MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-Chapter 17 return

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After thinking about the countermeasures, Ito became a rush to Odin.

"It's still so unreasonable, I thought that you will change what is still the case, so that your life will be accepted." Odin looked at the attack of Ito, who still had no change, and smiled contemptuously.

"Hey, change it, change it or look at it." Ito said that he had already come to Odin and started attacking.

The two once again entered the initial mode, Odin stormed and recruited the fortress, Ito became defensive, and was guarded by step by step. However, new changes soon appeared, and Iota’s face gradually became calmer, and her eyes did not know when it would start to close.


It’s just that this eye has just closed, and a smashing attack has fallen on the body of Ito’s like a storm. If it’s not a timely response, it’s estimated that it’s already lying down.

"Oh? Give up resistance?" Odin's attack continued, his mouth twitching.

Ito Sat did not pay attention, but the spirit was more and more concentrated. Unconsciously, a black and white blurry picture began to appear in the brain of Ito, and the fast moving lines danced in the picture, toward the center of the picture. The impact of the point.

"Yes, this is the feeling, in retrospect, the suffering of the year! In retrospect, this feeling!" Ito Cheng shouted.

Gradually, the blurred picture is getting clearer and clearer, and the lines in the picture are getting slower and slower as if they can be captured by the hand. The outside is that Odin's attack is not in the original general recruiting. On the body, but from the gradual fall to almost all of the time.

"What! This is a system of royalties?" Odin shocked.

Although the effect is similar but obviously not, the two worlds have quite different feelings on this point.

Over time, Odin’s attack was completely lost, and even Ito became a counterattack. According to the starting point of the lines of the picture in the brain, escape the attack of the line, and attack the attack in the hand to the point of the attack.


Odin caught a sudden attack with his hand, and stepped back and opened his hand, standing on the defensive posture of the Ito Chengdao, still standing with his eyes closed.

"I really can't be underestimated."

"Oh, I still want to thank you. If you are not so forced, I don't know how long it will take to get back to this state. It is the best whetstone between life and death." Ito is still closed. Eyes back.

"You are really a funny person." Odin admired the smile "but you still have to die here."

"Yes, but unfortunately, time seems to be faster." Ito Saki shook his head, no regrets.

"Well?" Odin had a bad feeling in his heart.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." Ito became a word with one word. Odin did not understand what kind of ghosts Iito was doing, and he was careful to guard.

"3, 2, 1, return!" Ito Cheng shouted.

In an instant, a ripple appeared, and the crease in the emptiness of the sky behind Ito Sat appeared, and then it was broken into pieces in the stunned eyes of Odin and others. A dark hollow door appeared, and a fierce wind blew. The Ito into the door is rolled up in the suction door.

"I will be back, I hope that when you meet next time, you can still live well. See you again [喽神黄昏]."

As the door of the void disappeared, the sound of the empty stream of Ito became echoing in the open space.

"This...this...what is it...what is it?"" Some of the eight punches were shocked and asked, but obviously no one knows the answer. This is the incredible look from the other boxing fans. Can be distinguished.

"Is this the real thing in the world?" Odin first came back to God, took the glasses and put them on again, some inexplicably said. This is not a martial art at all!

"Let's go!" Odin opened the other people, turned and left, leaving the whisper of the innocent voice "Funny guy, looking forward to seeing you next time."



In a Japanese-style room, the void suddenly exploded, and then a virtual door appeared. A white object appeared in the room. A moment later, the space of the void disappeared.

"Call, thanks to the repair of the power of the world, or it will take a few days to get this injury." Ito Cheng went to the bed and fell to the heart of the bed. Just after the time and space shuttle, there is a large share of the world's power to be absorbed by the Rubik's Cube, and this time there is no need to release the power of the world to resist the world's rejection, but more absorbed, and the repair of Ito Cheng has also improved a lot.

First of all, the mental power has changed significantly. It has completely surpassed the state of fighting with the eight-boxed hooting. Now, even if you don’t need to concentrate, you can clearly feel everything within one meter of your body, just close your eyes. It is the internal gas and spiritual power that have increased to varying degrees, especially the main air of the main, basically can clearly feel that a gas group was nurtured in Dantian, and finally the physical quality was first repaired when fighting with Odin. The various injuries, and then strengthen the body, so that the physical quality is significantly improved, if you have to compare a cross, it is 1 when you cross the past, 2 after Liangshan training, this time after the 4 is improved a whole Times!

Feel the power of the world inside the Rubik's Cube, look at the scale that has risen a whole big grid, and the psychological is full of satisfaction. I watched the clock on the table at the head of the bed and found that the time was still early, and began to sum up the gains and losses in this world.

"Sure enough, the world can only use the power of absorbing the world. It seems that you can also get or learn a lot of things."

After a while, I recalled everything that happened in the world of the strongest disciple in history, the psychological darkness. But this is the first world after all, is it really necessary to wait for the next world to confirm, but right now.

I looked at the medicines and the jewelry stored in the eye space, and I smiled at my mouth.

"Tomorrow to find a place to recycle jewelry to sell them, the problem of money can be solved in a short period of time, but the shuttle world if you want to do more and have more, the more time you need to spend in the world. It seems that I have to deal with the problems of the school and then find a reason to move out and live."

The decision-making Ito Shun mentally asked the Rubik's Cube, "How long does it take for the cooling time to proceed to the next crossing?"

[The main world space is stable, the rules are dense, and the repairing ability is very strong. It takes 24 hours to cool down and cross again. In order to avoid other unpredictable consequences caused by frequent breakage of space, it is recommended to extend the time]

"Know it. Right, I can go back to that world."

[Yes, every time a user crosses a world, he will leave a fixed coordinate in the world in the Rubik's Cube and create a connection channel for the user to return. ]

"That means I can go back at any time." Ito confirmed.


"This is not bad. If that is, it will be convenient for many things." Ito Cheng nodded and continued to ask, "If you can pass through my spiritual power, can you designate the world?"

[No, the designated world needs moderate mental strength. The current user's mental level is at a lower level. It is expected that the world will be designated after the next world crossing. ]

"That's it, I know it." Ito Cheng nodded after thinking about it and began to think about how to solve the problem of school and home.


In the history, I finished the animation and decisive animation content, and I found that there was no problem in history. Anyway, I left the pit, and Enn was like this!

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