MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 965 Who is the master!

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Soe really is dumb to eat Huang Lian, but he can't say it, even if he really shows that they are joining forces, I am afraid that there is no way to stop Athelst, the Hunting Alliance is not united, Sai Yalu and Dhaka are not all the way!

He was extremely depressed in his heart. He didn't know if he had made a mistake on his own feet. He couldn't figure out why he would fall into the seal enchantment of Ashurst.

In his mind, he planned for a long time and finally failed to perform successfully.

Athelst entangled him, so that he could not get out of here. At their side, a towering stone pillar burst into a cold and cold light from time to time, falling on the body would paralyze their limbs, often So that their avoidance is not timely, hit by the attack of the other side.

One step is wrong, all are lost!

Ossau’s all-in-one cloth completely lost its effect. When Sai Yalu, Regis, and Miller chased this side, they suddenly lost the trace of Osoue, and the soul was covered, still checking. There is a clue.

"Go back!" Sai Yalu thought for a moment, and his face suddenly changed, and he seemed to realize that it was not good.

Regis and Miller glanced at each other, and at the same time, they agreed, but they did not say anything. The three eagerly planned to cooperate with Ossau’s conspiracy to hunt Han Shuo’s hunting god, hurriedly turned around and flew to the secret room with colorful walls at a faster speed. go with.

The Regis three people understand that as long as they can hold on to it, no matter how many conspiracy tricks Han Shuo has, they will eventually have to go back to the secret room to help the Korean family. As long as they grasp this point, they are not afraid of Han Shuo’s failure to submit.

The strength of the three men Han Shuo appeared to be no Ossoo’s shot, they also have the confidence to keep Han Shuo here!

fast. The three returned to the piece.

"No, no!" Saiyan’s mouth sneered a little. It seems confident: "We don't have to run outside. Even Ossau has suffered unexpectedly. There must be his killer. Everyone is refueling. Wait for him to come and visit!"

Regis and Miller laughed and didn't feel nervous. Look at them. This embarrassment is still under their control.

"Father is coming!" Xiao Han Han Hao suddenly looked alive.

This chamber has a layer of power to block the wall and the strength of the attachment is very strange. Not only can it isolate that most of the power attacks can effectively block the soul from peeping.

It is precisely because of this that in the soul realm, Han Hao’s five-line corpse is not able to sense the arrival of Han Shuo. At this time, the five people are ready to be ready, ready to destroy the defense force of this Chamber of Secrets. All the costs of the corpse of the five elements of the squad, continue to work for the safety of the Korean family.

Han Hao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said such a sentence. The darkness of the people in the secret room was shocked, and the joy immediately swayed in everyone’s mouth.

"There will be nothing." From the posture of sitting in the plate, he stood up in the tight spur of his hand, and squinted at Anderina, who was sitting on the spar: "You can trap a god, he can't be in a short time." Attacking others?"

A fist-sized piece of energy spar was bitten by Anders Lena, and the "squeaky" chewing sensation heard Andreina nodded with a smile: "Of course!"

"You are ready, let's go, let's go out together.

Han Hao came to Han Jin in front of them and said: "Only if you have five people together can you send us out. After a while, listen to my signal and send me and Anders Lena at the fastest speed!" I got in touch with my father! ”

“Good!” Han Jin nodded, then looked at Anders Lena, who continued to chew the energy spar, and whispered, “Be careful!”

"I know, I won't have anything." Anders Lena glanced at Han Hao next to him and said with a smile: "You still worry about him."

Han Jin smiled, hehe said: "Big brother will definitely not have something!"

The hearty laugh suddenly rang through the sky, a majestic figure walked into the air, not satisfied with the three high hopes of the Sai Yalu, and patrolled the three sides of the Sai Lu Road, the enemy, and Han Shuo laughed. : "Everyone is coming to my magic valley, I am really touched. Unfortunately, I am not in the valley, I am not able to entertain you, I hope to forgive me."

Sai Ya Lu walked a long way toward Han Shuo, and he smiled and said: "Polite!"

"Well, the three can see me so much, I am really flattered." Not rushing to start, standing on the round table in the valley with the pattern of Wan Mo Ding, Han Shuo first felt the flow of some vitality in the valley, then laughed and said: "Three, what do you want, as long as there is something in my valley, I will definitely bring it with my hands."

"Happy!" Saiya Luha laughed, looked around, and then pointed to all kinds of strange arrays of smoldering smoldering, saying: "As long as you tell us the secrets in the valley, I promise, personally will you,

Han family sent out the valley! ”

"Oh?" Han Shuo stunned, and immediately said: "Hurry to take the owner away, this is a bit of a slap in the face, not too kind, right?"

"Brian, the valley nowadays, is not up to you. The place of chaos is the territory of our hunting gods alliance sooner or later. Your talents should be able to see the general trend and withdraw from this right and wrong. No one will say You are weak, you will only praise you for the big picture! Know how to retreat!" Miller's voice was erratic, and his body swayed, and he had opened a distance with Sai Yalu.

In the eyes of Regis, the electric light shone, and he took a few steps to the left inadvertently and stopped at a consciously appropriate distance.

Saiya Lu, Miller, Regis three, in a triangle, Han Shuo around the center, the three did not immediately shoot, but the gas field has locked Han Shuo firmly. In this situation, as long as Han Shuo said a "no" word, the thunderous bombardment will surely fall.

The quiet changes in the two positions of Miller and Regis naturally could not escape the eyes of Han Shuo. They were unexpectedly surrounded by Sai Lulu and surrounded by Miller and Regis. Han Shuo just smiled and did not immediately follow Change your position and make a move surrounded by dodge three people.

Miller and Regis felt a little embarrassed, thinking about it, and suddenly, in terms of two people, Han Shuo’s move may mean compromise, which means choosing for the wife and children.

Sai Yalu silently Han Shuo, seeing that he not only did not fight, but also exposed himself to the encirclement of the three of them, and suddenly suddenly loosened his heart, it is only natural that Han Shuo made the right choice.

At this time, Han Shuo suddenly turned!

Waiting for the smile on the face of Sai Yalu to fade away, a huge palm of the hands of the three men's heads appeared, the size of the palm of the mountain is full of flesh and blood, and even the palm lines are clearly visible. However, the horrible temperament contained in the palm of the hand is intriguing, and people can't help but bow down to the ground.

Hey! Hey!

The sound of tearing the sky came from the top of the head, and the giant palm slammed it down, covering all of this area. The peak of Taishan generally fell to the top of the three people.

"Rely!" Regis yelled and pulled away immediately.

Sai Yalu and Miller also changed their faces. Suddenly, Han Shuo, who was full of smiles, was not kind. He felt the terror pressure from the top of his head. They didn’t dare to stay hard and learn Regis. I ran away in three directions.

The three people just formed the encirclement of Han Shuo and immediately fell apart!

"I want you to see if this valley is still dominated by me!" Han Shuo stood still in the same place, watching the three sides of the three sides fleeing Saiya Road laughed.

Suddenly, the giant palm split into three and went straight to the three sides of Sai Yalu.

The faces of the three men changed in vain. In Han Shuo, they felt a strong crisis. Others were still in the same place, and the giant palm that divided into three seemed to have become the tentacles of Han Shuo, firmly holding Regis. The three men locked, no matter how they escaped, they could not escape the pressure of the giant palm.

If you are in another place, Han Shuo will never be able to tear the encirclement of the three people with one shot, and will be able to use the three people to persecute constantly. However, here is the Magic Valley. Everything in the valley has been combined with Han Shuo’s knowledge. Here, his power is 30% stronger than the peak state!

When his magical powers have just advanced to the realm of the annihilation, Saras has to temporarily evade the edge. For example, he is in a stable territory today, and in the Magic Valley, the strength is not the Sai Ya Road. They can imagine.

"Broken it!" Sai Yalu suddenly shouted, and Regis and Miller both moved and slammed into the side of Sai Yalu. The three men shot at the same time and bombarded the giant palm of their head.

The dull roar came from Mo Hyun Valley, and the forces of Regis, Miller, and Sai Yalu were concentrated, bombarding the giant palm of the head of the game.

Rumble! Rumble!

The intense energy fluctuations were stirred up by the tops of the three men. Even the Han family in the middle of the layer of power seals felt great roar and dramatic earth shaking.

One giant palm disappeared, and the other two giant palm illusions generally disappeared in an instant.

The three of Sai Yalu breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart was fine. If the three men’s combined blows could not break the giant palm power of the head, they would immediately give up all the actions in the Magic Valley. How far to escape!

Han Shuo smiled. If the secret does not require the "celestial world" to imprison Dhaka, is this killing so easily broken by you?

"It’s not the three commanders of the hunting gods, it’s amazing!” Han Shuo smiled and nodded. He said: "If that's the case, then I know what to do. Well, let's get started, continue our topic, you think Know what you know, I know everything, and I can't say anything!" (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)