MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and ten: buy a car

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How can such a wealthy boss be a taxi when traveling.

"Master, go to a dealership with luxury cars."

After giving instructions to the taxi driver, Lu Feng turned his head to look at Besisi's pure and delicate face, and said with a smile:

"You are not here, why should I buy a car?"

Although she knew that Boss Lu was joking with her, but hearing this, Beth Sisi was quite happy, and kept punching the former's arm with her small hand:

"Mr. Lu, you are too good at joking."

"No, buy a supercar and take you for a drive."

Lu Feng shook his head and said seriously.


Bei Sisi was a little excited, she had never been in a supercar before, especially when she was sitting with her boss.

The middle-aged taxi driver listened to the words of the two passengers behind him, and he didn't care much. Although Lu Feng didn't look like a poor person, in his eyes, he didn't look like someone who could afford a sports car. How do you look at it? It's like bragging and lying to little girls.

Maybe I went to buy a sports car, bought it, and then bought it in a hotel. Buying a car is fake, but driving is real.

Just when Lufeng picked up Besisi and took a taxi to the nearest sports car dealership, there were already several figures at the place where Besisi was standing just now.

They are all young men in their twenties. They look anxious and excited. Not far away, there are a few figures rushing here. These are all fans of Beth Sisi. It was the one who rushed over in a hurry.

"Dude, did you see clearly? Was there a man in that taxi just now?"

The fans who rushed to the airport first saw Besisi getting into a taxi and leaving, but they were not sure if they read it wrong.

"There is a man."

The other one is very clear because of the direction.

"Could it be that Sisilaimo is dating a local tyrant offline?"

Someone speculated with a sad face.

"How can it be?"

Some fans didn't believe it, how could such a pure girl do such a thing.

"That's right, if you're really rich, you should also be picked up by a luxury car. Why would you take a taxi?"

Someone argued that based on this alone, the person who came to pick up Beth couldn't be a local tyrant.

"Could it be Sisi's boyfriend?"

Someone guessed like this.

"No, when Sisi was broadcasting live, she always said that she was single and had never been in a relationship."

one of them emphasized.

Others didn't believe it either. With Besisi's current conditions, the criteria for choosing a friend had to be chosen among the rich second generation. How could she find a poor boy who worked as a taxi as her boyfriend.

When they were chatting, Beth's fans felt this place one after another, because she didn't move around during the live broadcast, and there were obvious signs around her, so a large group of fans gathered together very quickly, and the scene was quite lively.

It's a pity that it was only a waste of time, and I didn't see with my own eyes the pure girl I thought about day and night.

Besisi's enthusiastic fans here are guessing who the man who came to pick her up in the car is. Although they didn't see the idol in person, they didn't leave immediately. Instead, they talked together and asked him where he worked. Make an appointment when to go sing a song and play a **** together.

Of course, the main talking point was Beth Sisi, after all, everyone had the chance to meet because of this innocent girl.

"It would be great if I could be his boyfriend."

One of them expressed such emotion.

"Don't think about it, girls like this are destined to miss us."

Someone recognized reality.

"By the way, have you guys who came first seen Sisi's appearance, is she the kind who dies at the sight of light?"

The people who came from behind did not see Beth's figure, so they asked.

"It's beautiful, even more beautiful than when it was broadcast live."

Although a few people only saw Besisi's figure from a distance, they were completely convinced.

Unlike some other anchors, there is no difference between them and passers-by when they leave the camera, and some are even not as beautiful as passers-by.

Just as they were chatting happily, everyone's mobile phones rang a notification tone, which was the sound of a concerned anchor in the live broadcast room starting the broadcast.

Hearing this, they looked at each other, a little surprised, no need to think, the one who can make a sound together must be Beth, whom they all pay attention to.

"Buy a car with the boss!"

He took out his mobile phone and entered the live broadcast room, and saw that the name of the room just now had been changed.

The picture on the screen is still that pretty figure with a playful and sly smile on his face. When talking, he did not forget to show the surrounding environment to the watching netizens.






As Bei Sisi's camera moved, among the many netizens who knew about cars, they said the names of the cars that entered the camera one by one.

Even some senior enthusiasts talked about the parameters, engine model, displacement, speed per hour, speed increase from 100 kilometers and so on.

Except for a few car-loving netizens who are focusing on the luxury cars that appear in the camera, there are also some people who are shocked by the collection of luxury cars in the picture. They may not be able to afford one of them in their entire lives, and they will not even step into such a place. .

Of course, most of Beth's fans still focused on the man in black who appeared in the camera, the man communicating with the beautiful woman in professional uniform.

Although it's just a back view, it doesn't look tall, it can only be regarded as above-average, and the hairstyle is also ordinary, and it seems that it has not been taken care of often.

It seems that every move, talking and laughing with that beautiful mature woman is full of inexplicable confidence, but as far as netizens are concerned, they don't look like someone who can afford a luxury car.

Take the cars that appeared in Bei Sisi's lens. Someone who knows the car marked the price, and none of them is less than three million.

This is because it was not during the auto show period, and many limited edition luxury cars were bought by domestic tyrants early, otherwise there would be more luxury cars here, and there would be more expensive ones.

This kind of sensory intuition is like the prince of the king. If he is not very famous, he really can't tell that he is like the son of a rich family.

But apart from these, some people have already guessed the identity of the man in black based on the title of the room.

Who is Besisi's boss? Naturally, it is the boss of Huafeng Media, that is, the peerless winner who was revealed on the Internet a few days ago to be playing rainbow in a bar, driving a Mercedes-Benz to play rit in Ancheng, and also accompanied by four beauties in ancient costumes.

At this time, Lu Feng in the camera turned around, and that familiar face was shown in front of nearly a million viewers, which made Besisi's fans feel a little heartbroken.

"Are you live streaming?"

Seeing Bei Sisi holding the mobile phone facing him, Lu Feng asked amusedly.

Even to go shopping and buy a car, he has to drive his own studio. He is so lucky to have such a dedicated employee, so Lu Feng secretly decided that he must reward Beth Sisi well today.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, do you want to say hello to my fans?"

Seeing that Lu Feng was not angry with her actions, Bei Sisi walked over and stood beside the former.

Immediately, the two stood together within less than 20 centimeters, appearing in the sight of an audience of over a million people.

"Welcome President Lu..."

"Local tycoon..."


On the screen, all kinds of barrage emerged one after another.

"Hello everyone..."

After casually saying hello, Lu Feng stopped talking, turned his body slightly to get himself away from the camera, and then asked the mature woman who is the sales manager:

"When is the car show?"

"Is Mr. Lu not satisfied with the cars here?"

The mature woman had a gentle and charming smile on her face, combined with the mature woman's breath on her body, she was really attractive. She looked at Lu Feng in puzzlement, and after asking a question, she also responded:

"There is no auto show in Magic City recently."


Lu Feng shook his head regretfully.

When asked about the auto show, not only because there are more famous cars and more luxury cars on the auto show, but also because during the auto show, hot and tall car models will also gather like a cloud.

"Then that one."

Since there was no auto show, Lu Feng came here, so naturally he would not return empty-handed, pointing to a car on the side and said.

This is a 2018 Lamborghini with a perfect streamlined body and a black body lying on the smooth floor like a night elf.

"Does Mr. Lu like this?"

Looking at the black Lamborghini that Lu Feng was pointing at, the beautiful woman led her to the side.

Beth in the back also followed behind with her mobile phone in hand, interacting with the audience in a low voice.

"Aventador SVJ, naturally aspirated..."

"The length of the vehicle..."

"It only takes less than three seconds to increase the speed from 100 kilometers."


The beautiful woman introduced the information about this car in detail, and said some data parameters one by one.

Lu Feng listened carefully, but he didn't know much about these things. He was not an audiophile, and he didn't know much about these things before. He only knew one word.



Of course, I often hear that if you drive such a sports car to pick up girls, it will always be beneficial, and there has never been a result of failure.

"How much?"

Lu Feng asked directly.

"Eight million."

The mature woman spoke enthusiastically, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Lu Feng's body, waiting for the final confirmation.

"I'm leaving today."

Lu Feng didn't care how much it was, as long as it wasn't too much trouble.


The beautiful woman patted her chest to assure her.

After deciding to buy this car, the next thing is much simpler. It is nothing more than signing a few words, confirming some information, and then paying by swiping the card.

"If you have any questions later, Mr. Lu, you can consult me ​​alone."

After handing over a contract and the car keys to Lu Feng, the beautiful woman took out a business card and said with a smile.


Taking the beautiful woman's business card and glancing at the name on it, Lu Feng said with a half-smile.

It's very interesting to consult alone. If we were together alone, what would we ask about? The brightness of the pair of full headlights, the streamline problem of the car body, or the loss of fuel.

These are all issues that need to be understood. If it wasn't for Beth Sisi by his side, Lu Feng would be happy to go to a quiet place for a test drive with this beautiful woman, and then deeply understand these issues that are not apparent on the surface.

But with Besisi's existence, the candidate for the co-pilot seat was naturally this innocent girl, not this beautiful woman who was so mature that she seemed to see water.

"Okay, there is a chance."

Putting the business card into his pocket, Lu Feng took a deep look at the beautiful woman and said.

"Is this how the local tyrants spend their money?"

"It's so inhumane!"

"In less than ten minutes, nearly 10 million is gone?"

Millions of viewers who saw the transaction in their eyes all the time, and countless bullet screens slid in the live broadcast room, all wondering what the world of local tyrants is like.

The money that ordinary people can't earn for decades, people spend it with a wave of their fingers, without frowning.

To say that the one who felt the deepest was Besisi who was always by Lu Feng's side.

Although the one million signing fee has already been transferred to her account, the money is still managed by her parents, and when she grew up in an ordinary family, when did she see such a handwriting.

"Turn off the live broadcast."

After waiting for the car dealer's staff to give the license plate and other things, Lu Feng said to Bei Sisi.

"Hmm, Mr. Lu, do you want to take me for a ride?"

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Beth immediately closed the live broadcast room, ignoring some comments on the barrage that speculated about what would happen.

Without millions of viewers, Bei Sisi no longer concealed herself, and jumped directly to Lu Feng's side, her delicate body leaning directly against her, and the faint fragrance entered the latter's respiratory system along the air.

"Otherwise, why buy a car?"

Lu Feng asked back with a smile.

"It's my first time."

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Beth Sisi, who was wearing a seat belt, was a little nervous, but more excited.


When Lu Feng uttered these words, his eyes fell on Beth's thighs covered in white silk stockings.

Further up is the covered scenery under the striped skirt.

"Boss Lu, where are you looking!"

Noticing Lu Feng's gaze, Bei Sisi's fair face flushed pink with embarrassment, and reluctantly put her small bag on her lap, trying to block the other party's sight.

"Actually, it's also the first time for me Looking away, Lu Feng smiled.

"oh oh."

Perhaps because of the influence of Lu Feng's gaze just now, Bei Sisi lowered her head and looked at the small bag on her lap, her voice was very low.

"Then Mr. Lu, let's talk again when we have a chance."

The sales manager of the beautiful woman came over, looked at Lu Feng who was about to leave, and said with a frown.


Nodding, Lufeng started.

The roar of the rumbling engine is different from ordinary cars, the sound is pleasant and the momentum is extraordinary.

It's no wonder that young girls like to sit in such supercars, and they have no resistance to men driving supercars.

ps: A chapter of 4,000 words, too lazy to score