MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Extra Story: Youth Like a Tiger (9) The Blood-Stained Road

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  Extra: A young man like a tiger (9) The blood-stained road

  —Tomorrow’s Mid-Autumn Festival, the episode is gone.


   Jia Yu panted, trying to look up and look ahead. The sweat in front of his eyes blurred his vision, but he still saw Wang Zhongliang with a tense expression.

  Admit your mistake.

  Knowing that the emperor was waiting for him to bow his head, Jia Yu immediately used the emperor's privilege to pardon him.

   But he can't bow his head.

  I am right, then I will not bow my head in the face of the emperor. I was wrong, even in the face of traffickers and pawns, I should admit my mistake.

   It's not that Jia Yu doesn't know that as the eldest son of the Jia family, he should be softer and learn to compromise. He will compromise, in family affairs, in business, he will not hesitate when he should compromise and suffer.

   But this is not business.

  He stubbornly refused to link the friendship between brothers with business.

  Wang Zhongliang glanced at him and shook his head slightly. He has seen a lot of young people. Those children of the rich and powerful are all good people. Before the emperor is angry, he will bow his head and take the initiative to hand the steps to the emperor.

  Jia Ping'an's temperament... In Wang Zhongliang's impression, he should be cunning, so he was able to stir up wind and rain in Chang'an City as a young man, and the sky skyrocketed. But he also has a strong side. For example, for the empress, Jia Ping killed a person outside the imperial city with a knife.

  But compared to Jia Pingan back then, Jia Yu is like the difference between a little fox and an old fox.

  Young man, still impulsive.

  Wang Zhongliang nodded to the queen, turned and went in.

  The emperor is reading the memorial.

   "Your Majesty, Jia Yu said that if someone offends me, I will offend him... He doesn't regret it."

  Wang Zhongliang knew that the emperor would probably not be in a good mood, so his voice was soft.

  "Young people are always high-spirited, thinking that they can lift the sky with one hand and crack the ground with their feet." The emperor put down the memorial and took a look at it with his teacup.

  Three pieces of tea leaves float alone in the tea water.

  The emperor frowned slightly, "Is this throwing away my good intentions like shoe shoes?"

  Wang Zhongliang shuddered, feeling that Jia Yu was going to be in trouble. Death is unlikely, but exile may not be avoided.

   Immediately the queen will roar, the war between the emperor and queen will last for a long time, and everyone in the palace is in danger.

The emperor raised his eyes, and there was a look of memory in his eyes, "That year... I had a tacit understanding with the empress. It seemed that the empress was in a desperate situation, but it was just a stopgap measure. But those courtiers stood in line one after another. In an instant, the empress was empty. Hey! Let me and the queen see the hearts of the people clearly. But at this moment, Jia Pingan blocked the outside of the imperial city one by one, beheaded the man with one sword, and shocked the government and the public... Today, I seem to have seen that scene again, that scene..."

  The emperor's eyes showed a little bit of embarrassment.

   This is an emotion that rarely occurs to him.

   "Your Majesty."

   Shen Qiu came.

  He walked into the hall without squinting, and the emperor asked lightly, "Who?"

  Shen Qiu said: "Li Yuanqi is one of the leaders, and... the Minister of War Yu Xiang..."

   Follow-up is a series of names and official positions. The emperor listened calmly. After a long time, Shen Qiu finished reporting, and the emperor said softly: "Go ask Yu Xiang, ask him, what they want to do."

  Shen Qiu lowered his head, "Yes."

  The emperor sat there for a long time, Wang Zhongliang thought that Jia Yu was still outside, if he wanted to beat or kill you, he had to say something!

   And the queen is outside, why not come in?

  Wang Zhongliang was puzzled.

   "What are you waiting for?" the emperor asked suddenly.

  Your Majesty saw that I was distracted?

  Wang Zhongliang panicked and glanced at the old place, "Your Majesty, Jia Yu is still outside, by the way, the queen is also here."

  The emperor's eyes became more angry, "Let him go!"

   Let the queen go?

  Wang Zhongliang trembled, "Slave, slave... dare not."

  Queen can skin him.

  The emperor understood his worry in an instant, the anger in his eyes was almost gushing out, and he angrily said: "Let Jia Yu go!"

  Wang Zhongliang was stunned, "Yes."

   It’s fine if it’s not a queen!

  Behind him, the emperor said quietly: "The responsibilities that young people know, why don't those courtiers understand? No, they understand, but those responsibilities have been washed away by fame and fortune in the long career."


   Ministry of War.

  Wu Kui was getting angry, "Who said Jia Yu killed the man? Do you really think that spreading rumors is innocent? Go and tell them, as long as the old man hears it, we will take it down."

The two servants both smiled, Wu Kui sneered and said: "This matter is not simple, someone from our military department has also got involved, who is it?" He slowly looked at the two servants, "Your Majesty is furious, all the cavalry are dispatched, Whoever is involved in this matter comes out and accepts the crime as soon as possible, and he can still avoid death."

  Yu Xiang took a sip of tea calmly, got up and said, "I still have something to do, so let's go first."


   This is extremely rude.

  Wu Kui squinted at him, "I can do it myself."

  Back to his place, Yu Xiang found some letters and lit them in the duty room.

  The fire was blazing, illuminating that smiling face.

   There were hurried footsteps outside.

  Yu Xiang found a short knife, pulled it out to look at the blade, and then put it at his feet.


  The door of the duty room was kicked open, and Shen Qiu's cold face was right outside the door.

  Yu Xiang calmly threw the last letter into the fire, and reached out to pick up the unburned scraps of paper, slowly threw it in, then raised his eyes and smiled: "It came later than I expected."

  Shen Qiu glanced at the fire, knowing that it was too late, he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty asks you, why is this so? What are you waiting for?"

   Huo Miao licked Yu Xiang's finger, he moved his finger away, and gently rubbed his fingertips, never feeling pain so happy.

   "Datang has been fighting since the founding of the country, and this fighting has come to this day."

Yu Xiang picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly, and said calmly: "Koryo is destroyed, Liaodong is peaceful, and even Khitan is gone. I have checked a lot in the Ministry of War, and the more I look at it, the more frightened I am. Dashi is a first-class power in the world. , but was defeated by Jia Ping'an in the first battle, and he dare not peep east to this day..."

   "Tubo was also arrogant for a while. After the defeat of Lu Dongzan, Datang took advantage of the situation and disrupted the situation in Tubo. The civil strife has continued to this day...the prosperous age has come."

  Shen Qiu asked coldly: "Isn't the prosperous age not good? It has attracted you to plot rebellion."

"Of course a prosperous age is good." Yu Xiang smiled, "but now schools are all over the world, and Jia Ping'an is even using the name of traveling to patrol schools and clean up the forces that oppose the schools. His Majesty also tacitly took action in the court and suppressed them all. the impeachment of man."

  Shen Qiu's eyes were full of puzzlement, "The school allows people all over the world to read, why is it not good?"

"Hahahaha!" Yu Xiang couldn't help laughing, panting: "This world! The old man and others have been watching with cold eyes these years, watching the children of ordinary people wash their feet and go ashore from the school to the court. They see He seems to be full of vigor, but he spontaneously forms a clique after entering the official career, but whenever he gets a chance of corruption, his gluttonous face makes people dumbfounded..."

  Corruption cases have occurred frequently in recent years, among which the proportion of ordinary-born officials is the highest.

   "But His Majesty has been attacking. His Majesty said that we must establish rules and let those people know what they can do and what they can't do."

  Shen Qiu spontaneously defended the emperor.

Yu Xiang shook his head contemptuously, "Those people have never seen wealth and honor, and they are ecstatic when they gain power. How many people can withstand the temptation? Power, money, wine and beauties, just look at those ugly officials, and you will know... His Majesty was wrong."

His eyes were full of flaming anger, "The original gentry and powerful people were the mainstay. These people are not short of money or wealth. They think more about ambition. Datang should have more such ambitious officials. , but what did His Majesty do? He cut off the roots of the gentry with one blow!"

  Shen Qiu said coldly: "We remember that your family is related to the noble family, right?"

   "It's not anymore." Yu Xiang said disdainfully: "This old man won't speak for his own benefit, you look down on this old man!"

Yu Xiang looked at Shen Qiu sadly, "If things go on like this, after decades, there will be countless bureaucrats and gentry who focus on selfishness. At that time, where will this Great Tang go? Without the main body, the emperor may fight against those greedy Officials and gentlemen? No, no!"

   "That's why His Majesty kept the gentry, and didn't kill the grass." Shen Qiu said coldly: "Get up, we'll show you face, follow along."

  Yu Xiang glanced at him and sighed, "The old man should go. By the way, His Majesty's response to this matter was quite extreme. The old man made some calculations. The injured chief, Jia Hong, is also surnamed Jia..."

  Shen Qiu nodded slightly.

  Yu Xiang smiled wryly, "Although the old man is dissatisfied with Duke Zhao, he admires his courage and martial arts for opening up the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Shen Zhongguan, can I ask you for a favor?"

  Shen Qiu nodded, "Say it."

  Yu Xiang stretched out his hand and pressed the ground by his side, and said softly: "Tell Zhao Guogong, the old man has no such intention..."

  Shen Qiu narrowed his eyes and rushed in.

  Yu Xiang's right hand rushed towards the lower abdomen.

  His body was hunched, and he was slowly lying on the desk. He tried his best to raise his eyes to look at the sunshine outside, and said with difficulty: "Tell Your Majesty... this old man... this old man hopes that the Tang Dynasty... will live forever. As for the war against Tubo... this old man... this old man thinks that if you want to stabilize the frontier, you should... take the attack."


  The table was pushed down by him, and others also lay on the ground. A short knife was stuck in the lower abdomen, and the blood slowly flowed out and meandered under the body.

  Yu Xiang's eyes gradually lost their luster, but he was singing softly...

   "Severe wind blows frost, seaweed withers, tendons dry and strong, Hu Majiao..."

  There was a look of longing in those eyes, "The Han family has three hundred thousand soldiers, and the general also leads Huo Xing Yao..."

  Shen Qiu was dumbfounded.

   Outside, the officials of the Ministry of War sang in low voices.

   "Meteor and white feathers are inserted in the waist, swords, flowers and autumn lotuses shine out of the box. Heavenly soldiers shine on the snow under the jade pass, and captive arrows shoot like sand to the golden armor."

  Wu Kui gradually raised his head, raised his voice, and sang this poem.

   "The clouds, dragons, winds and tigers are all returned, Taibai enters the moon and the enemy can be destroyed. The enemy can be destroyed, the head is destroyed, and the blood of the tiger is involved in the intestines of the tiger."

  Shen Qiu couldn't help but sang along, "Hanging on the sky, buried in the sky."

  Yu Xiang's eyes gradually darkened, and he slowly turned his head to look at the calm-looking colleagues outside, with a smile on the corner of his mouth...

   "No one, Han Daochang!"

  (end of this chapter)