MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-Chapter 4 I beat the Dark Lord

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"Have you heard? Tom was beaten this morning!"

"Really? How is it possible? Who has ever seen Tom suffer?"

"Just who is so powerful?"

"I don't know, I heard it's a child about the same age as Tom"

"Shh, don't say anything, Tom is here."

At 9 a.m., a group of children were sitting around in the activity room of the orphanage. They were all discussing Tom's beating, but everyone became silent when they saw Tom come in.

Obviously, they were afraid of Tom.

Before entering the activity room, Tom heard them discuss, but he was not angry.

For Tom, he disdains to be angry with these people, a group of vulgar vulgar people.

One day will only try to flatter Mrs. Cole or Ms. Martha.

Or, self-righteous clinging together, forming one vulnerable group after another, to exclude people who are not with them.

I have to admit that these orphans are actually much precocious than the children of the same age.

They live in such an era and in such an environment. They are well versed in the world. They learned to flatter early, they learned to hold a group early, and they learned to exclude those who are different from them.

A small orphanage is like a small society with distinct hierarchies.

There was a time when they tried to include Tom in this equally distinct little society.

But Tom did not agree with them.

Ever since he was a child, Tom had a feeling that he and they belonged to two completely different worlds, and he was afraid that he would never fit into their circles in his life.

Tom doesn't like to flatter others, let alone others' charity.

But Tom's incompatibility is called self-righteousness in the eyes of others.

Since you don't join us, then you are the enemy.

You are destined to be excluded, neglected, slandered, ridiculed, bullied...

For a period of time, young Tom became the target of public criticism, and this group of seemingly innocent orphans did everything possible.

Malicious slander, persuasion, sarcasm, coercion, enticement, bullying...

A lot of times, when adults face children's evil deeds, they always say, "Children, it's just a joke, but under such "joke", how much shame and malice are hidden?

What's chilling is that all these maliciousness and unbearableness are also hidden under their seemingly innocent appearance.

I don't know when their malice will plant the seeds of evil, and one day in the future, under the watering of more malice, it will grow into an evil flower and continue to spread the pollen of malice.

The rest is hard to say for now, but the seed of evil has been planted, and that is Tom.

Tom Riddle, the future Dark Lord, a mysterious man who pulled the entire British wizarding world into darkness.

When there is oppression, there will be resistance.

Since the first rebellion, Tom has discovered his special talent.

Billy Stubbs used to be jealous of Tom's performance in the orphanage, so he said a lot of slander to Tom in front of Mrs. Cole, which resulted in Tom being locked in the confinement room and starving for three days.

Three days later, Tom brutally killed Billy's rabbit and used magic to hang the rabbit's body on the beam where Billy was sleeping.

Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop once "kindly" invited Tom to be their friend (servant), but they fought Tom after being rejected.

A few days later, Mrs. Cole took the orphans on an outing (actually to make a face project, coaxing a rich London nobleman to fund the orphanage, but most of the money went to Mrs. Cole), during the outing Tom Introduce the two into a cave.

He summoned hundreds of poisonous snakes using Parsel's tongue, ordered the poisonous snakes to scare the two of them, and used magic to hang Amy and Dennis upside down, and let the poisonous snakes lick their faces with their snake letters.

In the end, Amy and Dennis were so frightened that they didn't recover for more than half a year.

Using his talent for magic, Tom protected himself.

But at the same time, he also found that he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being feared by others, and the feeling of looking down on all beings from above.

At that moment, the evil seeds in Tom's heart sprouted, and he mistaken the fear of others as respect.

It is wrong to look up at others as respect.

Over time, he has become accustomed to playing and bullying these poor Muggles.

He didn't even realize that, I don't know when, he has become another of them, a villain who is more excessive, terrifying, and more unscrupulous than them.

Let's talk about Tom's previous life here, and let's say that Tom walked into the activity room.

The entire activity room was instantly silent.

Tom walked to the most window seat in the room with a cold face. There was already a person sitting there, but Tom didn't care.

"Get out of the way" Tom said coldly

The girl in the seat was startled and hurried out of the way.

Tom sat down slowly, instead of paying attention to other people, he looked out the window on his own.

Not far from the window, I saw a boy in his early ten years, dressed in strange clothes, sitting on the steps with a small sick dog in his arms.

The boy casually leaned on the steps, raised Erlang's legs, teased the puppy in his arms from time to time, and kept an eye on the gate of the orphanage, as if he was anxiously waiting for someone.

"What on earth did this poor old man Dumbledore do? If I hadn't known that he was a teacher at Hogwarts, I would have thought I was sold by Hanton again..."

Qin Weijie waited boredly for Dumbledore, not feeling very beautiful.

At this moment, something in the shadow of the grass not far from Qin Weijie was approaching him.

It was a yellow-green snake with a triangular head, obviously a venomous snake.

In fact, Qin Weijie had already discovered the trace of the snake, but he ignored it and sat still.

In vain, the snake in the grass rose without warning and attacked Qin Weijie like a catapult.

The snake's mouth was wide open, sticky and crystal venom hung on the two fangs, and the target of the fangs was Qin Weijie's calf.

Seeing that the poisonous snake was about to bite Qin Weijie's leg, Qin Weijie was still lazy, but Tom, who was standing by the window, was already nervous.

This is the first time Tom has the idea of ​​killing someone. In the past, he used magic at most to scare others, and never caused any substantial harm to them.

At this time, Tom didn't even think about the consequences, he only knew that he was extremely angry because of what happened in the morning.

However, when the viper was about to bite Qin Weijie, Tom regretted it.

Tom was a little annoyed by his lack of calm. After all, this was a life.

"I can teach him another way~ I can let the viper scare him, or I can attack his dog..."

At this moment, Tom regretted it.

But the viper was destined not to hear Tom's voice, and it was about to hit him with a single blow, and things took an unexpected change.

"Oh, little thing, is it really for the young master? You are afraid that your life is too long. Believe it or not, young master, I will pull out your snake gallbladder to make up for your body..."

The ending was beyond Tom's expectations. The poisonous snake did not hurt Qin Weijie.

Just when the poisonous snake was about to bite Qin Weijie, Qin Weijie actually grabbed the head of the poisonous snake and stepped on the snake's seven inches with his feet.


"Now you know to beg for mercy? It's too late!"

Saying that, Qin Weijie was about to lift the poisonous snake's tail.

To know that snake is an animal, only one bone is very fragile, just lift its tail and shake it vigorously.

The bones of the snake's body were all broken, and it was naturally cold... It's not right to say that, snakes are cold-blooded animals, strictly speaking, they have changed from animals to food.


The viper is still struggling and begging for mercy

"Oh, and the mastermind... You are a snake, why do you listen to people's words?"


"Tom? Snake language? Parseltongue! Heck, he wouldn't be..."

Qin Weijie suddenly realized Tom's identity. Although he hadn't read the original book in his previous life, he had watched the movie and knew that Comrade Voldemort was a Parseltonian.

As the memory was activated little by little, Qin Weijie also recalled the name Tom Riddle, which was Voldemort's real name.

I haven't reacted before. It's all because when I first came into contact with the Harry Potter series of movies in my previous life, I watched pirated Taiwanese versions.

The translation of the name on the Taiwanese version is not foreign at all. Tom Riddle can be called Tom Riddle, why don't you call it Tom Pipe? I remember that in my previous life in America, there seemed to be a pipe brand called Old Tom.

"It's unbelievable, I actually beat the Dark Lord? I won't be in danger of life... Uh, it seems to have already! Why don't you just fight, as for killing people? The Dark Lord is worthy of being the Dark Lord, he has been him since he was a child, meow perverted."

Qin Weijie thought to himself, and lowered his impression of Tom again.

"Okay, I won't kill you anymore. Go back and tell Tom not to mess with me. Next time, let's see who kills who first..."

Speaking of which, Qin Weijie let the yellow-green poisonous snake go away, and at the same time let the snake convey his attitude to him.

Qin Weijie doesn't like trouble, and in his opinion, he will inevitably meet Tom at school in the future, so he doesn't want to tear his face with Tom completely. Letting go of the poisonous snake has two meanings.

First, show your abilities and tell Tom, don't mess with me

Second, as a warning, show your tough attitude.

If Tom continues to be unrelenting, then Qin Weijie really doesn't mind helping the world clean up the scourge 50 years ahead of schedule.

After the poisonous snake left, Qin Weijie continued to sit lazily on the steps.

Tom, on the other hand, frowned and looked out the window. Tom could see the scene just now. Although he didn't hear what Qin Weijie said, he could clearly see that Qin Weijie was communicating with the snake.

"Does he have the same talent as me?" Tom secretly asked.

At this moment, Qin Weijie, who was sitting on the steps in the distance, slowly turned his head and looked at Tom with a half-smile.

The two looked at each other, each having other thoughts.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Dumbledore, whom Qin Weijie had been waiting for for a long time, finally returned.

However, Dumbledore's face was not very good-looking, as if he had encountered something difficult.

Qin Weijie wanted to inquire, but Dumbledore just smiled at him when he entered the door, and then walked straight into Mrs. Cole's room.

Mrs. Cole is the manager of this orphanage. She looks thin and bony, with anxiety on her face. She doesn't know what she is worried about. Anyway, Qin Weijie didn't like this old woman very much after observing this morning.

This old woman is extremely mean, and has always been bossy to the other employees of the orphanage.

In the morning, two children got chickenpox. Mrs. Cole, a big idler, didn't go to see it. She only scolded and instructed Martha to take care of it, and kept ordering various things to other employees.

At the same time, Qin Weijie also discovered that this Mrs. Cole has been embezzling the operating funds of the orphanage to enrich her own pockets. Otherwise, a huge orphanage would not only let the children eat rye bread and expired bacon...

Dumbledore didn't stay in Mrs. Cole's office for too long. Qin Weijie was lying at the door and overheard what they were talking about.

It's nothing more than Mrs. Cole complaining that Tom is not a normal person.

In fact, Mrs. Cole doesn't need to remind him of this at all. Just look at Lao Deng Tou's fancy dress, how can he look like a normal old man? Can this old man be a normal person for recruiting students?

A normal person, you are not qualified to enter Hogwarts.

When Dumbledore and Mrs. Cole walked out of the office, they ran into Qin Weijie.

"I heard that you and Tom don't get along very well... I just want to go up and see him, do you want to go with me?" Dumbledore said with a smile. In his opinion, Qin Weijie and Tom are two conflicting parties. child.

And only Qin Weijie and Tom knew that they almost killed themselves.

"Forget it, it's very hard to speak because of the language barrier. I'll just wait at the door."

"You should be trying to eavesdrop."

"How can this be called eavesdropping? I'm practicing English listening..."

Dumbledore chuckled lightly, and followed Mrs. Cole upstairs. Qin Weijie consciously followed behind Dumbledore.

"Where is this child from?" Mrs. Cole couldn't help asking, listening to Qin Weijie and Dumbledore communicating in Chinese just now, a little curious.

"This child is from China, his father is from China, and his mother is a noble lady of the British Empire."

"Oh, nobles~"

Hearing that the noble Mrs. Cole's eyes lit up, she couldn't help looking at Qin Weijie a few more times, her eyes flashing with desire for money.

After a morning of understanding, Qin Weijie is very clear that this Mrs. Cole is best at using hypocrisy to win the sympathy of those nobles and rich people, and then to further defraud them for the operating funds of the so-called orphanage.

Tom's room is on the third floor, which is also the highest floor of the orphanage.

Perhaps the only way to look out from here is not to be blocked by the surrounding railings. There is a little free air.

Mrs. Cole led Dumbledore and Qin Weijie to Tom's door, opened the door and left.

Qin Weijie didn't go in, but just stood outside the door and helped Dumbledore close the door.

After closing the door, Qin Weijie unscrupulously eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

Obviously, Tom didn't give Dumbledore face at all, and even thought Dumbledore was a doctor from the mental hospital brought by Mrs. Cole at first.

However, Dumbledore was a professor who knew magic. After a few simple magics, he temporarily stabilized Tom, and allowed Tom to accept the fact that he was a wizard.

Obviously, Tom was very happy after learning that he was a wizard. As he expected, he was not a vulgar ordinary person, he was fundamentally different from those people.

At this moment, Tom felt that he had found his own kind, and his lonely heart seemed to be comforted a little.

"Hogwarts has a fund for those who need help to buy textbooks and school robes. I'm afraid some of your magic books can only be bought second-hand, but—"

Speaking of the issue of school funding, Dumbledore explained patiently

"Where can I buy a magic book?" Tom's voice was a little excited

"In Diagon Alley," said Dumbledore. "I've brought your book list and school supplies list. I can help you get everything—"

"You want to accompany me?"

"Of course, if you—"

"I don't need you," said Tom. "I'm used to doing things by myself, and I'm always running around London all by myself. So how do I get to this Diagon Alley—sir?"

Dumbledore told Tom how to get to the Leaky Cauldron, and then reminded a little worriedly:

"You can see it, even though the Muggles around you - people who don't know magic - can't see it. Ask Tom the bartender - easy to remember, with the same name as you -"

Tom couldn't help but get annoyed, with a look of disgust.

"You don't like the name 'Tom'?" Dumbledore asked.

"Too many people called 'Tom'...but, was my father a wizard? They told me his name was Tom Riddle too."

Speaking of his father, Tom was inexplicably excited. Although he had never seen his father, he had an inexplicable respect for his father.

Dumbledore, frowned, and lied out of kindness: "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Dumbledore really couldn't bear to destroy a child's wonderful fantasy about his father. If possible, Dumbledore hoped that Tom would not let Tom know the truth in his life, and let him keep his wonderful fantasy about his father forever.

Dumbledore explained a few more details about how to get to the school and then planned to get up and leave.

"I can talk to snakes. I found it when we were hiking in the suburbs - they found me and whispered to me. Is this normal for a wizard?" Tom asked suddenly and coldly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Dumbledore was startled. Parseltongue was indeed unusual.

"Rare, but not unheard of."

"You said it's rare? But that, that boy, he can, like me, talk to snakes." Tom was still thinking about Qin Weijie.

Ever since the snake came back and told Tom what Qin Weijie had told him to convey, Tom has been thinking about Qin Weijie in his mind, and in his heart he has inexplicably classified Qin Weijie as his own kind.

"This... Vijay's situation is a bit more complicated and unusual than yours," Dumbledore said. "I heard that some unpleasant things happened to the two of you, but I hope you can clear up your suspicions when you get to school."

Speaking of which, Dumbledore was about to walk out of the door, but at this time he was stopped by Tom.

"Wait, where is he from? Why can't I understand his language?"

Tom still remembers Qin Weijie's plausibility when he beat him in the morning.

"Vijay comes from the mysterious East, and the language he speaks is called Chinese, which is a very ancient and mysterious language." Dumbledore said, "If you are very interested in him, I hope you are at Hogwarts. Can be friends. Okay, bye Tom, see you at Hogwarts."

Speaking of which, Dumbledore opened the door, and Qin Weijie happened to be eavesdropping on the door, and was taken aback for a while.

"I'll go, Professor, your opening the door was so small that it surprised me." Qin Weijie pretended to be timid.

"Goodbye, see you at Hogwarts!"

After the door opened, Tom responded.

However, at this time, Tom's eyes were fixed on Qin Weijie, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to Dumbledore or Qin Weijie.