MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 131 "I'm afraid of 'it'?"

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When Yan Wei knew Lin Zhen before, he actually didn't have much hostility towards Lin Zhen - even though his first meeting with Lin Zhen was actually not pleasant.

But he always had an tolerant attitude towards Lin Zhen. This attitude is subconscious, and Yan Wei didn't subconsciously regard Lin Zhen as an enemy. Even in the dungeon of Ankang Ancient Town they had visited together, he made fun of Lin Zhen more than being defensive.

That's why they would naturally form a team to enter the next instance, so they passed three instances together.

Now that the memory is back, Yan Wei understands why all this is.

—Because Lin Zhen was "split" from Lin Qing by himself.

Yan Wei still can't remember many details and experiences of the first time he climbed the building.

In addition to the long time, he only had a vague impression of many things in those years, and some things he can't remember clearly now.

Even the dungeon he met Yan Mingguang for the first time, he had forgotten some details.

But about Lin Zhen, Yan Wei remembered it clearly.

At that time, he didn't know Yan Mingguang, and he was in the time after he met Lin Qing and just formed the moon wheel.

Although he only had one dungeon with Lin Qing, the life outside the dungeon was often supported together, and they had no differences in the matter of Xuanniao. The reason why they can be like-minded is because Lin Qingzhong is very similar to Yan Wei to a certain extent.

Lin Qing is not a talkative person, usually even a bit rigid and quiet, gloomy and lifeless. Standing with Yan Wei, they look like two completely different people, but their temperaments are the same.

Like him, Lin Qing has a madness in her bones when it comes to achieving goals and achieving goals.

At the last moment of the Puppet Castle dungeon, if the person who has passed the dungeon is replaced by Lin Qing, who just met Yan Wei at that meeting, he is very likely to have the same choice as Yan Wei—for the sake of Have more clues, don't hesitate to let the NPC take an extra step, let the player fall into passive and die and then live.

In addition, Lin Qing also had some unsteadiness hidden under the dead silence. It was the senseless and destructive desire for world affairs that he experienced as a child.

Rational madness may be a sharp weapon for the sword, but madness with destructive desire and playfulness can easily become a burden.

Lin Qing personally rejects her temperament very much.

I don't know what happened at the time, after the two of them discussed it, they decided to use the moon wheel to separate out all these negative emotions and characters that Lin Qing didn't want, and only kept? Lin Qing was calm and quiet that side.

Yan Wei is not really sure, but with the increase of their layers, Lin Qing really needs to overcome these unstable factors urgently. And the moon wheel is a new legendary item that has never appeared before. All abilities need to be controlled by Yan Wei, and Yan Wei also needs to be familiar with and explore the functions of the moon wheel.

So before Yan Wei entered the dungeon where he met Yan Mingguang, he spent five days in the world inside the building, from jerky to skilled, and finally put those negative emotions that Lin Qing did not need and The character is completely cut out.

"No way..." Yan Wei, who had just completed the division with the moon wheel, was pale, and her forehead was covered in cold sweat, "Lin Qing, your negative emotions and personality are too unstable."

The moon wheel was suspended between the two of them, and a thick black gas of unknown shape was tumbling on it.

Lin Qing suddenly calmed down a lot. Looking at these parts that should belong to his soul, he just frowned slightly and asked Yan Wei, "Can't you just break it up?"

Yan Wei shook his head: "I'm not sure. It's the first time I've dealt with the soul, and it's not bad if I don't give you any problems. These emotions and characters... I suggest not to lose them. Or break up, because I'm not sure right now if they'll have any effect on you."

Lin Qing raised her hand and slowly took over the mass of "soul" without substance.

He jokingly said, "I should have lost a few grams."

Yan Wei spread his hands helplessly.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Qing asked him.


The moon is full of unknowns, even if Yan Wei is daring, she will not bet on friends.

This is the safest way.

Lin Qing naturally listened to him, exchanged a container that could hold everything in the mall in the building world, put the group of souls, put it in the black ring and took it with you.

Nothing happened after that? Yan Wei's first attempt was obviously very successful. Lin Qing has changed since then. Although she is ruthless, she has never been insane, and climbing the building has always been smooth.

In Yan Wei's memory, after he entered the building, he first met Lin Qing, and in the copy of the encounter, the two even confronted each other - the second time he climbed the building to meet Lin Zhen The process is a bit similar. After that dungeon, they didn't know each other and formed Xuan Bird together. Then Yan Wei spelled out the moon wheel, and used the moon wheel to help Lin Qing cut off those negative emotions and characters that Lin Qing didn't want.

Afterwards, Yan Wei met the unfathomable Yan Mingguang, and gradually made an appointment with Yan Mingguang. What happened next? Those fragmentary pieces that appear. The relationship between him and Yan Mingguang is getting closer and closer. In addition to being trustworthy comrades-in-arms, they gradually develop a different possessiveness.

Yan Mingguang doesn't seem to like to make friends with other people, so Yan Wei has never been? Introduce Lin Qing and Yan Mingguang.

Perhaps Lin Qing has been with her for a long time, and this incomplete soul is contaminated with miscellaneous things that it does not have? a single... person.

At that time, Yan Wei had reached the most critical moment.

His rebelliousness was naturally engraved in his bones, and he rejected this feeling of being controlled by other things from beginning to end. From the moment he entered the building, Yan Wei's goal was to destroy the building, and he has been moving forward. Only one copy is left, and he can exchange it to Pandora's Box to end all this.

What he wants is not to end everything and leave by himself, but to end everything and leave with everyone.

The last copy is especially critical.

He may have felt something when he was? He couldn't remember the specific details of this piece, he only remembered that he was very nervous at that time, and he was planning the future things every day, and secretly kept the backhands he got now.

So when Lin Qing told him that the split soul had become a complete person, Yan Wei had no extra energy to deal with.

If Lin Qing meets him at that time, don't tell him everything before, let the situation develop naturally.

After that, he went upstairs for the second time and met Lin Zhen.

Nowadays, Lin Zhen can only be the incomplete soul of that independent adult.

Although Lin Qing and Lin Zhen have mutual skills, they are obviously dominated by Lin Qing, and Lin Zhen doesn't actually have much autonomy. And when they were chatting before, Lin Zhen mentioned "childhood" and "old times" several times, which completely matched the Lin Qing he knew - that was Lin Qing's memory.

Lin Qing and Lin Zhen, before the split, were only Lin Qing alone. They only have one copy of their memory. Naturally, it is impossible for them to have any memories of brothers. It was only after he divided his soul that the two began to deviate, and there was a "brother" who suddenly recognized each other in the copy in Lin Zhen's mouth.

The reason why he had a relationship with Lin Zhen when he was in the lower floors was probably because he couldn't drop so many Lin Qing at one time and deliberately released this soul and let Lin Zhen use Lin Qing The identity of the younger brother starts from the first floor, in order to meet Yan Wei and provide help to Yan Wei.

It is also convenient for Lin Qing to save an extra life when she hits the top.

Like the end of the puppet castle, Lin Qing transferred her injury to Lin Zhen and avoided a danger of death.

The missing memory and the experience of climbing the building for the second time are pieced together. Although some things have been forgotten and some details are blurred, Yan Wei already knows the complete The origin of Lin Zhen.

He put down the goblet and got up slowly, but still didn't move.

Lin Zhen at the door knocked on the door a few times and became impatient - he had an irritable mood that Lin Qing didn't want, and he had always been impatient. He knocked on the door again and shouted, "You're not falling asleep, little pet!!"

Lin Zhen whispered again: "Strange, Yan Wei sent me this location by himself... It's not a mistake, right?"

Yan Wei suddenly regretted sending Lin Zhen his address so quickly.

He didn't move, and glanced at Yan Mingguang in the room.

Yan Mingguang was looking at the direction of the door, his eyes fixed on the closed door, his thoughts fluttering, as if he was thinking about something. He should have always known the origin of Lin Zhen. During the dungeon of the puppet castle, Yan Mingguang was not surprised that everything was abnormal in Lin Zhen. He even thought that Lin Zhen might be seriously injured because of Lin Qing, and he had been paying attention to it for a long time. .

This man must be showing sympathy again.

When Yan Mingguang dealt with the enemy, he was ten times more ruthless than Lin Qing. But if it is to innocent people or his own people, Yan Mingguang has three points more than what Yan Wei thinks about.

Yan Wei originally wanted to ask the other party's opinion, but seeing Yan Mingguang's expression, he opened his mouth, and finally did not speak, but sat down slowly.

Lin Zhen shouted a few times at the door, and sent a few messages to Yan Wei with the black ring.

Yan Wei did not respond.

After a while, Lin Zhen left.

The surroundings returned to silence again, Yan Wei closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, raised his glass and took a sip of wine, and suddenly said: "I have recovered my memory, and I need to take good care of those data. , I can go straight to the ninety-ninth floor."

The consciousness that was born out of the building has been **** for tat with him for the second time. The more dungeons Yan Wei entered, the more opportunities for that conscious to start.

In the case that you already have so much experience, memory and data strength in the past? Aware of too many opportunities, he got Pandora's Box in one go, and once again achieved Yan Wei's goal of destroying the building.

Lin Qing probably thought the same, so she hurriedly entered this batch of 89th floor dungeons and prepared the 99th floor invitation letter in advance for Yan Wei.

Yan Wei sighed.

Yan Mingguang looked at him.

"The matter was done by me and Lin Qing when we were ignorant, and I should be responsible to the end. After the ninety-ninth floor, you can leave here, or exchange what you want Things, if Lin Zhen passes the ninety-ninth floor, that's fine. I don't want the three of us to go in, I want to take him and Yu Feizhou to the top floor together."

But even if Lin Qing comes out this time, Xuanniao will not get more than three invitations at most.

If they want to go to the top floor, they need five invitations.

Yan Wei needs two more letters.

Yan Wei raised his hand, curled his fingers lightly, pointed his fingertips on the table, and slowly wrote two numbers.


"When Lin Qing comes out, let's go to the eighty-ninth floor again. I want to get at least two invitations to the ninety-ninth floor."

Yan Mingguang reminded: "If you enter one more high-level dungeon, you will create one more chance for 'it' to destroy you."

Yan Wei raised her eyebrows: "I'm afraid of 'it'?"