MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 353 Permission Fragments

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   Chapter 353 Permission Fragments

   "In terms of research on tailed beasts, we are also behind Konoha...

   Now the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato has just become the power of the human pillar force and can control the tailed beast.

   In this way, the old man is more certain that the huge energy of the war mech comes from the tail beast. "

   Chiyo's face was full of shame. Since the end of the war, Konoha's war mech has occupied almost all of her mind.

   That is an innovation that can subvert the profession of puppet master.

  The power of the war mech is not only reflected in its non-control, autonomous attack and defense, but also in its subversive energy technology.

  Now, while other hidden villages are still immersing themselves in the chakra guidance technology of human pillars, they have been experimenting for a long time and have not found a suitable human pillar.

   "If the energy transfer technology of the war mech and the way the fourth Hokage controls the tailed beast are really from the same source, then Konoha has indeed thoroughly studied the tailed beast Chakra."

  Luo Sha sighed:

   "This is probably still the handwriting of Mr. Speaker."

  After the battle between Satoru and Madara, even if you were the Five Shadows, they all started to use the honorific title "Mr. Speaker" to address Satoru.

   In the final analysis, the Ninja world still depends on strength.

   "Mr. Speaker... The current position should be to stand in the entire ninja world, so is it possible..."

   "Like a portal, provide this technology to the five hidden villages?

   Don't think about it, it's impossible—

   Speaker, no matter how generous he is, he is based on the unrivaled foundation of Konoha. "

  Luo Sha snorted coldly, although he was not reconciled, there was nothing he could do.

   "Hasn't Mr. Speaker finished his training yet?"

   "Yes, according to the news from Markey, the speaker's long-term retreat this time is likely to last until next year."

   "Next year..."

   Subconsciously glanced at the direction of his house, Luo Sha was silent for a moment, and then murmured:

   "Even if Gaara is now a human pillar, it will not be able to meet the needs of the portal."

   "But... we don't have a more suitable candidate to become a man Zhuli than him."

   The wrinkles on Chiyo's face deepened:

   "I understand how you feel, Shidaimu, but this is the last resort."

   "...Wait for another half a year, if the Speaker appears, I...go to talk to him in person!"

   "...Yes, the Fourth Eye."

   Just when the Great Hidden Village was struggling with how to safely use the tailed beast Chakra—

In the    private space, Satoru held Elunes in his hand and stared solemnly at the scene in the purification circle.

  As the last ray of special chakra poured in, the white eyes in the magic circle, which were almost transparent, changed their form.

  's sapphire blue eyeballs, exuding a misty shimmer, appeared for the first time in the ninja world.

   "Finally...the chakra purified by the Hyuga clan, closer to the chakra of the Otsutsuki clan, has reached the standard.

   Combined with the white eyes of the Hinata clan, this is the legendary Tenseigan. "

  Go admired the beautiful color of this eye, and his spiritual power could clearly feel that this eye contained the power of "authority" that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

   "This is Tenseisen... mate, it does have a taste of some Titan powers, but it still seems to be only a small part."

   Elunes's tone was a little puzzled:

   "This...even in the battle between the Throne of the Pantheon and Argus, the Titans of the Pantheon never gave me such a strange feeling."

   "Oh? How do you feel?"

  God is a bit strange. Speaking of which, Alunes did confront the titans of the Pantheon, and with their help, his former owner killed a fallen titan.

   "The power of the Titans is grand and full of order, but the power of 'authority' in this eye is too narrow-

  Its utilization of energy is far inferior to that of Titans, and even far inferior to that of Titan Guardians.

   If the same energy, Titan can use it to create the world, then the authority in this eye, although there is also the ability to 'create'...

   But at best, create a mountain. "

  Alunes was puzzled by this:

   "It's like... this kind of 'authority' is just a very elementary fragment, at least it needs to be combined in countless copies before it can reach the realm of Titan."

   "So, maybe it's true."

   Tensei and Samsara, at the root, both come from the Otsutsuki clan, or more precisely, from the fruit of the divine tree.

  The fruit of the **** tree brings chakra, and the eyes of reincarnation and tense eyes show the power of "authority" in the form of six yin and yang.

   And the fruit of the **** tree, commonly known as the chakra fruit, what is it used for?

  The Otsutsuki clan keeps collecting them to "become a god".

  If Elunes's feeling is correct, then that is to say, the "authority" contained in the fruit of the divine tree is indeed a weakened version of trickery.

   "In this form, steal the power of the star soul regardless of loss, and then gather a large number of these 'authority fragments' to create a complete 'authority', thereby possessing the power of the Titans."

  Satoru probably understood the real purpose of chakra fruit.

   With the power of the six yin and yang techniques, he is already a proper "god" in the mortal world.

   In the Otsutsugi clan, the standard of this "god" might really be a Titan!

   After all, the most obvious point about Titan—

  The lifespan is infinite, and it is not something that only six yin and yang can do.

   The six-path sage, Otsutsuki Yui, and his younger brother, Otsutsuki Yumura, have a limited lifespan.

   And Kaguya Otsutsuki, the person who eats the chakra fruit directly, her lifespan may be thousands of years, but she is completely different from the Titan!

   Even the energy that can be used and the effect of authority are inexcusable.

   You must know that with the power and energy of a fallen Titan Argus, it supports the endless Burning Legion and is infinitely reborn in the Twisting Void!

   "Father of the Gods" Amansur and Sargeras before the fall, even created the existence of countless lives and worlds!

   Let Kaguya Otsutsuki try it?

   100 hers is not half as good as Titan!

   However, this family likes eyeballs so much, but it has a bit of the demeanor of the ancient gods...

   "But even if it's just a fragment of 'authority', you can take a step beyond the guardian by doing this..."

   Elunes's tone became excited and expectant:

   "Partner, the difference between you and the Guardian now is that you don't have the huge energy they have inherited...

   With the power of dragon veins and foxes, you are not necessarily worse than them!

   But if you have authority, even if it is only a part, it is beyond the rank of a mortal mage! is possible to reach the realm of Titan Guardian! "

   "Indeed, that's exactly what I'm after...

   The mysteries of arcane magic are endless. Their way of plundering and synthesizing the fragments of authority is too rude and looks too ugly...

What is the difference between    and the demons on the chaos side. "

   Satoru lightly smiled:

   "In an orderly way, with the power of knowledge, let's solve all this—"

   "This is the mage!"

   (end of this chapter)