MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v16 Chapter 6

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Wenxian Residence in the inner city.

The two men in plain clothes sitting opposite to each other were playing chess, listening to the servant's report, the man in green clothes sitting on the left sighed and said slowly, "What a pity. It really doesn't exist anymore."

The black-clothed man on the right raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly, "This is just your wishful thinking. As long as there are still people in the Liu family, the Liu family will continue and will not be destroyed."

The man in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "With Liu Zirun's aptitude, it's nothing to worry about. Not to mention him, even his younger brothers, Liu Ziming, Liu Ziqian, and Liu Ziyue, are not my opponents."

The man in Xuanyi sneered, let out a child leisurely, and said lightly, "Really? Then why did his father escape this time?"

The man in Tsing Yi's face suddenly sank, he put away his leisurely demeanor, frowned and said thoughtfully, "I'm just weird too. According to the temperament of the Liu family, they would never have imagined the key to this."

The man in Xuanyi said lightly, "You are wrong. Someone in the ancestors of the Liu family used this trick, but it was against other countries."

The man in Tsing Yi's face became more and more ugly after hearing this, "These big families are really annoying, if their ancestors are too outstanding, there have been so many amazing talents, just a Liu Weide ③ Where do I need to use so many connections. , planning for so long?"

The man in Xuanyi was extraordinarily calm and solemn, "You underestimate them."

The man in Tsing Yi nodded slightly, "Indeed. After this battle, I know that the Liu family is indeed prosperous in literary style, and it is still not to be underestimated."

The black-clothed man sighed and said slowly, "There is a reason for such an aristocratic family that has existed for hundreds of years. You and I are not enough to shake them in the slightest. The layout in the future needs to be cautious. "

The man in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, although I lost this time, my ending is still very clean, and no one will find out."

Only then did the black-clothed man ease his expression and nodded slightly, "So good."


In the palace, in the emperor's bedroom.

The queen mother looked at her son who was kneeling on the ground and was crying, her face was completely white, she said with a trembling voice, "Just because the master said that you should not indulge in beauty, you just sent the master to prison?"

The little emperor, Wei Chengdi, blushed and said with tears in his eyes, "Mother, I didn't mean to,

I really didn't mean to. I'm just too angry, I'm the emperor, right? The Taifu said every day how to be a monarch and how to be a minister, so why couldn't he do it himself? As a minister, how can he control me everywhere? I just wanted to..."

But the queen mother burst into tears and cried out loudly and sadly, interrupting his words, so frightened that Emperor Wei Cheng no longer had the temperament that an emperor should have.

The queen mother choked at him and said with tears, "Okay, you can get your wish. In the future, as an emperor, no one will control you, and no one will restrain you. You really got your wish..."

Wei Chengdi was startled, he looked at the queen mother and said, "Mother, what do you mean by this?"

The Empress Dowager was full of discouragement and said in despair, "What do you mean? It means, Your Majesty the Emperor will leave the capital, and after a while, the Qingliu faction will become the same as before, and will not care about our lives. They only care about the people, the world, how you and my mother and son are, and they don't care. As for your two uncles? Other ministers, oh, they only care about their own power, prestige, glory and wealth, no Take care of you and mine. At that time, as Your Majesty, you can play whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, no one will care about you anymore, you are happy!"

The more the Empress Dowager spoke, the more excited she became. In the end, she almost shouted to Emperor Wei Cheng, "Because of your momentary anger, the Grand Master is now imprisoned, regardless of whether he was charged or not, with the Liu family's past reputation, He won't, won't, and can't be your master again. So, you can be happy, and you can do as you wish."

It was only at this moment that Emperor Wei Cheng suddenly remembered that his situation as an emperor was not so wonderful!

It can be said that he completely relied on Liu Zhi's prestige in the Qingliu faction and the Liu family's reputation for hundreds of years to secure the throne.

Because Liu Zhi supports his orthodoxy, and because the Liu family is a holy place for people in the world, he can temporarily stabilize the court and his throne without so many troubles.

But as soon as Liu Zhi left, Emperor Wei Cheng knew that his emperor had really become a decoration.

Wei Chengdi suddenly panicked. After all, he was only a twelve-year-old boy, and he was always protected by the Queen Mother and Liu Zhi. To be honest, he did not encounter any real power struggles. Everything was blocked by the Queen Mother and Liu Zhi, giving him the greatest stable growth environment.

But precisely because of such an environment, the young emperor's character became arrogant and inferior.


He knew who he depended on to survive in peace, but because of this, he felt very unwilling in his heart because of his identity.

Obviously he is the emperor, and he was born to listen to him, but now he finds that it is not the case.

Above the court, all the ministers may listen to his grandfather, his uncle, his mother... but no one listens to him.

This made Emperor Wei Cheng extremely embarrassed, and felt that when he was the emperor, he was completely their puppet, and he could not have any ideas of himself.

It feels really bad.

Let Wei Chengdi desperately need to vent!

So, when he saw that kind of book, he naturally wanted to try it.

But before he could start trying, he was discovered by Liu Zhi, the grandmaster, who immediately confiscated his book and reprimanded him.

If it was as usual, Wei Chengdi would have listened silently, but this time he probably had been holding it for a long time, and suddenly he couldn't hold it any longer. On impulse, he ordered Liu Zhi to be locked up.

But he didn't know that as soon as he made this move, other people above the court who had been eyeing him for a long time started various actions, so it was only later that the students and literati knelt in front of the palace gate to plead for mercy.

Looking at the whole incident and the end, we can know that the emperor Wei Chengdi has been surrounded by wolves for a long time, waiting for him to turn against Liu Zhi one day, they can justifiably kill Liu Zhi, by the way. If Emperor Wei Cheng was also accused of murdering loyal ministers, deceiving his masters and destroying his ancestors, then if he followed up with agitating the people or something, his emperor would really be completely cold.

Wei Chengdi still couldn't figure out such a power struggle for a while, but what he knew now is that Liu Zhi was locked up by him, and he would probably resign directly and retire, and no longer enter the officialdom.

And he really lost his only support.

At this time, Emperor Wei Cheng was really panicked. He walked on his knees to the Queen Mother's leg, stretched out his hand and grabbed the tail of the Queen Mother's phoenix robe, and said in a panic, "Mother mother, mother mother, this, what should I do now? I now In the end how to do?"

But the queen mother is no longer able to deal with him. She knows that their mother and son are really finished! It's over!

Seeing that the Queen Mother did not respond, Wei Chengdi only held his head and wept silently, and knew that this matter was difficult, or that there was no other way.

But he didn't dare to think what would happen to him without Liu Zhi's support in the future. So he thought desperately, and suddenly his eyes lit up, he grabbed the Queen Mother's hand and said,

"Empress mother, I know, I know what to do. I'm going to the prison now, to see the Taifu, I'm going to beg him, can you say it? I'm a king to beg him, he will definitely agree to come back, Most definitely."

The queen mother looked at Wei Chengdi, who still couldn't see the situation clearly, closed her eyes in disappointment, and said slowly, "Even if you go to ask the master, the master will not agree. Moreover, even if he agrees, it will not help, others will not Allow him to stay in Kyoto again."

This game was originally designed to kill Liu Zhi, but now someone has broken a hole. Naturally, they will not be willing to turn it over like this. Instead, they will seize the point that Wei Chengdi is angry with the grand master, and force them all. To force him to drive away Liu Zhi.

They wouldn't care about what Liu Zhi made Wei Chengdi angry for, and they wouldn't care if Wei Chengdi regretted it or not. drive away!

This is their ultimate goal: to make Emperor Wei Cheng and the Empress Dowager helpless and completely become their puppets.

No one will miss such a great opportunity.

The empress dowager can see clearly, so is Liu Zhi naturally.

The reason why he let Wei Chengdi put him in prison so calmly was to see if the student could see through this, and if he could find a way out of the situation.

He understood that these were all things that Emperor Wei Cheng had to experience as a monarch. He was twelve years old, no longer the four-year-old child he used to be, and he should shoulder the burden of being the king of a country.

This time, it is a very good opportunity for him to really show his edge.

Unfortunately, Liu Zhi was disappointed, and so was the Queen Mother.

Emperor Wei Cheng did not have the courage to be a king, nor the courage to be a king.

He even came to the Queen Mother to cry at the first time, like a doll who has not been weaned, making the Queen Mother completely discouraged, only to feel that the future is gloomy, there is no light at all, and there is no hope.

The Empress Dowager stood up weakly, broke free from Emperor Wei Cheng's hand, and said lightly, "Your Majesty, think about it again, Aijia is tired, so I went back to the palace to rest."

Seeing the Queen Mother's expression, Wei Chengdi was even more flustered, "Queen Mother!"

The Queen Mother did not seem to hear it, and walked slowly away from the hall.

Emperor Wei Cheng cried out, "Empress mother, do you care about the emperor?"

The Empress Dowager stood in the corridor outside the main hall, looking up at the high sky, with tears in her eyes, and muttered to herself, "How can Aijia manage?"

She tried her best to get Liu Zhi back to Beijing, and she tried her best to maintain her son's throne, but now, he was single-handedly destroyed by him.

Oh, freedom?

When he could not even save his life, Huang'er thought about freedom?

Isn't it funny what is it?

Is this not her failure?

That's it, it's a day to live, she doesn't struggle anymore, and she can't struggle anymore.

☆、Other types are content and happy to wear

in prison

Liu Zhi sat indifferently wearing a plain clothes on the ground covered with hay, closed his eyes lightly, and listened to the quiet voices in the sky prison.

The detention area where he is located, in the eyes of the Liu family, is a place where he will always come to an official in his entire life - an area dedicated to detaining civil servants.

In general, because of the Liu family, Liu Zhi was not much embarrassed. Even the people in the prison, whether they are prisoners or yamen, are very respectful and courteous to him.

Liu Zhi never worried about how he would go to the prison. It's just death, he's not afraid, he also believes that his wife will arrange the family well, and also will not be afraid to go to Huangquan with him.

However, what he was afraid of was His Majesty the Emperor.

He was afraid that this little Emperor student would not be able to penetrate the game in the end, and let such a great opportunity pass by.

Actually, he doesn't need to do anything. As an emperor who has already sat on the throne, he has a natural advantage. He only needs to watch the people below him make a hundred moves, and then follow their words to give Liu Zhi a neither light nor serious crime, and then Then I mentioned the various glorious histories of the ancestors of the Liu family. No matter how many tricks those ministers had, they would not be able to.

Liu Zhihui will leave here safe and sound. Although he can no longer serve as Taifu, the Liu family is still there. He, the emperor, has also generously benevolent to the Liu family, showing his benevolence, virtue and wisdom. One faction will also re-examine the young monarch.

In this way, Emperor Wei Cheng can really begin to take over the power, possess the honor and dignity that an emperor should have, and other ministers above the court will no longer despise him.

As for Liu Zhi, of course he can continue to stay in the capital and continue to assist His Majesty from open to dark.

However, when the yamen in prison came to deliver dinner, and he didn't receive any news from the palace, Liu Zhi understood: this student, this young monarch, really can't understand this situation.

After dinner, Liu Zhi thanked the yamen who had been waiting, "Thank you for your care."

The yamen in prison hurriedly returned the salute and said, "Master Liu is very polite, the villain's grandfather was once fortunate to be a servant in the family of Huigong, but later his father was not very promising, so he humiliated the family and was unable to continue to serve as a servant by the side of the adults. Don't worry, the lord, the villain has already taken care of it, and the lord will not be wronged."

Liu Zhi looked at the cell he was in, and it was as clean as if it was not a prison. He smiled and said, "It's already very good, so don't worry about it any more."

But the man's eyes turned red for a while, "Your Majesty, rest assured, there has been a lot of rumors outside, saying that someone is planning to frame your Lord and deliberately make Your Majesty and His Majesty's goals go against him. Presumably His Majesty will soon be able to figure it out and let His Majesty go out. "

Liu Zhi smiled lightly and said, "Thank you."

The man wiped the corners of his eyes, picked up Liu Zhi's bowl and chopsticks after he finished his meal, and bowed, then walked out of the cell, locked the door of the cell, and turned to leave.

Liu Zhi stood up, looked at the night sky outside the window through the only small window in the cell, and let out a long sigh.

No matter who broke this situation, he could not restore the friendship between him and His Majesty.

Just as Liu Zhi was sighing at the night sky, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and then the door of the prison was opened, and a voice sounded behind Liu Zhi.


Wei Chengdi disguised himself and knelt behind Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi turned around but didn't look at him for the first time, but looked at the yamen who opened the door for him, and said slowly, "I don't know what your name is?"

The yamen was stunned for a moment, then replied in a daze, "Master, the villain's surname is Zhang, and the single name is a straight character."

Liu Zhi smiled slowly and said, "Zhang Zheng, good name. I wonder if I could trouble you to go to Liu's house and tell my family that I am all right?"

Zhang Zheng nodded and gave a respectful salute, "The villain will go now."

Liu Zhi nodded with a smile, and said, "Can you tell others not to disturb us?"

Zhang Zheng looked at Wei Chengdi, who was kneeling on the ground, wearing a black cloak and couldn't see his face clearly, and looked at Liu Zhi who was still smiling and waiting for him to answer. Suddenly Fu Ling came to him and saluted respectfully, "Yes, my lord, The little guy will explain it."

Liu Zhi then smiled gently and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Zheng was even more respectful, and slowly backed out. As soon as he turned around and walked out of the area, he was shocked into a cold sweat.

He is the steward of this area, and there are five or six people under him who obey his orders. He quickly explained to his subordinates: When the people who visit Mr. Liu come out later, they don't have to worry about it, it is best to hide them all. , don't be touched by him. And after the shift, you have to leave here immediately and don't come back.

All the subordinates felt inexplicable, but when they saw Zhang Zheng's serious face, they did not dare to take it lightly. They quickly prepared, and then waited for the shift, and immediately took their family away after returning home.

This is a later story, just talking about Liu Zhi's side, he saw that Zhang Zheng had already left, and then looked down at Wei Chengdi, who was bowing his head and said nothing.

"Your Majesty

Come down, it's time for you to get up. This ceremony is illegal, you have passed. "

But he himself did not intend to help Wei Chengdi, and still stood in front of Wei Chengdi indifferently.

He's about to die, what's the point of this honorable student kneeling down on him?

Even if he can go out safely in the end, he will no longer have the so-called master-disciple friendship with this student in the future. Liu Zhi is really in no mood to appease this emperor's student who has no responsibility at all.

Wei Chengdi was a little embarrassed, but he knew that if he didn't ask Liu Zhi, he would really be finished.

"Teacher, I was wrong. I shouldn't have ignored your teachings. I'm confused. I'm really wrong. I've brought the carriage. Teacher, you can leave here immediately, and I'll take you home in person..."

Liu Zhi just looked at him like this, speechless, but his eyes became more and more dim, until he finally returned to silence.

He's upright, but he's not a fool.

As the grandson of Duke Hui, and his father is the famous Liu Chengran②, the education Liu Zhi received since he was a child, and the knowledge he has been immersed in, cannot be understood by others.

He grew up playing with his grandfather's memorials, he grew up on the back of the late emperor's father, Wei Wenzu, and he listened to his frailty, but he was still able to rely on his own strength and a tip. He grew up under the guidance of his father who completely solved the danger of the Great Wei and Western Xinjiang being besieged by millions of Mongolian and Tartar armies.

To put it simply, the thickness of the Liu family's family tree is not good-looking. Liu Zhi, the so-called "most mediocre in the Liu family", is only compared with his father and grandfather, compared with the most amazing and talented ancestors of his ancestors, compared with most people, Liu Zhi is definitely a person. Extraordinarily intelligent.

Just such a person, no matter how upright his character is, he can't be a fool who can be fooled by others.

He looked at Wei Chengdi's hypocrisy, but he thought he was very respectful and sincere. The words he said were like the sharpest sword, completely cutting his heart into pieces.

Dawei is finished!

He couldn't help feeling sad.

A dignified emperor, in order to keep the throne, thinks not how to start from the court, but how to play with people's hearts and power. Oh, this world has already collapsed, and it is impossible to continue.

And he, the Taifu who has educated the young emperor in front of him for eight years, has also made a living joke!

Liu Zhi calmly said to Emperor Wei Cheng, "Your Majesty, get up and go back to the palace."

Don't **** him off again.

Wei Chengdi

Startled for a moment, he looked up at Liu Zhi, who was calm and unwavering, as if he was detached from the outside world in an instant, and an unprecedented panic surged in his heart.


However, Liu Zhi still calmly said, "Get up and go back to the palace."

Stay quietly, be an honest puppet, and maybe live a little longer.

Wei Chengdi looked at him blankly, and smiled bitterly, "Teacher, did I make a mistake again?"

He shouldn't be here, right?

Liu Zhi sighed, he couldn't stand this student being so stupid, he taught him for the last time, and said, "Your Majesty, you are the ruler of a country!"

How can a king of a country come to the Heavenly Prison to kneel and beg a sinner who was imprisoned by him?

This not only humiliated his status as an emperor, but also humiliated Liu Zhi, a loyal minister, and even lived up to his dignity as an emperor. He stepped on Liu Zhi's face and told him how much he had done. fail!

Hearing Liu Zhi's words, Emperor Wei Cheng's eyes blushed, and he couldn't help lying on the ground crying bitterly, "What kind of emperor am I!"

No one has no power and no one to rely on, and he may be bombarded by others anytime, anywhere. What is the point of such an emperor?

Liu Zhi closed his eyes and no longer had the strength to speak.

Such an emperor is really exhausted!

How could it be so vulnerable?


Wei Chengdi left in the end. After he returned to the palace, he completely threw away his burdens, and began to prepare a group of beautiful palace maids to vent indulgently all night.

However, he was still afraid of death and cherished his life, and didn't really do anything, just looked at those palace maids.

But such news was soon known by all the people outside the palace who were staring at him.

For a while, they were all hesitant, not knowing whether to believe that Wei Chengdi had broken the jar, or to be vigilant that he was just pretending.


Liu family.

When Liu Fang received the news, she smiled sarcastically.

This young man finally had a brain. No matter if he was wrong or did it on purpose, in short, their Liu family didn't play with him anymore.

Let him die!

She looked at the letter investigating the incident again, and smiled coldly: Very good, do you think she is hiding well? Then she will let them know that it hurts!

See if they dare to stretch their paws at the Liu family at will!

Do you really think that the Liu family is empty now?

Liu Fang looked at Mo He, who was standing beside him with his head bowed, and said lightly, "Tell them, you can move. I want to see them.

Total pain and bleeding! "

Mo He looked up at Liu Fang and respectfully said, "Yes, Master."

Liu Fang turned to look at the night sky outside the window, and said slowly, "How is your mother?"

"Madam didn't ask. She just told my sister to get ready."

Mo He's sister, Mo Xiang, got married a few years ago, and now she is in charge of part of the Liu family's secret guards for the Fang family. It should be said that she is a female secret guard.

The Mohe family are members of the Dark Guard.

However, Mo He still has an identity, that is, the leader of Liu Fang's people.

"Well, let's go."

"Yes, master."

Liu Fang looked at Mo He's figure walking away, and leaned against the soft couch.

In fact, she didn't mean to hide it, so Fang Shi and Liu Zhi should all know what she was doing in private, including the affairs of several brothers and theirs, probably they all knew about it.

Liu Fang couldn't help but smile slightly, so why would outsiders think that their Liu family was dead?