MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 68 Good man rewarded

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Yu Shulin drank the iced fruit juice in one breath, leaned back into the back of his chair, and squinted to see Yan Kaiwen: "How do you usually do business with people?" Are the people who agreed to work with you brain-chucked?

"No." Yan Kaiwen restored the cooperation and was in a good mood. He didn't mind showing him his unique skills, and blinked, "Look."

After speaking, he straightened his back, his chin was slightly raised, his eyebrows were down, his lips were narrowed, his legs were raised gracefully, he took a sip of coffee, his eyes were indifferent, and his voice was alienated: "How?"

This is really ... a lot of change.

Yu Shulin applauded the applause and applauded: "Great." It was the essence of the change in the face of the country.

"Well, it was all forced by my dad. Actually, I didn't want to inherit any **** company, and it was troublesome and not free." Yan Kaiwen's pretense persisted for less than a second, and he recovered his original form, complaining: "Fell again It's not that there are no other outstanding talents, who have stayed in the so-called main house status for many years and have been so feudal. "

"The status of the main house?" Yu Shulin's eyes widened: "Does the Yan family have many side branches?"

"Super many." Yan Kaiwen remembered the messy family relationships at home, rubbing his arms: "It happened to my generation, except for me in the main room, there was only one Yan Bei. There were too few people. Each of us can bully us both. If it wasn't for the uncle's unreasonable approach and the terrible way, the side branch has already turned the sky ... I really want a brother who can fight with me ... "He said while peeping at Liang Zhou The expectation in his eyes almost jumped out to paste the other person's face.

Unfortunately, Liang Zhou was not prepared to ignore him.

No wonder this guy looked at Liang Zhou's eyes so ... heh, eagerly. Yu Shulin narrowed his eyes with a smile and shrugged: "Let your dad or Yan Wei regenerate a few tadpoles."

"My dad is ligated, it's impossible." Yan Kaiwen let go, then the thief approached, and lowered his voice: "Actually, the uncle originally wanted to have another son, but unfortunately my uncle could not give birth, and was jealous. She was very strict. Before she died, she was worried that she would die. Her husband found another wife and had other children. If his daughter was wronged, she would just rub it ... "

Liang Zhou frowned.

Yu Shulin's heart trembled, and he whispered, "Did you?"

"Not so cruel." Yan Kaiwen shook his head and continued. "It was his medication that made his sperm survival rate extremely low. He couldn't have children, and test-tube culture was impossible."

Still this medicine? Yu Shulin said that he had learned something.

"The woman's possessiveness is too terrible." Yan Kaiwen sat upright, looking sad and sighing: "What about the uncle who disguised himself in disguise? What is to be aggrieved is to be aggrieved. This would be a bad relationship between the two families. The relationship between the two is tense, and now ... Yan Bei has such a mother, which is also unlucky. After that, she became more and more unsettled at the Yan family, and a girl must be tortured silly. "

This is a bit different from the image of his original daughter in his imagination. Yu Shulin got closer and continued to ask, "Are they miserable?"

Yan Kaiwen shook his head: "Anyway, it's not good, but Uncle is still a bit of fatherly love, and she can take good care of her, otherwise her life will be even worse."

Chi Guoguo's giants have grudges. He turned his head, looked at Liang Zhou, and said with emotion: "Brother, it's better to be a small family like us."

Liang Zhou nodded.

Yan Kaiwen stared, small door? The Liang family who owns only one glory can really be regarded as a small door and small household, but now it has a group of boat houses ... Small doors and small households, are you kidding me?

"Well, fortunately, our family is generally rich and few people." Liang Zhou continued to coax Yu Shulin shamelessly.

Yan Kaiwen: "..." has the absolute right to speak of Glory and Qingchi, and he has more resources than his so-called heir, generally rich ... hehe.

Yan Kaiwen's face was elite, his brother controlled it terribly.

Wait ... Uncle seems to say that Liang Zhou likes men, and he's getting crazy about this ... This brother controls, uh ... he's also Liang Zhou's brother, why didn't he see himself? Could it be ...

His eyes fell on Yu Shulin, who was getting more and more eye-catching, raising his eyebrows ... or did Liang Zhou control only this younger brother?

With Yan Kaiwen making a horizontal bar, the two honeymoons of the two brothers in the world ended and they became three brothers with different surnames.

Liang Zhou's face was dark all the way, Yan Kaiwen's gossip all the way, Yu Shulin listened very happy.

In the end they went surfing, only Liang Zhou and Yan Kaiwen Chong, Yu Shulin watching. He squinted and lay under the sun umbrella, smiling at the brothers who could barely see the figure in the distance.

I feel that my brother is still very satisfied with this younger brother Yan Kaiwen ...

"Hello." A high-nose handsome foreign man suddenly approached, greeted Yu Shulin with a smile, and handed him a gift box in his hand: "This is a beautiful lady with the same skin color and hair color as you I wish you a happy holiday. "

The handsome foreign guy speaks English, and speaks a bit fast. Yu Shulin can't understand, hesitantly receives the gift, wondering: "Madam?"

The handsome guy nodded, pointed in one direction, waved his hand, and left.

Yu Shulin looked in the direction he was pointing, but only saw the back of a puppet wearing a **** bikini hiding in the crowd, vaguely familiar.

Do you know a woman with such a killer? He sat up and looked closely, but the crowd came and went, and where was the woman.

"Who the **** is ..." He muttered his gaze and looked down, opened the gift box, flipped through the contents, and pulled out the bottom card.

——Thank you for your 120 phone calls and blankets. Good people have good reports. Come on.

"Yang Lin's own ..." Yu Shulin shuddered, turned the cardboard over and over, and looked sideways to find that figure-of course, it was not found.

"Actually Yang Lin?" He was a little surprised. Yang Lin, who always dresses elegantly and conservatively, even wears a bikini, twists so much when walking ... uh, sexy?

At first, he did make a 120 phone call, and then asked the passing maid to take a bed blanket and cover Yang Lin ... but how did she know?

He rubbed the card back into the reclining chair, took out a string of beads in the box, and looked at the sun: "What a delicate pearl ..." This thing is not cheap, it seems Yang Lin is doing well now.

Good people have good rewards ... he likes this sentence. She put the beads around her wrists, squinted and sighed. The choice of vacation was indeed right.

"Are there any handsome guys happy to give gifts?" Yan Kaiwen heard the gloating voice and laughed. "After someone saw it, the waves didn't rush, and they ran straight back."

"Don't talk nonsense." Liang Zhou approached with a black face, bent over and grabbed Yu Shulin's wrist, dialed the string of beads, and asked, "Who sent it?"

Yu Shulin smiled and handed him the card in the box, and tickled his lips: "Huh, good people have good rewards."

Liang Zhou glanced down at the card, his expression eased a bit, and he raised his hand to touch his head: "Well, you're fine. She could pull away from the vanity fair in the entertainment industry early, and it might be a good thing. This Buddha is The small leaf rosewood is engraved with golden Buddhist scriptures, which is a good thing to bless people. Wear it. "

Yu Shulin nodded, feeling sad. She floated up and down in the entertainment industry, and realized the awakening and the wide sky at the price of no longer being able to bear children, and she didn't know that it was worth it.

Nothing, no choice.

On the ninth day of the first month, the two returned.

In short, it was another day when the airsickness was very dizzy.

Just after Liang Zhou settled Yu Shulin, Zhang Qian's life-saving serial phone call came.

"Liang Zhou, ah, ah, hurry up and go online! You and Xiaoyu were filmed on vacation, hurry up and watch!" Zhang Qian roared heartily and said quickly: "The newspaper and TV media I have suppressed the news, but the netizens are too brutal, you must find a way! "

Liang Zhou sank and turned into the study.

Sure enough, photos were taken all over the Internet, and discussion forums in various major forums were endless. The titles were sensational. What was "the mystery of the film emperor, the little boy was in doubt", and "the secret of the glorious life of the boss of Rongguang, he did n’t like red eyes and blue "Yan", what "Liang Chi's son went on holiday overseas, intimacy with a man" ... In short, everything is messy and lively.

He focused on flipping through those candid photos. After seeing that most of them were normal, he was relieved.

Only one of these photos caused netizens to guess. It was a sneak shot. The place on the photo was the balcony of the hotel room. Yu Shulin was lying on the deck chair and couldn't see his face. Liang Zhou was sitting on the armrest of the deck chair, bending down and bowing his head, as if kissing him.

The heads of the two people were just covered by a tree branch that was crossing. Whether they were kissing or not was completely unclear.

From the perspective of shooting, the person who candidly shot should be a guest who lives in the same hotel with them, the rooms are opposite, and the floors are not much different.

Liang Zhou frowned and lost his way. He has been paying attention outside, and only neglected this time, he was sneaky shot.

——The identity of the actor is really a trouble.

Zhang Qian's phone call came over again. He knocked on the table, and he had a plan in his mind, and calmly answered the call.

The news on the Internet was less than two days old, and insiders ran out to pour cold water.

A forum, a new short blogging platform, a fan forum, some ...

Be proud: the landlord sb, this can be guessed, is that the two brothers travel abroad during the new year, okay? This fact is enough to distort, and still kiss, a candid photo that can't see the action is distorted like this, alas.

I love to make money and love me: Hahahaha, sister, I watched Liang Yingdi ’s younger brother swimming closely. The Yingdi swims so handsome. His younger brother ... alas, it ’s a pillar of the dog industry [Picture] [Picture]


I love making money and love me: look at my sneak shots! Liang Yingdi's pectoral muscles and abdomen mermaid line ... saliva ... Yingdi's brother Bai Nennen is whiter than me! It seems that I have been awkward with Liang Yingdi because I have never learned to swim handsomely. It is hard to raise my brother! Rolling, so shy, so cute!

Which Qiu Fu technology is strong: the enemy upstairs, actually going abroad for a holiday in the new year, the rich people who make up their faces!


I am Dazhi Whom am I afraid of: Who messes with the news? What lover, is that brother? Yingdi ’s younger brother is my classmate. In his freshman year, Yingdi came to school to help him hold a parent-teacher meeting. People who spread rumors are simply lacking in virtue!

The Lun family would be shy: the classmate of Yingdi ’s younger brother (good mouth) appeared! Everyone, pick your skin!


I am Dazhi, who am I afraid of: pick your skin! My brother is going to take the college entrance examination.


…… 叽叽喳喳 …… 叽叽喳喳 ……

Stealing the party: Anecdotes, aniseed, Liang Yingdi's brother is the illegitimate son of Liang Chi, and is not a mother to the Yingdi! Are those guessing cousins ​​really weak?

Ha ha ha ha ha: It turned out to be an illegitimate child, ah, illegitimate children dare to be so arrogant in the school, the eyes look higher than the top all day, I am awkward, a scumbag.

The sun rises every day: there seems to be something upstairs, so please look deep.

Who am I afraid of: Who are you afraid of? Hehe, the sixth class, do n’t think you changed the vest, I do n’t know who you are, you did n’t pit my brother enough? Why do you want to invite parents?

Stealing Pictures Party: Hey, I broke the news, pay attention to me, Nima, say good attention! Come and come, I explode one more, I heard that Guan Yingdi recently went to the desert to make a new show. It is a big production. Do you expect it?

My old pass: lying down, uncle Guan! For more information! Uncle Guan hasn't come out for a long time!


Floor 1108: Oh, how can Liangliang in my family like men, he likes beauty, such as Yang Lin, Wang Chen ...

1121 Floor: How long have you not paid attention to gossip on the 1108 floor? Will the two women disappear into the long river of history?


1238 Floor: The latest news, the little friends are going to be disappointed. His brother who is on vacation with Liang Liang, come on, cry with headache.

Floor 1239: My single dog idol who has never been targeted. Valentine's Day is coming. Can you make it?


Liang Zhou don't grab a woman with me: don't explain, id stands for position.

Destroy you on behalf of the moon: sb upstairs

Yuppie Yuppie Yuppie Butterfly: sb1

Whose booger is flying: sb2


I love you onion: sb identification number


In short, the posts on the major exchange platforms about the mystery of Liang Zhou's sexual orientation are all crooked.

Zhang Qian shut down the computer with satisfaction and gave a thumbs-up to Liang Zhou, who was sitting and flipping through the files: "You are terrific."

"I just guided it a little bit, it's all the credit of netizens." Liang Zhou threw the documents after signing to him, and said, "Take a look, Zhao Zhi wants to build it. This project can cooperate with Qingchi. I give Your contact information, you go to contact the person in charge of Qingchi. "

"Ah?" Zhang Qian held the file, stupid: "You, what do you mean?"

Liang Zhou hooked his lips: "It means, this project is in your hands."

"Such a big project ... you have to be busy for a year or two."

"Well, conservative estimates, come on."

"... Unscrupulous boss, I want to resign!" Zhang Qian was indignant.

Liang Zhou waved his hand, when he didn't hear him say, "Go ahead, time is money."

The news on the Internet was too cruel, and Yu Shulin's school life was affected a little bit, but fortunately, his dating circle was small, and he only needed to ignore the eyes of strange students as much as possible.

At the beginning of the school, as usual, Mr. Gao's brutal explorations, the students in the second class were calm, took the book and the book, flipped through the notes, and then watched the first two classes on the stage to solve the problem.

It was still Yu Shulin who finished writing first, and he turned around and took out a box from the table pocket and put it on Li Tao's table.

"What is this?" Li Tao asked, puzzled, after picking up the box.

"New Year's gift." He smiled and grabbed him from his backpack and gave him sugar: "Here you are, New Year's red envelope."

Li Tao closed the box, took out a bag of biscuits, and lay back on the table: "Return gifts."

After solving the problem, Teacher Gao let the students read the book and went back to the office to get the papers.

Li Tao turned his head and poked him: "Your brother likes men?"

Yu Shulin turned his hand over his book, turned to look at him, "What?"

"I get it." Li Tao lay back on the table, facing him with his back, holding his hand in his pocket to squeeze the candy, and then pressed it again and again.

"..." What do you know, I don't understand.

After school in the afternoon, Yu Shulin packed up the homework assigned by the teacher and went out with Li Tao.

"Huh, it's just an illegitimate child, posing as a glorious boss."

At the main entrance of the school, Xu Na poked at the door and saw Yu Shulin coming out, rolling her eyes. Next to her, Liu Fenzhen was anxiously trying to pull her away.

Inexplicable ... Yu Shulin glanced at her and passed her directly out of the school.

Li Tao paused when Xu Na stumbled with her side, and gave her a cold look at her side: "It's childish and sad to attract the attention of the people who like it with provocation." Leng Huo left.

After the two went away, Liu Fen turned with a somber face, facing Xu Na: "What does Li Tao mean? Do you like Yu Shulin? Ha, do you actually like Yu Shulin?"

Xu Na blushed and looked at other students passing by, whispering: "He believes you, but I always help you, no one else plays with you, so I will be with you, You do not trust me?"

Seeing her guilty confusion, Liu Fen sneered and stepped back: "How do you think I'm very rare in your alms? No wonder you suddenly pleased me somehow to please me ... in order to approach Yu Shulin? you?"

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Na frowned, her voice cool down: "What's wrong with me, I'm much worse than you? Do you think you're a star? The dream has long since broken, wake up soon!"

The word celebrity provoked Liu Fen's sensitive nerves, and she suddenly screamed and shoved Xu Na, and said ruthlessly, "I am! That is! Are you playing with me just to reach more boys through me? You Thought I didn't know you were playing ambiguous with them? Shameless! Villain! "

Xu Na was pushed to the ground by her, and she was also angry, yelling and scolding her.

Wang Zhi, a bit uncomfortable, pushed the new pair of glasses and narrowed his eyes to distinguish the two figures scuffled at the door, frowning and turning away in disgust. "Unexpectedly, I encountered these two neuropathy."

Thanks to Li Tao for this provocation, the next day, Liu Fen and Xu Na turned against each other for Yu Shulin, and the news of a big fight at the school gate spread in the school.

Yu Shulin heard the story from Wang Zhi, and went back to the classroom silently. He touched the belly of the table, frowned, and pulled out a pink envelope.

"What?" Li Tao looked at him sideways.

Yu Shulin shook her head, opened the envelope, and took out the contents. Black line: "It's a love letter."

Li Tao raised an eyebrow.

"It was sent by Xu Na." He added, putting the letter back in the envelope and rubbing his forehead: "She will see me after school, and tell me the secrets of Liu Fen and Ronghua."

"are you going?"

He shook his head: "Don't go." It was a hassle to go.

He did not go, and the next day, Xu Na directly blocked the second classroom.

"What?" Yu Shulin frowned.

Xu Na's eyes were red, her eyelids were a little swollen, like she had cried the night before, and she didn't speak yin and yang strangely this time, her voice was low and a little hoarse: "Yu Shulin, I like you for a long time."

"……Thank you."

Xu Na stubbornly looked at him.

Yu Shulin's expression eased a bit, and for a long time, he sighed, "I'm a senior, study hard, don't ruin your future for the impossible."

This is rejected.

Xu Na bit her lip, took a deep look at him, took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and choked, "It's really impossible ... I can see it clearly, it's all fake ... this is for you." Ran.

Yu Shulin held the USB flash drive, and his mood was a little complicated. He sighed and returned to the classroom.

After dinner, he lay on the coffee table to do his homework. When he finished packing his pen bag, he saw the USB flash drive thrown in by himself. After thinking about it, he pulled the computer left by Liang Zhou on the coffee table and plugged it in.

There are only two folders in the USB flash drive, one of which is for photos and the other is locked and cannot be opened.

Turning off the folder full of large-scale photos, he hovered the mouse over the locked file. In the end, he couldn't resist the growing curiosity in his heart. He ran to the kitchen and pulled the fruit-cutting Liang Zhou. come.

"What's wrong?" Liang Zhou asked behind him with a fruit plate and asked, "Done with the homework? Boring?"

"No, brother, can you open this." Yu Shulin pulled him down on the sofa, pointed the computer screen to him, and clicked: "Just this, can you open it?"

Liang Zhou opened the file that he could open and looked at it, frowning: "Where did the thing come from?"

"Liu Fen's friend gave it and said that it was the secret of Liu Fen and Ronghua. The first folder was Liu Fen's secret. The latter one should be related to Ronghua. I'm a little curious."

Liang Zhou nodded, deleted the first folder neatly, then nodded the second and looked.

"It is a Trojan program. If you enter the password incorrectly three times, the contents of the folder will be destroyed." He tapped at the computer and explained briefly.

"Can it be opened?" Yu Shulin only cared about this.

Liang Zhou glanced at him and nodded: "Yes."

Fifteen minutes later, the Trojan on the file was removed and the lock was removed. Liang Zhou opened the folder and looked at it, his expression gradually condensed. There are very few things in the folder, only a few pieces of paper and a dozen photos, but the content is really amazing.

"The person in this photo ..." Yu Shulin looked closer, eyes wide open: "Liang Jian actually has an illegitimate child?" 2k novel reading network