MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v18 Chapter 24 (60)

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People, it is not easy to have an abortion, and our family will not become what it is now.

Of course, even if the family does not mention it, outsiders will not say it less. Liu Fang knew from a young age that it was because of herself that her parents were laid off.

But when Liu Fang was ten years old, there was a problem with the machines in the factory, and the technicians in the entire factory couldn't repair it. Just in time, Liu Fang's father found out and went to the factory to repair it.

After the factory manager and others learned about it, they made an exception and rehired Liu Fang's parents to work in the factory until they retired.

But at that time, the Liu family had four children going to school, and the burden was always heavy. Although the state-owned factory had good benefits, it was relatively speaking. For the Liu family, it still could not change the reality of their poor family.

Therefore, from a very young age, Liu Fang began to do short-term jobs for some small workshops in the village. During the winter and summer vacations, he either glued matchboxes in a match factory or wrapped candies in a sugar factory.

In short, she is trying to reduce the burden on the family. Not only she is like this, Liu Fang's eldest brother, eldest sister, and younger brother are also like this. Look for the jobs they can do, minimize play time during the holidays, make money, and fill the family.

But when Liu Fang was in high school, because her younger brother was going to high school, her brother had just graduated, and her sister was still in her freshman year, Liu Fang was almost unable to continue school.

Liu Fang's eldest sister Liu Xin's consideration at the time was not to let Liu Fang go to school, but to temporarily take a year off so that she would have time to earn enough tuition to allow her younger brother to go to high school smoothly and wait for the second year. Liu Fang can continue to go to school without delaying her.

However, the reason why Liu Fang was reluctant was that she could earn enough tuition and would not affect her younger brother.

But without seeing Liu Fang earning money, Liu Xin, as the eldest sister, said something like "I'm very disappointed in you."

But when Liu Fang earned back the tuition fee and came back, Liu Xin felt sad, heartbroken, and complicated feelings, so she couldn't say anything to apologize. It's not because my sister's identity is hard to say, and I feel that I think too much for granted. I don't care about my sister's thoughts and abilities, and I feel too ashamed, so I don't have the face to say it.

In the days that followed, when she watched her sister become an excellent person step by step and gradually succeed, she finally realized the fact that she underestimated her sister's ability.

She is a really great person!

Even if it's not the smartest, it's hard enough and tough! She can keep moving forward towards her goal, no matter how hard and tiring the process is, she will not give up. This is her sister!

She is really proud to have such an excellent sister!

But what she didn't expect was that Liu Fang would die suddenly at such a young age.

This made her feel unbelievable, and at the same time, she was especially sad that she had not apologized for what she said at the beginning. Why did her sister die?

At the funeral, Liu Xin realized how much things her sister left to her parents, things that she would never be able to do as a sister.

It's not that she can't earn it, but even if she earns it, she can't be like a younger sister and only leave it to her parents.

She is not as good as her!

Liu Xin returned home before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw his parents, who had been dressed in new clothes, holding sacrifices and bouquets in their hands, ready to go out.

When Mother Liu saw Liu Xin, she snorted lightly, ignored her, and walked away. Liu Xin didn't take it at all, touched his nose, and said to Father Liu, "Dad, let me get it."

Father Liu handed her the things in his hand and said, "Your brother and your brother, it's already passed."

"Well, Zhang Wei drove over. Niuniu and Lele were both in the car."

"Come on, don't blame your mother for being angry."

"Don't worry, Dad, I don't blame Mom."

Every year, Qingming, Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, and Spring Festival are the days when their family must gather together, in order to be able to worship their sister Liu Fang together.

Liu Xin knew that her mother was afraid that her sister would be lonely there, and hoped that during such a festival, she would feel a touch of warmth from the company of her family.

Liu Fang, who had completed the task of receiving and leading, stood in front of the door and watched her brother-in-law pick up her parents to go to her tomb with her eldest brother and sister-in-law, younger siblings, nephews and nieces, nephews and nieces, all present.

They worshiped her solemnly and devoutly, obviously not a day or two.

Liu Fang's heart was aching painfully.

After the worship, the eldest brother said to Liu Xiao, "Dad, you are getting older and older, so stay with me."

Sister-in-law also nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Mom, if you come along with me, don't live in the village. Let's live in the city with us. It's convenient to go to the hospital for check-ups in the future, isn't it?"

Liu's father and Liu's mother shook their heads, and Liu's mother said, "I know you are all good children, but we will not cause trouble for you. Besides, your sisters are all here, and we are still alive, so we want to accompany her."

When other people hear it, even if they want to persuade them again, it is not easy to say anything.

Liu Xin said, "Then why don't you hire a nanny, at least let her help the two of you with housework or something, and you don't need to be so tired with your dad all the time."

Mother Liu waved her hands and said, "Hey, what's your babysitter? Now my dad and I are okay, and doing housework can be regarded as an activity. Let's talk about it later when we can't move anymore."

Liu Xin wanted to say something, her brother-in-law tugged at her sleeve, smiled and said to Liu's mother, "Mom is right. That's right, Mom, I met a fellow in the past two days. She just came to the city. , I haven't adjusted to the life in the city, I want to find a job, but I always run into a wall. So, why don't you take her in first? This is my hometown, I'll give you a guarantee for your character, how about it?"

Mother Liu looked at her son-in-law with a look of disbelief, "Isn't your home in the province? How come there are fellows?"

The brother-in-law smiled and said, "Mom, that's a relative of my father's hometown. No, she came to the city and couldn't find a job, so she couldn't live any longer. But she was stubborn and refused to accept my mother's financial support. I I just thought that she is a person who knows the bottom line, is a good person, and has a good character, so I plan to let you take a look. If she is good, then keep her, and I will let her go when I have a suitable job in the future. She's gone. If it's not good, I'll buy her a ticket and take her back to her hometown. Look, is this okay?"

Liu's mother listened and looked at each other with Liu's father, and Liu's father said, "Otherwise, let's take a look."

Mother Liu nodded and agreed.

Liu Xin and Liu Xiao were all relieved. With their backs to Liu's father and Liu's mother, they gave the brother-in-law a thumbs up. The brother-in-law smiled and whispered something to Liu Xin's ear, and then Liu Xin gave a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes angrily, and finally nodded, agreeing to him.

The brother-in-law smiled brightly, and diligently opened the door for Liu's father and mother.

Liu Fang watched her family leave, turned her head to look at her tombstone, and finally smiled and gradually disappeared.

As for Mother Liu, who was sitting in the car, Liu Xin suddenly felt something. She turned to look at the cemetery behind, but did not see the familiar figure they were familiar with. It was the only one who came here to visit the tomb and worship on this day. other strangers.

Liu's mother's eyes suddenly became wet, Liu Xin stretched out her hand to wrap her mother's shoulder, and said with tears in her eyes, "She must be doing well."

Whether she has been reincarnated or she is still in another world, she believes that her sister must be doing well now!

The autumn wind blew the fallen leaves on the ground, and the raised leaves, along the wind, gradually drifted away, under the blue sky and white clouds, as if to fly to the sky and the future!

In this life, our fate has been exhausted, I hope in the next life, we are still destined to meet!

-To all the people in the world who love each other.


Liu Fang's love

That year, Liu Fang was 21, when she was young. On that day, she was on night shift in a bookstore. This was the first part-time job she found after college. The bookstore is located in the university town, the environment is good, and the books sold are relatively professional books and periodicals in various fields. Therefore, the people who come here are basically people with a senior year or a graduate degree or above. The former is preparing for postgraduate entrance examination or planning to take the public examination, while the latter is for their respective research topics, papers and so on.

The owner of this bookstore is good. Although it is not common, the salary of the bookstore is very high. He has always been very supportive of the work-study students in the university. Therefore, Liu Fang cherishes this job very much, and will complete her work tasks very seriously every time.

In order to free up time to study, she chose to work part-time at night, so that she could recite words or something while thinking in a relatively quiet environment with few people, and she would not delay her work.

But this night, a man dressed in casual clothes like a high school student came in. As soon as he came in, he stood in front of the counter and chatted with Liu Fang.

"Are you new here?"

Liu Fang, who had just worked for half a month, glanced at the other party and nodded, "Well, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm just asking, by the way, what's your name?"

Liu Fang frowned at that time, and didn't plan to answer him, only smiled professionally, "Sir, if you want to buy books, go inside, if you want to read books, go there, there is a reading room."

The man raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Liu Fang, as if he was very surprised by her attitude and words, but he just smiled meaningfully and said, "Thank you, I didn't come to buy or read books... "

Liu Fang immediately wanted to ask back, "Then why are you here? Mocking a bookstore cashier?"

But at this moment, the boss came out of the back office, and when he saw the man, he smiled and said, "Ajun, why are you here so soon? Ajie and the others haven't arrived yet."

The man named Ajun smiled, turned to Liu Fang's boss and said, "It's nothing, I haven't been here for a long time, so I'll come and have a look."

"That's right, when you paid the money, you left it alone, you should have come over and have a look..."

While talking, the boss introduced to Liu Fang, "Liu Fang, let me introduce to you, this is the big boss in our store, Shao Jun. Ajun, this is a part-time employee we just hired, a worker from JUM. The freshman in the management department, Liu Fang. Her grades are comparable to what you had back then! Speaking of which, you are still brothers and sisters..."

Shao Jun smiled and stretched out his fair and slender hand to Liu Fang, "Hello."

Liu Fang blushed and reached out to shake his hand, knowing that she had misunderstood him just now.

Shao Jun smiled meaningfully and said to Liu Fang, "Ahao is right, you are my junior sister, so, junior sister, is it convenient to leave a contact number?"

Liu Fang…

So, he's still trying to strike up a conversation, right?

The subsequent development completely exceeded Liu Fang's expectations. Shao Jun was clearly a busy man. He opened a technology company at that time, mainly providing technical management support for large companies, and developing some practical software. Every day is busy enough in the company. His mother is also the boss of a clothing company, and he has to work part-time in the management of that company. In addition, he invested in various classmates, friends, and opened various stores in partnership... He is still studying for a doctorate in China.

But he is such a busy person. After getting Liu Fang's phone number, he texted Liu Fang every three days, made phone calls, and answered all Liu Fang's questions patiently.

It's hard for Liu Fang to think about it. It wasn't until Valentine's Day in his junior year that he specially invited Liu Fang to a very formal western restaurant, played the violin "My Alice" in person, and confessed to Liu Fang, Liu Fang was completely sure that he really didn't. Think more.

But she was hesitant.

After all, the difference in identities between the two is too great. In contrast, Liu Fang's appearance is only ordinary, capable, but not very extraordinary. It is only by diligence and hard work that he has achieved outstanding results. And her family background, she is even more ordinary to the point of poverty.

Can these two people with such disparity be together, can they really spend the long life in the future?

Liu Fang was not sure at the time, and even very dissatisfied.

But Shao Jun said very sincerely, "Perhaps, in your opinion, I am a young master from a wealthy family, but I am not.

When I was young, my family was just an ordinary family. In order to start a business, my mother had no time to take care of me. My father often ignored me in order to take care of my mother.

It is not their urging that I can become so good, but the loneliness in my childhood. Only in books can I find my own comfort and relieve the loneliness without anyone to accompany me.

On that day, the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the person I wanted to meet in my life, the rib I lost.

So, don't reject me, I promise, I will make you happy! Until the moment my life ends! "

Liu Fang cried, the first time she cried so sadly, she agreed to him. Shao Jun was happy like a child, holding Liu Fang excitedly, just like holding the most precious treasure in the world.

This is where their love begins. It can be said that in this relationship, Liu Fang was happy, but maybe it was too happy. When the bad news happened, she and Shao Jun were caught off guard and unprepared - he suffered from brain cancer.

The location of the tumor is below the neurovascular, in the corner of the entire brain tissue, that is to say, the location of his tumor is not easy to operate. But without surgery, he will surely die.

Such bad news made Liu Fang like the sky falling. At that time, she was struggling between postgraduate entrance examination and internship work. After learning the news, she immediately decided to give up postgraduate entrance examination.

But Shao Jun took her hand and said, "No, you can't give up your dream for me, Fangfang, promise me and stick to it. Because it's my responsibility to make you happy, don't let me leave with regrets. "

The second time Liu Fang cried heartbreakingly, she understood at that time that this man, in order to love her, didn't even want his life.

Shao Jun smiled and said, "That's not the case. God didn't let me have enough time to love you. I'm sorry, Fangfang, I broke my promise."

The time to love you is too short, it's my fault. How I wish I could grow old with you, wear a dress with you, walk across the long red carpet, and accept the blessings of the world. I wish I could love you more and longer...

Shao Jun left, and his life ended at the age of 28. He did not choose surgery because he was afraid that after the failure of his surgery, he would not even have the last few months.

He has done what he once confessed to Liu Fang, and I will give you happiness until the moment when my life ends!

Liu Fang was happy until he left, and her happiness ended on the day he left.

This life is too short to love each other, I hope you and I can love each other again in the next life, join hands for a lifetime, and have no regrets!

—To all those who have lost loved ones.

The me who loves you is still in love in heaven, so you must be happy!

(End of full text)

The author has something to say about the incident of Liu Fang's parents, which is set based on what the scum author heard when he was a child. At that time, in the small town where I lived, something like this happened—a couple who had been fired from a state-run factory because of a superbirth (not on purpose, but because they got pregnant after wearing a ring at that time, and the woman’s body did not allow an abortion, so After giving birth, he was dismissed by the factory). Later, because the man had repaired the factory’s machinery, the state-owned factory made an exception to re-employ their husband and wife in order to retain the rare talents. The man is the chief of the technical department (later promoted), and the woman is the accountant of the factory.

Their four children are indeed very talented and have very good achievements.

Therefore, the scum author set up the experience of Liu Fang's parents based on this heard.

It's really over!

Guys, see you next time!

Love you guys!


May all those who love each other be happy forever!

I wish you all the best of luck to all of you dear ones!