if consciously approaching the Knights of the Round Table who formed the battle formation.

At this time, the Knights of the Round Table didn't notice the dust scattered in the wind at all, and their targets were still Qin Weijie and Tom.

The three of them were all in the air at this time, and Qin Weijie was still surprised how these guys attacked him at an altitude of tens of meters. In the next second, Qin Weijie couldn't help but complain.

"Damn it, Mr. Newton's coffin board can't hold it!"

I saw the phantom of the knight, who was about ten meters tall, stepped on the hoof, and ran in the void without any help, as if an invisible ramp appeared in the air, and the phantom of the knight's heroic spirit came straight to Kuntu.

Seeing this, Qin Weijie patted Kuntu's head without a word. Kuntu fluttered his wings and spit out a mouthful of icy blue dragon flames. Under the breath of dragon flames, the phantom of the knight who stepped into the air was startled. After struggling to resist, it stopped in mid-air.

At this moment, the mirror image turned into countless crystal dust also approached the knight phantom, and countless crystal dust surrounded the knight phantom.

Mutations suddenly occurred, and countless dusts began to fission and recombine, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into a spherical mirror, wrapping the phantom of the knight in it.

The wrapped knight phantom resisted, and at first could use the spear to break through the spherical mirror, but every time the spherical mirror was broken, it would quickly recover.

In just three breaths, after countless times of breaking and standing, the mirror surface of the ball was impregnable, and the Knights of the Round Table did not resist.

Immediately, the spherical mirror began to collapse rapidly, and eventually turned from a mirrored sphere with a diameter of tens of meters to the size of a basketball.

No one knows what happened to the knight phantom that was wrapped in it before.

Only to see that the basketball-sized sphere in front of him has gradually become illusory, as if there is no such space.

After a few flashes, the orb disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

Seeing this scene, Emma couldn't help opening her mouth: "Your clone seems to be stronger than you!"

Qin Weijie shook his head with a wry smile: "I have learned too many things, and I am not precise. In addition to practicing basic magic, the grandson of mirror shadow has always focused on 'mirror magic'. He is a mirror creature and has a unique talent, mirror magic. Even more bizarre.

Originally, this guy was able to practice mystical arts, but in the later stage he saw that I had chosen a tricky way, and it became more and more treacherous, and as a mirror image creature, his body composition was still different from mine, and he simply could not make the meridians go retrograde, so he gave up the mystery directly. Practice, focus on mirror magic. "

"Okay, stop popular science, and get out! Didn't you see that the golden retriever has noticed you!"

Tom cried out in a hurry.

Qin Weijie took a closer look, and the King Blonde actually raised the two battle axes on his waist again, looking at the three of them eager to try, the cold light of the two battle axes distorted the surrounding space.


Saying that, Qin Weijie instantly opened a passage in the mirror space, threw Tom and Emma into it, and then looked at the blond king.

Even at this time, Qin Weijie still didn't forget to sneer: "Golden Retriever, UU reading We will settle the account slowly later! As a member of the Knights, I will definitely report today's incident by attacking and killing my fellow Knights. King Arthur, I want to see what you have to say when you fall!"

Before he finished speaking, the two battle axes slashed towards Qin Weijie, and the axes spun in the air, turning into two flaming wheels.

When the steamer was less than two meters away from Qin Weijie, Qin Weijie stepped into the mirror space.

The two battle axes slashed at the neck of the giant dragon Kuntu, and the dragon's head was directly cut off.

Kuntu wanted to cry without tears at this time: "What a sin! How can you be such a boss! It's a pity that I'm just an undead dragon, I can't die if I want to die!"

Qin Weijie entered the mirror space, and countless undead creatures stood there like puppets without control. In the next second, all the bodies of the undead turned into ashes, and they dissipated as soon as the wind blew, along with the red mountains and fields. The other side flower.

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