MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v17 Chapter 7

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When Zhuo Qing left the school gate, the female bodyguard who was sitting in the co-pilot quickly got out of the car, opened the back seat for her, and let Zhuo Qing get in the car.

This is also a place Zhuo Qing is not used to. Zhuo's mother was worried about her safety. Although she was mild-mannered, she insisted that she must have bodyguards **** her to and from school, and even the driver was assigned to her by retired special forces personnel.

It is said that this was specially found by Zhuo's mother.

Although Zhuo Qing knew that this was her mother's love for her, she still felt unaccustomed to it.

However, Zhuo Qing didn't refuse. First, she was soft-hearted and didn't know how to refuse people. What she said to Qiao Xiuya was her best. Second, she didn't understand the difference between the Zhuo family and the Liu family, so she tried her best to get used to it.

Zhuo Qing pursed her lips and sat in the back seat. The female bodyguard closed the door, got on the co-pilot and sat down. After closing the door, the car slowly moved forward.

In fact, Zhuo Qing is not stupid.

On the contrary, in a family like the Liu family, she was admitted to a key high school with her own efforts, and ranked among the best in the same grade, which proves that she is actually quite smart, with her own set of logic, three views, unique judgment.

It's not that she doesn't understand what Qiao Xiuya said, but she believes in her own judgment.

She had met Liu Fang, although only twice. But just because Liu Fang is the same age as her, she has already achieved such an amazing level. She feels that Liu Fang is not stupid.

And as long as she wasn't stupid, she wouldn't do stupid things.

Now, the two of them have just changed their identities, and the other party will definitely not do much at this time. It's not that Liu Fang will definitely covet the wealth of the Zhuo family, but Zhuo Qing feels that such a brain is extremely smart. People, will use such low-level means to get what she wants?

Zhuo Qing thinks not.

Instead, she believed that Liu Fang would create greater wealth and greater value than the Zhuo family by her own ability, which was in line with her IQ and the education she had received in the Zhuo family since she was a child.

Therefore, Zhuo Qing didn't believe a word of what Qiao Xiuya said, and even thought it was extremely absurd: Only people who are not enterprising, have no ability, and no self-confidence would think so and do this.

Even if it was herself, even if she returned to the Zhuo family, she never thought about inheriting the wealth of the Zhuo family. After all, these are the things that Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother have worked hard for half their lives. Although she is theirs

Their biological daughter, but they have no shame in saying that they must distribute the property to her.

What is the difference between such an idea and moral kidnapping? Could it be that just because they are her own parents, they will always be given and asked for by her?

Don't say anything, she once lived in the ordinary Liu family to suffer and suffer, and she should be compensated. All this is not what the two families want, neither is what the Zhuo family thinks, nor what the Liu family thinks. This is an accidental accident.

Using this as a bargaining chip, forcing Zhuo's father and mother to compensate her, what's the point of her returning to the Zhuo family? Wouldn't it be better if the Zhuo family gave her the money directly and bought out this kinship, would it be better?

She doesn't need to readjust to the new family, the new family. Father Liu and the others have raised her for so many years, and they can also get a large amount of money as compensation for this, and instantly become a wealthy family.

But that's not the case.

In fact, the Zhuo family has never thought about any compensation for the Liu family, but said that the two families still walk around as relatives. Why is this? Is it because Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother are reluctant to pay that compensation? not really.

On the contrary, they can give a large amount of compensation, which is more than Zhuo Qing and Liu's family imagined. However, they did not do so. The reason is that for the Liu family, Zhuo Qing is neither an object nor a tool. She is still their family, their daughter, and their sister. How can such a relationship be measured only by money?

Isn't this humiliating the Liu family? At the same time, he was humiliating Zhuo Qing, and even the Zhuo family themselves.

Therefore, Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother never thought about giving the Liu family any compensation. As for Zhuo Qing, of course they love her dearly. Should you say she feels guilty? Maybe there is a little bit, but it's not much, and more is still distressed, distressed that she has lived in someone else's house for so long because of an unpredictable accident.

At the same time, Zhuo’s father and Zhuo’s mother are also fortunate, fortunate that Zhuo Qing is in such a good family as Liu’s. Although she is not materially rich, she is very healthy mentally. She has always been loved and grown up by her family, and has never suffered Real pain and ups and downs.

For the Liu family, they are grateful.

And it is precisely because of their gratitude that they will not discuss money with each other, but respect each other's relationship and relationship with Zhuo Qing extremely, and hope that the two families can continue to maintain a friendly relationship and get along with each other in the future.

It is because of the attitude of Zhuo's father and mother that Zhuo Qing misses the life in Liu's family very much.

, she didn't show it either, trying her best to integrate into the Zhuo family, trying her best to adapt herself to the current life.

Zhuo Qing sat in the car and watched the hustle and bustle of the city outside the window, but her heart gradually calmed down.

During this period of time, everything came together. She really didn't have time to sort out her thoughts. Today, thanks to Qiao Xiuya, she had time to sort out her emotions, events, including Zhuo Xiuya. Her parents love her dearly.

Zhuo Qing smiled slightly, in fact, this kind of life is not difficult to adapt to, she believes that she can.


In the blink of an eye, it was the dinner party held by the Zhuo family on Saturday.

This dinner was specially prepared for Zhuo Qing, but also for Liu Fang and the Liu family.

Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother introduced Zhuo Qing very solemnly, as well as the Liu family, including Liu Fang, whose identity has changed.

Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother did not hide what happened, and explained it in detail and clearly. Then Zhuo's mother held Zhuo Qing in one hand and Liu Fang in the other, and smiled and said to all the guests who came to Zhuo's house for the dinner, " I am very happy today, because I have not only found my own daughter, but also an excellent daughter who has grown up by my side. Both children are good children with excellent conduct, and I am proud of being their mothers!"

Naturally, the crowd applauded very face-to-face. As for what they thought, it is unknown. However, Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother don't care.

Father Liu and the others were also wearing the dresses prepared by Father Zhuo and Mother Zhuo, standing aside, applauding with moist eyes.

Afterwards, Zhuo Ting and Zhuo Rui were the male partners of the opening dance and invited Zhuo Qing and Liu Fang to dance together.

In fact, ballroom dancing is taught in Zhuo Qing's school, not to mention Liu Fang. After living in Zhuo's house for so long, he has learned it a long time ago.

Therefore, both of them followed the two brothers of the Zhuo family very calmly and gracefully, dancing gracefully, causing all the guests to nod their heads in their hearts.

The guests of the same generation as Father Zhuo and the others are basically rich people in China, and all of them are talented people. Even if they feel disapproval of this **** family affair of the Zhuo family, they will not show it.

But their children, the younger generation who are about the same age as Zhuo Rui, are different.

In private, everything is said.

No, the classic dog blood drama was staged like this.

After Zhuo Qing finished the opening dance and got to know people she should know with her mother, she smiled and said sorry, and then went to the toilet to touch up her makeup and solve personal problems by the way.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished flushing, two girls walked in outside, standing at the sink, looking in the mirror to touch up her makeup, and chatting.

One said, "Hey, I really don't know what the Zhuo family's mentality is, but they are so embarrassed to hold such a grand dinner for the real daughter of the pheasant, what a waste of money, okay? Look at the smile on her face just now, It's fake and disgusting."

The other said, "I think it's fun that the original fake daughter fell into the pheasant's nest all of a sudden. Look at her today, she's still just as arrogant, what's there to be proud of? Without the Zhuo family, wouldn't she be a stinky part-timer?"

"That is, if a month is good, you can earn 10,000 or 20,000 yuan. If it's not good, ah, that's 3,000 or 5,000 yuan. It's really not enough to eat a meal."

"That's not it. If you want me to say, she deserves to be so arrogant before? Hmph, what's the use of studying well? Can I eat or drink? I'm just a scumbag, but who made my family? Where's the money?"

"Speaking of which, the real daughter is also. Look at her actions, her rigid communication etiquette, it makes me want to laugh. But I can't blame others. After all, she is said to be the eldest miss of the Zhuo family, but she has grown up since she was a child. Growing up in a family of ordinary people, what kind of platform can someone from such a small family come out of? The small family is also normal."

"It's, it's..."

Zhuo Qing was trembling with anger and her eyes were red, but she didn't dare to go out. She hid in the toilet and didn't know what to do?

Go out and attack them like Qiao Xiuya?

But what if they get into trouble and make their parents humiliated and disappointed?

Zhuo Qing hesitated for a while, wondering if she should go out.

But when she was struggling, a cold and calm voice came from outside.

"Thank you for your concern. However, these are the family affairs of my Zhuo family, so don't bother the two of you. If you two really want to care about the family affairs of the Zhuo family, please come to my parents in person. There said, I believe they will be very happy to tell you: what is not on the table, what is real tutoring."

Zhuo Qing was taken aback: Isn't this Liu Fang?

Unexpectedly, she heard it too. When did she hear that? Is it the same as yourself? Or came from behind?

When Zhuo Qing came in, she didn't pay attention to whether there was anyone in the toilet, so she couldn't imagine whether Liu Fang had just come to hear it, or if she was here a long time ago.

☆、Other types are content and happy to wear

Liu Fang was very comfortable watching Father Liu and the others at the banquet, and Zhuo Ting and Zhuo Rui took care of them, so they felt at ease. She put down the glass of juice, and went to the toilet on the side of the banquet hall to make it easier. Just like that, just as Liu Fang walked to the door of the toilet, she happened to hear these two young and rich second-generation people talking behind their backs.

Liu Fang stepped forward and walked in, her eyes were light, looking at the two people who were stunned and extremely embarrassed, she continued calmly, "Speaking of which, I am also very interested in chatting with the parents of the two. Let’s talk about so-called parenting issues.”

At first, the two of them couldn't come back to their senses, but when they heard Liu Fang say this, they suddenly came back to their senses completely. They know very well that, in fact, their parents have always liked Liu Fang very much, and they even talk about it at home, and they are full of envy to Zhuo's father and mother: everyone wants to have such a smart daughter who doesn't need to worry about it. .

After all, it's all about face and pride.

But for them, they have been listening to how Liu Fang grew up in such an environment, which really gave them a lot of pressure and inexplicable grievances.

It's like a mountain that you can never climb, giving them inexplicable pressure. And they also know that this crushing of IQ does not mean that they can be compared in terms of money.

Moreover, when Liu Fang was the daughter of the Zhuo family, they were not as good as Liu Fang in the family world.

For various reasons, they were actually very jealous of Liu Fang in private.

Now that they heard Liu Fang's words, they suddenly felt a little scared.

However, at the same time, they were also a little unconvinced: this Zhuo Fang, oh, no, it should be said that Liu Fang, she is so hateful, she is no longer the eldest miss of the Zhuo family, what qualification does she have to say here What "this is all my Zhuo family's family affairs"?

In this way, even though the two were afraid, they raised their heads and looked at Liu Fang, who was smaller than them but taller than them, and spoke with contempt.

One of them said directly, "Oh? Didn't you recognize your biological parents? Speaking of which, you are no longer surnamed Zhuo, so what qualifications do you have to teach us here?"

The other one saw this and smiled sarcastically, "That's right, they've all been kicked out of the Zhuo family's door, what qualifications do you have to speak to us?"

However, Liu Fang still looked indifferent and said calmly, "Yes, I have now recognized my biological parents, and even my surname has changed. But

, I am still the daughter raised by the Zhuo family for 16 years, and my relationship with the parents of the Zhuo family is still there. In addition, I also met the parents of the two of them. I think that even if I am not the daughter of the Zhuo family, this does not prevent me from discussing with them about the upbringing of the two of them. what do you say? "

The two choked: Indeed, Liu Fang's genius will not change because she is not the daughter of the Zhuo family. In the end, she was still the genius who was about to graduate from a double major at the age of sixteen, and even they knew that the other party had already been accepted by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Such a character, even if she has never been the daughter of the Zhuo family, has one or two points of decency in front of their parents, at least, much more respectable than them-although they are the children of their own parents, they have been scumbags since childhood. , growing up so big, their parents have long been completely disappointed with them.

Moreover, their family is not the only one child, either with a brother above or a younger brother below, all of them are excellent.

Under such circumstances, to be honest, they are not really favored in their own homes, and naturally they are not as important as Liu Fang in front of their parents.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's worries and scruples, so they gave in.

They smiled, and first said with a smile: "Actually, we are just joking, you don't have to be so serious."

The other one was also saying, "That's right, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. Haha, it's been a long time since we've been out, so let's go back quickly."

After saying that, they smiled at Liu Fang and wanted to leave.

As soon as Liu Fang saw them like this, she did not continue to entangle them too much, and turned away and let them go.

Liu Fang looked at the figure they couldn't see around the corner after they walked out of the toilet, and couldn't help shaking her head. These rich second-generation daughters really don't know what to do.

However, she also understands that gossip is not wrong, it's just that what they say is a bit ugly.

After thinking about it, Liu Fang turned around to find a toilet cubicle for convenience, but at this moment, Zhuo Qing pushed open the door of the toilet cubicle and walked out.

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows slightly: I didn't expect Zhuo Qing to be in here?

Zhuo Qing was a little embarrassed, looking at Liu Fang and didn't know what to say.

Liu Fang didn't know what to say for a while.

Speaking of which, the two of them were actually really strangers. Before this, the two of them may never have thought that they would meet or know each other. After all, they grew up in completely different environments. But because of this unbelievable incident, their lives have changed since then.

, also inexplicably intersected.

But whether it was Liu Fang or Zhuo Qing, in fact, they were unprepared and didn't know how to face each other.

From Liu Fang's point of view: Zhuo Qing's appearance is a bomb to break her former wealthy life. Liu Fang will no longer be a child of the Zhuo family, and she will not be able to enjoy everything in the Zhuo family.

From Zhuo Qing's point of view: Liu Fang enjoys everything that should belong to her since she was a child, a rich life, a better education, and also her biological parents who love her very much.

This is not to say that Liu Fang and Zhuo Qing think this way, but the fact that it looks like this, and what outsiders see is also like this.

Although the parties did not care about these, these problems caused by their identities do exist objectively.

Therefore, even if they met several times, Liu Fang and Zhuo Qing felt embarrassed facing each other.

She was relatively speechless for a while, and finally Zhuo Qing twisted her hands and said uneasily, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's because I was too cowardly to come out and confront them head-on."

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect Zhuo Qing to think so. For a while, I thought this kid was really cute.

But when she saw Zhuo Qing's appearance, she also understood her concerns. After all, she had just returned to Zhuo's house not long ago, so she wasn't sure about the preferences of Zhuo's parents and Zhuo's mother, and she was a little worried that her behavior was wrong, which would affect Zhuo's father and mother's perception of her.

She smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing. People like them are actually quite normal. You don't need to pay too much attention to the remarks made by outsiders. It's enough that you know that the Zhuo family's parents love you very much. In fact, you don't need to think about you. Doing things will make them unhappy or something. There are too many concerns. I believe that they actually want you to be happy. Hope to see you make changes that make you happy in order to cater to them. You need to know that you are their biological daughter!"

When Zhuo Qing heard this, her heart trembled: Indeed! Although the time she spent with Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother was only a few days, she could still feel the family's love for her.

At the same time, she also understood the kindness of Liu Fang's words, so Zhuo Qing smiled and said, "Well, I understand. Thank you...sister."

Liu Fang was taken aback.

Zhuo Qing blushed a little, looked at her shyly, and said with a smile, "You don't mind if I call you sister? I know you came out earlier than me.

Born half an hour. Although not by much, you are still a little bit older than me. "

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhuo Qing's fingers were about to be twisted by herself, and if her voice hadn't trembled slightly, Liu Fangzhen might have felt that she was very confident in saying this.

It's a really nice...sister, isn't it?

Liu Fang smiled and said, "Of course you can. According to our age, we were indeed born on the same day in the same year, the same month, but I was born half an hour earlier than you, so she is also your sister."

Zhuo Qing looked at her smile. For some reason, her eyes were a little sour. She nodded and said, "Well, sister, in fact, you can come home often to have a look. Mom and Dad miss you very much."

Liu Fang looked at Zhuo Qing with a brighter smile on her face. She nodded and said, "Okay, I will come back often to see Mom and Dad. By the way, Mom and Dad miss you too."

Zhuo Qing knew what Liu Fang said, the second parents were Liu's father and Liu's mother, and she felt a lot more relaxed, the smile on her face became more comfortable, and the whole person was relaxed.

She nodded with a smile, "I will go back. In fact, I will go back tomorrow to see my parents."

Liu Fang smiled and nodded, "Okay. Welcome."

Zhuo Qing looked at Liu Fang and said with a smile, "Sister, I welcome you too."

Liu Fang also smiled back: "Well, sister, thank you."

Zhuo Qing also smiled brightly and said, "Thank you, sister."

The two looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, the strangeness and embarrassment between them, because of the estrangement of each other's identities, and the many emotions accumulated by the recent series of events, seemed to disappear with such a conversation and a smile. .

Their lives have changed suddenly, but they are also willing to accept each other with the greatest sincerity and truly become a family.

And sometimes, feelings are formed so easily, especially when two girls of the same age, chatting and chatting, find that each other's three views are very suitable for their own appetite, even if they only meet for ten minutes, they will also have an incredible deep friendship. .

Therefore, when Liu Fang and Zhuo Qing returned to the banquet hall hand in hand, both Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother, the two brothers Zhuo Ting, and Liu's father were all surprised: what happened to them?

Why is the relationship so good all of a sudden?

The two families looked at each other and were a little dazed. They didn't quite understand the current girl's mind and what was going on.

Especially Liu Jie and Zhuo Rui, who stood together and looked at each other, saw each other's surprise and confusion.

"Do you know what happened to them?"

Zhuo Rui asked Liu Jie, Liu Jie shook his head and said, "You asked me about the code, I understand, the girl's mind? I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Zhuo Rui suddenly felt as if he had met a confidant, and put his hand around Liu Jie's shoulder and said, "You are also studying computer?"

Liu Jie was surprised, "No way? You too?"

Zhuo Rui coughed twice and said a little embarrassedly, "Be quiet, my parents and my mother don't know. They always thought I was an MBA."

Liu Jie: …