MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Young Tiger (4): The Shock of Solitude

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  Youth Like a Tiger (4): The Shock of Loneliness

  The locust trees on both sides of the street are lush. The spring breeze blows, blowing bursts of refreshing breath.

   "This is the call of spring."

  Zhang Lun walked beside Jia Hong, speaking solemnly.

  Jia Hong frowned slightly, "This is a bit awkward."

  Zhang Lun carefully smoothed down the official uniform with his hand, "That is... called Chun."

   Jia Hong looked at him sideways, "I think this statement is a bit wrong."

  A carriage passed by them quickly. Someone lifted the curtain from the carriage, and a small face poked out, looking outside curiously.

  The servant's voice came from the carriage, "Little lady, come in quickly."

  The girl who poked her head out shook her head, "No, I want to see."

   The servant woman muttered, "What's so interesting? I'm tired of seeing it."

  The girl glanced at Jia Hong and Zhang Lun, then shrank back. Her rapid muttering sound came from the carriage, like a bird chirping.

   "Erhong, you always said that there are many bad people outside, but I just looked at it, two teenagers, one is very pure."

  The maid asked, "Where's the other one?"

  Zhang Lun raised his head, looking forward to the girl's evaluation.

   "Hmm..." The girl pondered for a long time, "I forgot the other one."

  The carriage left quickly, and Zhang Lun stood still.

  Jia Hong thought about it, and comforted him, "You're just too skinny."

  Zhang Lun was angry, "Will you persuade people?"

  Jia Hong shook his head helplessly.

  Zhang Lun looked at him coldly, and suddenly patted him heavily on the shoulder, with an excited look on his brows, "I'm an official now, hahahaha!"

   Jia Hong looked down at his official uniform.

   "From the ninth grade." Zhang Lun looked at Jia Hong, "I will go to Dali Temple to be the prison minister, and you will go to the Ministry of War to be the chief. Dahong, work hard, and you will be a doctor in thirty years."

  The doctor is a fifth-rank official, and he is considered a giant in the Ministry of War.

   Jia Hong silently lowered his head.

  Mother said that if he didn't report Jia's name and could become a seventh-rank official before the age of twenty-five, then she would not hinder Jia Hong's career.

  Jia Hong used to feel that his mother looked down on him, and he still does.

   But my mother must be doing it for my own good.

  Jia Hong nodded vigorously.

Zhang Lun suddenly sighed: "However, the Ministry of War is not having a good time now. Five years ago, Zhao Guogong suddenly went to Shushu to propose reforms, and then there was a fierce dispute in the court. For the first time, the veterans yelled at Zhao Guogong, calling him a lackey for civil servants... Looking at it now It seems to be calm, but those people are still dissatisfied... By the way, some people say that this is why Zhao Guogong traveled far."

  Jia Hong slightly knew about it, but his father's trip had nothing to do with it.

Zhang Lun suddenly said worriedly: "Dahong, your temper is too good. I am worried that you will be bullied and deceived by those people in the military department. Let me tell you, if you want not to be bullied, you have to be a man. I, Aye, said Now, to be a man, you have to look at Shangguan's expression, observe his what Shangguan likes, don't fight against Shangguan..."

  Zhang Lun's father used to be in business. After Zhang Lun entered mathematics, for the sake of his son's reputation, he gave up the business without hesitation, and turned to work as an accountant for a wealthy family.

  Zhang Lun suddenly said angrily: "Dahong, you haven't said what you do...Are you embarrassed? What kind of friendship do we have? If there is anything wrong, just say it."

  He suddenly laughed, "Why, are you afraid of scaring me by speaking out? I am so loyal, why would I laugh at your background?"

  Jia Hong nodded, "Well, I'm afraid to scare you. My ordinary."

   "Where are you Aye, Auntie?" Zhang Lun asked.

   "They're all out." Jia Hong replied vaguely.

  Zhang Lun sighed: "Hey! No wonder you are so honest, children without parents are timid... This is what Aye said at the beginning, so he gave up the business for me..."

  The two walked to the front of the imperial city and stood opposite each other.

   Zhang Lun's eyes became brighter, and he waved his fist vigorously, "Young man, work hard!"

  Jia Hong nodded, the light in his eyes was like the light of dawn, full of longing and stubbornness.

  He slowly walked towards the gate of the imperial city.

  The two in front are also newcomers to the first department. They are cautious, the muscles on their smiling faces are stiff, and they don't know how to put their hands and feet.

  The gatekeeper is carefully verifying his identity.

   "Be honest!" The little official's eyes were cold.

   This is a warning.

  The two new officials lowered their heads and agreed repeatedly. One of them even trembled.

  The two went in, relaxed, and even wiped off their sweat.

   "Jia Hong."

  A voice came from behind, and the two turned their heads to see Jia Hong standing outside the door, looking at the little official calmly.

  The little official said with a cold face, "Speak louder."

  Jia Hong slightly raised his voice, "Jia Hong."

  The little official narrowed his eyes, "Head of the Ministry of War? Go and be more honest."

  Is this person scaring me? Jia Hong thought of his elder sister who loved to scare him the most when he was a child. But he always kept one sentence in mind: If you have done nothing wrong, please hold your head up! He smiled, and the clerk frowned, "Go in."

Huh! He didn't continue to scare me? Jia Hong was a little surprised, and then he went in, and the little official behind him said: "Yeye is here to impress the newcomers every year, who is not afraid of Yeye? But I have never seen such a calm young man..."

   Zhang Lun, who stepped forward, thought that he could not lose to Jia Hong, so he held his head high.

  The little official said in a dark tone: "Is there something wrong with your neck?"

  Zhang Lun panicked, "No."

  The little official said in a stern voice: "Looking at my colleague Shangguan like this, turn around and beat him to death!"

  Zhang Lun shivered for a moment, and then the pride of the boy made him want to argue, but he didn't dare.

  He passed the level smoothly, caught up with Jia Hong and asked, "Da Hong, why aren't you afraid of this person?"

  Jia Hong said calmly: "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be afraid of others?"

   Zhang Lun thought about it, "I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you afraid of him?"

  Arrived outside the gate of the Ministry of War, Jia Hong turned around and said to Zhang Lun, "Don't bow your head."

  Zhang Lun nodded subconsciously.

  Jia Hong walked up the steps.

  Holding his palm and nodding his head, "But you're new here?"

   "Jia Hong!"

   Zhang Gu is very kind! Jia Hong smiled, and Zhang Gu welcomed him in.

  After bringing Jia Hong to the place, Zhang Gu and a few small officials squatted by the side to bet.

"Chen Yuanwailang is the most harsh, newcomers are bound to be beaten by him when they come, and the newcomers who have been beaten by him in the past few years have weak legs when they come out, and some are sweating profusely, soaking through their official uniforms, what do you think of this Jia Hong? "

   "The legs are weak." A small official placed a bet.

   "I bet he's shaking."


   Zhang Gu became the banker, took the bet, and suddenly asked, "Jia Hong, Duke Zhao is also named Jia."

  The little official smiled and said: "If it is a member of Zhao Guogong's family, where would he come to the Ministry of War? Wouldn't it be good to just become a noble official? It is easy to get promoted and not hard."

  Zhang Gu nodded, "Yes."

  Chen Jinfa roared from inside, "Stand still!"

"here we go."

   It is a tradition to kill the prestige, and it is easy to suppress the arrogance of the newcomers.

   Later, the door opened and Jia Hong came out.

  A group of petty officials hurriedly got up.

   "The complexion is as usual."

   "Still laughing, smiling so innocently."

   "He is not afraid?"

   Later, Chen Jinfa came out, looked a little annoyed and shouted: "Who is gambling?"

  The little officials are scattered like birds and beasts.

  Jia Hong went to his own room.

  As the principal, he got a room of his own, but it was a mess.

  He smiled and began to sweep and clean up.

   Just like Ah Fu messed up his room.

   This is my first value room!

  The boy felt extremely fresh, and a sense of freedom from the care of his parents and elder brothers made him want to fly.

   After sweeping, Jia Hong wiped his face again, and then went to the doctor Jiang Chun for instructions.

   "Jia Hong?"

  Jiang Chun looked up from Jia Hong's information, "The head of the Ministry of War may not seem to have a high rank, but he has a lot of responsibilities. You are a newcomer, so you have to learn a lot."

   This is what it should mean.


  Jiang Chun nodded, "You have to look at the people when you do things, and don't stand in the wrong place."

   Just one sentence made Jia Hong feel the undercurrent.


   Half a month passed in a flash, and Jia Hong gradually became familiar with his powers and the military department.

  Wu Kui, Minister of the Ministry of War, was Jia Ping'an's old subordinate.

  Jia Hong's superior is Chen Jinfa. Chen Jinfa has followed Jia Ping'an for many years, and it can be regarded as a rising tide.

  Chen Jinfa's superior is Jiang Chun, a doctor. Jiang Chun is strict in his work and is the most upright.

  Jia Hong's duty is currently to assist Chen Jinfa in sorting out the strategy of the Ministry of War on external operations.

   On this day, Jia Hong came to the Ministry of War early, ready to go home after a busy day. But he needs to go to Chen Jinfa first to listen to tomorrow's arrangements.

  Chen Jinfa did not drink tea and take stock of the day's affairs as usual, but sat there, staring at the map in a daze.


   Jia Hong saluted.

  Chen Jinfa murmured: "Qinling has the upper hand, if the Tang Dynasty sends troops to contain Qinling, what will Zanpu think?"

  Jia Hong froze for a moment, then glanced at the map.

  Chen Jinfa raised his eyes and glanced at him, "What do you think will happen to Qinling if the Great Tang sends troops?"

  If Aye is killed, what should I do? Jia Hong changed his position and thought for a while, and said, "After all, it is revenge for killing my father, so I will definitely take advantage of the situation to destroy Zanpu."

Chen Jinfa squinted at him, and said in a deep voice: "Qinling and Zanpu have been fighting for many years, and Tubo is in chaos, with heavy casualties. The Duke said in the past that politicians and politicians can endure for their own goals, even if they kill their fathers. Qinling has gradually grown over the years, and he is no longer the impulsive young man he was back then."

  Jia Hong felt that such a human nature was really frightening, but since Aye said this, it must be reasonable.

The fledgling young man was a little confused, and heard Chen Jinfa whisper: "The senior generals in the military department suggested to send troops to Tubo, why? If the Tang Dynasty sent troops, Qinling and Zanpu shook hands and made peace, and the Tang Dynasty would have a stronger one in an instant opponents... can't they see it? Or am I wrong? No, the Duke can't be wrong!"

  Jia Hong was shocked.

  Chen Jinfa got up, "I'm going to ask Minister Yu."

  Yu Xiang has this in his authority.

   Jia Hong resigned.

  He was a little absent-minded outside the duty room.

  Chen Jinfa has followed Aye for many years. He has heard and seen, and his vision and knowledge are beyond the reach of ordinary officials.

  He thinks this is wrong, and Yu Xiang should reconsider it.

  Jia Hong thought optimistically.


  The sound of the door slamming came. Jia Hong went out to take a look, and saw Chen Jinfa coming out angrily.

   Slamming the door at the servant, you must have lost your temper.

  Jia Hong's face was dark.

  Chen Jinfa entered the duty room, and Jia Hong followed in, trying to persuade him.

   "This is not right." Chen Jinfa said with piercing eyes, "But I can't verify it... Eh! The Duke had explained to Wang Yuanyuan back then that he was asked to collect information about Tubo. I can go and ask."

  Jia Hong stood up and saw him off.

  Chen Jinfa came out of the guard room and said, "Go home early."

   "Yes." Jia Hong left the Ministry of War with him.

  A pair of eyes stared at them from behind.


  The two left the imperial city all the way and went straight.

  When he saw Chongyefang, Chen Jinfa turned left.

  Since Jia Ping'an became an official, Wang Yuanyuan also broke away from the spy system and became a businessman of the Tang Dynasty.

  As a naturalized Tibetan and a businessman, Wang Yuanyuan can only live in the most remote place...Xinchangfang no matter how rich she is.

  Xinchangfang is remote. Jia Hong visited it several times when he was a child, but every time he felt scared.

  Jia Hong has to move on.

  He had just rode his horse past when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

   is a silhouette.

  Jia Hong looked sideways slightly, and saw two men carrying a load and turned to the left. The load was covered with a bamboo cover, and the cover shifted as the two walked.

  This is a small businessman...

  Jia Hong turned his head, his body shook violently.

  The sun was tilting to the west, and he had just seen the flash of the knife through the gap offset by the cover.

  What do you do with a knife when doing business in Chang'an City?

  He turned his head again and saw the two men following him.

  One of them turned his head abruptly, his eyes were cold.

   Not right.

  Jia Hong smiled in time, and the innocent boy looked harmless.

   Another man reached out and pulled the bamboo cover over to cover it.

  If there is no problem, why cover up?

  Jia Hong felt a chill in his heart.

  What are they going to do?

  How about I go back and call someone?

   But it was too late to go back.

  He looked back and saw that most of the streets were officials from the lower yamen and the people who had returned home.

   Jia Hong took a deep breath and rode his horse to follow.

  Chen Jinfa went all the way to Xinchangfang, and there were two lazy soldiers at the door.

   "Where does Wang Yuanyuan live?"

   Chen Jinfa asked.

  A soldier pointed lazily to the right, "Go ahead, turn right at the fifth opening, enter at the third winding alley, and you will be at the second house."

   "Thank you."

  Chen Jinfa rode his horse in.

  Quxiang is an alley, not spacious enough.

  Chen Jinfa got off his horse when he reached Quxiangkou, and led the horse in slowly.

  The setting sun is gradually falling, and a faint yellow sunlight is projected from the alley behind, which is very charming.

   Then the smear is covered.

  Chen Jinfa turned around.

  Two men were at the entrance of the alley, and one of them was drawing a bow and nocking an arrow.

   His eyes were cold and severe.

   Full of murderous intent!

  In the blink of an eye, Chen Jinfa thought of a lot, and he subconsciously squatted down.

  The arrow flew over and passed over the horse's back.

   The two men gave a low shout and rushed over.

  Chen Jinfa ran in desperately.

  He instantly knew why he was assassinated...

  There is only one possibility: the Ministry of War’s proposal to send troops to Tibet is intentional, and the purpose is not simple... No, the purpose is very bad.

  He thought of the disputes caused by the restructuring of the Ministry of War and the disputes in the court, and he couldn't help feeling cold all over his body.

  Many people said that after the Ministry of War unified those powers, the power of the emperor expanded unprecedentedly. What if there is a faint king? The army of the Tang Dynasty will become the doll of the faint king.

  The best way is to put the army in the hands of loyal subjects...

  The catastrophe of the powerful family is not far away, and the sole control of the military by the courtiers is a threat.


  Chen Jinfa thought of a possibility.

  What if it turns out that the Ministry of War is wrong to integrate these powers?

  He shivered from the cold.


  The sword light flashed behind him, Chen Jinfa fell to the ground to dodge, and the horse behind him neighed.

  The second knife is unbearable chopping.

  Chen Jinfa rolled on the ground.

  The horizontal knife slashed continuously, and there were knife marks on the ground.

  It is impossible to walk in a straight line while rolling, Chen Jinfa was rolling, seeing that there was a wall in front of him, feeling desperate.

  At this moment, another man chased up and raised the knife from the side...

   My life is over!

  Chen Jinfa was about to yell, when he saw a man leap up behind the man, and that man punched heavily.

   This punch hit the man's temple hard.


  The man fell to the ground.

  Chen Jinfa was ecstatic, "Jia Hong!"

  Jia Hong landed, and another big man screamed.

   At the entrance of the alley behind him, two riders rushed in.

  The knight on horseback was actually holding a spear in his hand.

  The horse is accelerating, snorting.

  Jia Hong helped Chen Jinfa up, and horseshoes sounded like thunder, and they followed one after another...

  Murderous intent enveloped the two of them!

   "Stop 'em!"

   The big man shouted.

  Chen Jinfa's heart trembled.

  Jia Hong knew that the two of them could not escape together, so he pushed Chen Jinfa backhand, "Let's go!"


  Jia Hong held the horizontal knife he had picked up, raised his eyes, took a deep breath, and walked slowly towards the two riders.

  At first, Jia Hong couldn’t suppress the fear in his heart, and his body was stiff, but gradually, he forgot all this, and only saw the enemy in his eyes, so he started running...

  The boy alone launched an attack on the enemy.

  No turning back!

  (end of this chapter)